You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C65 You're Going to Start a Mess with Me?

C65 You're Going to Start a Mess with Me?

0Didn't he say that he'd be here? Jian Yun blinked, looking around the CEO's office. The leather seat sitting right behind the oval desk was empty, and her lips pursed at the sight. Despite his absence, she stayed, using the time to observe her surroundings. This was the first time she had ever been in his office, and she had to say, it was everything she had expected it to be, and so much more.     


The office was lit up with floor-to-ceiling windows, with each of them having a different view of the river streams. Light blue hues blared across the room, creating a halo around the large glass desk in the middle. On the walls were built-in bookshelves and hardwood cabinets–framing the room so symmetrically and perfectly that she felt that this place had just popped out from the covers of an interior design magazine.     


It was gorgeous!     


But where was he? Where did he run off to when he had called her over here? Jian Yun pursed her lips. She was about to turn around and leave when she bumped into the man himself. His long fingers fell onto her shoulders, steadying her stumbling figure, and she immediately reeled back in surprise.     


"W–where did you come from?" She gaped, quickly retreating from his touch as if he was burning her. His presence was like an umbrella, shrouding anyone in close proximity in fear and intimidation. No matter how many times she had been in close contact with him, Jian Yun still couldn't help but stiffen under his presence.     


Huo Liancheng grabbed her by the waist and pushed her up against the wall. Lowering his head, he whispered, "Why are you so distant from me?"     


His dark eyes burned like the raging flames of hell, and his voice was hoarse like a man who had gone through the desert. His cold fingertips clenched around the fabric of her shirt, and her breath hitched–somewhat dazed from his sudden action.     


Jian Yun struggled to break from his hold, but the more she moved, the tighter his grip became. Knowing that she didn't have anywhere else to run, she glared at him as fiercely as she could. "You talk as if I've ever been close to you!"     


"From what I remember, back at the banquet, you were practically coaxing me to carry you." He raised his eyebrows. "Not only that, but you've also–"     


"Stop! Don't say anymore!" Her cheeks colored with embarrassment as blurred memories from that night seeped into her mind. The last thing she needed was for someone to remind her of all the things she had gotten herself into while she was intoxicated. "I drank too much that night, so I don't remember anything. That doesn't count!"     


"You really don't remember?" His eyes glinted with amusement.     


"No!" She shook her head resolutely. There was no way she was going to admit to the fact that she had wanted him to hug her or had even forced him to kiss her. Straightening her back, Jian Yun squared her shoulders and looked at him straight in the eye, unflinching. No matter how intimidating he was, backing down was the last thing she'd do! "You're lying."     


Huo Liancheng shrugged unhurriedly before taking out his phone. "Take a look at this then."     


"Look at what?" Her eyebrows furrowed together as she stared at the blackened screen.     


The video was set in a private garden back at the party. At first, the clip was blurry, and all she could see were blotches of figures moving around the screen. However, in a few seconds, everything started to clear. The moonlight shone around the couple under the camera's lens. There, a tall man was leading a woman out into the parking lot, but after a few seconds, the woman stopped and spread her arms. "My foot hurts!" She stomped her foot, protesting like a little child. "Carry me!" The couple was none other than Huo Liancheng and Jian Yun.     


Her face burned. At the sight, she reached out to grab his phone, but he quickly extended his arm upwards. No matter how much she jumped or stretched, she still couldn't reach it.     


Seeing her animated expressions, Huo Liancheng couldn't help but burst into laughter. "Do you remember now? If you still don't, maybe we should play the video again one more time."     


Just as her fingertips grazed against the screen, she could see that the man in the video had already picked her up. The woman was practically jumping in ecstasy that she not only wrapped her arms around the man's neck but also smacked his face with a resounding kiss.     


"Agh!" Jian Yun immediately turned her back and squeezed her eyes shut. Let the phone be damned! She didn't want to see another second of that video.     


