Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1280 Hubby Is too Fierce 1279

C1280 Hubby Is too Fierce 1279

0"What does this have to do with Lady Situ?" The officer frowned.    


Wu Deyong said, "Because when I went to the Situ Family, I felt that it would be inconvenient for Chen Yuan, a strange woman, to stay in the couple's house, so I thought there might be a chance here. "    


"What's the reason? Don't you know that Chen Yuan is Situ Qing's saviour?" The police officer felt that Wu Deyong was purely stirring up trouble.    


"Yes, I know, but this woman is always narrow-minded. " Wu Deyong rubbed his hands and revealed a mocking expression.    


The police officer looked at him. "Be serious!"    


"Yes, yes, yes. I also know that it was my petty heart that guided Madame Situ's heart. She did not have any suspicions about Chen Yuan and even told me not to speak nonsense. " Because later on, Bai Chichi gave up on asking about the train ticket and that was why Wu Deyong said so.    


At this time, Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi meaningfully.    


"Enough. Continue to tell you the questions. How much ransom do you want for kidnapping Chen Yuan? Do you have any plans to tear up the ticket?"    


"No, no, no. I'm just asking for money. I won't harm my life!"    


The interrogation room continued to interrogate Wu Deyong. Situ Qing helped Bai Chichi stand up and expressed his gratitude to the police, then walked out of the police station.    


"After a long time, I want to apologize to you. I shouldn't suspect you. " Situ Qing and Bai Chichi walked on the street.    


Bai Chichi shook her head and said, "No, I really gave Wu Deyong some money because he did say something bad to Chen Yuan. I really thought there was something wrong with Chen Yuan at that time. "    


"Now you also heard what he said. It was all because of this person who caused trouble and caused me to argue with you. " Situ Qing held Bai Chichi's hand tightly.    


Bai Chichi could not continue to have any more questions in her heart. Indeed, Wu Deyong had already told her everything clearly.    


On the surface, the misunderstanding between the two of them had finally been resolved, but Bai Chichi and Situ Qing did not know the secret behind this matter.    


However, other than them, there was another person who paid a lot of attention to this matter, and that was Qin Xuesong, who hadn't shown himself for a long time.    


Although he had left Bai Chichi, Qin Xuesong had never given up on protecting her. He had been silently observing everything that had happened beside her.    


When Situ Qing brought Wu Deyong back to the company to work, Qin Xuesong had started to pay attention to this person's every move.    


This was because he felt that it was very strange. How could a blackmailer be chosen by Situ Qing and even give him a very generous treatment?    


This Wu Deyong must have some kind of background.    


Very quickly, Qin Xuesong found out that Wu Deyong was Chen Yuan's hometown. He couldn't help but feel that he had thought too much. Situ Qing only loved the house and the crow's nest.    


Who knew that not long after Chen Yuan came back from her vacation in Europe, she was kidnapped.    


Wu Deyong was arrested on the spot and sentenced to jail.    


What was going on? Wasn't he from the same hometown? Why did it become a criminal case with a bad nature?    


Qin Xuesong found it unbelievable, so he found someone to contact Wu Deyong through connections.    


At that time, Wu Deyong even insisted that Chen Yuan was lying, and even said about the train ticket and Yu Beibei's matter.    


"What do you mean? Could it be that Chen Yuan is not from Green Mountain Township?" Qin Xuesong instinctively felt that there was a deep connection between them.    


Wu Deyong nodded. "I don't care who you are. What I said is the truth. "    


"And then?" Qin Xuesong lit a cigarette for Wu Deyong.    


"Then I was fired! It was all that woman's fault. If it wasn't for the wind she blew next to Situ Qing's ear, how would I have been caught?" Wu Deyong took the cigarette and took a deep breath.    


Qin Xuesong smiled and shook his head. "How can you blame her? You were arrested for kidnapping. She was the victim. "    


"Bullsh * t, what kind of victim is she? I am the one! Brother, don't underestimate Chen Yuan. That girl is very powerful! Now even the police say that I am an imposter. Why would I pretend to be a farmer of Green Mountain Township? It's not like it's a good place!" Wu Deyong's stomach was full of resentment. It was not easy for someone to listen to him vent his anger. That was why he said a lot.    


"That is because the police have investigated. Chen Yuan is indeed from Green Mountain Township. You are not. They will not speak nonsense. " Qin Xuesong observed Wu Deyong's expression as he spoke.    


After going through a lot of things, Qin Xuesong had mastered a pair of Fiery Golden Eyes. He was almost certain who was lying.    


Buying an antique house required a pair of sharp eyes. Qin Xuesong, who had gone through thousands of trials and tribulations, had already mastered this skill.    


"They might not speak nonsense, but what about those people from Green Mountain Township? Who can guarantee that they were not bribed? I still don't know about the village officials there. Each and every one of them is dark enough. Our earthquake compensation " Wu Deyong suddenly shut his mouth. Perhaps he also felt that he had said too much.    


Wu Deyong did not know what this person in front of him was doing.    


"You are saying that Chen Yuan found people to settle the locals. They all stood on her side and framed you together?" Qin Xuesong felt that Wu Deyong was not lying, but this was too absurd.    


