You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C27 She Is My Fourth Sister-in-law!

C27 She Is My Fourth Sister-in-law!

0Lin Lanlan had always cared about her image. The only reason why she posted those photos in the group that night was to make everyone swoon over her and her seemingly perfect life. And she had tagged Jian Yun to show her a life that she could've had (but never did). Tonight was also part of her plan–to show everyone how much she had achieved over the past few years. How was she supposed to know that her saintly reputation would shatter overnight? The mere thought made her clench her fists.     


"So what?" Having enough of her, Lin Lanlan raised her meticulously drawn eyebrows and raised her pinched nose up in the air. "Xu Haiyang has already chosen me, and he'd always choose me. Face it, Jian Yun, you'd face the same fate as your mother–destined to live a life alone. No man would ever want you, and even if they do, they can't be as great as the man you once had."     


Jian Yun couldn't bear to see her mother being humiliated like this. Her vision had turned red, and her nostrils flared. Just as she was about to go berserk, a young man immediately rushed to her aid. His seemingly young face had darkened entirely as he pointed at Lin Lanlan. "Say, did you just drank toilet water? If not, then why are you spouting shit?" he cursed. "Look at you! Even Sister Feng could beat you into a pulp! You have the nerve to say that no one wants my Fourth Sis as if anyone would want you! Whoever does might need to get their eyes checked out!"     


As he spoke, he even used a hand to block his nose, as if the mere smell of the woman was enough to drive him away.     


Lin Lanlan was immediately faced with a baby-faced man. She looked at him up and down, noticing the branded clothes that strapped around him from head to toe. He must've come from a rich family, and his bright and sunny appearance was enough to attract anyone. What she didn't expect was for him to curse at her like an uneducated sailor!     


Her face had turned purple in rage. "What Fourth Sister? I don't know who you're talking about! Who the hell are you?"     


"As if you deserve to know who I am!" The man snorted, looking as if he wanted to vomit at the mere sight of her. However, the small bump on his forehead made him seem less serious than what he had intended.    


Not even bothering to wait for her reply, he affectionately grabbed Jian Yun's arm and pulled him towards her side. Since he was taller than her by half a head, he leaned over her shoulders, pretending to be a small cat. He mewled, "This is my Fourth Sis!"     


"Hey!" A chill shot down her spine. She had no idea where this man had come from, nor did she know how she became his 'Fourth Sis'! Who the hell was he pairing her with?     


Jian Yun was about to struggle under his hold when her phone rang out.     


Perhaps it was because of his harsh words that everyone present, even Lin Lanlan, had turned quiet. They gazed at each other hesitantly, unsure of what else to say. For a moment, no one made a sound, as if they were waiting to see if Jian Yun would call out her own bluff.     


"Fourth Sis, pick it up! It could be Fourth Brother!" The man clapped excitedly as if Christmas had rained upon them.     


She shot him a glare and shoved him away. Grabbing her phone, her heart immediately started beating wildly. It was as if lightning had struck her very soul as she stared at her screen. It was Huo Liancheng.     


"Can you drive?" His voice sounded the moment she picked up the phone.     


"Yes." Not knowing why he was asking, she answered honestly.     


"I'll give you three minutes. I'll be at the place where I dropped you off." Without giving her a chance to reply, he hung up.     


Jian Yun stared at her phone for around three seconds as she struggled to comprehend what had just happened. It was only when the baby-faced man had poked her in the sides did she finally regain her senses.     


"Fourth Brother is calling for you. If you don't go now, he might get angry!" He shook her arm, sounding even more anxious than her. "If he gets angry, who knows what he'll do?"     


Jian Yun blinked, looking as if she had just woken up from a dream. She glanced at her phone. It had already been half a minute, and he only gave her three! Not having the time to ask where this childish man had come from, she held onto her bag and rushed down the stairs. At this point, taking the elevator would only delay her even more! Besides, she was only a few floors up.    


She sprinted. On one hand, she had to obey Liancheng's order. On the other hand, she'd take any excuse to get the hell away from Lin Lanlan's posse.     


