Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C1275 My Husband Is too Fierce

C1275 My Husband Is too Fierce

0In the afternoon, Chen Yuan received a call from Situ Qing.    


"Yuan, did the front desk of the hotel convey my words?"    


Chen Yuan thought, You have been gone for so long and you did not contact me, but now you called me and did not even care about me. This is too much!    


"Yes, Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan suppressed the anger in her heart and said with a smile.    


"Very good. I have booked a flight for you tonight. You can pack up and go to the airport now. Oh right, Meng Rann will accompany you today?" Situ Qing asked.    


Chen Yuan thought to herself, You are really at ease to hand me over to Meng Rann. Don't you know that we have only met a few times on the surface? We are basically strangers.    


"Accompanying me, a very friendly person. " Chen Yuan told Situ Qing everything that she had done today. Of course, she did not mention the agreement between her and Meng Rann.    


Situ Qing said, "I knew she liked you very much, so I was not worried. "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, you suddenly went home. Is there something wrong with Ms Chichi?" Chen Yuan was too lazy to discuss Meng Rann with him.    


"Nothing much, but I suddenly miss home. " Situ Qing did not say that he missed Bai Chichi and rushed back.    


"So that's how it is! But we have indeed been out for a long time this time. I also miss home, and I miss Ms Chichi! If I had known that you were leaving, I would have gone back with you. " Chen Yuan gritted her teeth and said.    


Situ Qing laughed. "How can that be? You said it was your first time going to Chengdu. No matter what, you have to play for a day before coming back. "    


I am right, but the prerequisite is that you accompany me! Chen Yuan wished she could jump in front of Situ Qing and grab his clothes. She looked into his eyes and said the words in her heart.    


"Brother-in-law Qing is very thoughtful. He also asked Miss Meng Rann to bring me along. I am very grateful to you!"    


"Family, you don't need to be so polite. " Situ Qing told Chen Yuan to bring her luggage. After taking care of her safety, he hung up the phone.    


Chen Yuan felt as if she had been splashed with a bucket of cold water. She felt the taste of an ice bucket.    


She was in a bad mood, but she could not express it, which was why she felt particularly uncomfortable.    


After packing her and Situ Qing's luggage, the hotel called a taxi to send Chen Yuan to the airport. She had a sulky heart. They got on the plane.    


It was true that he did not get the result he wanted after calculating the entire plane. Why did Situ Qing and Bai Chichi seem to become even closer instead? They could not wait a day. There was still a coyote and a magpie party in the middle of the night!    


Fortunately, after getting off the plane, he received a call from Situ Qing. "Yuan, are you out? My car is parked outside. "    


Chen Yuan thought happily that he still came to pick her up. At least he had some conscience.    


It was already eight o'clock in the evening. The sky outside the airport also became dark. The autumn night came very early.    


"Brother-in-law Qing!" Chen Yuan saw Situ Qing's car as soon as she walked out of the hall. She smiled and ran over.    


The door opened and Situ Qing came down to greet Chen Yuan. He took the suitcase and lever from Chen Yuan and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work. You still have to bring my things!"    


"It's not hard at all. I'm your assistant. These are all things that I should do!" After seeing Situ Qing, Chen Yuan's heart finally cleared up.    


"I'll put my luggage in the trunk. You get in the car first. " Situ Qing opened the car door behind him and said to Chen Yuan in a gentlemanly manner.    


Chen Yuan nodded and bent down to look. Bai Chichi was sitting comfortably on the cushion and waving at her with a smile, "Yuan!"    


"Ms Chichi?"    


Seeing Chen Yuan's surprised look, Situ Qing said to her," Was it an accident? You, Ms Chichi, were worried that you would take so many things by yourself, so you urged me to wait for you early on!"    


" But it's inconvenient for Ms Chichi to have a big belly. Why did she follow you to the airport? " Chen Yuan's good mood instantly collapsed.    


Bai Chichi smiled and said, "There is nothing inconvenient. It is not like I need to carry my hands on my shoulder. Anyway, I have to work properly!"    


"That's true. But I still feel that Ms Chichi should just wait for me at home. Why would she run around like this and suffer the bumpy ride?" Chen Yuan said it earnestly, but her heart was burning with raging flames.    


Bai Chichi shook her head, "No! She could only be so careful when she opened it. He knows that I am pregnant, so he pays special attention to safety! "    


"Brother-in-law Qing, why did you agree to let Ms Chichi come? Chen Yuan still wanted to say something, but Situ Qing had already closed the trunk and walked to her side.    


"Enough, enough. What are you talking about when you are already here? Hurry up and go in. We have been waiting for you for so long, yet you are still dawdling!" This tone did not give Chen Yuan any face at all. To put it nicely, Situ Qing really treated Chen Yuan like a younger sister. To put it bluntly, he was afraid that Bai Chichi would be anxious waiting.    


Chen Yuan's face turned red and could only obediently get into the car and sit beside Bai Chichi.    


"Yuan, you seem to be unwilling for me to come and pick you up. "    


"How is that possible? I am flattered. You are now the priority target of protection at home, just like a panda!" Chen Yuan cared more about Bai Chichi in front of Situ Qing.    


Situ Qing started the car and said, "Who said not? But she insisted on coming with me. She said that I went home by myself last night and stayed behind. You feel bad about it by yourself. "    


"Hey, what's wrong with that? I had a great time today. Miss Meng Rann is really good at everything. She is really amazing!" Chen Yuan purposely mentioned Meng Rann.    


