Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C85 Shao Zhanping Fell down

C85 Shao Zhanping Fell down

0"No!" Xiaoxiao could not stand this kind of torture and suddenly stopped. She looked up at Zheng Haodong and said apologetically, " Mr Dongzi, I'm sorry! I am still worried about him! I'll go back first. I'll come with you another day!" After saying that, she turned around and wanted to run back. She wanted to stop a taxi!    


Zheng Haodong ran a few steps and grabbed her arm. He looked at her and sighed helplessly. "I wanted to bring you out to have fun. What's the point of me playing alone when you go back? Let's go! I'll bring you back now!" With that, he took her hand and strode towards the car.    


They quickly got into the car and headed towards the city. Along the way, Xiaoxiao was a little worried as she tightly twisted her bag. She was afraid that if she went back late, Shao Zhanping's legs would be affected.    


" Mr Dongzi, do you think he will be seriously injured? That staircase is very high. . . " Xiaoxiao looked out of the window and felt her heart tighten.    


Zheng Haodong could not help but sigh when he heard her words. He sighed," Don't worry! He will be fine!"    


In his heart, he could not help but feel somewhat disappointed. He turned his head to look at the absent-minded Xiaoxiao and suddenly had a bad premonition!    


It was very likely that he had fallen in love with Shao Zhanping!    


Along the way, Xiaoxiao was somewhat uneasy. Under her urging, Zheng Haodong drove the car very quickly. When the car stopped in front of Shao Zhanping's apartment, Xiaoxiao quickly jumped out of the car. When she closed the door, she looked at Zheng Haodong and explained apologetically, " Mr Dongzi, Don't be angry. I'm just worried that he will get hurt. I will find you another day! You can go! I will go back alone! " After saying that, she ran into the unit without looking back!    


Zheng Haodong looked at her back and sighed in disappointment. After a long silence, he started the car and went back to his hotel.    


After getting out of Zheng Haodong's car, Xiaoxiao ran towards the apartment without looking back. After entering the elevator, she watched as the elevator door slowly closed. Her eyes stared at the constantly changing number. The elevator stopped. She rushed out of the elevator and ran towards Shao Zhanping's apartment. Fortunately, when she came here in the past, Shao Zhanping gave her a key, so she opened the door and quickly ran in.    


She did not care about changing her shoes. She ran to the stairs and saw that there was no trace of Shao Zhanping there. However, there was a trace of blood on the stairs. She was shocked!    


"Shao Zhanping! Shao Zhanping!" Xiaoxiao shouted as she ran into the bedroom. When she opened the door, she saw him lying on the bed. Xiaoxiao immediately ran over and squatted beside him nervously. She saw that there was a band-aid on his forehead and his arm seemed to have been cut by something. She immediately looked at him nervously. She said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I'm late. . . "    


Shao Zhanping saw that she had finally come back and smiled faintly. "I'm fine. "    


"It's all my fault. " She put the bag to the side and looked at the injuries on his body. She couldn't help but feel sorry in her heart.    


"Did I disturb you?" Shao Zhanping propped himself up on the bed with his hands and leaned his body against the headboard.    


Xiaoxiao got up and sat down beside him. She answered insincerely, "No. . . " After a moment of silence, she looked up at him in confusion. "Why did you go up the stairs?"    


Shao Zhanping smiled. "There are some fitness equipment up there. I want to go up and practice arm strength! But I lost my balance and fell down. . . "    


"You should have waited for me to come back! If something were to happen to you, how would I explain it to my family? " Xiaoxiao looked at him reproachfully.    


Shao Zhanping smiled and stretched out his hand to shake her hand, but just as he stretched out his arm, he could not help but frown. Xiaoxiao looked at him nervously, "What's wrong? Is your arm not comfortable?"    


"When I fell down, my arm twisted! You just need to warm my arm with a hot towel. "    


"Wait for me!" Xiaoxiao heard him and immediately got up to go into the bathroom. She took a basin of hot water and came out. She soaked the towel and slowly put it on Shao Zhanping's arm.    


"Xiaoxiao. . . " He looked at her thoughtfully.    


"What's wrong?" Xiaoxiao focused on the towel on his arm.    


"Thank you for coming back in time! I thought you wouldn't come back. . . "    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and smiled. "I promised to take care of you. I heard you say that falling down from the stairs scared me to death! When there is no one at home, you are not allowed to climb that high again. Do you hear me?" Xiaoxiao did not notice her tone at all. She looked at Shao Zhanping and reminded him worriedly.    


"Okay, I will listen to you!"    


"Where's Xiao Lee?" Xiaoxiao looked at him in confusion.    


