Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1299 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C1299 Hubby Is too Ferocious

0Recently, Bai Chichi heard Situ Qing mention Meng Rann. It was the same day he and Chen Yuan stayed in Chengdu when they were in Sichuan.    


But yesterday, didn't he go out to eat with Secretary Chen? Why would Meng Rann also appear in the same restaurant and also go to the hotel elevator with him?    


Bai Chichi felt that this must be a coincidence.    


Also, she did not think that Meng Rann was very tempting to a man like Situ Qing, because Situ Qing had never had any feelings for Meng Rann. It was just some business cooperation.    


"It must be a misunderstanding. " Nanny Zhang was even more anxious than Bai Chichi.    


"En, I think so too. "    


The television was getting worse and worse. Bai Chichi felt that it was very normal for the television station to do such a program in order to attract attention. She was not bewitched by those words.    


After the news was released, Nanny Zhang looked at Bai Chichi worriedly. She even forgot to wash the dishes.    


"Okay, I'm done watching! Nanny Zhang, let's continue to clean the dishes!" Bai Chichi looked as if she was looking at other people's family matters. After she finished looking, her expression was as if she was done reading.    


Nanny Zhang was worried and said," Are you really alright? "    


"What is the matter? Just wait until Qing comes back and ask!"    


"Why don't you call him now?" Nanny Zhang felt that Bai Chichi was too calm and even she felt that it was inconceivable.    


Bai Chichi looked at her watch and said, "He is busy at this time of the day. Why should he disturb his work for such a small matter. "    


"But if you do not ask clearly, you will really feel uncomfortable in your heart!" Nanny Zhang felt that it was better to listen to Situ Qing's explanation because she was afraid that Bai Chichi would feel even more uncomfortable if she held it in.    


"Alright, I will call him at noon later. " Bai Chichi's calm and relaxed expression made Nanny Zhang believe that she was not hiding her pain.    


"After a long time, I feel that you have really matured a lot now. Some things are not something that can be seen with the naked eye. You must put your heart into it. "    


"I know, so I am fine. Don't worry, Nanny Zhang! I believe in Qing, and you believe in him. Am I right?"    


"Right, I think he must have a reason" Nanny Zhang naturally knew Situ Qing's character. After all, he had watched Situ Qing grow up.    


Bai Chichi stood up. "So, we should do what we should do. Don't be like those reporters who catch wind and make fun of others. "    


At this moment, Situ Qing had no idea that he was already on the headlines of the local news. He was studying the construction of Hope Primary School.    


Chen Yuan sat in the workroom outside and received a message.    


"Beep, beep, beep. "    


When Chen Yuan heard this sound, she would instinctively tremble.    


Because that old-fashioned phone was only used to contact Master Xiao's people. As long as the voice of the message rang, something important would definitely happen.    


Chen Yuan quickly took out the phone from her bag and secretly looked around before using a book to cover it and opening it.    


"Situ Qing and Meng Rann were recorded. The TV has already played it. "    


Chen Yuan's heart thumped when she saw this sentence. This was great! This was indeed not a waste of effort!    


When Chen Yuan heard Situ Qing say that he only sent Meng Rann into the elevator, she was still a little nervous. She was worried that there would not be any scene that could make her daydream.    


Now that it seemed that their whereabouts had been recorded and distorted, Chen Yuan was very excited.    


Since they were on TV, then there was no need to worry that Bai Chichi did not know.    


Even if Bai Chichi did not see it now, she would have heard of it. Most importantly, those media reporters would definitely be impatient to find Bai Chichi to inquire about her mood and reaction.    


Afraid that the world would not be chaotic was Chen Yuan's intention.    


Now Chen Yuan was thinking about whether she should let Situ Qing know. If she wanted to inform him, what kind of method should she use?    


After thinking about it, she decided not to disturb him for the time being. It would be better if Bai Chichi came to denounce him!    


But before Bai Chichi could call, the company's Public Relations Department insider came in first. Chen Yuan understood when she saw the number.    


She answered the call with a smile. "Hello, Office of President. "    


"Assistant Chen, please answer the phone for me. There is an emergency that requires his instructions. " The voice of the Public Relations manager sounded very urgent.    


Chen Yuan naturally knew the purpose of their call and said neither quickly nor slowly, "Okay, please wait a moment. "    


Then she waited another minute before she received Situ Qing's office. "Director Qing, public relations insider. "    


"Bring it in. " Situ Qing seemed to really not know what had happened. He said it in a very normal voice.    


Chen Yuan then picked up the phone.    


"President, I am the manager of the Public Relations Department. Now our phones have been blown up by the reporters. They say that the TV is playing the photos and videos of you and Miss Meng Rann entering and exiting the Jade Kylin Hotel. They want to find us to confirm if you are really the one. The manager of the Public Relations Department felt that the situation was more serious.    


"Tell them that those who clear things will be clear. " Situ Qing did not panic at all. He only frowned and gave the order.    


"Is, is this okay?"    