Bai Chichi looked at her and said with a smile, "Is that so? I heard clearly that yesterday it was you who joked with Meng Rann that made his phone soak in the wine. "    


"En, I've already told Brother-in-law Qing about this matter. He wanted me to compensate him for a phone call, but he refused. "    


"You are a salaryman, and you are my sister. Why would I ask you to compensate me?" Situ Qing drove the car and looked at Bai Chichi through the rearview mirror.    


You are clearly talking to me, but why are you looking at her?    


Chen Yuan was so angry that she could not help but say, "This is what you said. So I don't need to feel guilty! It was just that this time Miss Meng Rann was in trouble! I originally thought that a beautiful woman like her would be hard to get close to, but I didn't expect her to be so amiable!"    


"She's a playgirl. She can find fun and delicious food wherever she goes. It's your fortune to meet her this time. " Situ Qing did not avoid talking about Meng Rann in front of Bai Chichi, which made Chen Yuan feel a little surprised.    


How could it be like this? Could it be that Bai Chichi did not mind at all?    


"Ms Chichi, if you have the chance, you should get to know Meng Rann. She is really not bad. Although she looks to make all the women envious and jealous, she is a good person!" Chen Yuan spared no effort to flatter Meng Rann's benefits.    


Bai Chichi said without batting an eyelid, "Is that so? Meng Rann is so beautiful and moving. Her voice must also be very pleasant to listen to, right?"    


Sound? Why would she mention sound? Chen Yuan could not help but start to drum in her heart.    


Could it be that Meng Rann really did not lie? Did she really receive a call from Bai Chichi in Situ Qing's room?    



What did Bai Chichi mean by saying that? Did she know that the woman was Meng Rann? Would she suspect that Meng Rann's appearance was related to her?    


Just as Chen Yuan was guessing Bai Chichi's thoughts, Situ Qing smiled and said, "Meng Rann's voice is actually not in the traditional sense of sound. It has a bit of smoke and wine. "    


"What do you mean?" Bai Chichi asked with interest.    


"It's a little hoarse, but many people say it's sexy and lazy. I don't appreciate it. I like your clean and clear voice. " Situ Qing glanced at Bai Chichi from the rearview mirror again.    


Bai Chichi gently patted his shoulder. "Even if you want to make me happy, you have to look at the time and place. Drive well. What are you looking at?"    


"I only look when I look good. " Situ Qing held the steering wheel with one hand and touched the back of Bai Chichi's hand with the other.    


Chen Yuan saw it in her eyes and was angry in her heart.    


She did not know how much Bai Chichi knew. But what Situ Qing said just now was like a hint.    


Meng Rann's voice was indeed very recognizable, Bai Chichi would definitely guess.    


But why did it seem like she did not expose it?    


Situ Qing seemed to not know what Meng Rann was up to in his room.    


The more Chen Yuan thought about it, the more confused she became. In her eyes, Bai Chichi had already changed. She had become unfathomable and unfathomable.    


Her heart was already in a state of turmoil, but Bai Chichi had actually openly flirted with Situ Qing in front of her. Chen Yuan really wanted to jump out of the car immediately.    


"Qing, the pastries you brought home yesterday were really delicious. I already ate quite a few pieces! Yuan, you must have eaten them in Chengdu, right?"    


"I don't have Ms Chichi's luck with words. Brother-in-law Qing also won't take me there. " Chen Yuan said snappily.    


Bai Chichi pouted and said to Situ Qing, "Seriously, you should have said so earlier. Then I will leave more for Yuan!"    


"What does that matter? If Yuan wants to eat, I will get someone to bring some for her. Those that I brought back yesterday were specially for you. " Situ Qing was very clear that what was given to Bai Chichi could only be enjoyed by her alone.    


"Brother-in-law Qing, this is a different treatment! For Ms Chichi, you left me behind and didn't even greet me. Now you don't even want to give me a taste of the pastries?" Chen Yuan pretended to be very wronged and said.    


Situ Qing just stopped to wait for the red light. He turned around and looked at Chen Yuan and said, "It's not that I don't want to give you a taste, because I really like it. She is pregnant, so of course I have to accommodate her. "    


"Forget it. Hearing what you said, I won't argue with you. " Chen Yuan said generously.    


Bai Chichi smiled, "Yuan, you are really forthright! That's right, what matters should be settled and what matters should not be settled. You need to be clear about it. Otherwise, it would hurt the relationship and the gains would not make up for the losses. "    


"Ms Chichi, I understand. " Chen Yuan thought to herself, you are deliberately saying this to me, right?    


Could it be that Bai Chichi knew that Meng Rann's acting on the phone yesterday was arranged beforehand? She said that she did not mind, because she felt that it would hurt the relationship between her and Situ Qing?    


You are really good. Chen Yuan looked at Bai Chichi.    


"How about we go and see Hongye in two days?" Situ Qing took Chen Yuan and Bai Chichi home. After parking the car, he opened the door and helped Bai Chichi out.    


"Do you have time?"    


Chen Yuan rushed to say, "I have time. "    


"Yuan, I was just about to say that I do not have time. You can go with Qing!" Bai Chichi said lightly.    


This time, Situ Qing did not agree. "Then forget it. Yuan, perhaps you can ask Luo Yi out. "    


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