Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C645 My Husband Is too Fierce 644

C645 My Husband Is too Fierce 644

0"Er. . . Okay then. " In the end, Yu Xiao helplessly agreed, but her heart was not comfortable at all.    


This Xuexue always made her feel uncomfortable and did not want to meet more but it felt like she could not get rid of it and did not know how to reject.    


"En, thank you sister-in-law. Then I will wait for you at the restaurant. The address will be sent to sister-in-law's phone later. " Hearing Yu Xiao agree, Xuexue happily hung up the phone.    


Following which, a text message was sent to Yu Xiao's phone. Looking at the address on the text message, she let out a long sigh and called Kang Shaonan. "Hello, Shaonan. Did you give my phone number to Xuexue?"    


"Xuexue? No. " Kang Shaonan was confused by Yu Xiao's sudden question. " What's wrong? Did Xuexue call you?"    


"Yes, she wants to treat us to a meal. I can't decline it, so I can only agree. " These words were full of resentment.    


On the other side of the phone, Kang Shaonan couldn't help but smile when he heard this. He consoled him. Xuexue is clever and eccentric. It is not surprising that she can find your phone number. Since you have agreed, then go over. You are still at the tea shop, right? I will go and pick you up. "    


"Yes, alright. " Yu Xiao nodded.    


After hanging up the phone, Yu Xiao helplessly found a place to sit.    


"Are you not leaving?" Shen Xinrou looked at Yu Xiao who had sat down again and asked curiously.    


Yu Xiao who just said that she would go back early today, why did she sit down again now? She suddenly thought of whether she was waiting for Kang Shaonan to come and pick her up. "Or are you waiting for Kang Shaonan to come and pick you up?"    


"I am waiting for Kang Shaonan to come and pick you up, but to see Xuexue. " Yu Xiao was a little angry as she put the bag on the table and said unhappily, "I don't know where I got my phone number and want to treat me to a meal. "    


"You want to treat me to a meal? You agreed?" When Shen Xinrou heard that, she immediately sat opposite Yu Xiao and did not say that she was leaving.    


"Yes, I agreed. I can only agree. " Yu Xiao was unhappy when she thought of this and in her heart, she was very unwilling to go.    


"Why can only agree?" Shen Xinrou looked at Yu Xiao in puzzlement. If she did not like it then she would not go. Could Xuexue still use a knife to force her to go?    


"She said that she prepared a gift for my child and also said that she was apologizing for yesterday's matter and could not refuse. " Yu Xiao lay on the table in dismay and depression.    


"What happened yesterday?" Hearing this, Shen Xinrou immediately became alert, "What happened to you yesterday?"    


"In the hospital. Someone wanted to kill me. " Yu Xiao was unwilling to recall what happened yesterday but Shen Xinrou asked again and could only summarize it in a simple manner.    


"What? Then are you injured?" When Shen Xinrou heard that, she pulled Yu Xiao to stand up in an especially nervous manner and carefully checked if there were any injuries on her body.    


Looking at Shen Xinrou's anxious look, Yu Xiao's mood was slightly better. After all, being cared about by others felt pretty good. "I'm fine. Don't worry. "    


"But you have to remember not to tell my sister when you go back. I'm afraid she will be worried. " Yu Xiao remembered that her sister had not removed the gauze. During this period of time, it was taboo for her emotions to fluctuate.    


"I will not say, but you have to be careful in the future. " Shen Xinrou thought about it. Sister-in-law's eyes had not recovered yet. It would be best if she did not tell her. "Oh right, there are military dogs in the army. Let Kang Shaonan get one for you to protect yourself. It will be too dangerous. "    


"Military dogs? They look very fierce. Let's just forget about it. " Yu Xiao thought of the military dog that she had seen on television and felt that it was terrifying.    


"You raised him since he was young. It's not like he will hurt you. Seriously. " Shen Xinrou saw Yu Xiao's timid look and was not that worried anymore.    


If she could still joke around, then it should not be a big deal. Shen Xinrou thought in her heart.    


"Why aren't you leaving yet?" Yu Xiao curiously looked at Shen Xinrou and asked.    


"I will accompany you. I will leave when Kang Shaonan comes. " Shen Xinrou took some testing tea leaves and made herself a cup of tea.    