"You are the manager of the Public Relations Department. You should be good at dealing with this kind of problem. Meng Rann and I only met by chance in the hotel. She was drunk, so I helped her to rest and then immediately left. " Situ Qing simply explained the truth of the matter.    


The manager of the Public Relations Department was relieved and said, "That's good. I will go to the Jade Kylin to retrieve the recordings at the back. I can't let them make random guesses just because they see some pictures. "    


"Okay, go then" Situ Qing nodded.    


It was so funny. These reporters were really scary.    


After Situ Qing put down the phone, he looked it up on the internet. Sure enough, it had been written very outrageously. The title also had various associations.    


"Who caused this? Why is it so far away from the truth?" Situ Qing did not get angry or anxious after reading it. He just felt that he had a clear conscience.    


However, he did not know if he had known about it for so long. It would not be good if he was misunderstood by her.    



Situ Qing was about to call Bai Chichi when his phone rang. He picked it up and saw that it was her.    


"Wait a minute. Did you see the news too?" Situ Qing asked.    


Bai Chichi said, "Yes, Nanny Zhang and I saw it together. You are already in the headlines. "    


"Even Nanny Zhang knows about it?"    


"That's right. So Nanny Zhang wanted me to call you and ask you what exactly is going on?"    


Hearing that Bai Chichi's voice was not angry, Situ Qing relaxed his heart and told her everything.    


"Why didn't you tell me when you came back last night?"    


"It's just a small matter. It's not worth mentioning, so I didn't tell you. " Situ Qing was telling the truth.    


Bai Chichi frowned and said, "Don't be like this in the future. If there is anything, you should tell me in advance. "    


"Okay. In the future, I will report your whereabouts to you every day when I return home. " Situ Qing said with a smile.    


"That's not necessary. But now it has become so noisy. I don't think I should think about peace. " Bai Chichi sighed and said.    


Situ Qing felt sorry and guilty. "Sorry for the delay. It was my negligence this time. "    


"Alright, you can continue with your work. " After Bai Chichi got the answer, her mood also became clear.    


There was no need to be conflicted. As long as he did not do anything that would let her down, then all the difficulties could be easily overcome.    


"If, after a long time, I'm saying that if the media comes to harass you, you don't have to bother with them. Just do what you need to do. " Situ Qing was a little worried.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "Okay, okay. I know what to do. Don't worry!"    


"Okay. You be careful. I will come back to accompany you after work. " Situ Qing felt that Bai Chichi's attitude gave him a lot of confidence.    


He would leave the public relations department to handle the public relations crisis. It was more important to do the work at hand and not be affected.    


Situ Qing walked out of the office and said to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, it's noon. Let's go eat first. "    


"Director Qing, the Public Relations Department called just now. They seemed to be in a hurry. Did something happen?" Chen Yuan asked on purpose.    


But because Situ Qing had only asked Chen Yuan about Meng Rann before, she was so excited. So now, Situ Qing didn't want to mention it anymore.    


"It's nothing. It's just that the media is taking pictures. Don't worry about it. " Situ Qing felt that Chen Yuan would be in trouble if she became emotional because of this so-called news.    


Chen Yuan was secretly delighted in her heart. It seemed that the news must have exploded. Otherwise, it would not have alarmed the public relations department.    


This time, it was not only the conflict between Bai Chichi and Situ Qing, even the entire company was affected.    


It seemed that Meng Rann's so-called previous efforts were not accurate. Didn't it already have a sensational effect now?    


But Chen Yuan did not continue to ask. Otherwise, it would appear that she was too nosy. She did not look like the personal assistant of a big company's president, but more like an office girl.    


"Oh, so that's how it is. " Chen Yuan nodded. After tidying up, she followed Situ Qing to the company's restaurant for lunch.    


However, when they walked in, Luo Huian was already waiting there.    


"President, do we need to use any means to stop those things that are happening in the news?"    


"No need, they can say whatever they want. The public relations department has already taken action. " Situ Qing shook his head.    


Chen Yuan pretended to know nothing and said to Luo Huian, "Assistant Luo, what happened?"    


"It was a false rumor. It said that our CEO had an affair with Meng Rann. " Luo Huian saw that it was Chen Yuan and did not avoid it.    


"Ah? Really?" Chen Yuan widened her eyes in shock.    


"Yes, the news has spread on TV and on the Internet. " Luo Huian said.    


Situ Qing waved his hand. "Nonsense. Alright, let's go eat. "    


After Luo Huian left, Chen Yuan lowered her head and said sadly, "Brother-in-law Qing, I also did not know that the matter would be so serious. No wonder you asked me this morning. Does this have anything to do with me?"    


"It's not serious. When I asked you this morning, the news was not out yet. " Situ Qing took the menu and ordered a few dishes that Chen Yuan liked.    


"But those reporters are very good at connecting. If Ms Chichi knew about it, she would definitely be very angry!" Chen Yuan's tears were about to come out.    


Situ Qing shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I won't mind such fabricated things. "    


"Impossible. Ms Chichi is a woman after all!"    


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