Flash Marriage: Husband is Too Wild

C32 Baby What's Wrong with You?

C32 Baby What's Wrong with You?

0Sun Xiaoting looked at Xia Xiaoxiao's back and curled her lips in disdain. She looked at Shao Zhengfei, who was beside her. She was a little angry and reached out to take the cheque of five million. "Are you crazy? Five million! One million is enough for her!" As she spoke, she put the cheque into her bag. Shao Zhengfei took it over.    


"The funds in the company are tight recently. Give it to me first!"    


"Why did you give her so much money when you are short on funds?" Sun Xiaoting asked in a depressed tone.    


"I know she won't take it!"    


Sun Xiaoting heard his words and could not help but laugh, "You really know her well!"    


Shao Zhengfei looked at her and then looked in the direction of the door. He was a little depressed. "What if she does not want to divorce my Big Brother?"    


"If she doesn't want to divorce, then forget it. She doesn't have any relationship with you, Big Brother. With Big Brother's bad temper, no one can tolerate him! Who knows, she might take the initiative to propose a divorce soon! "    


"Well, what you said makes sense!" Shao Zhengfei nodded in agreement. He looked at Sun Xiaoting and said, "Let's go back!"    


Sun Xiaoting sat and did not move!    


"What's wrong?" Shao Zhengfei looked at her in confusion.    


Sun Xiaoting looked at him with a slightly depressed expression. "I even have a child with you. You still refuse to propose to me. Do you really want your son to have no father? Have you never thought of marrying me? " Marrying into the Shao Family had always been her dream. Now that she finally had a child as a bargaining chip, she had to seize the opportunity no matter what.    


Shao Zhengfei couldn't help but laugh when he heard her words. He held her hand in his palm and rubbed it. "Look at what you said. If I don't want to marry you, I won't fall out with Xiaoxiao, right?"    


"When are you going to bring me to register? You, Big Brother, married Xia Xiaoxiao on the first day we met. Do you know that he was trying to show off to you? If you don't marry me, he will definitely laugh me to death!" This was a good opportunity for her, and she could not let it go.    


"Even if we go and register for our wedding, we should wait until Big Brother and Xiaoxiao's wedding. " This matter was a little urgent, and Shao Zhengfei had never considered it.    


"What does his marriage have to do with you? Besides, registering is very simple. As long as the two of us agree, it will be done today! You just don't want to marry me. . . Since that's the case. . . Then let's talk it out! You go on your own path, I'll go on my single wooden bridge!" Sun Xiaoting pouted and stood up, pretending to pick up her bag and leave!    


"Aiya! Baby! What's wrong with you? Let's have a good talk, don't be angry! What if it affects the fetus?" Once Sun Xiaoting stood up, Shao Zhengfei immediately held her shoulder carefully and let her sit back down.    


Sun Xiaoting's tears instantly gushed out and she said with grievance, "You definitely don't really love me. You are still thinking about that Xia Xiaoxiao, right?"    


"I swear to God, I really did not! I just felt that this matter was a little sudden. . . Look, it's already noon today. Let's go tomorrow, okay? " Shao Zhengfei thought about it and felt that registering for marriage was not a big deal. Anyway, Sun Xiaoting was already pregnant with his child, so he nodded and agreed.    


"That's what you said!"    


"I said it! We'll go register for marriage tomorrow! From now on, you are Mrs. Shao! " Shao Zhengfei smiled and comforted her.    


Sun Xiaoting giggled and looked at him reproachfully, "Disgusting!"    


Xia Xiaoxiao came out of the coffee shop and immediately hailed a taxi to leave. Looking at the changing scenery outside the car window, tears of heartache rolled down one by one. She never would have thought that. . . Shao Zhengfei actually brought Sun Xiaoting, that woman, to see her. It was Shao Zhengfei who actually gave her a cheque of five million yuan.    


Five million!    


What did he think he was? What did he think of her father's feelings?    


Nine years ago, her father treated Shao Zhengfei as his son. . .    


She felt that it was not worth it! She also felt that it was not worth it for her father!    


Her heart was torn apart piece by piece, and tears flowed out uncontrollably from her eyes like a broken dam. . .    


Even when she saw him and Sun Xiaoting together in the office, she was not as heartbroken as she was now! Nine years! Thinking about this long and passionate time, She could not help but laugh at herself. Nine years! She used nine years to see clearly what kind of man he was! Ridiculous! Really too ridiculous! How could she waste such a long time for nothing?    


Xia Xiaoxiao! You are too stupid! You are really too stupid!    


Tears flowed freely on her face, but that heartbroken smile was still hanging on her face. . .    


The car finally stopped at the seaside. Xia Xiaoxiao paid the fare and got out of the car. She walked towards the beach alone! These few days of life were too difficult and depressing for her! She had to face the betrayal of Shao Zhengfei and Shao Zhanping. The most painful thing was that she had to face her mother every time she went home!    


Whether it was Shao Zhengfei's betrayal or Shao Zhanping deliberately causing trouble for her. . . It's not even as painful as a mother's look!    


