Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C717 Hubby Is too Fierce 716

C717 Hubby Is too Fierce 716

0"Then she'll definitely dump you" Yu Xiao said indifferently and continued to think about other people's love.    


But she was choked by Kang Shaonan's following words and did not make a sound. "But now she and I have a pair of dragon and phoenix fetus. "    


Yu Xiao. . . Could she say that this woman was blind?    


"When people are in a relationship, they have to go out to eat. What lovers' restaurant? They send roses on Valentine's Day. "    


"Then what do you want to eat, honey? I'll make it for you. I'll start ordering roses tomorrow. One flower per day. Let the flower shop send it to the tea shop. "    


Yu Xiao continued to be speechless. It seemed that her love could not be judged by common sense. "Forget it. I don't want to. I have graduated for so long. How could I remember how I fell in love? I am getting old. My memory has deteriorated. "    


"Wife, how are you old? How about this, let's go watch a movie in the afternoon. "    


Yu Xiao saw that Kang Shaonan was so emotional. It seemed that he could be enlightened if she talked about it. If she had known, she would have said more. "Okay, okay. What movie are you going to watch? I haven't seen a movie in a long time. "    


"How's the Xue Nation train?"    


Yu Xiao was silent. She would just pretend that she did not say that sentence just now. The Xue Nation Train was obviously more ironic than entertaining, okay?    


As the two of them were discussing, Kang Shaonan's phone rang.    


"Hello, commander?"    


"Kang Shaonan, the higher-ups sent you to do a mission. It's about Zhao Yu. Do you know?"    


"Yes, I know. "    


"That's good. Since you are mentally prepared, this mission is really dangerous. We are looking for someone here, so we will give you four days off. You will accompany your wife and children for a while, then come back to understand the situation there and prepare to leave the country. "    


"Okay. Thank you, commander. "    


Yu Xiao saw that Kang Shaonan would always be nervous when he answered the phone, so the moment she hung up the phone, she asked nervously, "Hubby, what did you say on the phone?"    


"Tell me. . . " Kang Shaonan deliberately kept her in suspense until his wife became impatient and said, "Give me four days off. "    


"Oh, this matter. " Yu Xiao had not reacted yet. Anyway, it was not a mission. No, wait! "Four days off?" Because she was too excited, Yu Xiao tugged at her waist again.    


"Yes, four days off!"    


"When did commander become so good? What's the big deal? Hubby, you have contributed again?" Yu Xiao was a little dizzy from the good news that fell from the sky. She doubted the authenticity of this matter.    


It was fine if he did not tell her about going abroad, so as to avoid making her little wife worry for no reason. Therefore, Kang Shaonan only said half of what he said, "Maybe grandpa called my superior and I went through the back door. "    


"Back door? Why did he go through the back door? Was it just a holiday? grandpa wouldn't fall out like this, right? " Yu Xiao clearly didn't believe him and asked doubtfully.    


Seeing that Yu Xiao wanted to break the claypot and ask to the end, Kang Shaonan started to lie again, "grandpa was retired by the Commanding Officer. Of course, he would not be so bored. The main thing is that you promised to move him back. He was happy. He thought that I wasn't with you when he was happy, so he gave me four days off. "    


"Is that so?" Wang Yao asked. Yu Xiao still had some doubts, but it seemed to make sense. There was no better explanation. "Hubby, in that case, let's go out and play. Leave the two little guys at home. We have been to their world before. "    


Kang Shaonan also wanted to go out with his wife. Coincidentally, the two of them wanted to go together, but Kang Shaonan was a little worried. "Wife, can your waist do it?"    


"Why not? It's fine. Ah!" Yu Xiao originally wanted to move a few times to prove that her waist was fine, but when she moved her waist, she felt the pain. But she did not give up just like that," Hubby, Today I will rest for a day. Tomorrow I will be fine. Let's go out and play. The world is so big. Let's go and take a look. "    


Kang Shaonan could only agree with his wife's tone, "Alright, I'll arrange it. Let's go and see the world. But we agreed that if your waist isn't good tomorrow, we won't go. " He agreed, but Kang Shaonan still made the rules first. After all, Xiaoxiao's health was more important.    


"I will get better. My body is great. "    


Since they were going out, there were some things that needed to be arranged. Kang Shaonan let Yu Xiao lie on the bed and went downstairs to tell his mother, "Mom, Xiaoxiao and I plan to go on a trip. It will be about three days. Can you help Xiao Xiao and Yangyang these few days?"    


