Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1427 My Husband Is too Fierce

C1427 My Husband Is too Fierce

0Chen Yuan's tears silently fell from her face. Her heart was moved by Luo Yi's words. This man who looked like a big boy actually had such a gentle heart.    


He was afraid that Chen Yuan would be hurt, so he carefully maintained this so-called colleague relationship. In his heart, how could he not want to be with the woman he loved?    


But Chen Yuan's feelings were very contradictory when she faced Luo Yi's deep love confession.    


"Luo Yi, I thank you for what you did for me, as well as the words you said to me! Believe me, I will remember it in my heart, and I will never forget it!"    


Luo Yi looked at her. "Does that mean you still want to leave me? Chen Yuan, this time I really said my words according to my heart. Please accept my feelings!"    


"How can I accept it? How can I accept it? Luo Yi, I caused Ms Xiaozi to lose her baby and caused Ms Chichi and Brother-in-law Qing to have conflicts and disputes, causing them to live in dire straits every day. You can say that you don't mind, but I do!" When Chen Yuan said this, Bai Chichi could not help but cry.    


Situ Qing whispered to Bai Chichi, "Wife, why are you crying? Luo Yi is currently begging Chen Yuan for love. This is a good thing!"    


"But, but I can't help it!" Bai Chichi felt that Chen Yuan was sincerely repenting, and Luo Yi was also seriously telling what he was thinking. How could she not be touched?    


"If you think that the two of them should be together, then just say it!" Situ Qing reminded Bai Chichi.    


These words really touched Bai Chichi's heart. She quickly said to Chen Yuan, "Yuan, what you said has already passed. I don't blame you. I believe that Xiaozi is the same as me. Quickly put down the burden in your heart!"    


"Ms Chichi, thank you for your good intentions but I really cannot forgive myself! If not for wanting to help Brother-in-law Qing get rid of Master Xiao, I might have jumped down from upstairs a long time ago!" Chen Yuan's tears kept falling, which made Luo Yi's heart ache.    


"Silly girl, what are you talking about?! No matter what, I am your elder sister. How can you not take responsibility and jump off a building? Don't you know that the baby still needs to call you aunt?"    


Hearing Bai Chichi's words, Chen Yuan was stunned.    


She actually forgave her like this. Did she really not hate her anymore?    


"Yuan, did you hear that? I don't blame you anymore. She knows that you have suffered a lot of grievances, and she also knows what kind of pain you have experienced. From another perspective, you are actually just deceived by false things. "    


Situ Qing saw Bai Chichi crying sadly and Chen Yuan also looked sad. He was very anxious. What were these two crying for? Wouldn't it be over if he said it clearly?    


"Even if it is like this, I myself am unable to convince myself. Is this a reason?" Chen Yuan wiped away her tears.    


Situ Qing really did not want to hear her endless regret. Humans were not saints, so how could they not have passed? Knowing one's mistakes could not change anything. This was the words of a saint.    


Since Bai Chichi had already spoken, Chen Yuan also did not need to continue struggling.    


"Alright, there is no need for you to convince yourself. We have already put those past aside. What is the point of you being like this all the time?"    


"Brother-in-law Qing, I have let Ms Chichi and you down. You will regret it if you do this to me!"    


"Regret what? You have already helped me get rid of Master Xiao's power. From now on, my biggest enemy will not appear. This is not an ordinary contribution!" Situ Qing's meaning was very obvious. Chen Yuan's contribution was greater than her previous contribution. She no longer had to use the past to torture herself.    


Luo Yi also said, "That's right. You have made a contribution to Situ Group, and Ms Chichi is so magnanimous. If you don't let go of the knot in your heart, won't you let them down?"    


"I, I. . . " Chen Yuan did not know what to say for a moment.    


She really did not expect that these people could resolve the hatred so easily. It could be seen how open-minded they were.    


"Don't me, you! Be more straightforward! Are you going to leave or not?" Situ Qing didn't like people who were hesitant.    


In the past, he admired Chen Yuan because at that time, Chen Yuan was very generous and straightforward. She would not hide anything from him.    


Although it was only on the surface, it also meant that Chen Yuan also had such a side.    


Why was she still immersed in the past now? This made Situ Qing anxious in his heart.    


Seeing how sincere Luo Yi was, Bai Chichi's heart ached for Chen Yuan. He felt that if Chen Yuan was willing to stay, everyone would be very happy.    


Since everyone was happy, what was the point of being pretentious?    


