Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C543 Hubby Is too Fierce 542

C543 Hubby Is too Fierce 542

0Yu Xiao hugged her shoulders tightly and her body trembled like leaves falling from the autumn wind. She ignored his words. . .    


About half an hour later, there were only two policemen left at the scene. They accompanied Kang Shaonan to protect Yu Xiao.    


The sky was getting darker and darker. Knowing that they could not continue wasting time here, Kang Shaonan once again stretched out his hand to his wife. "Xiaoxiao, let's go home. . . "    


"Ah!! Ah!" Yu Xiao, who was in the corner, was touched by Kang Shaonan. She suddenly screamed and jumped up. She ran to the door in a mess. She had just run two steps when her body suddenly froze and then she fell back.    




The next morning after Yu Xiao was rescued, almost all of the relatives and friends were saved. But everyone. . . They were all stopped outside the ward. Yu Xiao smashed everything in the ward, and no one could get close to her. When she heard Fu Zihao say the truth from seven years ago, her mind completely collapsed. Anyone who tried to get close to her. . . It will cause her extreme panic.    


Even Yu Xiao's parents were stopped outside of her world.    


She seemed to have forgotten everyone. She did not know anyone.    


In the end, other than Yu Xiao and Kang Shaonan, there was no one else in the ward.    


She tightly hugged her arms. Her shoulders trembled, and her eyes widened in horror as she looked at everything around her. That expression completely tore Kang Shaonan's heart apart. But he knew very well that right now. . . The only thing he could do was to accompany her through this most difficult period of time.    


Afraid of disturbing her, Kang Shaonan sat two meters away from her and softly called her name over and over again.    


"Xiaoxiao, I am Hubby. We just got married three months ago. You always call me Kang Shaonan. Kang Shaonan is my name. Think about it. . . Xiaoxiao. . . "    


Although Kang Shaonan did his best, the whole morning had passed. Yu Xiao was still the same as before.    


When it was close to noon, the sound of rapid footsteps in the corridor finally broke the silence. A few doctors in white coats rushed into the ward and walked straight to Yu Xiao, wanting to take her out of the ward. This was the medical staff Liu Xiaoyun called to the mental hospital.    


Seeing his wife screaming and struggling under the few of them, Kang Shaonan pushed away a few people and protected his wife tightly in his arms. He shouted at them, "Get lost! Get out!"    


"Ahhhhhhh!!" Yu Xiao kept hitting his face in Kang Shaonan's arms. She grabbed his hair and bit his wound. The gun wound that she had just bandaged last night was bleeding from the bite. Her hand and mouth fell on all the places she could touch.    


Her face was scratched and her wound was torn. Even her clothes were torn. However, the pain in his body was not even one thousandth of the pain in his heart. Kang Shaonan hugged her tightly, as if there was only his embrace. To give her the greatest security. But she was still in his arms, kicking. Biting, tearing. . .    


The doctors looked at each other, shook their heads, and walked to the door. Liu Xiaoyun left the few of them behind and brought them back to the ward. She walked to Kang Shaonan's side and said, "Son, Xiaoxiao has gone crazy. You should let her go where she should go!"    


"Nonsense! She just can't accept it for a moment. She is my wife! None of you can think of taking her away! Get out! Get out of here!" Kang Shaonan's eyes were bloodshot. He shouted at the top of his lungs. He, who had never cried before, was now hugging his weak wife. Tears suddenly fell from his eyes. Boundless self-blame and regret drowned him. He hugged his wife and cried.    


Silence. Accompanied by Anan and watching Yu Xiao lose control through the glass door, Kang Shaonan's heart was broken and he was crying. Tears immediately streamed down his face. "Anan, I was wrong! I was really wrong! "    


Anan hugged her sister, and her tears fell.    


That's right! Wrong! Very wrong! However, nothing could be salvaged!    


Yu Xiao's world was completely in chaos!    


Because she could not withstand this sudden blow, her spiritual world instantly collapsed!    


Because of Yu Xiao's special condition, the doctors in the hospital had come to communicate many times. This was a place that needed silence, but Yu Xiao's scream had seriously affected the normal work of the hospital. Although everyone was very sad, after hearing the hospital's statement, they silently agreed to the other party's suggestion and transferred Yu Xiao to the mental hospital.    


But every time, it was blocked by Kang Shaonan. He was a soldier. He had a fiery temper to begin with, and it was even more shocking at this moment. He hugged Yu Xiao tightly. No one could pull Yu Xiao out of his embrace. In the end, no one could bear to persuade him anymore. Old Master Kang finally got the news and rushed to the hospital. He looked at the scene of his eldest grandson and his granddaughter-in-law. He personally used his connections to force Yu Xiao to stay in this hospital. However, the hospital still put forward the conditions. If Yu Xiao could not get better within a week, she still had to leave this place.    