Liu Xiaoyun liked her grandson and granddaughter very much. This was the best news for her. She agreed without thinking. "No problem. You can play however you want. It doesn't matter if you play for ten days or half a month. Xiao Xiao and Yangyang, leave it to me. "    


Kang Shaonan was also happy that his mother agreed so smoothly. However, when he thought about how Xuexue had captured Tang Ann, he became alert and reminded her. "Mom, our family may have been targeted recently. If there is nothing else, it is best not to go out. If you really go out, you must be careful. "    


Liu Xiaoyun was originally waiting for Yu Xiao to leave and carry her grandson and granddaughter to her friends' house to visit. When she heard Kang Shaonan say so, She was so scared that her heart turned cold. She subconsciously went to find a few grandsons. When she saw the children playing happily on the floor, she was relieved. "Shaonan, what's going on? Isn't it just a few days of peaceful days?"    


"How could there be no such thing? We'll have it when we catch them. " He couldn't say too much, so Kang Shaonan could only comfort his mother like this.    


After Kang Shaonan instructed his mother, he took the tablet and searched all kinds of tourist guides on the internet, booked a flight ticket, and planned the route. Because it was decided at the last minute, the location of the hotel was not booked, so he was busy.    


However, he was happy no matter how busy he was because of this matter. However, some people were not so happy when they were busy. For example, Gu Sen, who was trying his best to keep himself busy.    


Kang Shaonan had four days off, so of course he had one too. However, Kang Shaonan had a young wife who could walk around him, but he didn't.    


It was hard to predict whether he would survive this mission. He had received the notice early in the morning. He thought that this might be the last period of leisure in his life. No matter what, he had to live a meaningful life. Therefore, he had a fever in his head and called Shen Xinrou.    


Shen Xinrou was still sleeping at this time. When she heard the phone ring, she did not care who it was. She grabbed the phone and scolded, "Who are you? Don't you know that this is still sleeping time? It was early in the morning, disturbing people's dreams, disturbing others' sleep. It's like killing parents, don't you understand? Hurry up and get out of here. "    


Gu Sen could not help but laugh when he heard the heavy nasal sound coming from the phone. He had never heard of disturbing people's dreams as if they were killing their parents. He thought about how Shen Xinrou was currently lying in bed and scolding him with her eyes closed. He suddenly thought that in the future, when he woke up, he would be able to see this valiant woman by his side. And sunshine, how wonderful would that be?    


Shen Xinrou scolded for a long time but did not hear the reply from the other party. She thought that someone had called the wrong number so she took the phone to her face and tried to open her eyes to see whose number it was. When she saw the words "darling" displayed in the middle of the large screen, she almost cried. Her hand trembled and the phone hit her face.    


Gu Sen heard the sound of a bell and Shen Xinrou's painful cry. This person, could it be that he fell out of bed?    


After another strange sound, Shen Xinrou's voice came from the phone. This time, it was his turn to be scared out of bed.    


"Darling, are you still there?"    




"Ah Pei, I was wrong. Gu Sen, Gu Sen, am I saying that you are still here? "    


. . . "I'm not dead yet. "    


Shen Xinrou was silent. She did not realize that Gu Sen was so good at making jokes.    


Gu Sen wisely ignored Shen Xinrou calling him by the wrong name. He calmly asked, "What happened to you just now? Did you fall off the bed?"    


"No. Just now, my phone hit my face. "    


"Oh. " Gu Sen really did not want to say how stupid this woman was. He just said some words of concern, "It hurt quite a bit. "    


"Gu Sen! Can't you care about me? I was smashed by my phone, and you still talk like that? "    


" Isn't it because I care about you? "    


"Is there anyone who cares about people like you? Tell me, why are you looking for me so early in the morning?" Shen Xinrou was about to die of anger because Gu Sen took the initiative to call her. Her good mood was completely ruined, and her question was also quite unkind.    


"Oh, then I'll pay attention next time. Actually, there's nothing much to do. I just want to ask you if you have time today. "    


"Just say what you want to say. There's plenty of time. "    


"Then let's have a meal together. " After saying that, Gu Sen hung up the phone.    


"Hello? Hello? Gu Sen. "    


"Du. . . "    


Shen Xinrou was hung up before she could react. She looked at the dark screen and thought for a long time before she realized that Gu Sen was asking her out. Gu Sen was asking her out!    


"No, I need to put on makeup. How can I go out when I'm so ugly?" Shen Xinrou was so excited that she started talking to herself. She rolled over and got up from the bed. She opened the closet and thought about what to wear outside. She was very excited.    


Gu Sen also hung up the phone for a long time before he recovered. He thought about the phone Shen Xinrou said just now on his face. He did not know if it was painful or not.    


If he encountered such a thing again next time, how should he comfort this violent woman?    


As a rigorous technical geek, Gu Sen could think of a way to practice it personally. He lay flat on the sofa and hung the phone twenty centimeters away from his face. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. The sound of the phone touching flesh rang clearly.    