"If Ms Xiaozi has the same attitude, I will not leave. " Chen Yuan still felt sorry for Situ Family in her heart.    


"You are really hard to deal with! Do you want everyone to come and persuade you to stay before you are willing to let it go? Chen Yuan, you were not like this in the past!" Situ Qing did not stand on ceremony with his words. He had always had a bad temper, especially when it came to people who were close to him.    


Sometimes, Situ Qing felt that the reason why women were troublesome was because their hearts were too tender and could not be hurt.    


Bai Chichi stopped Situ Qing's words and said to Chen Yuan, "Don't worry. Xiaozi will definitely be the same as me! That's right. She is already pregnant and is now immersed in joy. Therefore, it can also be said that she has been pardoned from the world! "    


"Really? Ms Xiaozi is pregnant?" Chen Yuan was really surprised this time.    


That poor baby in the past was actually the main reason why Chen Yuan regretted it. Now that she heard Xin Xiaozi was happy, how could she not feel comforted!    


"Yes, so you don't have to be afraid that she won't accept you!" Bai Chichi comforted Chen Yuan's heart.    


Situ Qing smiled and said, "Now you feel at ease? Yuan, actually, we all treat you like a younger sister. You should know very well in your heart. "    


Chen Yuan naturally knew very well that she used to hate Bai Chichi very much because of this.    


But now, she felt very warm and heartbroken.    


"That's right, you lass. You clearly know the relationship between me and you, but did you call me elder sister?"    


Luo Yi looked at Chen Yuan and reminded her, "That's true. Change your words now. I think it's time!"    


"Actually, from the day I saw Dad's manuscript, I wanted to see you again. It would be best if I could call you Big Sister. But I was afraid that you would hate me, so I didn't want to hear it. " Chen Yuan said a little shyly.    


Situ Qing frowned. "Why do you need to think so much about calling me sister?"    


"You are just a big guy. Yuan's feelings are so delicate. What do you know?" Bai Chichi protected Chen Yuan.    


"I don't understand. Isn't it enough that you understand?" Situ Qing looked at Bai Chichi, his eyes filled with trust and love.    


Chen Yuan looked at them and felt that everything in the past was like a dream.    


Situ Qing was once Chen Yuan's goal. She wanted to get this man. She wanted to see Bai Chichi's painful and disappointed expression with her own eyes.    


However, she had reflected on it. Did that represent love?    


Situ Qing was actually just an idol. He was Chen Yuan's idol. It was a combination of the heart of a young girl and the love of a father. He existed in Chen Yuan's heart with a mature and steady image.    


In addition to Situ Qing's open-mindedness, care, protection and respect, it gave Chen Yuan the illusion that she really fell in love with him.    


Now that she thought about it, it didn't seem right.    


Situ Qing only belonged to Bai Chichi. They were the natural pair!    


Because only Bai Chichi's gentleness and consideration matched Situ Qing's masculine and domineering attitude. Their personalities complemented each other and their temperaments matched. No one else could replace them.    


Chen Yuan saw Situ Qing and Bai Chichi's warm eyes and gentle words on the hospital bed and felt that she had gone crazy back then.    


"Yuan, you can stay. From now on, you will call me elder sister. I am very willing to hear you call me that. " Bai Chichi turned around and looked at Chen Yuan.    


"Yes, stay behind!" Luo Yi looked at Chen Yuan sincerely.    


Situ Qing also said, "Don't leave, or you will be very worried if you don't leave. "    


"Ms Xiaozi, she. . . "    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "You really care about this? How about this, you will know when I call her. "    


Finishing, Bai Chichi picked up the phone from the bedside table and dialed.    


"Xiaozi, do you know who is in front of me now? It is Chen Yuan. She wants to know if you are willing to forgive her!"    


Xin Xiaozi said in surprise, "Chen Yuan is here? Yuan was telling me about her! To be able to catch Master Xiao this time, Chen Yuan was the true hero behind the scenes. Even Mammy Ju was caught because of the information she provided!"    


"Really?" Bai Chichi was also very happy in her heart.    


"Of course it's true. The messages I received earlier were sent by her! This girl finally changed herself! Alright, tell her. I, Xin Xiaozi, am not that kind of narrow-minded person. Now that my baby is back, hurry up and come back while I'm happy! "    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I knew you were broad-minded. Then I will tell her!"    


