Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1308 Hubby Is too Ferocious

C1308 Hubby Is too Ferocious

0When Chen Yuan returned home, Situ Qing and Bai Chichi had already returned to their bedroom. There was no one in the living room.    


"You guys are really relieved!" Chen Yuan's heart was filled with disappointment. She thought that Situ Qing was still sitting alone under the light, quietly waiting for her to return.    


However, he did not. He must be having a good time with Bai Chichi in the bedroom. Otherwise, he would be snuggling up and watching those boring comedy scenes because Bai Chichi liked it.    


Chen Yuan looked at the time. It was only slightly past ten o'clock. She specially came back earlier to show her whereabouts.    


Because the bookshop would not be opened very late. So Chen Yuan felt that this time was just right to come back. Moreover, Bai Chichi and Situ Qing might not have returned to their rooms yet.    


She did not even dare to drink more for this reason of going out. She forced herself to drink a large cup of green tea and a plate of peanuts. It seemed that it was a waste of her expression.    


If she had known earlier, she might as well drink to her heart's content. Anyway, she didn't really care where she went or what she did, and how late she came back.    


"Damn it!" Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and cursed, then went upstairs.    


However, something that made her happy happened. Just as she was about to enter her room, Situ Qing's voice came from behind her.    


"Yuan, you're back?"    


Chen Yuan's heart warmed and she quickly turned her head. "Yes, Brother-in-law Qing, because the bookshop is about to close!"    


On the other side of the corridor, Situ Qing walked over with large strides. "The sound of the taxi coming back was heard a long time ago. She wanted me to see if it was you. "    


"Oh, Ms Chichi asked you to come out. " Chen Yuan's joy was dispelled.    


"We are all waiting for you. You will not be at ease until you come back. " Situ Qing felt it and comforted her.    


But it was meaningless. Chen Yuan knew that Bai Chichi must have asked him to come over. Otherwise, he would not have said that at the first moment.    


Although Bai Chichi had good intentions, Chen Yuan did not think that way in her heart.    


She felt that Bai Chichi must have deliberately let Situ Qing come and take a look. Did she really go to the book?    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I'm already back. You should go and accompany Ms Chichi as well. " Chen Yuan deliberately approached Situ Qing and the moment she opened her mouth, there was the smell of green tea.    


"Alright, then you should rest early. " Without saying another word, Situ Qing turned around and left.    


Chen Yuan looked at his back, disappointed and angry.    


"Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan could not help but call out.    


Situ Qing turned around. "What's wrong?"    


"Oh, nothing. Help me thank Ms Chichi. "    


"Silly girl. What's the matter? Quickly go to sleep. " Situ Qing smiled and returned to his and Bai Chichi's bedroom.    


Chen Yuan stared blankly at the corridor for a long time before she opened her door and walked in.    


"When can you not mention Bai Chichi that slut in front of me? She asked you to come and she asked you to go. You are Situ Qing and you are the grand CEO. Why do you have to listen to everything she says! Who is she?"    


Chen Yuan whispered and roared angrily.    


However, even though she was full of anger, she did not dare to vent it out loud.    


This kind of suppressed anger made Chen Yuan feel that she was becoming more and more humble. Her hatred towards Bai Chichi deepened step by step.    


Now, as long as Bai Chichi performed a little better to her, she would feel very uncomfortable.    


Chen Yuan felt that Bai Chichi had changed and became even more good at acting. That woman who used to be very easy to fool and easy to fool had grown up.    


The opponent seemed to be getting stronger and stronger. Chen Yuan felt extremely uncomfortable in her heart. If this continued, when would she be able to successfully take revenge?    


Anxiety made Chen Yuan's face turn red. She kicked off the shoes on her feet and walked barefoot into the bathroom. She opened the shower head and rushed towards herself and the clothes on her body.    


The hot water slowly calmed her down. The more complicated the situation, the less impulsive she could be. She had to believe that she was smarter than Bai Chichi and would definitely win this battle.    


It was not good to have wet clothes stuck on her body but Chen Yuan was too lazy to take them off. She just stood under the water and let herself be washed.    


After a long time, she finally calmed down. She slowly took off her clothes and took a shower, then went to sit in front of the computer.    


She had to do everything she had to do. She could not let anything happen in front of Situ Qing. She had to finish the work that he had given her.    


Only at such a time would Chen Yuan temporarily forget about Bai Chichi. She would be intoxicated by the fact that she was Situ Qing's right-hand man.    


The moon outside the window was very clear and cold.    


"Is Chen Yuan back?" When Situ Qing returned to his room, Bai Chichi leaned against the bed and asked while reading a book.    


"Yes, your ears are really sharp. " Situ Qing said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi shook her head and said, "You are still a soldier. Observing from all directions should be your forte!"    


"I am in my own home, and you are lying beside me. Why should I care about him?" Situ Qing returned to the bed and leaned against Bai Chichi.    


"What? You are so relieved? Last time, you even rushed to save him!" Bai Chichi closed the book and said with a smile.    


Situ Qing hugged her shoulder. "Last time, she went to drink. This time, she went to read books. What am I worried about? Worried that those bookworms would follow her?"    


"Are those bookworms the ones who go to the book bar? Could it be that there are no beasts in clothes? " Bai Chichi said with a smile.    


