Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C386 warming and nourishing psychokinesis

C386 warming and nourishing psychokinesis

0Very quickly, the first golden dragon's shadow struggled out from the seal and turned into a dragon vein brimming with terrifying energy in its chest. Then, it turned into a golden beam of light and rushed towards Lei Yang's kidneys.    


In an instant, Lei Yang's two kidneys were wrapped in golden light. A moment later, with the support of this dragon vein, his two kidneys were actually covered in a fine layer of dragon scales, causing his originally soft kidneys to instantly become as hard as metal.    


In the end, the golden light returned to Lei Yang's chest and melted a new dragon vein. Then, it gradually shrank in size, forming a golden dragon imprint on Lei Yang's chest.    


"This, this dragon vein actually strengthened my internal organs!" Lei Yang frowned, feeling a bit incomprehensible.    


He had once read about the human inner palace in an ancient book. The Inner Mansion of a person had five internal organs: the heart, liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys. It was known as the Inner Mansion of the five internal organs, as well as the five elements of the Inner Mansion. To cultivators, it was both important and mysterious.    


The Inner Palace was originally the weakest part of a cultivator's body and was also the hardest part to cultivate in. But at this moment, with the enhancement from the mysterious Ancestral Blood Dragon Pulse, it had actually caused his kidney to become as hard as metal, which made Lei Yang feel even more anticipation.    


The dragon vein sealed on Lei Yang's chest continued to struggle and break through the seal, and very quickly, the second dragon vein successfully broke free from the seal, and in the end turned into a golden light that strengthened both his lungs.    


Receiving it would be the third and fourth dragon veins, adding Lei Yang's spleen and liver respectively. Until now, only his heart was not strengthened, and the rest of his four organs had been strengthened.    


As for the seals on Lei Yang's chest that he had previously left behind, because all of the dragon veins that had been sealed had been unsealed, they gradually dimmed and shattered, before completely disappearing.    


The nine dragon veins that formed nine eye-catching golden dragon stripes imprinted themselves onto Lei Yang's chest. With just a glance, Lei Yang felt a sense of nobility, as if at this moment, the blood flowing in his bones was innately superior.    


"I wonder what degree of strength nine dragon meridians will bring to my body at the same time?" Lei Yang thought about it in his heart, but he did not dare try it out here, because he was still in the eighth floor of the Pill Pavilion.    


In the eighth floor, just like the seventh, there were no other decorations. Besides the massive central pillar, there was only the shockingly rich psychokinesis.    


But in the eighth floor, there were no more mechanical sounds this time around, so Lei Yang guessed that it was probably because his breakthrough had given birth to the illusion that he would be delaying time in the eighth floor's space, and that had messed up the setup of the eighth floor.    


However, Lei Yang was not in the mood to think about this question, he focused all of his attention on the psychokinesis that was as thick as the clouds, and thought to himself: "There is such a strong psychokinesis in this layer, if he could successfully convert all of it into his own psychokinesis, then he would definitely be able to condense the meditation pill that Qin Shi mentioned.    


Thinking about that, Lei Yang unhesitatingly grabbed back the Sky Dark Stone that was floating in mid air, releasing a piercing blue light. Holding it in his hand, he started to follow the method Qin Shi passed down to him, and slowly absorbed the dense psychokinesis of the 80%.    


Lei Yang carefully infused his psychokinesis into the Skydark Stone in his hand, and then used the Skydark Stone to absorb and transform the psychokinesis of the outside world. The Skydark Stone could be used as a bridge.    


Because the outside world's psychokinesis was too dense, if it was directly absorbed into Lei Yang's body, it was evident that his current physique would not be able to endure it.    


And this Heavenly Netherstone was indeed special as well. It was actually able to convert the outside world's psychokinesis into psychokinesis that was compatible with Lei Yang's body according to the strength of his own psychokinesis. Then, it would receive the guidance of Lei Yang's own psychokinesis and gradually enter his body.    


From Lei Yang's understanding, psychokinesis was when his own understanding of the Pill Dao reaches a certain level, and the powerful condensed Spirit Force was used to increase his control over various aspects during the process of refining pills.    


