You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C31 Eccentric Parent

C31 Eccentric Parent

0Immediately, after hearing her words, Luo Yanyan slouched over the sofa. The smile on her face had disappeared, and heaviness shadowed over her features. The glint in her eyes had faded almost completely and she murmured, "Well, you've already seen the bulk of it. I went on a blind date last night, and my parents came with me. Afterward, I rented a room for them at a hotel, and I slept there with them."     


Jian Yun placed her half-eaten bowl back onto the table and fell silent. At the sight of her friend's solemn expression, she cautiously questioned, "Yanyan, did your parents..." She paused, hesitating. "Did your parents force you to do this?"     


Luo Yanyan didn't say the word, but her unshed tears were all the answer she needed.     


Jian Yun resisted the urge to sigh as she pushed the bowl away from her and reached over to hold her friend's hand. It seemed that she had already lost her appetite. "Well, what do you think of him?" She changed her question.     


"I don't like him!" Luo Yanyan whispered bitterly, shaking her head. "But my parents like him. He has a stable business and a good family, and for them, it's far better than what Shen Yunfeng had to offer."     


"Then, do you plan to break up with Shen Yunfeng?" Shen Yunfeng was Luo Yanyan's boyfriend back at Qinghu University. They were the ultimate dream couple. In fact, she remembered all those times when she'd third-wheel with them back when they were still second years. That was until Mrs. Luo had found out about their relationship. Shen Yufeng may have been a nice guy, but he wasn't well-off. In fact, both of his parents were farmers, which was met with a harsh rejection from her parents.    


Despite this, they were still together. Shen Yunfeng had graduated from university and worked in Qinghu City, but the year after that, he returned home to take the civil service exam. Although they were still in contact, Jian Yun suspected that their relationship must have grown strained over the years.     


"I don't know." Luo Yanyan leaned against the table as if the mere topic had drained her almost completely. Tears streamed down her face, and her eyes shone so much helplessness that even Jian Yun couldn't help but wince. "Yun, I don't know what to do anymore. My parents–they didn't even bother asking if I liked him, you know? One minute we were on a blind date, and the next minute, they're pushing for an engagement! I tried to argue with them last night, but I don't think they even cared!"     


"Are they out of their minds?" Jian Yun sputtered out, eyes widening in surprise. "Marriage is's just too much! They can't make these types of decisions right off the bat!"     


"I hate it! I hate how they don't understand me, that I don't have much of a choice with this! What if I just die and become an ATM? Maybe I'd be more of use to them!" The more she spoke, the more devasted she felt. Tears fell onto the cotton sheets as Luo Yanyan continually sniffled. "But, you know what? I'm not even surprised. They've been waiting for the day where they could finally get rid of me. All they ever wanted was the betrothal gift so that they could have enough money to pay for my brother's own engagement."     


"Yanyan, you can't do this!" Jian Yun pulled out a few tissues and handed them to her. If she didn't know Luo Yanyan very well, she would've thought that her friend was simply exaggerating, but after hearing the way Mr. and Mrs. Luo had yelled at her and controlled her all these years , she knew exactly what they were capable of.     


"I've already made it clear to them that if they ever forced me to marry that man, I'd break off all relations with them!" Luo Yanyan curled her fingers into fists, clutching the tissues close to her chest. Her chest heaved up and down as dark green veins bulged out from her skin.     


"Yanyan..." Jian Yun looked as if she wanted to say something but changed her mind in a swift second. Swallowing her words, she turned over and sighed.     


The drive from Qinghu City to Boshan City took around two and a half hours but if they took a train, they could arrive there within forty-five minutes. Jian Yun had decided to go back to Boshan to visit her mother today, so she had booked a ticket a few days in advance. Even then, her friend's words lingered in her mind. As she sat inside the compartment, she couldn't help but gaze out the window.     


Even if Luo Yanyan was adamant with her decision, she still couldn't help but feel uneasy.     


She knew her friend all too well. Luo Yanyan was kind and sweet, but she was sometimes too soft-hearted. If her mother had actually threatened to break ties with her, her friend might later be forced to submit. After all, Luo Yanyan had always been one to give way to her parents, even if it meant hurting herself in the process.     


When Jian Yun had arrived at her mother's household, it was already noon. She had already called ahead of time, so her mother and Auntie Qin had already expected her arrival.     


Six years ago, when her father's affair was exposed, they had moved out of their old home and settled in a rented house not far from the cityscape.    


