Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C551 Hubby Is too Fierce 550

C551 Hubby Is too Fierce 550

0Yu Xiao heard Ming Yao's words and was moved by the innocent child on the stage. She was only in the fourth grade, but she was using another method to tell her teacher to be brave and strong. . .    


I don't want the heavens to know that I won't admit defeat. . .    


When the swallow was done singing, the entire hall was filled with applause for a long time. Ming Yao could not see the envious gazes that everyone threw at her. She used her ears and mind to feel all of this. Tears flowed down her cheeks again and again. . .    


The swallow's voice was pleasant to the ear. When it sang, it was full of emotions. The judges were completely moved by this ten-year-old girl and gave her a special prize.    


After coming out of the experimental primary school, Uncle Ming drove the three of them to have a big meal. Ming Yao had been holding the swallow's hand tightly. Her eyes were red, but there was a happy smile on her face. Yu Xiao was by Ming Yao's side and when she saw her happy smile, her heart was mixed with emotions and she had an impulse to cry.    


After lunch, Uncle Ming brought the three of them to the biggest shopping mall in the county. He asked Yu Xiao to help buy some clothes and daily necessities for his daughter Ming Yao. Ming Yao was very happy today and got Yu Xiao to buy a beautiful dress for Yanzi. He bought everything. Only then did Uncle Ming drive the three of them back to the village. He first sent Ming Yao and Yanzi to the school and settled Ming Yao down. Only then did Uncle Ming bring Yu Xiao home. When the car was about to reach the entrance, Yu Xiao saw Kang Shaonan's off-road vehicle parked in front of Uncle Ming's house from afar. Kang Shaonan wore casual clothes and held a cigarette in his hand. He was pacing back and forth at the entrance when he saw Uncle Ming's car. He immediately perked up and extinguished the cigarette. He stared intently at the car as it stopped in front of him.    


"Uncle Ming!" After the car stopped, Kang Shaonan walked over and greeted Uncle Ming. He then looked at his wife in the passenger seat.    


"Shaonan is here?" Uncle Ming smiled and opened the car door. He did not treat him as an outsider and directly instructed him, "Xiaoxiao and I went to the county to buy some things and put them at the back. Take them off!"    


"Okay!" Kang Shaonan immediately opened the back door of the car and took out all the bags he had.    


Uncle Ming took out the key from his pocket and handed it to Yu Xiao, who got out of the car. "Xiaoxiao, go and open the door! I will go up the mountain and see how the weed and hoe are doing today. " After saying that, he followed the mountain road and went to the tea garden without looking back.    


Kang Shaonan looked gratefully at Uncle Ming's back and smiled as he walked to Yu Xiao's side. "Wife. . . "    


For the past half month, he had been thinking about what to say when he saw his wife. He had been brewing for half a month, but now when he saw her, he could not say anything.    


Yu Xiao looked at him coldly. "What are you doing here?"    


"I thought you couldn't sleep, so I came to see you!" These words were not exaggerated at all. In this half a month's time, He clearly missed her badly, but he didn't dare to come and see her. He could only call Uncle Ming every night to ask about her daily situation. Did he eat well? Did he sleep well? How was his mood? Did he not want to sleep? Last night, when he heard Uncle Ming say he could come and see his wife, he was so excited that he did not sleep well for the whole night.    


Yu Xiao did not say anything. She opened the door and walked in. Kang Shaonan did not mind her reaction. He followed her into the yard and into the living room.    


Seeing Kang Shaonan put the things away, Yu Xiao looked at him indifferently. "You see it now. You can go now!"    


Kang Shaonan grinned at her. "Wife, I drove for five or six hours. I haven't had a bite of my food yet. I'm thirsty and hungry now. Can you give me some water to drink first?"    


He didn't mind her attitude at all. Anyway, he was prepared to fight a protracted war. When she saw him just now, she didn't lose control of her mind, nor did she lose her temper. This was already a great comfort to him.    


Yu Xiao looked at him speechlessly. She turned around and poured him a glass of water. When she passed it to him, her gaze fell on his injured arm. She wanted to ask how his injury was. Her lips moved and she swallowed back what she wanted to say.    


Kang Shaonan's eyes kept staring at her. He could guess what she wanted with just one look.    


"Wife, my arm is fine. You don't have to worry about me!" Kang Shaonan replied with a smile.    


Yu Xiao frowned and looked at him when she heard him call her wife. Kang Shaonan, I think I need to correct you. From now on, don't call me wife anymore. I don't like the way you call me now. "    


"Okay! Then I can call you by your name, right?" Kang Shaonan answered very straightforwardly.    


"I told you, no matter what you do, You can go back after breakfast tomorrow! Don't waste any more time!" After spending half a month in the tea garden, her mood had improved by more than half. In addition to the time she spent with Ming Yao, her mood also slowly calmed down. Originally, she thought that when she saw him again, She could be very calm, but when she looked at Kang Shaonan in front of her, Her heart was still in turmoil and discomfort.    


He was like a mirror. As long as she saw his face, all the past events would surge out from the bottom of her heart like a flood, violently hitting her fragile heart. Her quiet persistence, Kang Shaonan's sacrifice, and the cruel truth from seven years ago could no longer make her face Kang Shaonan calmly.    


