You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C22 Sue You for Defamation!

C22 Sue You for Defamation!

0By the time, Jian Yun woke up, it was already the next morning. Sunlight streamed through the curtains, shining over her face. Squinting, she grabbed her phone and opened her WeChat. Besides her school group chat, there were no other messages.     


She wasn't the least bit interested when it came to what her classmates were talking about. After all, all they ever do was swoon over and compliment their better-off classmates, and the only reason they'd do that was to snatch a few opportunities up for themselves. Besides, Jian Yun had never been a social butterfly.     


Tossing the phone onto her desk, she pulled the covers over her head and sighed. Although she didn't want to go to work today, she had no other choice.     


After washing up and putting on her clothes, Jian Yun walked out of her room to see a plate of scrambled eggs on the table. The corners of her lips quirked up into a smile. Luo Yanyan must have prepared it for her before rushing off to first period.     


Since it was still early, she decided to sit down and eat first. Well, this was definitely a better start to a day. Just as she had taken a sip of her milk, her phone rang out.     


"Grandpa!" Jian Yun greeted as she picked up the phone.     


"Yun! Will you be visiting tonight?" Her grandfather, Ouyang Cheng, asked from the other end of the line. There was a certain eloquence and familiarity in his tone that she couldn't help but chuckle. It had been a long time since they had last spoken to each other.     


She had lived with her grandparents when she was younger, so she got along with her grandfather really well. Some might say that they were as thick as thieves back in the day, and she always used every opportunity she had to visit them. Tonight, however, was different. "Not tonight. I'm going on a blind date."     


"Is this your mother's doing?" Ouyang Cheng frowned and sighed, sounding displeased. This was always the case whenever he knew of her blind date shenanigans as he'd like to call it. "You know that you don't have to put yourself out there just to get a good man, right? I have to talk to your mother about this."     


Although her grandfather didn't say anything, she knew that he was still worried about her and her mother. Not wanting him to overthink any of this, she waved her hand and forced her voice to sound as light as possible. "I'm actually going back to Boshan to see Mom tomorrow," she suggested. "If I come back early, I could stop by and visit. Anyway, I have to work now. I'll call you when I'm able."     


Once they had said their goodbyes, she hung up the phone and left the apartment.     


When Jian Yun had arrived at the company, it was 8 A.M. Although she was right on time, it certainly didn't seem so. All the elevators were crowded with people as everyone tried to squeeze himself in. As uncomfortable as the experience may be, she felt at ease with more of her co-workers surrounding her. This way, the lingering fear she had of elevators could be mitigated.     


However, the moment she stepped out of the elevator, Wu Wenjing rushed towards her. "Yun! You're here."     


"What's wrong?" Jian Yun shrugged off her coat.     


"That Xia bitch came in early to look for you. She asks me to tell you to head straight to her office once you've arrived," she replied. A stricken look encompassed her features as she leaned in closer. "She looks angry, so you have to be careful, okay?"     


As if the day couldn't get any worse, she also noticed a few of her colleagues pointing fingers at her yet again. It seemed that the gossip around her relationship with Liancheng still hasn't dissolved completely. "Aren't they tired of talking about it?" Jian Yun snapped, more to herself than to her friend, wanting nothing more than to drive them away.     


"Who knows?" Wu Wenjing curled her lips in agreement. Although she held onto gossip as if it were her life force, she certainly wasn't this shameless! "They've already been dragging it out ever since the elevator incident."     


It seemed that being in the HR Department had its own ups and downs. From being the first to receive any information to being the face of ridicule, Jian Yun had already seen and experienced it all. Placing her coat and bag onto her desk, she took a deep breath and headed to the manager's office. The HR staff gazed piteously at her back. Having seen the fierceness of their new manager, they knew that going inside her office was like going inside a lion's den–no good news can come out of it.     


She knocked on the door, and a cool voice sounded from the inside. "Come in!"     


Pushing the door open, she saw Xia Bingbing sitting on the leather seat. Her legs were crossed and her arms were folded on her chest. She gazed at Jian Yun with enough arrogance to match an emperor.     