"He helped me deliver important documents. "    


"Really?" Xiaoxiao looked at him happily and secretly felt happy for him.    


"But I might have to wait until my vacation ends before I send the documents. "    


"That's great!" Xiaoxiao laughed happily as she spoke.    


Xiaoxiao's face turned red and she corrected him somewhat without confidence, "You should call me by my name!"    


Shao Zhanping looked at her and smiled faintly. "Okay!"    


Xiaoxiao helped him apply the arm, put the basin back into the bathroom, and then walked back to Shao Zhanping's side. Seeing that it was almost noon, she looked at him and asked, "What do you want to eat? I will go and cook for you!"    


"As long as you cook, I like to eat!" Shao Zhanping replied without even thinking.    


"Then rest! I'm going to cook. " Xiaoxiao finished speaking and walked out of the kitchen. When she passed by the stairs, she looked at the bloodstains on the stairs and felt some lingering fear in her heart. She let out a long breath and raised her hand to pat her chest. She was glad that Shao Zhanping did not have any major problems, so she went to the kitchen to prepare lunch.    


The lunch was done very quickly. Xiaoxiao put all the food on the table, then helped Shao Zhanping to the table and sat down next to him.    


"Xiaoxiao. . . " When Shao Zhanping picked up the chopsticks, he looked at her and wanted to say something.    


"What's wrong?"    


"Have you ever thought about how you will live the rest of your life?"    


Xiaoxiao blinked and did not understand what he meant. "What do you mean?"    


"My legs are getting better and better. I think I will be able to walk as normal as you in no time. At that time, you can't stay at home with me every day. You should have your own life!" She was too young, so she should have her own life. He also knew very well that it was impossible for him to keep her by his side.    


Xiaoxiao nodded her head. "I found a few jobs a while ago. When your legs are better, I will go and try!"    


She had thought about these things a long time ago. She would only stay in Shao Family for three months. After leaving Shao Family, No matter who she married in the future, she had to find a job.    


"Then prepare well. When Xiao Lee comes back, you can apply for the job. "    


Xiaoxiao nodded happily, but after a moment, she looked at him with worry. "But what if grandpa and your father ask about it? Your body hasn't fully recovered yet. They definitely won't agree easily!"    


"Don't worry, I'm here! There won't be any problems!"    


Xiaoxiao heard his words and smiled.    


Because he drank too much last night, Shao Zhengfei slept until ten o'clock in the morning before he woke up. His whole body was aching and aching. He raised his hand and wanted to rub his forehead. But just as he lifted his arm, he touched something. He suddenly opened his eyes and realized that he was actually sleeping on the carpet. He turned his head to look at the bed and found that Sun Xiaoting was no longer there.    


Where did she go?    


He got up from the ground and sat on the bed. He looked at the time and realized it was already ten o'clock in the morning. Only then did he remember that he drank too much last night. Maybe he rolled down from the bed when he slept. He first sat on the bed for a while. Then he swayed his body and went to the bathroom to wash up. He then changed into a new shirt and pants, and then went downstairs a little haggard.    



When he walked down the stairs, he saw Sun Xiaoting holding a fruit plate. She was holding a fork and eating fruit piece by piece. She looked like she was enjoying it. He knew that she was now a pregnant woman. Shao Zhengfei did not think much about it. He put his hand in his pocket and went to the kitchen to look for food. But after looking around in the kitchen, Other than some milk, he found nothing. His stomach was growling with hunger. He could only look at Sun Xiaoting. "Wife, he said. Make me something to eat! I'm starving!"    


Sun Xiaoting looked at him. "Now I smell the smell of oil and smoke and will vomit. Isn't there a maid at home? Let them cook! "    


"Is sister-in-law here?" Shao Zhengfei wanted to say Xiaoxiao, but when the words were about to come out of his mouth, he quickly changed his mouth. Xiaoxiao's cooking had always been delicious. If she was there, she would definitely help him cook.    


Sun Xiaoting got angry when she heard his words, but she also knew that she had just married into the Shao Family and could not get angry so easily. She suppressed the anger in her heart and looked at him and said, "She went out early in the morning with Shao Zhanping. Who is like you. . . " Thinking about what happened last night, she could not help but roll her eyes at him.    


Shao Zhengfei coughed twice and looked at the empty living room. He asked, "Where are the others? Why aren't they here?"    


"grandpa is outside tidying up his flowers. Our mother said she was going out to meet a friend. She should be back soon, right?"    


Shao Zhengfei heard what she said and nodded. He was so hungry that he could only turn around and look for the maids.    


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