An Ya's words kept echoing clearly in her ears. He loves me. If it wasn't for Yu Xiao, we would have been married a long time ago. Shaonan did not love Yu Xiao at all. He had never loved her, never. . . He just felt that he only loved her. What he owed her. . . So he used his whole life to make it up to her. . .    


Every word was like a sharp knife stabbing into her heart! An indescribable pain!    


She could not bear to let go of it, but she still forced herself to do it!    


She was already very content that she could be his wife for three months. Since he had never loved her, if she continued to keep him by her side, then it would be too cruel for him and Anya. If she let him go and saw his happiness, she would be content.    


"Then what you mean is that you agree to let me stay tonight?" Kang Shaonan was not angry. He avoided the important issue and asked with a smile.    


Yu Xiao knew it was useless to say anything now. She coldly said, I will go see Uncle Ming, and left the house.    


"Be careful when you go up the mountain!" Kang Shaonan looked at her back and reminded her.    


Uncle Ming and Yu Xiao both went up the mountain. Kang Shaonan was the only one left in the family. Although he had not been here many times, Kang Shaonan had an inexplicable sense of familiarity with Uncle Ming's home. He was a person who couldn't stay idle. Seeing that it was still early to make dinner, he first lit the stove to boil water. He ran to his wife's room and found a few clothes that he had worn. He took them out and soaked them in a basin to wash them.    


There were not many clothes in this season, so he washed them quickly. It did not take long for him to finish washing them and dry his clothes. He splashed water on the yard again and used a broom to clean up the yard, both inside and outside. He was almost done with his work. Seeing that Uncle Ming and his wife had not come back from the mountain, he ran to the vegetable garden behind the house to pick some vegetables and bring them back. He put on an apron and started to cook dinner. When Uncle Ming and Yu Xiao came back from the tea garden, Kang Shaonan had already prepared dinner. He was just about to put it on the table.    


"Shaonan, you have to come often in the future! You finished all the work at home in a few hours?" Uncle Ming walked into the yard and entered the house. He found that both inside and outside had been cleaned up by Kang Shaonan. He smiled and praised him.    


"As long as Uncle Ming doesn't chase me out!" Kang Shaonan looked at Uncle Ming and smiled. His gaze fell on his wife. He looked at her with concern. "Xiaoxiao is hungry, right? The washing water is on the balcony outside. Go wash your face! We will eat immediately!" After saying that, she did not care whether Yu Xiao replied or not. He turned around and went to carry the dishes like a master.    


Uncle Ming looked at Kang Shaonan's back and smiled. He raised his hand and patted Yu Xiao, motioning for her to go outside with him to wash her hands. Yu Xiao originally thought that Uncle Ming wanted to say a few words to her, but he did not say anything. After washing their hands, the two of them walked in and sat beside the dining table with Kang Shaonan, preparing to eat dinner.    


"Xiaoxiao, go and take out my Uncle Ming's wine! It had been so long since they last saw Shaonan. Today, the two of us need to have a good drink!" When Kang Shaonan arrived, Uncle Ming's mood also rose.    


Yu Xiao looked at Uncle Ming and hesitated for a moment. Actually, she was worried about the gunshot wound on Kang Shaonan's arm, but she could not say it out loud.    


"Xiaoxiao, go and get it!" Uncle Ming smiled and waved at Yu Xiao.    


In the end, they still brought the wine. Uncle Ming and Kang Shaonan were very interested. They drank while chatting. Yu Xiao sat quietly at the side and minded her own business as she ate her dishes. Actually, she had always liked to eat the dishes cooked by Kang Shaonan. But for some reason, she did not have the appetite to look at the table full of dishes today.    


Kang Shaonan saw that she ate very little, so he picked up the chopsticks and picked up the sweet and sour fish that she liked the most and put it in her bowl. "This is the live fish I bought on the way here. Eat more!"    


Yu Xiao originally felt better eating some vegetables in her stomach, but Kang Shaonan put the fish into the bowl. Yu Xiao smelled the fishy smell of the fish and instantly felt a sour feeling in her stomach. She raised her hand to cover her mouth and quickly ran out of the house.    


"Xiaoxiao!" Kang Shaonan was shocked by Yu Xiao's appearance and thought that she could not think of the past. He threw the wine glass in his hand on the table and chased after her.    


Seeing Yu Xiao squatting beside the toilet and continuously vomiting, his hanging heart immediately dropped to the ground. He walked to her side and patted her on the back and asked, "Why did you vomit like this? Is it that my dishes are not cooked? Was it uncomfortable in your stomach after eating it? "    


Yu Xiao waved her hands repeatedly and felt that she had almost vomited. Only then did she stand up and prepare to return to the house.    


"Wait a moment. I will get you a cup of water to rinse your mouth!" Kang Shaonan turned around and walked quickly into the house. After a while, he brought a cup of water over and handed it to Yu Xiao. Seeing that she had finished rinsing her mouth, the two of them returned to the house.    


"Is Xiaoxiao alright?" Uncle Ming saw Yu Xiao's powerless look and asked her with concern.    


"Uncle Ming, my stomach is a little uncomfortable. I think there is something wrong with the lunch. You guys can eat. I will go back to my room to rest first!" Yu Xiao looked at the table full of dishes in front of her. The feeling of wanting to vomit came again.    


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