This was just embarrassing! Although she remembered bits and pieces of what had happened that night, this didn't cross her mind for one second. God! It was probably best that she didn't remember anything at all. She buried her face deeper into her hands, suppressing the urge to groan in frustration. How could she have done such a thing?     


"Do you remember now?" His lips twitched.     


"Why did you record this?" Her voice was tense, sounding like a young girl who had just been bullied.     


"I didn't." He placed his phone back in his pocket. "Someone was secretly taking the video and wanted to sell it to a media outlet. Cheng Muze stopped it before it went viral."     


That wasn't a lie. Someone had initially wanted to sell it to a news channel, guaranteeing that this would make the front pages. Why else wouldn't it? Huo Liancheng was practically the most popular man in the business sector, and his looks were clearly up to par with even one of the best celebrities in the world. Just one picture was enough to go viral, what more if there was a video of him and his girlfriend circulating the internet?     


If the video were to appear online, it would definitely cause a huge uproar. Although he didn't care, he was worried that this may directly affect Jian Yun's life.     


"Then why would you show me this video?" She hesitated.    


"You're the one who said that you didn't remember," he teased. There was something about getting on her nerves that entertained him to no end. "Am I not trying to help you recover your memories?"     


"So what if I recover them? I was drunk! Even if I forced you to carry me, or when I forced you to kiss me, I..." she trailed off, not having the strength to continue her sentence. Her voice had grown faint.     


Huo Liancheng raised his eyebrows at her words. She had just said that she was the one who had kissed him? His eyes glinted. It seemed that she had really been quite drunk that night. The corners of his lips inched upward as he stared at her.     


"You forced me to kiss you, and that's it?" He smirked. "So what? After you've taken advantage of me, you plan of just dropping me?"     


"What the fuck?" Surprised by his shamelessness, the obscenities effortlessly tumbled right out of her tongue. Her hands fell to her sides as she gaped at him. "It's just a kiss! It's not even worth mentioning."     


"You're rude for a girl." He poked her on the forehead.     


"Do you enjoy pissing me off? Haven't you just taken over as Ming's President? Don't you have better things to do?" Jian Yun wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off his face. He was clearly saying these things to rile her up, and much to her annoyance, it was working.     


"A small company like Ming's can be settled by Cheng Muze alone." Huo Liancheng shrugged. "And I find you much more interesting to deal with."     


Ming's? A small company?     


The largest enterprise in Qinghu City was small for him? Her eyes twitched. Was he kidding her? At the sight of his impassive face, she could tell that he was serious, leaving her to wonder what other large companies he considered small.     


"Tell me!" She gritted her teeth. "Why do you keep annoying me? Is it because I cursed you back at the coffee shop? I've already apologized, haven't I?"     


"Oh, it's not that." He placed an arm on the wall, blocking her from escaping his grasp.     


"Hey!" Her heart raced in her chest, ducking her head. "You better stay away from me, or I won't be answering for my actions!"     


"And what will you do? Planning to bite me again?" Huo Liancheng tilted his head.     


Jian Yun snapped, "If you dare kiss me again, I'll bi–"    


Before she could finish her sentence, his lips were already on hers. It took her a second to register what was happening, and when she did, her eyes widened in disbelief. Was he actually kissing her? Again? His soft lips brushed against her skin and a tingle shot down her spine.     


There was absolutely no way she was going to tolerate this!     


Her hands clenched as she struggled under his grip. Once she was out of here, he better ready himself, because she was going to beat him senseless! Jian Yun tried to gnash her teeth, but it was to no avail either. While his hand was supporting her head, his other hand pinched the sides of her cheeks–making it impossible for her to move her lips.     


"Bastard!" If looks could kill, Huo Liancheng would've already dropped dead.     


"Are you planning to kick me again?" He used his legs to suppress hers, and he moved closer to her ear, whispering seductively. His hot breath fanned the sides of her neck, and she resisted the urge to shudder. "If you disable me there, how will you enjoy it in the future?"     


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