Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C659 Hubby Is too Ferocious 658

C659 Hubby Is too Ferocious 658

0"Well said. Who was the one who didn't want to take over the family business and asked me to help you go abroad?" When Kang Shaonan mentioned this matter calmly, Tang Ann's face instantly changed color.    


"You guys. . . Know each other?" Xiao Tong was also stunned when she saw this scene. No matter how big her imagination was, she never thought that Tang Ann and Kang Shaonan would know each other!    


"Don't say that we know each other. I have seen this guy in his pants before. " Kang Shaonan mercilessly attacked.    


Tang Ann and Yu Xiao were about the same age, but Kang Shaonan had already remembered. Tang Ann often went to their house to play, so Kang Shaonan naturally had seen him before.    


But as for the crotch pants, This. . .    


"Kang Shaonan, be careful, we can meet again in the future!" Tang Ann gritted his teeth and looked at Kang Shaonan. Kang Shaonan was older than him. He remembered that Kang Shaonan was already in junior high school when he was still young. Naturally, he had nothing to say about this.    


However, Kang Shaonan knew a lot about Tang Ann's ugly deeds.    


"Puchi. . . " Xiao Tong, who was listening to their bickering, could not imagine how these two people pretended to be polite when they were at the Ming Huang Hotel just now!    


"Didn't I do that because of your Yu Xiao!? She is still a soldier. It is really embarrassing. My wife was sent to the listening device and did not even know about it. " Facing Kang Shaonan, Tang Ann did not have a gentlemanly demeanor at all. He refuted with a venomous tongue.    


"When it came to this matter, Kang Shaonan was indeed speechless. Although he was a soldier, he did not know much about the things of special agents. Now that technology was so advanced, how could he have thought that a pair of earrings was actually a listening device?    


He also did not think that Xuexue would give that thing to Yu Xiao, right?    


However, would Military Commander Kang just let Tang Ann attack him like this? Kang Shaonan's eyes looked around Xiao Tong and Tang Ann, then he smiled and said, "Xiao Tong, there are some things that I don't know if I should tell you. "    


"What is it?" Xiao Tong asked. Seeing Kang Shaonan like this, Xiao Tong became interested. She smiled and said, "What is it about?"    


"About someone. Someone who could think of a way to take off a girl's pants in an elementary school campus. " Kang Shaonan casually threw out this sentence.    


Tang Ann's face changed instantly. His originally white face turned red. "What do you mean I can think of a way to take off a girl's pants? She clearly took it off herself!"    


"Take it off herself? Then tell me, why did you wear female clothing and enter the ladies' room with her?" Kang Shaonan crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Tang Ann with a mocking expression.    


"Isn't this because of my mother?" Tang Ann retorted angrily.    


Tang Ann was very beautiful when he was young. If one did not know about it, they would treat Tang Ann as a girl. Mrs. Tang also liked girls very much, but her stomach was not good enough. She only gave birth to a son.    


Fortunately, this son of hers, Tang Ann, was even prettier than a girl. Those princess dresses and whatnot, the effect of wearing them on him was very good!    


And the matter that Kang Shaonan mentioned was also because of this.    


"Tang Ann, I didn't expect you to have such a hobby. " Xiao Tong stared at Tang Ann with a look of disdain. She was speechless in her heart. She didn't expect that such a gentleman would have such a perverted problem.    


However, Xiao Tong did not know that all of this originated from Mrs. Tang, so the blame was all on Tang Ann.    


"What are you talking about? Get down to business!" Tang Ann did not know how to explain, so he gave Kang Shaonan a space to change the topic with a dark face.    


If he continued to talk about that topic, Kang Shaonan would definitely choke him to death.    


Seeing Tang Ann become serious, Kang Shaonan did not tease him anymore. He sat down next to him and asked, "What is it?"    


"Yu Xiao's pair of earrings is a listening device. Seeing that you are not surprised at all, you already know. " Tang Ann did not ask, but he was sure.    


It was precisely because he was too familiar with Kang Shaonan that he did not need to ask.    


"I heard Yu Xiao say Xuexue gave it to me? Who is this Xuexue?" Tang Ann carefully recalled what Yu Xiao had said in the Ming Huang Hotel.    


A flash of displeasure appeared on Kang Shaonan's face. Of course, this was not directed at Tang Ann. It was for Xuexue. After a while, he said, "This Xuexue is a girl who grew up in the army. No one knows about her background, but her identity should be quite special. Not long after I joined the army, she went overseas. "    


"Not long ago, she called me and said that she came back to China. At the ball at night, I took Yu Xiao to attend the ball. I saw that she was also there. . . " Kang Shaonan briefly told Tang Ann about Xuexue and let him know.    


Although he knew a lot about Tang Ann's ugly things, Kang Shaonan had never denied Tang Ann's ability.    


Xiao Tong was listening to the conversation between the two men. She realized that she could not butt in at all, so she decided not to make things difficult for herself. She leaned on the table and listened to the two men talking.    