Just when Jian Yun had thought the worst had passed, her mother fell down the stairs. She broke her spine and had to stay in the hospital for more than a year. All their savings were spent on keeping her mother alive, yet, she couldn't be healed–at least, not totally.     


At that time, she was still studying at the university. When the news had reached her dorm, it was as if her entire identity had been struck down by a bolt of lightning. For so long, she had lived her own fairytale, and in a click of a finger, she was already living her worst nightmare. Her family's burdens rested upon her shoulders, and she was forced to grow up. As she was studying in the day, she had to take on a part-time job at night just to cover both of their expenses.     


Yet no matter how hard Jian Yun worked, she only had enough money to pay for all their necessities–her education and her mother's treatment. Not having the money to pay their rent, they had to move to an even older and smaller house in Qing Hu. The place was even farther into the suburbs, but there was a recovery hospital nearby. Her mother had lived there for six years.     


"Mom, Auntie, it's time to eat!" Jian Yun immediately went into the kitchen to cook some of her mother's all-time favorite dishes. Once she was all finished, she walked over to Auntie Qin and helped carry Mrs. Jian to the wheelchair before pushing her towards the dining table.     


"Yun's cooking skills are excellent. The man who'd marry you someday would be extremely lucky!" Auntie Qin winked. Although this wasn't the first time she had tasted her niece's cooking, she still couldn't help but be impressed every time she took a bite.     


"Yun is so beautiful, but you're still not married." Mrs. Jian sighed. She was ecstatic to see her daughter visit after a few weeks, but whenever she thought about her pretty daughter still being single after all these years, she couldn't help but feel anxious. After all, Yun was already twenty-six-years-old. A few more years and she would already be past her prime!     


"Mom!" She protested. "Marrying someone isn't as easy as picking cabbages, you know. You have to wait for the right person."     


"I've been hearing those words ever since you graduated! Tell me, when's the right person going to appear?"     


Jian Yun knew that her mother had developed a bad temper after her injury. If this topic continued, her mother would definitely grow irritated. Therefore, she bent her neck over and buried her head into her food, not daring to say another word. After all, she didn't come all this way just to get into an argument with her.     


"Alright, Little Fei, it's time to eat. She just returned here, and you're already forcing her," Auntie Qin teased, trying her best to smooth things over, and it worked. In the next second, the scowl in her mother's face had dissolved, and they resumed talking about the events that had transpired during each other's absence.     


After the meal, Jian Yun quickly helped Auntie Qin clean up the dishes. While she was doing so, she secretly handed the older woman two thousand yuan.     


"Yun, what are you doing?" She pushed it back, refusing to take it. "You already gave me this month's salary."     


"I heard that Uncle Li isn't in good health recently. You couldn't go back and take care of him, so at least let this help you. Although it isn't much, it could get some supplements for him," Jian Yun insisted. Auntie Qin's family wasn't as well off, and her son wasn't that much of a help either, given that he didn't bother to help out with all their expenses, so it was the least she could do. After all, if it weren't for her, Jian Yun wouldn't know what to do.     


"There's really no need. Your mother has to undergo another surgery, and she'll have far greater expenses in the future. I appreciate it truly, but you need it more than me, child," Auntie Qin shook her head.     


"Auntie, I'm fine! Besides, my salary is quite high right now, so you really don't have to worry about me. Take the money, please, or else I'll feel bad." Seeing how concerned Auntie Qin was for her, Jian Yun felt a little soft-hearted. The tip of her nose was tinged red, and she had to turn away for a second to stop herself from shedding a tear.     


Ever since her mother became sick, they were ostracized from society. So many people had said various words against her mother, slandering her behind her back. Auntie Qin was the only one who stood by them, encouraging her to reach for higher heights. "It would all be over," she once said.     


"Fine, Yun, but I won't allow it next time!" Auntie Qin smiled, stroking her face.     


Jian Yun chuckled. However, before she could say anything else, her mother had called out, "Jian Yun, come out for a moment!"     


"Go." Auntie Qin said before whispering in her ear, "Your mother hasn't been in a good mood these past few days, so you shouldn't anger her too much, okay?"     


"I know." With an understanding nod, Jian Yun left the kitchen.     


The front porch was old-fashioned with its hardwood boards and fading paint. Even then, Mrs. Jian didn't look too bothered by it all as she sat on a creaky rocking chair, basking in the afternoon sun. When she saw Jian Yun stepping out of the doorway, she motioned to the stool in front of her. "Sit down."     


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