You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C335 Video

C335 Video

0The people who had been scolding her in the morning were speechless to praise her resume and photograph.    


After browsing through the webpage for a while, Jian Yun sighed. These netizens changed their direction too quickly!    


Today, she had already received countless phone calls. There were relatives, friends, and friends who had not been in contact for many years. They were all here to get closer to her to gather information. There were even people who asked if they could enter the Huo's through the back door and become Huo Liancheng's secretary...    


Later on, Jian Yun simply turned off her phone and refused to listen to any calls. Only then did she stop. Just as she was about to exit the Someone was reloading a video, and when she opened it, her heart sank.    


This video was probably taken by her phone and it was not very clear. It was a dance. The dancing woman was dressed in ancient clothes. Her sleeves were gently swaying and her figure was extremely beautiful. Even though the person who was filming was far away from the stage, it could make the people watching her dance feel that beautiful dance that made people's hearts beat faster.    


Jian Yun was very familiar with this dance. It was the West Province Song. When she was in high school, she participated in the competition. Her father specially found a professional teacher to make a dance for her according to the music. This dance had even won the silver prize for the youth group in the East China At this moment, the stage and environment that was filmed in the video, Jian Yun could tell at a glance that this was the legendary club of that Boss Pu.    


However, didn't Boss Pu not take pictures of the guests with his phone? Why did the video come out? And at this time, who posted the video? What was his or her purpose?    


Jian Yun was nervous. She saw that the number that sent the video was newly registered. Clearly, it was someone who wanted to do it. Furthermore, there was a line of words left behind. It was just a stripper dancing in the clubhouse. Hur hur. In the end, she even asked Huo Liancheng to wipe his eyes.    


In just a few minutes, a lot of reviews had been reposted, and the number of comments was increasing rapidly.    


Jian Yun frowned deeply. She did not want to look at the comments. She did not need to think to know that the comments must be cursing her for being low. It was vulgar and shameless. Indeed, she was dancing at the club. But she did not dance any lowly dance. Back then, the reason why Boss Pu had left her was because he had taken a fancy to her graceful temperament.    


However, Jian Yun could not explain these words. She felt that it must be someone who wanted to get on her bad side. Otherwise, why would there be another wave before it was over? It would not let people stop.    


"Why are you looking so bitter again?"    


Huo Liancheng came out of the study room and saw Jian Yun holding her phone and sitting on the sofa with a serious expression. He could not help but hit her on the head in amusement.    


"Look, I don't know who sent it." Jian Yun sighed. This person just wanted to provoke Huo Liancheng, but they definitely would not have thought that Huo Liancheng already knew about that.    


Huo Liancheng took the phone and looked at it casually. He did not say anything. He only fiddled with it a few times and then threw it to Jian Yun. Jian Yun looked over curiously. The main page of Huo Liancheng's Weibo was on his phone. Now, other than the top marriage certificate Weibo, he posted another video. It was also a video. It was the same dance video as the one just now.    


However, the difference was that the video Huo Liancheng sent was in high definition.    


Jian Yun saw that as soon as she posted on Weibo, there was a bunch of comments below. Even though Huo Liancheng did not write anything, his post was high. A high definition video was enough to show that he knew his wife was dancing at the club, but so what? He liked it! He didn't care!    


Furthermore, Jian Yun's dance was so beautiful that people would not associate it with the word vulgar. Even if there was a piece of clothing in between, she did not reveal anything. The lights dimmed. She was wearing a beautiful cheongsam.    


This high-definition dance video quickly reached the top of the trending search list. Countless people came to kneel and many dance professionals praised her. Some people came out to deny that Jian Yun was invited to dance. She was not a dancer at all.    


In a moment, Jian Yun was completely furious.    


Jian Yun only just remembered something very important at this moment. She raised her head, "Why do you have this video?"    


Huo Liancheng sat beside Jian Yun and reached out to hold her. "Pu Zhigang gave it to me."    


Jian Yun raised her eyebrows. He kept it all the time.    


"Do you know how I felt when I saw you on stage?" Huo Liancheng asked.    


"How did you feel?" Jian Yun was curious.    


"I really want to strangle you!" Huo Liancheng narrowed his eyes and said coldly.    


"Did I offend you?" Jian Yun pretended to be angry, "I danced my dance and earned my money. How did I offend Young Master Huo?"    


"Pu Zhigang did not say that to me." Huo Liancheng's lips curled up. It was not a smile, but a cold smile. "He said that there is a fresh one. Top quality. He wants to play with me."    


Jian Yun's little face fell. She said angrily, "But I really did not agree to him. He did not mention it to me. I thought it was enough to just dance like before."    


"So you are still young. " In the past, you were just lucky that he didn't find your value, so he didn't do anything to you! " Huo Liancheng thought of Pu Zhigang, and his dark eyes suddenly turned cold. What he did not tell Jian Yun was that not long after he left the clubhouse that night, Pu Zhigang looked for him again and asked him about his attitude towards Jian Yun. He hinted that he would take over if he was bored.    


The reward Huo Liancheng gave Pu Zhigang was that he had sealed the club. If he dared to covet his woman, he would have to pay the corresponding price. Poor Pu Zhigang. He probably did not know that he had a good background. How did the police find a large amount of ice powder from the clubhouse for no reason and shut the clubhouse down?    


"Yeah, yeah. I'm too young. That's why you pinched me until I turned blue and purple every time!" Jian Yun did not want to talk about what happened in the past, especially the conflict with Huo Liancheng on the night she danced in the clubhouse. He insulted her. Even though their relationship had become warmer now, when she thought about it, she would still feel uneasy.    


Huo Liancheng heard her and looked at Jian Yun in shock. In the past, when he flirted with her, Jian Yun would blush and avoid him. Why did she take the initiative to flirt with him in just a short day? Why did she even say such obvious words?    


"Did you bump into the door these two days?" Huo Liancheng reached out to touch Jian Yun's forehead and frowned, "Or did you have a fever?"    


Jian Yun originally wanted to change the topic but did not care what she said. After she finished speaking, she realized that there was some ambiguous meaning to her words. She wanted to say something to cover up but when she heard Huo Liancheng questioning her, she immediately got angry. She jumped up and shook off Huo Liancheng's hand. She deliberately sneered and said, "Yes, my head was caught by the door. So you must not take what I said today seriously."    


The corner of Huo Liancheng's mouth twitched. He grabbed Jian Yun and pounced on her.    


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