Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C530 My Husband Is too Fierce 529

C530 My Husband Is too Fierce 529

0But every time, she seems to be in more pain than before.    


The time when he quietly jumped into the sea, he didn't sleep for the entire night!    


That night, he found the phone number Yu Haofan left for him when he left. He called with the intention of giving it a try. Originally, he did not have much hope. After all, it hadn't been a year or two. He didn't expect the phone to be connected unexpectedly. The person who picked up the phone was Yu Haofan!    


It had been many years since they last saw each other, so they naturally chatted a lot. But at the same time, They still talked about An Ya. He also knew from that day that Yu Haofan had never let go of An Ya. This news made Kang Shaonan somewhat excited. He told the truth and told his old classmate about his current situation. And what was even more unexpected was. . . Yu Haofan was preparing to return to the country and develop his career in the country. When he heard this news, Kang Shaonan felt a little relieved in his heart.    


Now, he had finally returned!    


After breakfast the next day, Kang Shaonan arranged for his wife to study hard at home for a day. After he arranged everything, he left the house alone. When the car drove out of the neighborhood, Kang Shaonan took out his phone and called Anan. If Anan didn't help him with Yu Haofan's matter, the success rate would be greatly reduced.    


Since it was Saturday, Anan was at home. She was a little surprised to receive Kang Shaonan's call, but after hearing what he said, she immediately packed up and left the house to go to the coffee shop Kang Shaonan mentioned.    


When An An arrived, Kang Shaonan was already there. He was sitting there. He waved at her from a window and Anan immediately walked over.    


"I suddenly received a call from you today. I thought you were going to take revenge!" An An sat down across from Kang Shaonan with a smile on her face.    


"What revenge?"    


"Last time, I went to your army to seek revenge on you! Who would have thought that it would be such a coincidence? I just left. Your chief sent you out right after I left! You don't really think that I said anything, do you?" When Anan heard that Kang Shaonan had left for a month, she was speechless. She didn't do it. But I still feel guilty.    


Kang Shaonan looked at her and smiled. "I forgot about it. When it comes to that, I have to thank you. "    


"Thank me? Why?" Anan blinked in confusion.    


"If you hadn't complained to Military Commander Zuo that I didn't have time to spend with my new wife, I would have come back from my mission. I wouldn't have had this one month vacation either! " Kang Shaonan only found out when he walked into his office that Anan had indeed met Military Commander Zuo. She did talk to Military Commander Zuo for a while, but what she said. . . She just hoped that commander would give her a little more time to accompany her newlyweds.    


"Then tell me the truth. When I walked into the office building, did you think that this little girl must have said bad things about me?" An An giggled as she looked at Kang Shaonan and asked.    


"Absolutely not!"    


"Is that true?"    


"Because I believe in Xiaoxiao's judgment. She is such a kind-hearted person. The friends she makes must also be kind friends! If I doubt you, isn't it also doubting her? "    


"It is not a shame that you are regimental commander! Alright, did you find me today because you need my help? Did something happen to Xiaoxiao?" Ever since the incident last time, Anan had a lot of things to think about. She knew that Kang Shaonan and Yu Xiao were married. It was impossible for her sister to get involved with them. It was also immoral. Furthermore, the person Kang Shaonan loved was Yu Xiao!    


"It's not her problem! I called you here today because I want to talk to you about Jingya!"    


An An's eyes darkened. "Don't you think it's unnecessary to talk about my sister with me? What can you give her now? "    


"I know I owe your sister, but I can't give her anything. Whether it's now or in the future, I can't give her anything. "    


"Then why did you ask to come today?"    


"It's a long story. When I went to college with your sister, I was in the same class, and I had the best classmate. His name was Yu Haofan, and he signed up with your sister at the same time. I fell in love with your sister at first sight. He chased your sister for two years, but later he found out that your sister liked me. He took the initiative to quit going to Canada with his parents. I asked you to come today to tell you. . . Yu Haofan is back! He's not married, and he still can't let go of your sister!"    


"You mean. . . You want him and my sister to. . . ?" Anan immediately understood what Kang Shaonan meant.    


"We can't guarantee anything about our relationship, but the three of us were very close at that time. Iron Triangle, someone in the class called him. The photo you took when you went to the army to look for me last time was actually. . . Cut off by your sister!" Kang Shaonan took out a photo of three people from his pocket as he spoke. He put it in front of Anan.    


Anan was shocked by the photo. She picked up the yellowed photo and looked at it. As she expected, after removing Yu Haofan, the rest of the photos were exactly the same as what she had seen!    


"I'm sorry!" Anan thought about how she had run to the army to look for him when she didn't know anything. She felt sorry for him.    