When Lei Yang was still in the Floating Cloud Pavilion's Starlight Pavilion, under Qin Shi's guidance, he had been constantly nurturing his psychokinesis with this Skydark Rock. As a result, a relatively rich amount of psychokinesis had already been generated in the space between his eyebrows, but it was still far from reaching the level of the eighth level's telekinesis manifestation.    


But at this moment, as the psychokinesis slowly entered Lei Yang's body through the Sky Dark Stone and gathered in the space between his eyebrows, it immediately caused his perception of his own psychokinesis to become even clearer. Even though it had not reached the point where it could take form, it was still dozens of times stronger than before.    


The speed at which the psychokinesis was increasing was simply astonishing. Lei Yang dared to guarantee that even if the knowledgeable and knowledgeable Qin Shi was here, he would still be shocked upon seeing the psychokinesis.    


However, there was a huge difference between the absorption and cultivation level of the psychokinesis, it could be absorbed into the Qi Sea quickly and then converted into his own, but he could not rush it, it was not only formless and difficult to control, he also needed to be nurtured slowly.    


Although Qin Shi had taught Lei Yang back then how to use the Heaven Netherworld Stone to absorb and transform his psychokinesis, she did not tell him that the process required a long and thin stream of water to absorb the psychokinesis, because even in Qin Shi's understanding, such a sea of psychokinesis could not exist in this world. Even if Lei Yang obtained psychokinesis, it would definitely not be scattered, nor would there be such a huge impact from the telekinesis.    


Therefore, not long after Lei Yang began, because he did not understand this logic, the mental energy in his mind suddenly increased explosively, causing an unbearable pain to appear between his eyebrows.    


Encountering such a situation, Lei Yang immediately stopped absorbing the psychokinesis, and then began to slowly nurture the psychokinesis that had already been absorbed into his body.    


After that, he tried to absorb more psychokinesis, but not long after, with the increase in psychokinesis, he felt an intense pain between his eyebrows. Then he stopped absorbing psychokinesis and began to slowly warm up.    


In the following days, Lei Yang continued to circulate the energy he absorbed and nurtured, gradually advancing forward, and without much thought, he managed to find a method himself. At the same time, he understood one thing, that was, the absorption of his psychokinesis, as well as the nurturing of his pellet, was not as fast as the growth of his cultivation, but had to slowly flow with water to nurture it.    


With this repeated absorption and nurturing, as well as the cultivation of his psychokinesis, time passed by extremely quickly. In the blink of an eye, a month had passed.    


In this month, Lei Yang's own psychokinesis was being constantly absorbed and nurtured, and the existence of his psychokinesis in his body was also becoming more and more distinct.    


They were no longer limited to the space between his eyebrows, but gradually spread throughout his body. As his psychokinesis continued to strengthen, the originally formless and formless psychokinesis actually began to take on a faint form. Like threads of silk, they began to appear in every part of his body.    


Time slowly passed day by day, and Lei Yang's own psychokinesis also became clearer and clearer. The psychokinesis that originally appeared in his body that was like threads, also became clearer and clearer, and also became more and more numerous.    


As the psychokinesis of the Pill Dao in his body grew stronger and stronger, he gradually descended into a state of selflessness, as if he had already forgotten the passage of time.    


Time flowed on. In the blink of an eye, three months had passed ?    


Half Year    


One year    


Two years    


Two and a half years after Lei Yang entered the Pill Pavilion, he seemed to have turned into a statue in the space of the eighth floor as he stood there without moving.    


As two years had passed, the psychokinesis that was previously as dense as a sea of clouds, which was in the space of the eighth floor, was also becoming fainter and fainter under Lei Yang's constant absorption and devouring. In the end, there were even signs of it disappearing completely.    


And at this time, Lei Yang's expression did not seem to be different, but inside his body, at this moment, he was already completely wrapped by a dense mass of white silk, which was precisely the astonishing psychokinesis that he cultivated over the past two years.    


Even though Lei Yang was still in that state of immersion, his thoughts were extremely clear. He could feel that the astonishing psychokinesis wrapped around his body, was preparing for an astonishing change.    


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