Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C560 Hubby Is too Fierce 559

C560 Hubby Is too Fierce 559

0"Xiaoxiao, listen to me. In this month's time, I thought about a lot and understood a lot of things. Some things. I won't say it out loud. It'll be hard for me to live for the rest of my life. "    


Yu Xiao heard what she said and nodded, "Jingya Sis, say it!"    


"I think you must know that Shaonan and I used to be classmates in university. At that time, Yu Haofan liked me. Yu Haofan and Shaonan were best friends, so Shaonan never had any thoughts about me. However, I feel that I am outstanding in every aspect. I also have enough confidence in my appearance. I believe that Kang Shaonan will fall in love with me one day. Later, Yu Haofan followed his parents and migrated to Canada. I thought that I finally had a chance, but who knew. . . Shaonan actually joined the army the year Yu Haofan left.    


Since then, I have been unwilling. I don't believe that an outstanding girl like me would be indifferent to me. After he joined the army for half a year, I heard from others about his army. Since then, I've been writing to him nonstop, but every letter was like a stone sinking into the ocean. He has never returned a letter to me. After I graduated and wrote to him, I returned one letter after another, and then I found out that he was transferred from that unit. I can't accept it. It took me two years to find him. At that time, he was a soldier in T City. I tried to find a way to work there, although I couldn't see him. But thinking about how I could live in the same city as him, I'm content.    


Later on, I finally met him. At that time, he seemed to have grown up. After not seeing him for a few years, he became mature and manly. I found it even more difficult to extricate myself. Later, because I went to the army many times, he took me to have dinner. I don't know why he got drunk that night, but for the first time, he talked about you to me. He said that he fell in love with a girl, but because of his negligence two years ago. . . I asked him what happened when I hurt that girl. He said that because of his poor command, your best friend died in front of you. He didn't say anything else.    


Later on, he asked someone to find out your whereabouts, as long as he had time. . . He went all over the country to find you, and I didn't understand what he was doing. Go to the army and tell him that I will be waiting for him for the next five years. He kept rejecting me. Actually, if I had known the truth five years ago, I would definitely have given up.    


But he never said a word until a month ago when you were kidnapped. . . Only then did I know what kind of secrets he had been keeping all these years. Xiaoxiao, I'm telling you these things. It's not that I want to tell you how much I love Kang Shaonan, but I want to say how wrong I am. This man really loves you. He never cared how others looked at him. He only cared about you. Xiaoxiao, if you really give up such a good man because of me, In the past, I went into a dead end. Maybe it was because I was too competitive. When I was in school, I had to get first place every time. I thought that love was no different from learning. As long as I persist to the end, I will definitely succeed.    


Only now did I realize that I was really wrong! Love is not about me loving others, others must repay me with the same love. Xiaoxiao. I know that I have hurt you a lot because of me. I'm sorry! But I hope you don't hate me. Just treat me as a test of your love! Today Jingya Sis told you all the things that she held in her heart and now I am free. I wasted the most beautiful five years of my life. From now on, I am going to find a true love that belongs to me. Xiaoxiao. I sincerely hope that you and Kang Shaonan will be happy for the rest of their lives!" An Ya let out a long breath and looked at Yu Xiao with a relaxed smile," After saying so much, I don't know if you understand what I mean. Xiaoxiao, I hope that the next time we meet, Haofan is still waiting for me. I'm leaving! Goodbye! " After saying that, An Ya stood up. She smiled and nodded at Yu Xiao, then turned around and left the coffee shop.    


Yu Xiao saw Anya walk out of the coffee shop. Through the wide glass window, she saw her smiling as she walked towards Yu Haofan who was not far away. The two of them held hands and left together. Yu Xiao watched the two of their backs gradually disappear. She lowered her head and silently looked at the drinks in front of her. After a while, she stood up and walked out of the coffee shop.    


After Ren Zhiping sent her daughter away, she began to hurriedly arrange the things that her daughter had bought one by one. During the busy process, she couldn't help but smile when she thought of her daughter being so sensible.    


"Look at how happy you are. Isn't it just that you moved into a better house? And you are so happy?" Yu Jiahou, who was standing beside her, couldn't help but tease her when he saw how happy his wife was.    


"Sigh, I didn't feel it when I was rich in the past, but now I'm broke and penniless. I just realized that my life is more satisfying than before. Look at our Xiaoxiao. From seven years ago until now, I never dared to think that one day, she will support our family! "    


"Yes! We were the ones who implicated her. Look, she's pregnant now, and she still has to worry about the two of us. The more she thought about it, the more she felt sorry for her! Oh right, did you call Ming Yusong? "    


" Yes! He's quite far away from us! He'll probably need to drive for five or six hours to get there! Right, Where do you think we'll meet with him?"    


