You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C62 Push Him Down!

C62 Push Him Down!

0"That's the only job that pays fast." Jian Yun sent the message before adding, "You know how the money I've saved up is only enough for my mother's surgery, and I'd need more for her rehabilitation fees. This is the only way I could do it."     


"I don't even know what else to say, Yun. You already–clearly–have the God of Fortune right beside you, and you won't even spare him a glance! Instead, you plan on going the other route by earning that money all by yourself." Wu Wenjing sighed and rested her head on top of her hands. "I don't know if I should admire you for your stubbornness, or shame you for your stupidity."     


"You know that I don't like spending other people's money."     


"Fine! I know that I couldn't say anything to change your mind," she replied. "If you and Auntie need anything, tell me, okay? We've been friends for so many years that you're practically like a sister to me. Don't carry this burden all by yourself."    


Jian Yun sent a heart-shaped emoji, and a smile slipped into her lips. She was grateful to have friends like her.     


The morning had passed quickly, and soon enough, their towering paperwork soon subsided. When it was finally time for their lunchbreak, Wu Wenjing excitedly approached Jian Yun. She clasped her hands together and leaned in closely, looking as if she was about to dish the newest gossip. "Hey, Yun! Have you seen this month's financial report?"     


Jian Yun, however, didn't look like she was having the time of her life. Clutching the hot water close to her chest, she clasped a hand over her stomach and stifled a groan. The bags under her eyes looked more apparent, and her face appeared more gaunt under the white light. "No," she murmured. "What's the matter?"     


"Wait, do you have your period?" Seeing her exhausted expression, Wu Wenjing furrowed her eyebrows in concern.     


"No. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. It's just–my stomach feels a bit funny. I'll get better soon." With a sigh, she tugged on her friend's arm, prompting her, "You said something about Ming's Report?"     


"That's right! And let me tell you, President Huo is a freaking genius! He's the god above all gods! Who would've thought that Ming's would be so lucky?" Wu Wenjing cupped her hands around her chest, imitating a beating heart as she jumped around Jian Yun's seat. She beamed at her, fanning the sides of her face as she leaned against the desk.    


"What are you talking about?" Jian Yun cocked an eyebrow, too lazy to pay attention to her friend's words.     


"Listen to me!" Wu Wenjing waved her hand in front of her face. "Do you remember the time when Ming's was losing money? When the stock prices were practically falling every single day? Guess what? Ever since President Huo arrived two weeks ago, our stock prices are steadily rising. Plus, our budget deficit had stopped! It's as if he's the fairy godmother of companies! One minute, we were on the brink of becoming broke, and the next minute, we're already making a profit. Imagine if this continues! Ming's would probably be one of the top companies in the world!"     


"That's right, I heard that rumor too." Immediately, almost every single employee in HR Department crowded around the cubicle as they echoed her praises. "During the CEO meeting this morning, all the shareholders were practically jumping in joy when they saw the report. And it's all thanks to President Huo."     


Since it was almost time to eat, everyone had decided to disregard their paperwork and instead pay more attention to the gossip at hand.     


"President Huo is truly something. Look at all the decisions he made in the past few days! It's obvious that he had top-notch management experience, and if he continues paving the way for this company, Ming's would definitely be restored back to its former glory." Even Sister Xiao couldn't help but praise the man, and she rarely praised anybody.     


"Although we don't feel any changes, it's obvious that we're doing something right!" Someone gave a thumbs up, joining in. "Looks like the future for us is limitless now."     


"But it's not like he'd last a few more years, right?" Another one sighed. "I heard that he usually jumps from company to company, not lasting more than a year in each of them. Even if the other shareholders were interested in handing over a percentage of their stakes, it still wouldn't be enough to move him. Besides, he also has his own company."     


"Makes me think though–for someone who already has his own company, a very successful one if I might add," Sister Xiao intercepted. "Why would he want to become a professional manager?"     


"To challenge himself?" Everyone shrugged and agreed with that thought. That was the only theory that made sense.     


One of the young women giggled. "I even hear that he's single. God, whoever manages to snag him is lucky! Not only does he have the looks, but he also has the ability to match it!"     


Jian Yun couldn't help but recall what Ou Xueli had said the other day back at her studio. The middle-aged woman had mused on how Huo Liancheng had become a professional manager because he was trying to find someone. He threw away his comfort just to search the entire country for a person that they weren't sure he could find.     


Who was he looking for? She couldn't help but wonder.     


