Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1179 Hubby Is too Ferocious 1178

C1179 Hubby Is too Ferocious 1178

0"President, your coffee. " Chen Yuan walked in with a cup of fragrant coffee. She saw Situ Qing taking the cold coffee from before into his mouth.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, didn't I tell you not to drink coffee in such a big mouthful? And it's cold!" Chen Yuan panicked and forgot to call Situ Qing the CEO.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Yuan, don't be so nervous. I already said coffee is just a refreshing drink, not strong liquor. "    


"No matter what, you shouldn't drink like this!" Chen Yuan angrily took the cup from Situ Qing's hand and put the hot coffee on the table.    


Situ Qing smiled. "Alright. Since you insist, I won't drink like that. "    


"That's more like it! Brother-in-law Qing, are you done with your work?" Chen Yuan saw that Situ Qing heard her words and was very happy in her heart.    


"Yes, there is nothing else to do now. What do you want to eat for lunch?" Situ Qing sipped his coffee and asked Chen Yuan.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, do you want to eat at the company for lunch? Are you coming with me?" Chen Yuan was really happy. She had not had lunch with Situ Qing for a few days.    


Situ Qing nodded and said with a smile, "Yuan, why do you look so flattered? Didn't we often have lunch together?"    


"Yes, but Brother-in-law Qing has been too busy recently, so he can't take care of it. I. . . " Chen Yuan said with a wronged look, and her voice almost choked up.    


Seeing her pitiful look, Situ Qing still felt some pity in his heart. After all, she did not do anything wrong.    


"Yuan, don't be like this. "    


"Okay, Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan said obediently. At the same time, she secretly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes. Situ Qing had seen all of this.    


"Tell me, what do you want to eat? Right. During lunch, you can also tell me the details of the Mid-Autumn Festival lottery draw. " Situ Qing felt that his intentional indifference was a little unreasonable, which made Chen Yuan very sad.    


No matter what, Situ Qing and Chen Yuan had a relationship built up in the midst of trouble. He did not want Chen Yuan to be too pitiful. It was good to hear her talk about work. It would not go against Bai Chichi's wishes and would not appear to be too neglected by Chen Yuan.    


Moreover, talking about matters in the company could also avoid talking about personal relationships, lest Chen Yuan had any bad thoughts.    


"Really? Brother-in-law Qing, I have a lot of thoughts. I think the lucky draw for this Mid-Autumn Festival will be very interesting!" Chen Yuan's eyes lit up. She looked very surprised.    


"Then let's go. " Situ Qing smiled and stood up. He brought Yuan out of the office and walked towards the restaurant.    


Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing's back and thought about how to grab this opportunity to get closer to him.    


"Yuan, why are you walking so slowly? Are you hungry? If you are hungry in the future, don't wait for me. Go and eat by yourself. " Situ Qing turned around and saw Chen Yuan. He felt a little sorry.    


Chen Yuan quickly caught up to Situ Qing and said with a smile, "No, no, no. I was happy in my heart because I could eat with Brother-in-law Qing. I felt like I was dreaming, so I unknowingly slowed down my pace. "    


"Silly girl, we were just having work meals together. There was no need to be like this. " Situ Qing shook his head in amusement.    


Chen Yuan walked beside Situ Qing and said in a low voice, "Of course there is. Isn't this a rare opportunity?"    


"Yuan, you seem to have forgotten that we eat dinner together almost every day. Why would you say that such an opportunity is hard to come by? "    


"That's different. At that time, the whole family was together. But there was only the two of us for lunch!" Chen Yuan said stubbornly.    


Hearing her words, Situ Qing's heart softened a little. He felt that he had indeed been very distant from Chen Yuan recently, but she did not have any complaints. It was just that now that she had encountered such an environment, it was inevitable that she would feel emotional.    


"Let's not talk about this anymore. Yuan, what do you want to eat?" At this time, Situ Qing and Chen Yuan had already walked to the restaurant. They still habitually sat at the table next to the window.    


Chen Yuan looked at Situ Qing and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, you can order. I will eat whatever you order. You know I am not picky about food! "    


"Is that so? Alright then. " Situ Qing did not stand on ceremony. He had known Chen Yuan for so long and they had seen each other at home every day. Naturally, he knew her taste. Therefore, the dishes ordered were all Chen Yuan's favorite.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, will you bring Ms Chichi to the company's Mid-Autumn Festival dinner?" Chen Yuan asked.    


Situ Qing shook his head. " It was better not to. There were too many people and they wanted to draw something. I'm afraid I won't feel comfortable staying in the house for too long. "    


"But you said you want to participate in the draw?" Chen Yuan was secretly delighted in her heart. As long as Bai Chichi did not come, Situ Qing would definitely be by her side.    


"Yes, I did not come for a long time. I want to come. If I draw with the employees, it can also improve my relationship. " Situ Qing nodded.    


Chen Yuan was very happy. She felt that the opportunity had finally arrived. This time, she had to dress up properly and try to turn the situation around.    