"Don't say that! I owe your sister! I called you here today because I hope that you can help Haofan when he returns. After all, they have a relationship foundation, and Haofan will wholeheartedly treat your sister. I can't give Jingya what she wants, but I hope that she will be happy. "    


An An looked at Kang Shaonan and was silent for a while. She did not know what to say for a moment. Finally, she looked at Kang Shaonan and sighed. " Xiaoxiao. . . Did not see the wrong person! Can I meet that Yu Haofan? "    


"Of course!" After saying that, Kang Shaonan immediately waved his hand at Yu Haofan, who was waiting not far away.    


An An An followed Kang Shaonan's line of sight and saw a handsome and steady man with decent facial features walking towards them with a smile. Anan's eyes lit up! She stood up as well when Yu Haofan walked up to her.    


"Haofan, this is Jingya's sister, Anan!" Kang Shaonan introduced Anan to Yu Haofan.    


"Anan, hello!" Yu Haofan smiled and extended his hand to Anan.    


"Mr. Yu, hello!" Anan politely shook his hand.    


"Wrong!" Yu Haofan corrected her with a smile.    


"What's wrong?" An An was confused by his words.    


"Not Mr. Yu! You have to call me brother-in-law!" Yu Haofan was not polite at all.    


"Pfft! You really have extraordinary confidence!" Anan was amused by his explanation. The atmosphere suddenly became harmonious.    


Yu Haofan sat down next to Kang Shaonan and said with a smile, "Your sister is such a strong fortress. Can you take it down without confidence?"    


"Since you are so confident, why did you leave back then?" Although she had not said anything yet, she still had a good impression of her future brother-in-law.    


"Isn't Shaonan my best friend?" Yu Haofan looked at Kang Shaonan and smiled.    


"In the end, it was my fault!" Kang Shaonan smiled and nodded.    


"Of course it was your fault! Otherwise, my son would be a bystander!" Yu Haofan smiled and explained to Anan, "Shaonan and I have not seen each other for many years, but we still like to joke like before! You are Jingya's sister, and I don't treat you as an outsider! You don't mind, do you? "    


" I don't mind! I don't mind!" Anan shook her hand with a smile. Her sister was too quiet. If Yu Haofan was a quiet man, she would have been worried. Now that she saw Yu Haofan so bright and cheerful, she was confident in her sister's future happiness.    


"When are you going to see my sister?" Anan wished she could have someone to save her sister. Now that Yu Haofan was right in front of her, she didn't want to waste any more time.    


"One week later!" Speaking of Anya, Yu Haofan became more serious.    


"Why?" Anan looked at him in confusion.    


"Do you think my sudden appearance in your house is useful to Jingya?"    


"Yes, I don't think it will do much good!" Anan shook her head.    


"My company will be open for business in a week. I need your help before that!"    



"Okay. No problem!"    


Kang Shaoxi was a little listless when she woke up in the morning. She did not have time to wash up. She rummaged through her bag from inside to outside. She did not find a single cigarette. But now that she was addicted to smoking, she couldn't find a cigarette to satisfy her craving. She couldn't do anything. But in this house, women absolutely couldn't smoke. But if they didn't have cigarettes, Her heart itched again. Finally, she tiptoed out the door. She ran to her father's study and searched, but found nothing. She went back to her bedroom in disappointment. She walked back and forth uneasily a few times. Finally, she took out her phone and called Qi Liang. She asked him to drive her car to buy her a pack of cigarettes. Of course. . . She had to keep this matter a secret.    


Qi Liang did things very quickly. When Kang Shaoxi finished washing up, He had already driven back. Kang Shaoxi deliberately put on a loose outfit and went downstairs. She took the cigarette from Qi Liang and quickly returned to her room. Once she closed the door, She impatiently lit a cigarette and took a puff. But what made her very disappointed was, until she finished smoking the entire cigarette, She didn't feel that comfortable and refreshed feeling from head to toe. She didn't believe it. She took out a few more and lit them up. After sucking a few mouthfuls, she threw them all away. There was an indescribable feeling in her body. It made her heart upset. In the end, she helplessly took out her phone and called Fu Zihao.    


"Morning, my dear!" Fu Zihao's lazy voice came from the phone.    


"Fu. . . Zihao, I want to. . . Ask you something?" Kang Shaoxi sniffed and suppressed the desire in her heart to ask.    


"What is it?"    


"Do you. . . Still have cigarettes? The one you gave me last time. . . "    


Fu Zihao heard Kang Shaoxi's words and smiled. "Yes! I have a lot here. Go to my office to get it later!"    


"Okay. . . Okay! Thank you, Zihao. . . " Kang Shaoxi swallowed her saliva and even said thank you in the end.    


"Haha! You fool. Am I not your fiancé? You're being polite with me! I'll have breakfast first. See you later, my dear!" Fu Zihao smiled and hung up. He looked at the phone records on his phone and smiled in satisfaction once again.    


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