" Tell her not to leave. Just take care of you for me. I'll come over after lunch! "    


"Yuan, Xiaozi asked you to stay and also said that she would trouble you to help me take care of the baby. Are you willing?" Bai Chichi was not as direct as Xin Xiaozi.    


Only then did Chen Yuan nod her head. "Okay, you are my elder sister. This is my duty. "    


"Well said!" Situ Qing also smiled.    


Of course, Luo Yi was the happiest. He looked into Chen Yuan's eyes. "Really? Are you really not going to leave?"    


"Yes, everyone is so good to me. If I continue to leave, wouldn't it be too hypocritical?" Chen Yuan's face finally revealed a glimmer of hope and a smile.    


"That's great! Let's have a good lunch!" Luo Yi was very happy.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "There's no need for lunch. Let's go now!"    


"Don't say it. I'm hungry too. What can I do for a long time?" Situ Qing frowned and looked at Bai Chichi.    


This was a very serious question.    


However, Bai Chichi said very disrespectfully, "Did you fart?"    


"No, I did not. " Situ Qing was honest.    


"Then we can't eat. Let's starve first!" Bai Chichi rejected him mercilessly.    


"Brother-in-law is so pitiful! But it is true that you cannot eat before exhaling!" Chen Yuan could not help but laugh.    


Luo Yi tentatively held her hand and said, "Health is the foundation of all enjoyment. Let's go eat and buy some good soup for Ms Chichi. "    


"You guys are really detestable. " Situ Qing gritted his teeth and looked unhappy.    


Bai Chichi smiled and coaxed him, "When you have vented your anger, I will give you all the delicious food!"    


Postnatal note    


Three years later.    


"Wife, hurry up and look. The baby hit again!" Situ Qing shouted happily in the backyard.    


Bai Chichi held her lower back with one hand and stroked her protruding belly with the other. She slowly walked out of the living room with a happy smile on her face.    


"Really? My son is so powerful!"    


Situ Qing made two big targets in the yard and was playing with Dabao with a toy gun.    


"Mom, look, I hit a ten-ring mark!" Dabao ran to Bai Chichi with a childish voice and held her hand to let her look at the target.    


"Awesome, baby!" Bai Chichi touched her son's head and gave him a thumbs up.    


Xin Xiaozi and Situ Yuan were roasting chicken wings that were emitting fragrance. They smiled and said, "Look at this rhythm. There is someone who can carry on the mantle!"    


"Brother, I want to play too!" A little girl who looked like she was carved from jade staggered in front of Dabao. This was Situ Yuan and Xin Xiaozi's precious daughter, Little Strawberry.    


Dabao raised his head proudly. "Girl, don't play with this. If you have any problems, Big Brother will protect you!"    


"Well said! Well said! My son is really a man!" Situ Qing laughed proudly.    


Situ Yuan walked over and hugged his daughter. "Yes, we are young girls, but we should be more reserved. If you need anything, just call me brother!"    


"You spoil your daughter too much. It's better to let her be independent!" Xin Xiaozi waved the brush as she shook her head gently.    


"A daughter should be spoiled. Our little princess is the heart of our father!" Situ Yuan kissed the little strawberry on the face.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "It would be great if my child was a daughter. When I was in Tranquility, I was so envious that I had a little jacket!"    


"Yes, wife, you have to fight for it. Let's make a good deal out of it!" Situ Qing walked to Bai Chichi's side and touched her belly.    



The little strawberry was acting spoiled in Situ Yuan's arms. "Dad, I want to play with brother. Let me go!"    


"Okay, okay, okay. Dad will agree to whatever you want to do!" Situ Yuan held this daughter in his mouth, afraid that she would melt. He held her in his hands, afraid that she would fall.    


Xin Xiaozi said to Bai Chichi, "You are about to give birth. You better not stand here and come out after the roast is done!"    


"How can that be? Today is Dabao's birthday. It is not good for me to hide in the living room all the time!" Bai Chichi stumbled and sat down.    


"By the way, when will Chen Yuan and Luo Yi arrive? She is Dabao's aunt!" Xin Xiaozi's temper was still so anxious.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "I just came back from my honeymoon yesterday. Why must there be a time difference?"    


Just as she finished speaking, Chen Yuan's voice came from the living room, "Dabao, Little Strawberry, come and see what Little Aunt brought you!"    


The children happily ran towards the living room. Chen Yuan and Luo Yi's figures appeared at the door. Both of them smiled sweetly.    


In the backyard, the warm winter sun was just right. Everyone's faces were filled with satisfaction and happiness. What a warm scene!    


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