There were more and more people in the restaurant. Luo Huian also walked in and saw Situ Qing and Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan was facing the door. She did not want Luo Huian to disturb her and Situ Qing, so she pretended not to see him.    


"Yuan, the first prize you prepared is Europe's Eight Days Journey. What are the first and second prize?" Situ Qing deliberately asked Chen Yuan to make Chen Yuan happy.    


"The first prize is not bad either. It is a five-day trip to Japan. Not only can you enjoy the beautiful scenery of Mount Fuji, but you can also shop! Everyone now knows that Japanese electronics are much cheaper than domestic ones, and they are also very useful! " Chen Yuan used a very exaggerated tone and action to attract Situ Qing's attention, not letting him look back at Luo Huian.    


Situ Qing drank a mouthful of water and then asked Chen Yuan about the lottery.    


In the end, it was as Chen Yuan wished. Luo Huian walked to the side and sat with another senior manager of the company.    


Chen Yuan secretly heaved a sigh of relief and started to lead the conversation towards the direction of life.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, if you win the prize, you will definitely take Ms Chichi out to play, right?"    


Situ Qing said, "That's not necessarily true. I have to see what the delay means. If she is not willing to go, I will give the chance to the winner of the first prize, and so on. "    


"Then if I win the special prize, I originally wanted to invite Ms Chichi and Brother-in-law Qing out to play. Wouldn't I have to give it up too?" Chen Yuan seemed to be rather melancholy.    


Situ Qing smiled and shook his head. "All of this is based on the fact that we won the award. It is too early to say this now. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, are you really not willing to go out with me?" Chen Yuan looked into Situ Qing's eyes and said.    


"Yuan, wait for Ms Chichi to give birth to the baby. In the future, let's go out and play together. Her body is not suitable for long-distance travel now. " Situ Qing did not avoid Chen Yuan's gaze.    


"I always say Ms Chichi. I am asking you, not Ms Chichi. " Chen Yuan unhappily lowered her head and played with the small decorations on the table.    


Situ Qing looked at her and did not say anything.    


At this time, it was easy to say what Situ Qing did not want to talk about. It was best for him to keep silent.    


After a while, Chen Yuan seemed to have thought it through. She looked up and said to Situ Qing, "I'm sorry, Brother-in-law Qing. I can't control myself. Please forgive me. "    



"I didn't hear you say anything like you can't control yourself. Yuan, the dishes are here. Quickly eat. I still have to go out in the afternoon. " Situ Qing was trying his best.    


Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and wanted to say something, but she also felt bored. She could only hold back her words and eat quietly.    


"Yuan, you should eat more of this. It is very good for girls to maintain their looks. " Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan's expression was very lonely and he could not bear to, so he ordered a bowl of soup for Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan ate the soup and a glimmer of hope lit up in her heart. She did not know what was going on with Master Xiao, so she wanted to create a conflict as soon as possible.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, where are you going this afternoon?" Chen Yuan asked.    


"It's a private matter. "    


Chen Yuan frowned. "You never deal with private matters during work hours. Is it very important?"    


"Yes, very important. "    


Situ Qing was speaking very carefully to Chen Yuan now. He did not take care of her like he did in the past, but he was very concise and very clear.    


Chen Yuan could not continue. She wanted to ask but did not dare to ask.    


"Yuan, this has nothing to do with you. Go back to work after you finish eating. " Situ Qing stood up.    


"Why are you in such a hurry to leave?" Chen Yuan looked up at him.    


"I have an appointment with someone. You cannot be late. " Situ Qing walked towards the door as he spoke, leaving Chen Yuan staring blankly at his back.    


Ever since she was discharged from the hospital, Chen Yuan felt that Bai Chichi was not the only one who had become smarter and harder to deal with. Situ Qing had also distanced himself from her a lot, as if he had become a different person. Although he was very polite, he did not have a lot of intimacy with her.    


Chen Yuan felt that the matter was troublesome. She was anxious to find a helper to help her solve this problem. However, Master Xiao was as mysterious as Situ Qing and could not guess what they were thinking.    


What should she do? Chen Yuan did not have a breakthrough point. Her heart felt very stifled and she could not swallow anything.    


Forget it. It was better to drink up all the soup. At least this was still a little slippery.    


"Assistant Chen, I heard that you are preparing for the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala?" The chubby Material Department manager saw Chen Yuan and smiled as he came over to greet her.    


"Manager Li, I am preparing. " Chen Yuan politely replied.    


"Really? Do you have any internal information that you can refer to? For example, which number has a chance of getting the first prize?" Manager Li said to Chen Yuan sneakily.    


Chen Yuan frowned. "They are all very open and transparent. They are under President Situ's watch. How can we have internal information?"    


"Is that so? Very good, very good. Assistant Chen is firm and impartial. It is really admirable!" Manager Li's words were full of ridicule, which made Chen Yuan feel very uncomfortable.    


Why did these men look so unpleasant to the eyes? In the end, Situ Qing was still better. Chen Yuan did not know why she felt that she did not know. Whether or not Bai Chichi liked things that made her especially interested, she only wanted Situ Qing to take her seriously and give her the chance to return to her initial state.    


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