"Originally, after buying the tea leaves today, I planned to leave. But because I had no place to go, I wanted to sit in the shop for a while and go home later. " Tang Ann told Kang Shaonan about this in order to tell Kang Shaonan about the method he and Xiao Tong had thought of later.    


"Xiao Tong and An An went over while we were drinking tea. After chatting for a while, Yu Xiao came out of her bag when it was time to eat. The earrings fell out of her bag. I just saw it. " Tang Ann simply said, "I joined a special agent club overseas. This club will have the latest special agent tools developed. When the pair of earrings come out, Number one. "    


"After that, I took Xiao Tong on a ride and discussed with her. I used her cousin's greed to put on an act. It was probably because of this show that the girl called Xuexue wanted to take this thing back. "    


Kang Shaonan became silent when he heard this. According to what Tang Ann said, this kind of thing was expensive. Even if Xuexue opened a company overseas, it was not something she could afford. Not to mention how much money her company could earn, just that she had not been abroad for long. Even if she set up a company, it would not be long.    


It was impossible for him to have so much savings. The reason Xuexue wanted this listening device back was not because it was expensive, but because she did not want him to discover anything.    


In other words, Xuexue did not want to expose herself!    


In other words. . .    


"Tang Ann, how long have you been in the Secret Service Club?" Kang Shaonan suddenly asked. The club that Gu Sen had found out about required an acquaintance to be able to enter. Tang Ann had been overseas for quite some time.    


He also liked the things of special agents. If he wanted to join the club that Xuexue was in, it would not be difficult. . .    


"Yes, it should have been two or three years. " Tang Ann did not expect Kang Shaonan to ask this question. He was stunned for a moment and then said.    


He had been traveling abroad for four years. Not long after he left the country, he joined the Secret Service Club. It had been two or three years.    


"It's not a short time either. " Kang Shaonan nodded and looked at the sky outside.    


He went to the army with Yu Xiao after noon and came back from the army. The sky was completely dark now.    


What happened next was not convenient for Xiao Tong to know.    


If Xuexue really had a problem, then the fewer things Xiao Tong knew, the safer it would be for her.    


"Tang Ann, it's late today. Take Xiao Tong home first. We will meet again another day. " Kang Shaonan said and took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Tang Ann. "This is my phone number. Call me if you need anything. "    


Tang Ann took the business card and put it in his pocket. He also took out his business card and gave it to Kang Shaonan.    


He had known Kang Shaonan for so long, so he naturally knew what Kang Shaonan meant.    


So Tang Ann said to Xiao Tong, "Beautiful young lady, I don't know if I am lucky enough to send you home. "    



Xiao Tong blushed and nodded shyly.    


When Tang Ann said how they knew each other, Xiao Tong felt embarrassed, but it was not good to leave directly. She could only pretend that she did not hear him.    


It was not a good thing for any girl to drink the rest of the water the first time they saw each other.    


Fortunately, Kang Shaonan was worried about Yu Xiao and Xuexue's matter and did not care about Xiao Tong's matter, which also made Xiao Tong less awkward.    


Now that he said he was leaving, she naturally wished for it.    


Xiao Tong nodded her head and frowned. After hesitating for a while, she still said to Kang Shaonan, "Military Commander Kang, when we go back, I will trouble you to tell Yu Xiao what happened today. "    


"I had no choice but to cooperate with Tang Ann in that act, but I am worried that Yu Xiao will think too much. When we go back, you should explain it to her. " Xiao Tong reminded.    


"Okay. " Kang Shaonan naturally would not reject his wife's matter and nodded his head in agreement.    


Tang Ann left with Xiao Tong and Kang Shaonan returned to the car. He took out a card from his pocket and put it into his phone. He made a call. "Gu Sen, investigate every detail about Xuexue after she went abroad. "    


"Boss, what happened to make you so nervous again?" Gu Sen joked. He knew very well that other than the country's matters, only Yu Xiao's matter could make Kang Shaonan so nervous.    


"I'm afraid there's a problem with Xuexue's sudden return. " Kang Shaonan said seriously, "Although she only did it to Yu Xiao, I keep feeling that things are not that simple. "    


"So serious?" When Gu Sen heard Kang Shaonan's words, a serious expression appeared on his face. "Do you need to report it to the higher-ups?"    


When Kang Shaonan heard this, he felt a little troubled.    


What was the meaning of reporting it to the higher-ups now? With just a listening device? This could only prove that Xuexue was hostile towards Yu Xiao, but it did not mean that there was any harm to the country, right?    


"There is no need for that. You investigate first and make your plans after you have investigated clearly. " After thinking about it again and again, Kang Shaonan rejected the suggestion to report it.    


"Okay, boss. " Kang Shaonan was Gu Sen's superior, so Gu Sen naturally wouldn't say anything about his orders.    


However, even though he knew Gu Sen's character, Kang Shaonan still couldn't help but remind him, "Remember, this matter can only be known by you alone. You can't fake everything. "    


"Don't worry. " Gu Sen said, "By the way, boss, there is a matter that has just been investigated. I haven't had the time to report it to you yet. "    


"It's about the matter that you asked me to investigate last time. . . "    


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