Ancient Thunder Dragon Spell

C59 Astonishing News

C59 Astonishing News

0During this month, Lei Yang trained with his life on the line, but although his cultivation had improved, it was still limited.    


In such a long period of time, Lei Yang had almost absorbed all of the Spirit Qi in the entire Lei Family Garden, yet the cultivation at the late seventh floor of the Spirit Qi only increased by a sliver.    


Based on his calculations, if he were to continue cultivating like this, he would need ten years to reach the peak of the seventh level of the Spirit Qi.    


This was because in order to break through to the Star Sea, one would need an unimaginably large number of Spirit Qi.    


"Sigh!" This sea of stars is a bottomless pit, perhaps this is its weakness! " In the bedroom, Lei Yang who had cultivated for an entire night saw that his cultivation still had not improved much, and sighed helplessly.    


"This can't go on. When can I grow up and save my mother?" Lei Yang knew that he couldn't go on like this. He had to think of a way to break through as soon as possible.    


However, he couldn't be hasty with his cultivation. He couldn't find a suitable breakthrough, so he had no choice but to switch his focus to cultivation techniques.    


During this month, Lei Yang was busy with cultivation, and did not have the time to organize the items that he had obtained, he had taken out all of his items, and prepared to clean them all up.    


Actually, there were no special items, only two storage rings. One was obtained from Lei Ming, and the other was obtained from a bet by Lei Chong.    


Lei Ming had long since known what was inside, but it was actually Lei Chong's ring that had aroused his curiosity.    


"I don't know, but what treasure is in there?" The moment he saw this ring, Lei Yang couldn't help but pant.    


This was a silver storage ring. In terms of grade, it was inferior to Lei Ming's ring.    


Lei Yang quickly entered the ring, and realised that the seal on the ring was as weak as a piece of white paper, as though it was about to dissipate, allowing his Spiritual Sense to enter unhindered.    


Lei Yang immediately understood that the seal would gradually dissipate along with the death of the person. Since Lei Chong was already dead, the seal that he had left behind would also dissipate along with him.    


Lei Yang wandered around and found that although Lei Chong was a young master of Sky Dragon Clan, he was still far inferior to Lei Ming.    


Not only were there only five thousand Spirit Stones, even their cultivation techniques were shallow and basic. However, there were two types of skills that caught Lei Yang's attention.    


After Lei Yang took out a few things that he felt were useful, he threw the ring to the side. The ring was currently not as good as his own, he had no intentions of taking it.    


"If my cultivation has not improved, perhaps I can use this cultivation technique as an opening for me to break through!" But in terms of cultivation technique, it was clearly not suitable for him to stay in the Lei Family Garden, so he had to look for somewhere else!    


Lei Yang muttered as he jumped up from his bed. Looking outside the window, it was almost noon, after he made some preparations, he headed straight for the market. This was because he still had to prepare some things in order to cultivate his cultivation technique.    


The moment he walked into the city, Lei Yang discovered that he had not left his house for the past half month. Not only had his entire Lei Family undergone a tremendous change, even his entire Wuyuan Town had undergone a tremendous change.    


Suddenly, many cultivators from outside came to the streets. As Lei Yang walked on the streets, he could see cultivators from outside. They were gathered here, as if something big was about to happen.    


Lei Yang was extremely curious. In order to figure out what was going on, he chose a small tavern and sat down. He asked for a jug of wine and drank while listening to the customers around him talk.    


Many of these customers were from the outside and also from the town. From their discussion, Lei Yang gradually understood the gist of the matter.    


It turned out that most of these foreign cultivators came because of the two strange things that happened last time. They had always believed that a treasure was about to appear within the mountain range, so they decided to explore the mountain and try their luck.    


However, the sudden appearance of an external force made the Yang family, who was ready to make their move, become much more obedient.    


Originally, the Yang family had a plan to take advantage of the moment the Lei Family was weakened after the battle. However, he was worried that the Devil Eagle Pavilion would make a comeback, which was why he did not make a move.    


But the Yang family didn't expect that there would be so many foreign cultivators in the town. Now, with the constant gathering of foreign cultivators, the Yang family no longer dared to act rashly.    


Yang Dinghan was obviously wise, he knew that this was not the time to instigate a war, if not the Lei Family would be the one to suffer, countless of rogue cultivators could rob him while he was still alive.    


Although the external forces were in a mess, they had gradually become the climate, and they had become a new force that could not be underestimated!    


But to the Lei Family, although this posed a threat, the advantages outweighed the disadvantages. This was because it allowed them to take a breather, winning them precious time to recover. From this, they gradually recovered from the great war's weakness.    