Kang Shaonan soon came to the tea shop and saw his wife drinking tea with Shen Xinrou. He walked in quickly with a smile on his face. "Wife, I am here to pick you up. "    


"Where is the child?" Yu Xiao looked at the empty hands of Kang Shaonan and asked, "Xuexue said she wanted to see the child. You are not taking care of the child. Next time, you have to call to treat her to a meal. "    


Hearing his wife's words full of resentment, the corner of Kang Shaonan's mouth curled up even more. He went forward and rubbed Yu Xiao's hair. "They are in the car. I rushed over to pick you up, so I didn't carry them out. "    


"What? You put the baby in the car!" Yu Xiao heard it and immediately exploded.    


Recently, there were frequent incidents of newborn babies being placed in cars and causing accidents on television.    


"The car is outside. I locked the door. " Kang Shaonan smiled coyly.    


"Alright, alright, you two. Don't provoke me, who is alone. Let's go. " Shen Xinrou interrupted at the right time. If she did not interrupt, Yu Xiao would go crazy.    


"Hmph. " Yu Xiao still coldly snorted and fiercely rolled her eyes at Kang Shaonan as she picked up her things and walked out of the tea shop.    


Shen Xinrou followed them out of the tea shop. When Yu Xiao locked the door and got into the car, she called out to Kang Shaonan, "Kang Shaonan, can you get me a new military dog in your army? I want to raise one to protect myself. "    


"Military dogs are not easy to get. " Kang Shaonan frowned. He was commander. If he really wanted to get a military dog, it would be easy, but he did not want to touch the country's property.    


"Help me. I can buy it with money. I can buy it at the market price. " Shen Xinrou begged in a low voice.    


"Let me help you take a look. I will contact you if I have time. " Kang Shaonan did not refuse and nodded in agreement.    


When the time came, he would see if there were any dogs giving birth to babies. He was not too sure about military dogs, so he could help ask when the time came.    


"Okay, thank you. " Shen Xinrou smiled and said goodbye, then got into her car and left.    


"Let's go. " Yu Xiao sat in the backseat, one on the left and one on the right, protecting the two babies as she spoke to Kang Shaonan, who was sitting in the driver's seat.    


Unexpectedly, Kang Shaonan locked the car door and turned his head to look at the scenery outside the window as if he didn't hear anything.    


"Kang Shaonan, let's go. " Yu Xiao looked at Kang Shaonan with amusement and was even angry.    


Kang Shaonan turned his head and looked at Yu Xiao through the rearview mirror. "You sit in the front passenger seat, and I will leave. "    


"I want to protect Yangyang and Xiaoxiao. "    


"They have safety chairs, so there's no need to protect them. "    


. . . ""    


" Alright. " In the end, the stalemate did not last and Yu Xiao could only compromise. What a joke, you are comparing perseverance with a soldier. Then you're not courting death.    


Yu Xiao told Kang Shaonan about the hotel Xuexue booked. It did not take long for Kang Shaonan to drive all the way there.    


After arriving at the hotel, the two of them each carried a baby and got off the car. Kang Shaonan passed the car keys to the little brother who was waiting at the hotel entrance to wait for the car to be parked. He also gave two tips at the same time.    



"Oh, I didn't see that our Military Commander Kang was quite kind. "    


"Of course. " Kang Shaonan climbed up the pole with a happy smile on his face.    


However, these were all jokes. Yu Xiao knew what kind of family the person who came out to park the car was from. Kang Shaonan did that because he wanted to help more.    


"Hello, sir. Hello, madam. " Once inside, the receptionist inside bowed and greeted the two of them.    


"Do you two have an appointment or not?" The receptionist smiled at Kang Shaonan and asked.    


"Take us to 303. " When they got on the car, Yu Xiao told Kang Shaonan about the number of private rooms Xuexue booked and directly reported it to the receptionist.    


"Okay, this way please. " The receptionist stretched out her hand and made a welcoming gesture.    


The two of them followed the receptionist to the door of Room 303: "Sir, Madam, this is Room 303. "    


After saying that, she knocked on the door. After getting the permission, she opened the door for Yu Xiao and Kang Shaonan.    