That afternoon, she struggled for too long. Adding on the fact that she did not eat for a day and night, Yu Xiao used up all her strength. She gradually calmed down in Kang Shaonan's arms. Ren Zhiping brought some food and walked to the two people's side to feed her little by little. But Yu Xiao opened her mouth and spat out all the food she ate. Finally, She did not even drink a mouthful of water. Ren Zhiping looked at her daughter's silent tears, but in the end, there was nothing she could do.    


For three consecutive days, Yu Xiao did not stop dripping water. Perhaps she was familiar with Kang Shaonan's embrace. She had been quietly hiding in Kang Shaonan's embrace with her eyes wide open. Her two eyes were looking at a certain point in front of her. Kang Shaonan kept talking into her ear. His voice was hoarse. His throat was dry, but he did not give up. Liu Xiaoyun brought food to her son. She wanted him to eat a little, but he did not eat anything.    


His wife was enduring inhumane torture. How could he eat?    


When Yu Xiao fell asleep, a doctor came in to treat Kang Shaonan's wound and bandaged it again. Kang Shaonan carried Yu Xiao for three whole days just like that.    


On the third night, the surroundings were silent. It was so quiet that one could hear the sound of a needle hitting the ground. Kang Shaonan felt a wave of heat coming from his arm. A warm liquid fell on his body. He moved the corner of his mouth in excitement. He shouted her name in a hoarse voice, "Xiaoxiao. . . "    


The body in his arms moved, and then a heartbreaking voice came. "Kang Shaonan. . . I am. . . Second-hand goods? "    


After three days, she finally returned to this world. However, when she thought about what had happened earlier, she felt so hopeless. . .    


"No! No! You're not! You are my, Kang Shaonan's wife! Fu Zihao lied to you! He lied to you! Don't believe him!"    


She shook her head helplessly in his arms. "He didn't lie to me! Kang Shaonan, I remember now! On the small path, Brother Junyuan. And you, we knew each other seven years ago. . . Right? "    


" Yes! We knew each other seven years ago, and I liked you back then! Xiaoxiao, I fell in love with you the first time I saw you. . . "    


"Kang Shaonan. . . " Yu Xiao looked forward with lifeless eyes. Deep in her eyes, there was a heartbreaking despair spreading.    


"Yes, I am here!"    


"Let's. . . Divorce. . . "    


"No! I don't agree!! I don't agree! Xiaoxiao! I love you! I have always loved you. Can't you feel it?"    


" Listen to me. . . Alright? "    


. . . "Okay, as long as you don't say divorce, I'll listen to you!"    


"Are you pitying me because of. . . What happened seven years ago? That's why you married me?"    


"No! No! Xiaoxiao, I like you. Can't you feel it?"    


"Since it isn't, then give me some dignity. Let's divorce!"    


" No! I don't agree! I will never let go of your hand for the rest of my life! "    


The room fell into silence once again. . .    


A few minutes later, Yu Xiao spoke again.    


"I'm so tired, I want to sleep in the same bed for a while. . . "    


"Okay!" Kang Shaonan stood up and carried her to the bed to lie down.    


"You should sleep for a while too!"    



"I will sleep after you fall asleep!" Kang Shaonan raised his hand. He stroked her hair and answered gently.    


"Good night!"    


"Good night!!"    


The surroundings became quiet once again. Yu Xiao closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep.    


Perhaps it was because she was too tired, but not long after Yu Xiao fell asleep, Kang Shaonan also lay beside Yu Xiao's bed and slept.    


During the three days when Yu Xiao lost control of her mind, Kang Shaonan's nerves were constantly tense. He was afraid that his negligence would lead to some big mistake. The moment Yu Xiao woke up, He was happier than anyone else, but listening to what she said. . . His heart was ruthlessly torn apart once again. He hugged her tightly, wanting to give her the greatest courage and comfort. He wanted to tell her, no matter what she became, His love for her had never changed.    


Looking at her obediently sleeping on the bed, he felt a great comfort in his heart. In the half month since Yu Xiao disappeared, He had been enduring tremendous torment and his body was extremely tired. He originally wanted to take a short nap, but he did not expect to close his eyes. They were actually both. However, he had something on his mind after all, and his sleep was also extremely shallow. A slight noise in the corridor woke him up from his sleep. He looked at the empty hospital bed in front of him. He jumped up and opened the door to chase after Guo Lai.    


The entire corridor was empty. There was no one there. Kang Shaonan quickly observed for a while, then lifted his leg to chase after them. Along the way, He prayed in his heart, hoping that his wife would not do anything stupid. However, when he pushed open the door to the top floor, he was still stunned. Under the dark night sky, Yu Xiao stood on the steps. She gently stretched out her arm and did not dare to think too much. He used all his strength to run over. The moment her body fell forward, he quickly hugged her weak body.    


On the way to heaven, a pair of strong hands reached out and left her in this world again.    


Kang Shaonan carefully carried his wife down and held her tightly in his arms. He sat on the ground with tears streaming down his face.    


"If I die, we will be free. . . " Yu Xiao stared blankly ahead and blinked weakly.    


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