You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C395 Danger

C395 Danger

0"Who says you don't have a backer? You still have me! " Jian Yun did not get the intention of Wu Wenjing's words. She really thought that Wu Wenjing was sighing about her background, so she very righteously reached out to put her hand on her shoulder.    


"Hey, hey, hey, stay away from me. If you do not want to carry me back!" Wu Wenjing immediately screamed and ran far away.    


Jian Yun smiled and stood at the hospital entrance. Looking at the sun in the sky, she felt that her originally gloomy mood because of Luo Yanyan's matter had not become so bad at this moment. However, when she turned her head and wanted to tell Chen Xin to go to the Ming's directly, she was surprised to find that Chen Xin's eyes were fixed on Wu Wenjing who had already run far away.    


"Brother Chen?" Jian Yun's heart moved. These two people had grown up together in the past when they were childhood sweethearts. Could it be that they were going to rekindle their relationship?    


Chen Xin came back to his senses. Seeing Jian Yun's pensive look, he immediately clarified, "Don't think about it. It's not what you think!"    


Jian Yun raised her eyebrows, "Do you know what I'm thinking?"    


Chen Xin's masculine and cold face revealed a trace of a smile, "Your women's thoughts are always different from men's. I guess. Do you think I still have feelings for Wu Wenjing?"    


"Then, do you have any?" Jian Yun suddenly looked forward to it. She was very clear about Chen Xin's character. He was a very responsible and dedicated man. Since he followed Huo Liancheng, his salary would definitely be considerable. If Wu Wenjing could be with him, it would indeed be very good.    


"No!" Chen Xin denied bluntly, "If there was, I would have done it long ago. Why wait until today? In fact, I have been protecting you in secret for a long time. I knew you two had a good relationship."    


Jian Yun heard this and was instantly disappointed, "I thought you two could develop!"    


"Too much time has passed. No matter how deep the relationship is, it will become faint. Moreover, back then we were all young and our minds were not mature. These years, we have experienced many things separately. Chen Xin said thoughtfully, "It's just that I can't touch her. Since I met her, I can't ignore her. After all, I also allowed her grandmother to take care of her."    


Jian Yun sighed, "Then I think that if you have no intention of getting close to her, don't get too close to her. Otherwise, she will misunderstand something and it will not be easy to settle things in the future. I don't want her to    


"Do you think I will hurt her?" Chen Xin and Jian Yun had been talking to each other as they walked. At this moment, they turned to look at her.    


"If you don't like her and can't give her a future but still want to be intimate with her, then if she is really rejected by you, aren't you hurting her?" Jian Yun said seriously.    


"What you said makes sense. I will - be careful!" Chen Xin frowned and was about to say that he would pay attention when suddenly, The sharp senses he had gained from years of military training told him that danger was approaching. He shouted and pulled Jian Yun into his arms to protect her. He quickly retreated.    


At the same time, not far from where Jian Yun was standing, a car seemed to have lost control of itself. It was charging around on the road. Its target seemed to be Jian Yun. In just a few seconds, it rushed over and actually knocked away an electric scooter parked by the road.    


With a loud sound, the electric scooter fell heavily and broke into pieces. If she was here, she would definitely lose her life.    


Jian Yun was frightened and her face lost its color. She tightly grabbed Chen Xin's clothes and looked like she was still in shock. She was scared. If Chen Xin had not reacted fast and pulled her back, she would be the one who was smashed into pieces.    


Was this an accident or a deliberate murder?    


If it was a deliberate murder, who would harm her?    


For a moment, Jian Yun's heart was in turmoil. She did not even notice when Chen Xin called. Dozens of men in black suits gathered around her in an instant.    


Someone drove over. Chen Xin held Jian Yun with one hand and earphones with the other as he gave the order decisively.    


Jian Yun got into the car and only then did she realize Wu Wenjing did not come over.    


"Where is Wu Wenjing?" Jian Yun nervously asked Chen Xin.    


Chen Xin was sitting next to Jian Yun. He said something into his earpiece and then turned to comfort Jian Yun, "Don't worry. She is in the back of the car. My people are with her."    


Jian Yun heaved a sigh of relief. She was still in a state of high tension. Her nerves were tense and the car was very quiet. It was so quiet that she could hear her own heavy breathing, "Brother Chen, what's going on? Is he here for me?"    


Jian Yun still had a sliver of hope in her heart. She felt that what had just happened must have been an accident. She did not think that she had offended anyone. It was so serious that the person wanted to kill her.    


"I am not sure yet!" Chen Xin instructed the driver to drive while he looked around vigilantly.    


Jian Yun frowned. She felt something was wrong, but she could not tell what it was.    


Chen Xin had been making phone calls all along the way. When the car stopped at the entrance of the Ming's building, Jian Yun saw Huo Liancheng walking towards her before she could get out of the car.    


The car door was opened by Huo Liancheng. Jian Yun looked up at him but found that Huo Liancheng's face was paler than hers. His usually cold and fierce eyes were filled with fear, as if the person who was almost hit by the car was not Jian Yun but him.    


"What's wrong with you?" Jian Yun got out of the car and reached out to touch Huo Liancheng's face. However, she was caught by Huo Liancheng when she was halfway out of the car. He did not say anything and suddenly hugged Jian Yun in his arms.    


However, Huo Liancheng immediately let go of Jian Yun and asked nervously, "Why is there the smell of blood? Are you injured?"    


Jian Yun was stunned for a moment before she came back to her senses. Chen Xin had just called Huo Liancheng to report to him about the incident. She did not want Huo Liancheng to worry and quickly shook her head, "No, it is Yanyan's blood."    


Huo Liancheng frowned and pulled Jian Yun away. He took out his phone and made a call.    


Chen Xin followed the two of them step by step. In front of them, there were a few men in black suits. Jian Yun only found out later that Huo Liancheng seemed to be alone every time, but in fact, he had bodyguards protecting him. Chen Xin was one of them who had been following him for a long time, but he did not like to be disturbed. So these people followed him at different times. They usually did not appear, but when something happened, they would immediately appear to protect him.    


This was probably related to the man-made car accident that Huo Liancheng had encountered earlier, which made him very careful in this regard later on.    


Jian Yun followed Huo Liancheng to the top floor. Huo Liancheng led her into the lounge. There was a house with everything. He put in hot water and said, "Take a bath first."    


Huo Liancheng went out after saying that.    


Jian Yun obediently took off her blood-stained clothes and slid into the big bathtub. She had been running all morning. She was covered in sweat and blood stained her body. After the blood dried up, it was extremely sticky and very uncomfortable.    


However, Jian Yun had something on her mind. She did not soak for a while and got up after washing up. Her own clothes were all dirty, so she found a shirt from the cupboard and put it on.    


Jian Yun scattered her hair and wanted to go out to look for Huo Liancheng. Just as she pushed open the door, she heard someone talking outside.    


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