Most of the time, she did not dare to face her mother's eyes. Those eyes contained too many things, and they were too heavy. Every time, they pressed down on her until she could not breathe! The sea breeze mixed with a bit of the fishy smell of the sea breeze and blew over. It lifted up a bit of her short hair and made her instantly sober up.    


Xia Xiaoxiao, no matter what you have experienced, no matter what you have done, it is just a matter of the past! From now on, you must learn to start anew! In this world, there must be someone who was born for you in this world!    


A melodious ringtone interrupted Xia Xiaoxiao's thoughts. She took out her phone from her bag and saw an unfamiliar number on it! She was not in the mood to answer. She reached out and hung up. She looked at the time and saw that it was an unknown number! It was almost noon. She wanted to go home and accompany her mother. She lifted her foot and prepared to leave.    


Her phone rang again at this moment. Xia Xiaoxiao frowned and picked it up again. She looked at the number on it and hesitated for a moment before answering the phone!    


"Hello!" Xia Xiaoxiao's voice was a little stiff and sounded cold. At this moment, she really did not have any mood.    


"Xiaoxiao. . . " A familiar male voice sounded from the other end of the phone. His voice was so warm and carried a strong familial feeling which instantly melted Xia Xiaoxiao's heart.    


" Mr Dongzi!" Xia Xiaoxiao's eyes teared up when she heard this familiar name, but she had a happy smile on her face. However, this call was too sudden and surprised her. She still did not believe it. " Mr Dongzi, is it really you?"    


In her memory, only Zheng Haodong would call her that!    


Zheng Haodong, who was on the other end of the phone, smiled. "What is it? Did you forget me after not seeing me for a few years?"    


Xia Xiaoxiao laughed as she cried, "How could that be? I will not forget you! Mr Dongzi, where are you? Tell me where you are! Are you back?"    


"I just came back. I came to your house to see your mother. I wanted to give you a surprise, but you weren't home. " Zheng Haodong heard her surprised tone and replied with a smile.    


" Mr Dongzi, wait for me. I will go back immediately! Right away!" Xia Xiaoxiao heard Zheng Haodong's words and immediately withdrew her line and ran to the side of the road. She wished she could hurry back home in the next second.    


Zheng Haodong heard that Xia Xiaoxiao's voice was no longer in the phone. He put down the phone with a smile and looked at Zhao Yahui opposite him. "She said she will be back in a while. . . "    


Zhao Yahui also smiled. "When you come back, she will definitely be very happy! Dongzi, how have you been doing in the past few years? Looks like it's not bad. . . "    


Zhao Yahui kept looking at this child as she spoke. In the past, she had been neighbors with the Zhuang family. He often found his daughter Xiaoxiao to play with. A few years ago, he did not know why he insisted on going out to make a career. His family could not stop him no matter how hard they tried. At that time, Zheng's mother even specially came to find her to help persuade him. But who knew that Zheng Haodong would not listen to anyone's words and in the end, he still left the city. He did not expect that after a few years, That naughty young man from before had become a polite and cheerful man.    


Hearing Zhao Yahui praise him, Zheng Haodong grinned and smiled. "Auntie, I didn't make much of a name for myself. I just opened a small restaurant. Anyway, I can feed myself. "    


"That's not bad! Dongzi, you didn't bring a girlfriend this time?"    


Zheng Haodong smiled again. "Auntie, I don't have a girlfriend yet! By the way, Auntie, how is Xiaoxiao? Didn't she get engaged to Shao Zhengfei?"    


Hearing his words, Zhao Yahui's eyes dimmed as she sighed. "Sigh. . . "    



"Auntie, what is wrong with you? Did something happen to Xiaoxiao? Did Shao Zhengfei bully Xiaoxiao? " When he saw Auntie Shen's expression, Zheng Haodong stared at her closely and asked.    


"Dongzi, Auntie doesn't treat you as an outsider. Since you're back, Auntie will tell you the truth. . . " Zhao Yahui always had a good impression of this child and believed that she would not misjudge him.    


"Auntie, please speak!" Zheng Haodong immediately looked at her nervously.    


Zhao Yahui forced out a bitter smile and sighed again. She slowly said, "Xiaoxiao and Zhengfei had a falling out in his office two days ago. They broke up that day. . . "    


"They broke up? Why?" Zheng Haodong frowned and asked eagerly.    


"Zhengfei has been with another girl for half a year. Xiaoxiao only found out the day before yesterday. This child is too stupid. She is the same as her father!" Thinking about how her daughter had surrounded Shao Zhengfei for so many years but ended up in this kind of situation, Zhao Yahui's heart ached and her tears could not help but fall.    


Zheng Haodong immediately took a tissue and handed it over. "Auntie, don't be too sad. This kind of thing is not necessarily a bad thing for Xiaoxiao. If Shao Zhengfei betrays her after marriage, doesn't that mean she doesn't even have the chance to regret it? Don't you think so? "    


Zhao Yahui nodded in pain and took the tissue to wipe her tears. She looked at Zheng Haodong apologetically. "Dongzi, when you came back, Auntie told you this kind of thing. Don't blame Auntie. . . "    


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