Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C31 To Let Her Divorce Her Husband

C31 To Let Her Divorce Her Husband

0"What's wrong, honey?" Seeing Sun Xiaoting constantly sizing him up, Shao Zhengfei turned his face to look at her and smiled.    


"Zhengfei, what happened to you these two days? Why are you so depressed?" Sun Xiaoting stared into Shao Zhengfei's eyes, trying to see something.    


"When he heard Sun Xiaoting ask him, Shao Zhengfei's eyes darkened. He sighed heavily and looked away. He quietly looked at the road in front of him.    


"Zhengfei, did your Big Brother say something to you? Or did your family not agree with us being together?" Seeing his expression, Sun Xiaoting nervously held his arm and asked.    


"Xiaoting, I think I should tell you the truth! But you must not be angry!" Knowing that Big Brother and Xia Xiaoxiao's marriage could not be hidden for long, Shao Zhengfei thought about it and decided to tell her the truth.    


"Okay! I am not angry. Then tell me, what exactly happened?" Sun Xiaoting stared at him closely.    


"In the office the day before yesterday. . . Didn't Big Brother and Xiaoxiao appear together?"    


"Yes. . . " Sun Xiaoting nodded.    


"Do you know what they did after they left that day?"    


"Did they go to your house together? Then, is your dad going to chase you out of the Shao Family? Aiya, then what should we do? Isn't Shao Zhanping the leader of the group? How could he do such a thing?"    


Shao Zhengfei immediately held her hand to comfort her. " Xiaoting, it's not what you think! After they left that day, they directly registered for marriage! Xiaoxiao is now my sister-in-law. . . "    


" What did you say? They. . . They are married? " Sun Xiaoting was shocked by this matter for a long time and could not recover from her shock. She widened her eyes and could not believe that what she heard was true.    


"Yes! The wedding was postponed by a week. Big Brother had already convinced Xiaoxiao's mother and both parents had agreed. Sigh. . . How do you think I will face her in the future? " Shao Zhengfei thought of living in the same house as Xia Xiaoxiao in the future and could not help but have a headache.    


"No! Zhengfei, you cannot let them get married! You, Big Brother, will definitely do this to take revenge on us! Right, Didn't Xia Xiaoxiao listen to you very much in the past? Call her and ask her out. Let's talk to her! Quick! " Sun Xiaoting, who had regained her senses, immediately urged Shao Zhengfei. In her opinion, The reason Shao Zhanping wanted to marry Xia Xiaoxiao was to take revenge on him. If that was really the case. . . Even if she married into the Shao Family in the future, she wouldn't have a good life. That man had a bad temper to begin with. If it wasn't because of regimental commander's identity and Shao Family's business, she wouldn't have tolerated him for so long.    


Shao Zhengfei hesitated when he heard Sun Xiaoting's words. "We. . . Asked her out to talk about what?"    


"What did you say to talk about? Of course, we wanted her to divorce Big Brother!"    


Shao Zhengfei sighed. "I tried to persuade her that day, but she didn't listen to me! I thought Xiaoxiao's mother would definitely oppose this marriage, but who knew. . . She actually agreed. . . " Up until now, he still did not understand what method Big Brother used to get Xia Xiaoxiao's mother to agree.    


" There were so many people together that day, it definitely would not be possible. Today, the two of us asked her out together. Besides, I'm pregnant now. Think about it, if she really lives with us in the Villa of Shao Family in the future. . . If anything happens to me because of her, what should I do? "    


Shao Zhengfei thought about it and felt that her words made sense. He took out his phone and dialed Xia Xiaoxiao's number.    


After Xia Xiaoxiao got out of Shao Zhanping's car, she walked along the sidewalk. Not long after, she saw Shao Zhanping's car pass her and disappear into the line of cars in the distance. She looked at the pedestrian street not far away. She wanted to stroll around by herself to relax her mood. She hadn't gone far when. . . She immediately picked it up to take a look. It was actually Shao Zhengfei. She looked at the familiar number and bit her lips. After a while, she picked up the phone and put it beside her ear.    


"Xiaoxiao, it's me!" When he heard the phone pick up, Shao Zhengfei couldn't wait to speak.    


"It had only been two or three days, and she had not sorted out everything. When she heard his familiar voice again, she found that she still couldn't control her emotions. She kept telling herself in her heart to be strong, but she opened her mouth. But she didn't say anything. A layer of dense fog rose in her eyes, and endless grievance kept surging up.    


"Xiaoxiao, are you listening? It's like this. Do you have time now? I want to meet you!"    


Xia Xiaoxiao tried her best to suppress her emotions. Her throat was still choking as she asked, "What's there to see?"    


"Xiaoxiao, I know I have let you down. There have been too many things that happened in these two days and I did not even have a good chat with you! Where are you? I will go and find you! "    


"Tell me on the phone! I don't want to see you now!" She was really afraid that she wouldn't be able to control herself. Once she saw him, she couldn't help but cry.    


"Xiaoxiao, don't be like this. In the future, we will still live in the same house. Do you think that if you don't see me today, you won't see me in the future? I just want to talk to you today. Let's meet, okay? Xiaoxiao. . . "Shao Zhengfei was afraid that she would hang up the phone and quickly advised her.    