Chen Yuan was just a young girl. What ability did she have to change someone else's background? She could even wipe away all of Wu Deyong's past.    


If that was really the case, Chen Yuan indeed could not be underestimated. The water in this was far deeper than she imagined.    


"Yes, that's right! The villagers were afraid of the village officials, so they did not dare to tell the truth. I am now locked up. I don't even have a chance to confront them. " Wu Deyong patted the back of his head in annoyance.    


"If what you said is true, I believe that there will be a day when the truth comes out. However, it is true that you kidnapped Chen Yuan. You cannot deny this yourself. " Qin Xuesong lit another cigarette for Wu Deyong.    


Wu Deyong took a deep breath and coughed for a long time.    


"Slow down, no one will fight with you. " Qin Xuesong knew that no one who was locked up smoked unless they had something to do with it.    


Wu Deyong shook his head and said, "I did kidnap her, but she can't make me a nameless person. If she sentenced me to death, I can't even engrave a tablet on my grave. Isn't that making me not even dare to meet my ancestors?"    


"If there's a problem, you can ask. Do you want me to hire a lawyer for you?"    


Hearing Qin Xuesong's words, a glimmer of hope flashed in Wu Deyong's eyes.    


"Really? But who are you? How would I know if you would lie to me!? To be honest, I'm a little scared. "    


" You don't need to know who I am, but I definitely won't harm you. And I believe what you say. " Qin Xuesong straightened his back and looked at Wu Deyong.    


Wu Deyong said with doubt, "I still need to think about it carefully. You city people are too scary. You might even dig a pit for me to jump into!"    


"Okay. I will come back after you have thought about it. How much time do you need?" Qin Xuesong was willing to help Wu Deyong with this lawsuit because this matter involved Chen Yuan.    



Chen Yuan was the biggest hidden danger for Bai Chichi.    


How could the pure Bai Chichi be a match for Chen Yuan? After listening to Wu Deyong's words, Qin Xuesong became even more worried.    


Chen Yuan was so capable. Her background must be very terrifying and her background must not be small.    


Why would such a person deliberately hide by Situ Qing's side? Did she take the initiative to approach Situ Qing, or was she ordered by someone?    


The more Qin Xuesong thought about it, the more worried he felt about Bai Chichi's situation, so he wanted to use his relationship as a lawyer to go through the legal procedure and investigate Chen Yuan.    


"Give me a week. " Wu Deyong also learned from his mistakes. He was so scared that he could not easily believe other people's good intentions.    


Qin Xuesong nodded. "Sure, I hope you are telling the truth. "    




What Qin Xuesong did not expect was that after a short week, everything had changed. It could even be said to be a huge reversal.    


Because Wu Deyong had overthrown all of his previous words. He no longer said that Chen Yuan was lying. Instead, he obediently admitted his crime and went to jail.    


What was going on?    


Qin Xuesong thought about it carefully, and felt that something big must have happened to Wu Deyong in this one week.    


Could it be that the power behind Chen Yuan was working?    


The power that could make all the villagers lie was not a simple organization. They had plenty of ways to shut up if they wanted someone else to.    


Wu Deyong must have suffered in prison, which scared him so much that he did not dare to speak the truth. He would rather go to jail than mention Chen Yuan's background.    


Now, no matter how he asked, he could not do anything about it. Qin Xuesong was very clear about this.    


He had experienced this kind of experience before. When you were threatened more than your life, you had better be obedient.    


Otherwise, the pain of not being able to beg for death will fall on you.    


Wu Deyong definitely had this kind of feeling.    


Forget it. Since that was the case, he could only rely on his own strength to help Bai Chichi get out of this predicament.    


Qin Xuesong thought that there was no evidence to prove that Chen Yuan was a fake, so he could only wait and see if there was a suitable opportunity.    


It would be best if he could hit her in one hit. Because of Chen Yuan's kidnapping, Situ Qing had a deeper level of trust and love for her.    


If there was no concrete evidence, it would cause conflict between Situ Qing and Bai Chichi. At that time, wouldn't things go against one's wishes?    


Therefore, Qin Xuesong did not rashly contact Bai Chichi.    


The people sent by Master Xiao had already tidied up Wu Deyong until he was submissive. That was why he made Chen Yuan feel at ease and boldly carry out her mission.    


When Bai Chichi and Situ Qing returned home, Chen Yuan pretended to be pitiful and hid on the sofa, staring blankly at the television. However, her eyes were not on the screen at all.    


"Yuan, we are back. " Situ Qing greeted her.    


"Wu Deyong confessed to his crimes. Just wait for the news of him being sentenced. " Bai Chichi deliberately said to Chen Yuan.    


Chen Yuan stood up with tears in her eyes. She trembled and said, "Brother-in-law Qing, Ms Chichi, you really went to listen to the interrogation? Did he really admit it?"    


"Yes, so don't think too much about it in the future. This person will definitely disappear from your life completely!" Situ Qing made a guarantee.    


He would not let people like Wu Deyong get close to Chen Yuan again, nor would he let Chen Yuan get hurt easily. This time, he really felt guilty.    


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