"Aiya. " Gu Sen could not help but cry out in pain. It really hurt.    


Wiping the tears from the pain, Gu Sen silently picked up the phone on the ground. It seemed he had to comfort that woman next time. As expected, it was not something an ordinary person could bear to have his phone hit his face.    


Gu Sen only remembered when he rubbed his nose. He seemed to have only asked Shen Xinrou out for a meal. The time and place were not fixed, so he hung up too quickly.    


Shen Xinrou, who had finally tidied up, also thought of this problem. Could it be that Gu Sen was joking? Because of this thought, Shen Xinrou did not dare to call back and ask.    


But she did not hesitate for long before Gu Sen's call came again.    


"Hello, Gu Sen. "    


"Um, did I not say where to eat just now?"    


"Yes, I thought you asked me to eat by the roadside. "    


"No, where do you want to eat?"    


"Why don't you come to my house to eat?"    


"Ah? Your house?" Gu Sen was shocked by this valiant woman again.    


Shen Xinrou was very satisfied with Gu Sen's reaction. After Gu Sen calmed down, she said, "It seems that this is not a good idea. But you invited me to dinner. Shouldn't you decide on a place?"    


Gu Sen did not feel that he had been fooled by Shen Xinrou. He only felt that he really should decide on his own. "Have you been to Liu Sheng Square? Can you wait for me at Gate No. 1 in three hours?"    


This time, Gu Sen learned his lesson. He only hung up when he heard Shen Xinrou's definite answer.    


It was Gu Sen's first time asking a girl out for a meal, but it was not the first time Shen Xinrou was asked out. Although there were some small problems and there were some jokes, the date this time was still very satisfactory.    


They ate a Western meal, went to the amusement park where they should go the most on a date, played with the Ferris wheel, and watched a movie. Shen Xinrou had a very happy day.    


When they were about to go home, Shen Xinrou suddenly called out to Gu Sen, who was about to leave, "Gu Sen. "    


Gu Sen thought that he had become ugly again. He checked his entire body in a panic before responding. "Ah?"    


"Is this considered a date?" Shen Xinrou tightened the paper coffee cup in her hand and asked nervously.    


"I thought it was something. I was so scared that I sweated all over. " Gu Sen deliberately smiled and walked closer to Shen Xinrou. "Do you think this is like a date?"    


Shen Xinrou looked at Gu Sen's deep eyes and became more nervous. Her tongue was tied a few times.    


"Xinrou, why are you so stupid? Of course, this is a date. "    


"You're the stupid one. Your whole family is stupid. " After saying that, Shen Xinrou stepped hard on Gu Sen and turned around to run away.    


Gu Sen stomped on the ground in pain. It took him a long time to walk. " This woman is really fierce when she steps on him!"    


The next day, early in the morning, Kang Shaonan dug Yu Xiao out from under the blanket.    


Yu Xiao was usually in sweet dreams at this time of the day. How could she be so obedient when she woke up? She shamelessly hugged Kang Shaonan and did not let go. "Kang Shaonan, can I sleep for another five minutes?"    


Looking at his wife's innocent look, Kang Shaonan almost agreed to this unreasonable request. Fortunately, there was still a trace of rationality. "No, not to mention five minutes, not even three minutes. You don't want to see the world anymore? If you don't want to go, then we'll continue sleeping "    


Of course Yu Xiao wanted to go. This method was the most useful. She immediately let go of this cold-faced god and went to find the clothes she wore that day.    


Yu Xiao struggled to put on the clothes. Yu Xiao did not want to fall asleep while she was putting on the clothes. She could only find some topics to talk about. "Kang Shaonan, she said. Where are we going to see the world?"    


"Yangzhou, just next to Suzhou. " Kang Shaonan tidied up his wife's clothes and replied with a straight face.    


He couldn't be blamed for his straight face. This was the only thing he could do to deal with this little girl, nothing else.    


"Yangzhou, what's so fun about Yangzhou?" Yu Xiao searched her chaotic brain and indeed did not have any impression of this place.    


"Does Yangzhou Fried Rice count?"    


"Oh, it is this. Then are we going to eat the Egg Fried Rice?"    


"And breakfast in Yangzhou. Cooking dried silks. Old goose. And. . . "    


The more Yu Xiao heard, the more she felt that something was wrong. Why was it all food? "Kang Shaonan, we ran so far just to eat something. "    


"Then don't you want to eat these things?" Kang Shaonan continued to tempt her. If there was no delicious food, how could it attract you?    



"Of course it's important to eat. But you can't just eat when you go out to play. We need to find a place with delicious food and beautiful scenery. "    


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