"You were looking for me, Manager Xia?"     


Xia Bingbing slammed her hand onto the table and glared at her. If looks could kill, she would've already been buried ten feet under the ground. "Who the hell gave you the guts to leave my office without a leave of absence?" she snapped.     


It was a good thing that Jian Yun had already prepared for this. "I did apply for a leave, but you weren't there. Cheng Muze was the one who had approved my absence."     


"I didn't expect for you to hook up with his assistant as well." When Xia Bingbing heard her excuse, all she could see was red. Her fingers dug into her palms so hard that it was enough to leave a mark. "Don't think I'm not aware of women like you–those who would do practically anything just to succeed in life, even if it means sleeping with various men just to get to the top. You've slept with Cheng Muze, haven't you? Perhaps it's those crazy martial arts you did that had attracted him. Hmph, since you already had him, who's your next target? Huo Liancheng? Maybe you even planned the entire elevator scheme just to get him to want you, huh? Well, let me tell you right now, that Liancheng would never be interested in the likes of you!"     


Jian Yun simply crossed her arms and stared at the woman sitting behind her desk. Her face showed indifference. Being mad at a lunatic just wasn't worth it!     


"What the hell are you doing with your phone?" Realizing that something was wrong, Xia Bingbing stopped.     


"Recording you," she said matter-of-factly, holding her phone even higher. "Manager Xia, is there anything else you'd like to add? Just so I get to add more evidence when I sue you in court for slander?"     


"You!" Xia Bingbing was so angry that her face had turned red. Her eyes widened by a fraction, looking like a beast who had just been mangled. Yet no matter how many times she sputtered and choked, no words came out from her lips.     


"If there's nothing else, then I'll be heading out now." Jian Yun remained expressionless. If the woman wanted to play, then so be it! She wasn't going to be some doormat the woman could walk on.     


Jian Yun had never been the type of person to offend anyone. In fact, ever since she had entered Ming's, she had kept a low profile. With popularity came with endless trouble–that she knew for a fact, so she would do anything just to steer herself away from the spotlight.     


Once the door had closed behind her, Wu Wenjing gave her a thumbs-up as she laughed. "It seems I've trained you well," she teased.     


The two of them hadn't taken more than a few steps when they heard frantic screams bellowing from the office. What soon followed were a bunch of papers and books crashing onto the floor. Despite wincing from the sudden noise, the two shared one last smile and headed back to their work areas.     


Towards the end of her morning shift, Jian Yun received a message.     


Call Me Jing: "Yun, I got some news."     


Slow-Getter: "?"     


Call Me Jing: "I heard that Xia Bingbing's the granddaughter of the chairman in Ming's Enterprise! We can't afford to offend her anymore."     


Slow-Getter: "She's the one who started it!"     


Call Me Jing: "I know, and she's such a moron! I don't even know how she became our manager. Either way, it's probably best if we just avoid her for now. After all, who knows what else she'd do."     


Slow-Getter: "True."     


Jian Yun knew that Wu Wenjing was worried for her. If the rumors were true and that Xia Bingbing was his granddaughter, then they were goners! A contract wouldn't be able to save them from their stay if the chairman himself was determined to kick them out! And their reputation in the industry would be finished!     


However, there was no way Jian Yun would allow herself to suffer passively from the woman's wrath.     


Jian Yun rubbed her forehead in a daze. Although she was used to the workload, there was something about these past few days that had given her more of a headache than any of those previous months combined. Perhaps, it was time to take a break.     


Besides, she had already saved up enough money to take care of her mother's surgery fees. Now, all she needed was to wait for a doctor to give her a go signal. Once everything was arranged, she'd be able to take her mother back to the capital.     


However, just as she thought of resigning from her job, a cold and handsome face flashed in her mind. She blinked, shaking the thought away. Why did she suddenly think of Liancheng? Not paying much heed to it, Jian Yun fixed up her documents. Whatever. It was probably because she hadn't gotten a night of good sleep in ages.     


At lunchtime, in the company's second dining hall, Jian Yun and Wu Wenjing were enjoying their meal when Cheng Muze suddenly sat beside them.     


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