"Alright, I know what you mean! In the future, I will tell Luo Yi to take care of any matter. How about it?" Situ Qing thought Bai Chichi was still jealous of Chen Yuan.    


Bai Chichi sighed and said, "Actually, I really hope that Chen Yuan can live well. If she is happy, we will not have to worry about her. "    


"That's right. So now I feel that it is pretty good. Her mood is also not bad and she even made new friends. "    


"Yeah, I don't know what kind of person that friend is, but it's better to meet him when the opportunity arises" Bai Chichi thought in her heart, if what Chen Yuan said is true, then she should not object to this opinion.    


Situ Qing said to her, "Okay. I will tell Chen Yuan. Let's sleep now. This is what we should do now. "    



"You are right. Anyway, Chen Yuan is back. We can feel at ease now. " Bai Chichi nodded and slowly laid down.    


The two of them had a completely different mood from Chen Yuan and very quickly fell asleep.    


Early the next morning, Situ Qing got up and went to exercise. When he ran back, he saw Chen Yuan coming downstairs.    


"Yuan, you woke up really early!"    


"How could you compare to Brother-in-law Qing? You even came back from morning exercise!" Chen Yuan seemed to be in a good mood as she said with a smile.    


Situ Qing stretched his arms and said, "I should have gone to exercise earlier. I was also lazy during this period of time. If I had been at home, I would not have missed a day. "    


"Aren't you and Brother-in-law Yuan twins? Maybe he's the same as you!" Chen Yuan walked to Situ Qing's side.    


"Twins also have different personalities. He is more self-disciplined than me. " Situ Qing said with a smile, then loudly called Nanny Zhang to prepare breakfast.    


Chen Yuan shook her head. "You are like a child in front of Nanny Zhang!"    


"When you are hungry, you have to eat. This is human instinct!" Situ Qing did not mind. He walked to the kitchen and took a piece of bread.    


Chen Yuan quickly helped Nanny Zhang. Soon, the table was filled with porridge, bread, mantou, eggs and so on.    


"What are you waiting for?" Nanny Zhang asked.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Let her sleep a little longer. "    


"That's right. Anyway, Ms Chichi doesn't need to go to work at home. She can sleep as long as she wants!" Chen Yuan took an egg and peeled it off and placed it in Situ Qing's bowl.    


At this time, Bai Chichi came down from upstairs.    


Chen Yuan's hand immediately retracted.    


"Nanny Zhang, did you hear that?" Bai Chichi walked into the restaurant and did not speak to Chen Yuan and Situ Qing. Instead, she ran to find Nanny Zhang.    


"What did you hear?" Nanny Zhang wiped her hands and asked.    


Bai Chichi pointed outside the window and said, "Listen, is this the cry of a magpie?"    


"Magpie?" When Situ Qing and Chen Yuan heard her words, they also perked up their ears.    


Nanny Zhang walked to the window and looked at the bright sky outside. After listening carefully, she heard the chirping of birds in the yard.    


"It really is!" Nanny Zhang said with a smile.    


Bai Chichi clapped her hands. "I knew it. Just now I was still in bed and then I heard this voice. I immediately became energetic!"    


"Wife, you like magpies?" Situ Qing stood up and pulled a chair for her, helping her sit down.    


"Of course, don't you know? Something good must have happened when you heard magpies call you!" Bai Chichi was really happy.    


Situ Qing laughed and said, "You also believe that? Wife, you are a doctor who has received a high education. If you are so superstitious, people will laugh at you. "    


"What's wrong with that? There has been such a saying since ancient times! When I heard the magpie call out, my face immediately lit up! " Bai Chichi pointed at her own face and said.    


Situ Qing leaned closer and carefully studied it, then nodded affirmatively and said, "It is indeed very beautiful, not at all like the slovenly appearance when you wake up!"    


"Nanny Zhang, this person is stubborn. Tell him if it is a good thing to hear a magpie call in the morning!" Bai Chichi saw that Situ Qing did not take her words seriously and wanted to find Nanny Zhang to verify it.    


Chen Yuan thought, I also heard it, but what good things can I have? Unless you are unlucky, I will be happy!    


"Yes, Brother-in-law Qing, our hometown also has such a saying!" However, Chen Yuan's face still had a sincere expression and smile.    


"Qing, calling a magpie is indeed pleasant!" Nanny Zhang had always been protective of Bai Chichi and now she naturally had to go along with her words.    


Situ Qing shook his head speechlessly and said, "If I can't beat you guys, then so be it! Wife, you have already woken up, so you can eat at the same time. "    


"I'm really a little hungry!" Bai Chichi smiled as she picked up a bun.    


Situ Qing handed the egg in his bowl to her. "Eat this. You should eat more eggs. There is phosphorus fat in the egg yolk. It is good for the development of the baby's brain. "    


"You know this too?" Bai Chichi smiled and took a bite of the egg.    


The egg was peeled by Chen Yuan for Situ Qing, but now it was in Bai Chichi's mouth. She was so angry that her eyes turned green.    


"Come, have a mouthful of porridge. Don't choke!" Situ Qing took care of Bai Chichi with care and care, which made Chen Yuan even angrier.    


What magpie calling? Of course you have a good thing now, they all treat you as a treasure!    


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