As soon as she had arrived by the entrance, a luxurious Bentley caught her eye. It was parked at the side of the road. Huo Liancheng was smoking with his back facing her. He had already taken off his jacket, revealing a buttoned-up shirt. Even under the dim streetlights, she could make out his broad shoulders and muscular arms. From afar, he looked like he was shooting for a magazine.     


"President Huo!" She stepped forward, panting. Yet even if she was far away, a familiar stench of alcohol entered her nostrils. He was drunk.     


He slowly turned around to look at her before flicking his cigarette into the trash can right next to him.     


Throwing the keys at her, he opened the passenger door and got in. "Drive."     


So that's why he was asking her earlier if she could drive! She was to act as his designated driver! Sighing in relief, she walked over and entered the Bentley. In a more enclosed space, the smell of alcohol became even stronger, and she couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust. How much did he drink?     


Jian Yun fumbled around the various buttons before starting the car. This was the first time she drove such a luxurious car, especially one as exclusive as this. Her heart raced in her chest that she wondered if he could sense how nervous she was.     


It wasn't until she had driven out of the vicinity did she remember something. "President Huo, where do you live?"     


Huo Liancheng didn't respond. When she turned to the side, she saw him leaning back against the leather seat. His eyes were closed, and two of his buttons were already loosened up. His breathing was slow and even as if he had just fallen asleep.     


This time, even Jian Yun was speechless. Where was she going now?     


Ten minutes ago, Jian Yun had answered Liancheng's call and raced down the staircase. Wanting to see if this was all some elaborate joke to cover up her humiliation, they quickly followed her down the steps.     


The next thing they saw was her walking towards a shadowed man. Although the night was dark, they could make out his clenched jaw and muscular back. His figure was enough to make their blood boil in lust as they stared at him from a far. After exchanging a few more words, Jian Yun finally got in.     


"Sister Lin, what kind of car is that? How come I've never seen one like it before?" Chen Yue asked, peering at a distance.     


"You don't know what that is? It's a Bentley! A luxury car worth millions of dollars!" A short man with skewed glasses gazed at the car with envy evident in his features.    


When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but gasp.     


"Why are you even looking at the car? We should be asking about that man over there! God, he's hot!" Zhang Jing was lost in thought as she looked at his shadowed profile from the car. Her eyes glazed over as she took a step forward, looking as if she was drawn by the mere sight of the man.     


The other women shared the same expression. Even Lin Lanlan was rendered speechless.     


When did Jian Yun find such a rich and handsome boyfriend?     


"Who just said that no one wants her?" Amongst the crowd, a tall woman with long hair and glasses snorted. The corners of her mouth twitched. "From the look of her boyfriend, it's no wonder she doesn't like Xu Haiyang anymore!"     


She deliberately glanced over to Lin Lanlan, whose expression had gotten even uglier by the second.     


Xiao Yi Chen returned to the cafe with a large ice bag on his forehead. Sighing, he leaned back on his seat and spoke into the phone, "Fifth Bro, at least you were able to warn me earlier, otherwise, the man would've stabbed me to death!"     


"You had the nerve to say that Fourth Sis is better off with another man. You're lucky you got off with just a bruised forehead." Chen Muze's scornful voice sounded from the other line.     


"How the hell was I supposed to know that she's the one who Fourth Bro likes! It's as not as if there's a label on her forehead that says so!" Xiao Yi Chen scowled, feeling aggrieved by this fact. Not only was he not able to eat, but now he had a bruise the size of Mt. Everest on his forehead. It was as if he had paid to go all this way just to get beaten up by his own friend.     


"Wait, Sister Jian is calling me!" Cheng Muze glanced at his phone and ignored it. A secretive smile slipped into his lips as he did so.     


"Fourth Bro always looks so serious. If he really likes the girl, couldn't he just chase after her like a regular guy? Why does he have to beat around the bush?" He groaned, rolling his eyes. Just then, he noticed that the other man had gone silent. "Hey, why aren't you saying anything?"     


"I'm recording your words for Fourth Bro!" Cheng Muze answered naturally.     


Immediately, Xiao Yi Chen froze. "Fuck off!" Without another word, he hung up.     


On the other side of the city, Jian Yun anxiously gazed at her phone. She had been calling Cheng Muze over and over again, but he still didn't answer. It seemed that she had no other choice but to improvise.     


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