The other end of the phone hesitated for a long time before a reply came in the end. " Okay! I'm at the pedestrian street, come and find me!" Xia Xiaoxiao hung up without waiting for Shao Zhengfei's reply.    


"What did she say?" Sun Xiaoting nervously stared at him when she saw Shao Zhengfei take the phone away.    


"We are going to the pedestrian street now. She is there!"    


"That's great!"    


Shao Zhengfei's car arrived in about half an hour. The two of them agreed to meet at a nearby coffee shop. When Xia Xiaoxiao walked in, She saw that there was another person sitting beside Shao Zhengfei - Sun Xiaoting! She stood at the door and froze for a moment. Sun Xiaoting also appeared here. It was completely out of her expectations. She thought about how Shao Zhengfei had ruthlessly pushed her away for the sake of this woman. A heart-piercing pain surged from the bottom of her heart!    


But no matter how uncomfortable and painful her heart was, she only hesitated for a second or two before walking in!    


"Xiaoxiao, you came? Quickly sit!" Seeing Xia Xiaoxiao walk over, Shao Zhengfei immediately stood up with a smile. He even attentively pulled a chair for her to sit on.    


Sun Xiaoting opposite also acted as if nothing had happened and greeted Xia Xiaoxiao with a smile, "Xiaoxiao, quickly sit!"    


Xia Xiaoxiao indifferently looked at the two of them and silently sat opposite of them. She looked at Shao Zhengfei and asked coldly, "Tell me, what do you want to talk about?"    


"Xiaoxiao, it's like this. . . Actually today. . . I want to. . . " Seeing that there was no smile on her cold face, Shao Zhengfei did not know how to say it. After all, in nine years, even if he did not love this girl, he still had affection for her.    


"Aiya, let me say it!" Seeing Shao Zhengfei stuttering, Sun Xiaoting immediately took over the words and looked at Xia Xiaoxiao with some guilt as she said, "Xiaoxiao, ah. Actually, we don't have any other thoughts today. We just want to come over and apologize to you. The two of us have let you down! Actually I originally wanted to leave Zhengfei, but I can't let my child not have a father the moment it was born. Don't you think so?" Sun Xiaoting understood Xia Xiaoxiao's personality from Shao Zhengfei's words. She knew that she was a soft-hearted person. Let's talk about the child first.    


Xia Xiaoxiao heard her words and slightly blinked her eyes. She looked at Shao Zhengfei. "Makes sense! I also don't have a father. I know the pain of losing a father!" After saying that, she looked at Sun Xiaoting and smiled. "You cannot treat the child unfairly! You did the right thing! "    


When Shao Zhengfei heard her mention her father, he immediately looked at Xia Xiaoxiao apologetically. "Xiaoxiao, he said. I know that whatever I say today will not reduce your pain! But I still apologize to you!" As he spoke, he took out a cheque from his pocket and placed it in front of Xia Xiaoxiao. "This is five million! Consider it the debt I owe you and your Xia Family!"    


Xia Xiaoxiao listened to him and her gaze fell on the cheque for five million. She stared at the cheque for a few seconds and looked up at Shao Zhengfei with a smile. She was extremely disappointed in her heart. "Five million? Is this money for love, or does it include my father's cornea?"    


"Xiaoxiao. . . " Hearing her words were a little unpleasant, Shao Zhengfei did not know what to say.    


Sun Xiaoting immediately took over the words. "Both! These five million were Zhengfei's compensation for you, and it also included the money Uncle Xia donated to Zhengfei for the cornea. . . "    


Xia Xiaoxiao looked at the two of them with a sarcastic smile, "Do you have anything else to do? If there is nothing else, I will leave first! " Xia Xiaoxiao said as she lifted her bag and was about to leave. She did not even look at the five million yuan check.    


"Xiaoxiao! Wait a minute!" Shao Zhengfei quickly stopped her.    


" If you have something to say, say it! " She really did not want to see these two people. Xia Xiaoxiao herself did not understand. In these nine years, how did she fall in love with such a man?    


"Actually, you don't need me to tell you about the relationship between the four of us. You already know everything. Xiaoting is now pregnant with my child and I have already broken your heart. I can't hurt her and the child anymore, but. . . If you really marry me, Big Brother, the four of us will have to live under the same roof from now on. I know you are a good girl, and you are kind. Can you leave me, Big Brother, for the sake of our child?"    


" Big Brother and I have already gotten our marriage certificate. We are legally husband and wife! You mean. . . You want me to divorce him? " Xia Xiaoxiao looked at him and asked coldly.    


"I, Big Brother, have a bad temper. Even if you really marry him, you will not be happy in the future! Taking advantage of the opportunity now that there was still a chance, don't continue to make mistakes. Alright? Xiaoxiao?" Shao Zhengfei looked at her nervously.    


Xia Xiaoxiao couldn't help but laugh when she heard his words, "Only now do I know that the person who was always wrong was me!" She didn't want to continue talking with these two people. She stood up with the bag and looked coldly at Shao Zhengfei. "Shao Zhengfei, she said. No matter who I marry in my life, it has nothing to do with you! You are going to be a father soon. You should keep the five million. Because I think my feelings and my dad's cornea are priceless!" After saying that, she did not give Shao Zhengfei a chance to speak and quickly left the coffee shop.    


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