Whoever it was, it must be someone who was very important to him.     


"Alright, enough chatting! Let's eat!" Seeing that it was already time, Wu Wenjing pulled on her arm and dragged her into the elevator. Soon enough, all the co-workers followed.     


On their way to the cafeteria located at the lobby, she peered at Jian Yun. "President Huo is such a catch. Are you sure you're not interested in him?"     


"Are you?"     


"Is that even a question? If he's standing in front of me right now, I'd take every initiative to pounce on him." Straightening her back, Wu Wenjing resorted to a fighting stance as she brought her fists up to her face. She swayed back and forth to the elevator music, emitting laughter from Jian Yun. They walked out of the elevator.     


"Then go ahead and pounce on him!" Jian Yun turned her friend towards the other elevator, revealing a handsome man standing behind a group of directors–all of who were considered as high-ranking members in Ming's. Beside him stood Cheng Muze who had an easy-going smile on his face as usual.     


As soon as she had seen him, Wu Wenjing bit her tongue and dropped her arms to her sides. Her cheeks were tinged bright red, looking like a dear that had been caught on the headlights. "Good morning, President Huo," she mumbled. Her voice was high-pitched, and it had sounded as if she had just inhaled a bottle of helium.     


Seeing him glancing at her, the young woman almost lost her balance in surprise.     


"President Huo." Jian Yun straightened her back and bowed her head.     


Huo Liancheng didn't say a word. Instead, he directly walked over them as if they didn't exist.     


"Why didn't you say anything? My whole career is over! Over, I tell you!" Wu Wenjing shrieked dramatically as she stared at his retreating figure. Exhaling, she patted her cheeks in anxiety. Her face had turned stark pale as numerous thoughts ran through her mind. "Do you think he heard what I said? Fuck! What the hell am I going to do now?"     


"Isn't it better if he hears it?" She grinned. "Maybe he's giving you a chance to pounce him!"     


"Please! The one President Huo really wants to pounce is you, not me."     


Jian Yun pinched her arms. "Do you want to mess with me again?"     


Wu Wenjing yelped, clutching her arm. Just as she was about to pinch her back, something caught her eye. Her jaw dropped and she quickly slapped Jian Yun's arm. "Look!" She pointed excitedly, narrowing her eyes at the band of executives crowding into the cafeteria's entrance. "President Huo's going to eating in the staff cafeteria! Do you think they're doing another check? Ah! The food must be hella good today. Let's eat!"     


Before she could say anything else, a voice called out from behind them,     


"Jian Yun!"    


She turned around to see Zhou Shaolong standing in the middle of the hallway. He had a large bouquet of roses and even a larger smile plastered across his face. Without any hesitation, he walked towards her.     


Wu Wenjing gasped, nudging her. "Aren't you lucky to have all these men sending you flowers?"     


It was already lunch hour, and there were numerous employees walking in and out of the cafeteria. Zhou Shaolong's handsome looks and his large bouquet of roses were definitely a show-stopper, and some of them couldn't help but glance over in jealousy. Her cheeks immediately flushed dark red from the attention as she ducked her head, trying her best to avoid their stares.     


Ignoring Wu Wenjing's comment, she hurried towards him. "I thought you said you'll be going on a business trip today."    


"I didn't go." Zhou Shaolong handed her the flowers, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "I was planning to surprise you here."     


Jian Yun stared at the roses for a long time. These were much larger than the ones that she had accepted previously, but even then, that still wasn't enough to make her feel any less uncomfortable. Taking the flowers, she forced a smile. "I–well, this is definitely a surprise," she commented. "Wait, how did you know I was here?"     


"Isn't it lunchtime? I thought you'd be here." Zhou Shaolong glanced at his wristwatch. "Actually, the reason I came here was for a business deal. My team would be coming over to form a partnership with Ming's, so I guess we'd be meeting each other more frequently now."     


"Ah." She nodded. "Have you eaten yet?"     


"Not yet." He gazed passionately at her, taking in her soft lips and bright eyes. Even if he hadn't seen her only for a weekend, he felt as if he had waited an entire lifetime.     


"Why don't we head out then?" Jian Yun offered, glancing warily at the cafeteria. She could feel a pair of cold eyes boring down her back, and she didn't want to bring Zhou Shaolong into this mess.     


"I don't want to trouble you. Besides, I've always heard that the staff cafeteria in Ming's is pretty good." He grinned. "Why don't we eat here for the day?"     


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