"sister-in-law! Mr Shaonan. . . " Once the two of them entered, Xuexue ran over enthusiastically. She looked at the child in their arms and smiled exceptionally happily. "What a beautiful baby. "    


"Military Commander Kang!" The one sitting inside was Military Commander Kang. There was another person. . . Yu Xiao had seen this person yesterday. It was Lee Changan, who Kang Shaonan had called to the hospital to protect Xuexue.    


"En, take a seat. Come out and play. Don't mess with the rules of the army. " Kang Shaonan smiled and found a seat to sit down.    


"Mr Shaonan, what are the names of these two babies?" Xuexue stared at Kang Shaonan with sparkling eyes and asked.    


"The boy's name is Yangyang, and the girl's name is Xiaoxiao. " Kang Shaonan smiled and introduced his son and daughter to Xuexue.    


Xuexue reached out her hand to touch Yangyang's face and then touched his smiling face. She looked eager but also embarrassed.    


She could only look at Kang Shaonan for help.    


She didn't know if Kang Shaonan really couldn't tell or if he was pretending. She just lowered her head and played with her daughter.    


"Mr Shaonan, can I hug her?" Xuexue asked in a low voice, a little embarrassed.    


Kang Shaonan's smile did not change when he heard her. "Of course you can, but you have to be careful. Don't hurt them. "    


"No, no, no. " Xuexue was a little rusty, but she carefully took Xiao Xiao from Kang Shaonan's arms. She held him in her arms and shook him gently. "Xiao Xiao. Call me aunt. "    


"One. . . One. . . " Xiao Xiao mumbled.    


But this also made Xuexue extremely happy.    


"Mr Shaonan, carry her. . . " Xuexue carried Xiao Xiao for a while and sent her back to Kang Shaonan's arms. She quickly ran to the place where the bag was placed and took out four or five boxes from the bag.    


"Yesterday I only heard Mr Shaonan say that he had a child, but forgot to ask how many children he had, so I bought a few more. But it was just nice. One person for two. " Xiao Xiao handed the feminine box in her hand to Xiao Xiao, and the masculine box to Yangyang.    


"sister-in-law, this is my first meeting gift to my niece and nephew. " Xuexue carefully said to Yu Xiao as if she was afraid that Yu Xiao would get angry.    


"There is no need to spend so much money. What did you give the two little fellows to her? They are also playing as toys. What if they spoil it?" Yu Xiao followed his words and said politely.    


When she heard this, Xuexue had a smile on her face. "It's alright. It's not expensive. Besides, I can afford it. I'll buy it for them if it breaks. "    


"Er. . . " Yu Xiao was speechless.    


What should she say? He had already said that he would buy it for the child if he broke it. What else could he say? What did he mean by rich and overbearing? Yu Xiao had truly witnessed it this time.    


"Xuexue, Shaonan said that you grew up in the army and later went overseas. He saw that you didn't seem to have a job. Then these. . . "Yu Xiao asked in embarrassment. He said he broke it and bought it. But you can't really take it seriously.    


She asked this to see Xuexue's financial ability. If it was not bad, she would accept this gift. If it was not possible, she would convert these gifts into cash and give them to her.    


"sister-in-law, I have just returned to the country not long ago. I do not have a job in the country, but I have a small company with my friends overseas. Every month, there will be a lot of profits. Sister-in-law, don't worry about this. " Xuexue did not have any precautions at all and told him everything.    


"Yes, yes. You have a company overseas. You are really amazing. " Yu Xiao praised him seriously. She opened the tea shop because Kang Shaobei and Shen Yimo, the two big presidents, helped her. It was not difficult at the beginning.    


However, Yu Jiahou's company constantly had problems, which made her realize that it was not easy to do business.    


When she heard that Xuexue opened a company overseas, her impression of her also increased a lot.    


After all, there were not many women who could rely on themselves to survive these days. It was not that the competition was fierce, but that many women were unwilling to put in a little effort.    


She always felt that it was much easier to earn money by relying on men. This kind of woman made Yu Xiao feel disgusted.    


When she heard Xuexue say so, even if she did not like it in her heart, her impression of it also changed quite a bit.    


"Oh, I almost forgot. " Suddenly, Xuexue slapped her forehead and with a look of sudden enlightenment, she quickly walked back to the front of the bag and took out an exquisite box before returning to Yu Xiao, "sister-in-law, this is a gift for you. . . "    


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