"Why don't we let him come to our house! It also shows that we're sincere. You make a table of good dishes, consider it as compensation for him! What do you think? " Yu Jiahou thought about it and suggested.    


"En, I think it will work! Forget it, don't clean it up. Let's go to the supermarket to buy groceries first!"    




Ren Zhiping and Yu Jiahou put down the work in their hands and took the money out of the door. They went to the supermarket to buy a bunch of vegetables. When the two of them entered the house, it was already 11: 30 PM. Yu Jiahou closed the door, while Ren Zhiping put her things away and went straight to the sofa to sit and rest. Her butt had just touched the sofa. Ren Zhiping's phone rang. She took the phone out of her bag and saw that it was Ming Yusong's number. She nervously pressed the answer button.    


"Hello! Are you a friend of the pilot?" When the call connected, it was not Ming Yusong's voice, but the voice of an unfamiliar man.    


"Yes. . . Yes! Excuse me. . . Why is his phone in your hand? " Ren Zhiping nervously held the phone tightly.    


"It's like this! I am the traffic police on duty on the highway. Unfortunately, I have informed you that your friend had an evil traffic accident on the highway. He was seriously injured and is now unconscious. He has been sent to the nearest Municipal Hospital in Q City. Please come quickly!"    


"You, you, what did you say? You mean. . . He had a car accident? " The traffic police's words scared Ren Zhiping so much that she stood up from the sofa. She opened her eyes wide and asked in disbelief.    


"Yes! Please inform his family members!"    


"Yes, I'm sorry. I, I don't know his family members. . . " Ren Zhiping was so nervous that her hands started to tremble.    


"Okay, then I will think of another way!" The other party immediately hung up the phone.    


Ren Zhiping held the phone in her hand and froze on the spot. She had not recovered from the traffic police's words for a long time.    


"I say, what is wrong with you?" Yu Jiahou walked over and looked at his wife, puzzled.    


Ren Zhiping came back to her senses and looked at Hubby in front of her. Her body went limp and she collapsed on the sofa. She looked blankly ahead and tears of regret flowed out. "Ming Yusong. . . There was a car accident. . . If anything happened to him, Xiaoxiao would hate us to death! What should we do? What should we do?" After Ren Zhiping finished speaking, she burst into tears.    


" Car accident? Why. . . Did he get into a car accident?" When Yu Jiahou heard his wife's words, he was also stunned on the spot. He only sat down on the sofa after a long time.    


"What should we do? Xiaoxiao will hate us. . . . What should we do? " Ren Zhiping kept saying regretful words and tears kept flowing down.    


Yu Jiahou looked forward with lifeless eyes, "Let Xiaoxiao come and tell her the truth. If we don't say it now, I'm afraid we won't have a chance in the future!"    


Ren Zhiping kept shaking her head and tears kept rolling down her face. "How should we tell her? Should we say that her biological father is about to die? I can't say it. I can't say it. . . "    


Yu Jiahou let out a long breath and took out his phone. He looked at his daughter's number on the phone and hesitated for a moment. Finally, he found Kang Shaonan's number and dialed it.    


"Dad! Can't you get Xiaoxiao's number?" Kang Shaonan was a little surprised to receive a call from his father-in-law.    


"Shaonan, can you take Xiaoxiao home right now? Xiaoxiao's mother and I have something very important to tell Xiaoxiao!" Afraid that Yu Xiao would not be able to take the blow, Yu Jiahou reminded Kang Shaonan to come back with his daughter.    


" Okay! I will bring her there!"    


"You have to be quick, okay?"    


"Got it, Dad!"    


When Kang Shaonan hung up the phone, Yu Xiao happened to be back. Kang Shaonan briefly explained what his father-in-law said, but Yu Xiao did not say anything. The two of them closed the door and went back to their parents' new home.    


The car did not go far before Kang Shaonan looked at his wife and asked, "Wife, where did you go just now?"    


"I didn't go there. I just wanted to go out for a walk!" Yu Xiao looked outside the window and replied softly.    


Kang Shaonan saw that his wife was not in high spirits, so he deliberately joked with her. "Tell me honestly, did you go to meet your lover?"    


"Yes. . . " Yu Xiao answered lightly, but her quiet and elegant words still echoed in her ears.    


Kang Shaonan heard his wife's answer and laughed. "Tell me, who is he? Let me know him too!"    


"You really want to see him?" Yu Xiao looked back at him and asked faintly.    


"Of course! How can I not see such an important person? I have to give him a good political lesson. Digging someone else's corner is a very shameful act! Wife, who is he? Do I know him?"    


" Yes! "    


"Who is it?!"    


"Jingya Sis!"    


Just as Yu Xiao finished speaking, the car suddenly stopped by the side of the road. Kang Shaonan held the steering wheel and looked at his wife nervously. "What did you talk to her about?"    


"Nothing much. . . " Yu Xiao looked at the front and replied faintly.    



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