On the other hand, the Shen Family Manor had become the gathering place for the countless rogue cultivators.    


Allegedly, there was a rogue cultivator called Guru Qingming who relied on his Core Formation Great Perfection Realm cultivation to gather a group of higher level rogue cultivators in the stronghold of the Shen Family Villa. In the end, they formed a strong force that formed a rogue cultivator alliance called the Dragon Subduing Gang.    


In the small tavern, as Lei Yang drank, he could hear a lot of novel and interesting things from the discussions of the rogue cultivators who came from all over the world.    


Unknowingly, he had already been sitting in this tavern for the entire afternoon. Seeing that it was getting late outside the tavern, Lei Yang got up and walked out of the tavern, quickly buying the items he needed. Without returning to the Lei Family, he directly rushed to the Rising Dragon Mountain Range, and when he arrived at the edge of the mountain range, it was already nightfall.    


... ....    


"Spirit Spring Water, it's up to you whether or not you can break through the bottleneck as soon as possible!" In the dark of the night, the corner of Lei Yang's mouth slightly moved, he muttered once, and dove head first into the dense forest.    


The forest was pitch black, and he couldn't even see his fingers in front of him, but Lei Yang had spread out his Spiritual Sense and quickly ran inside, as if it was daytime.    


He made his decision in his heart, without any hesitation, he immediately followed the route marked out by Shen Aojun's house, and went straight to the spirit spring.    


However, for some unknown reason, even after Lei Yang had spent an entire night walking back and forth in the forest, he still could not find the valley where the Spirit Spring Water used to be.    


"Strange. Could it be that I remembered wrongly? However, the route marked on that plate is indeed here. It shouldn't be wrong, right?" When daylight arrived, Lei Yang looked at the empty wasteland in front of him, and deep suspicion and doubt appeared in his eyes.    


Lei Yang did not believe it, but after walking around the mountain for another two days, the valley still disappeared without a trace, as if it had been erased from this world, and only then did he have no choice but to accept this fact.    


"Strange, could it be that this valley will disappear ..." Lei Yang suppressed the curiosity in his heart. Although he was disappointed that his plan failed, he was more surprised.    


Fortunately, with the arrival of spring, the weather started to get warmer, and everything in the forest started to get full of vitality and vigor. As Lei Yang walked through the forest, he would occasionally smell a rich fragrance of the flowers on the mountain, which would enter his nose and infiltrate into the depths of his heart. His dejected mood quickly improved.    


... ....    


However, just as Lei Yang was wandering around the mountain, preparing to look for a hidden cultivation ground, the bustling Wuyuan Town had slowly spread a shocking piece of news.    


Allegedly, a cultivator who went into the mountain to look for treasures found a large grave of an almighty Comprehension of the Dao deep within the mountain range of the Rising Dragon Mountain.    


The large tomb was originally sealed by a powerful light screen formation, but as time passed, the originally strong seal became weaker, and some cracks even started to appear. When those cracks appeared, cultivators could easily pass through them and enter the large tomb.    


However, although cultivators could occasionally enter the tomb, their cultivation level could not exceed the Spirit Qi Realm. Once cultivators who had surpassed the Spirit Qi Realm stepped into the tomb, they would be instantly killed by the powerful formation.    


Supreme Comprehension of the Dao, those were existences that were even stronger than the Yuanying Stage Cultivator s by several times. Among them, there were bound to be countless cultivation resources, and the temptation of them all could be imagined.    


When the news came out, it was as if a storm had swept across the entire Wuyuan Town in a short period of time, spreading to an even wider area.    


This caused all the Spirit Qi cultivators in the entire Wuyuan Town and beyond to go crazy.    



No one would have thought that the source of this news would be the Rogue Cultivator Alliance that was temporarily residing at the Shen Family Villa ? Dragon Subduing Gang.    


Along with a large number of Spirit Qi cultivators, constantly rushed from all over the place to the Wuyuan Town, and even deeper into the mountain range, causing the current Wuyuan Town to no longer be described as bustling with life, but filled with people.    


Not long after this shocking news was spread, the Guru Qingming, who had always been keeping a low profile, suddenly publicly recruited a large number of rogue cultivators from the Spirit Qi and entered the mountain together. When the news came out, the Shen Family Villa became even more famous.    


Gradually, under the push of all these various news, the excitement of entering the mountain, in the Wuyuan Town, in the Shen Family's villa, and in the hearts of all the rogue cultivators, set off a shocking climax.    




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