You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C37 Lover's Heart

C37 Lover's Heart

0Jian Yun's continuous denials only dug her a deeper grave. Huo Liancheng didn't say a word, but anyone who'd look at his face could see that he wasn't pleased with this. However, Bai Xue wasn't listening to either of them anymore. Instead, her envious gaze was fixated on the necklace as she thought of how important could the woman be to him. The atmosphere had turned awkward, and none of them said a word, as if waiting for the other to speak.     


Just then, a familiar voice rang from the other side of the room. "Why are you all standing there? Grandpa Bai, you're the host tonight, and you didn't even bother to greet me. And here I was looking for you this entire time!"     


It was Cheng Muze.     


Jian Yun immediately turned around to see the bespectacled man standing next to Huo Liancheng with a glass of wine in his hand. When Cheng Muze glanced at her, his eyes lit up, and he didn't even try to hide his astonishment. Raising his glass even higher, he praised, "Sister Jian is so pretty today. Definitely puts your date to shame."     


As he said those words, he threw her a wink. For a moment, the grandeur of the party was lost to her as Jian Yun burst into laughter. This was the first time she had been this relaxed this entire day, and just as she was about to say something in return, she noticed that Liancheng's grip had tightened even more. She closed her mouth and stayed silent.    


"Brother Cheng is so biased!" When Bai Xue saw him praising Jian Yun, she pouted. "Am I not beautiful enough to catch your attention?"     


"Ah! So this is the pretty Bai Xue everyone's been talking about! I couldn't even recognize you." Cheng Muze gasped exasperatedly, covering his mouth. Tapping her head lightly, he reached over and kissed the back of her hand. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. You've grown even more beautiful with each passing year."     


"You don't have to exaggerate!" Rolling her eyes at him, Bai Xue pulled her hand away and affectionately held onto Jian Yun's arm like a little child. "It seems that all the men are here. Why don't we go somewhere more quiet to grab a bite?"    


Then, she tilted her head at Huo Liancheng, smiling innocently. "Brother Liancheng, do you mind if I steal your girlfriend for a second?"     


Although he frowned in reply, he didn't refuse her. "Sure, just don't go too far."     


Seeing as he finally let go of her hand, Jian Yun secretly felt relieved. Not having the time or even the heart to correct Bai Xue's words anymore, she pinched her numb wrist and greeted Mr. Bai one last time before she was pulled towards the other direction.     


Huo Liancheng watched their retreating figure. It was only when Bai Lichuan had coughed did he finally turn away.     


"Liancheng, come with me. There is something I want to ask you." Despite being surprised by the woman's presence, he still kept his composure. The old man motioned his walking stick towards a more secluded location before glancing at Cheng Muze. "You should come too."     


On the other side of the ballroom, Bai Xue passed her a plate as they stood over the wide table. She looked over the various delicacies available for them and grabbed a macaroon from one of the silverware. "So, Sister Jian," she started casually. "How did you and Brother Liancheng meet?"     


Jian Yun immediately flashed back to the time she had cursed at him before shaking her head. Their first introduction was best kept to herself. Besides, even if she did say it, the Bai Xue wouldn't even believe her. Picking up a few pastries from one of the glass trays, she replied, "I'm an employee at Ming's, so we met at work."     


"At work?" The young woman blinked in surprise. "Didn't he just come back to Qinghu City a few days ago? So you only knew each other for a few days?"    


"That's right." Jian Yun picked up a slice of cake. Today had been so hectic that she had forgotten to eat.     


"So you're really not his girlfriend?" Seeing the seriousness in Jian Yun's face, she couldn't help but blink in disbelief. Bai Xue glanced at her necklace every now and then before shaking her head. Liancheng had never brought a date in these types of functions before, and to see him bring a woman he had known for only a couple of days... "But that's impossible. If you're not his girlfriend, how could he give you the Lover's Heart?"     


"Miss Bai, what did you say?" More guests had started to arrive that their own voices had been drowned out by ecstatic laugher and loud chatter. Not hearing her, Jian Yun furrowed her eyebrows and turned back.     


"It's nothing!" Noticing that Cheng Muze was heading towards them, she quieted down. "Hey, Brother Cheng, weren't you just talking with Brother Liancheng and Grandpa?"     


"There are so many people trying to get a piece of your big brother Liancheng that I didn't bother to stay. Besides, it's far better to stand near the dessert table." The corners of his lips twitched upwards as he grabbed a glass of fruit wine from the tray. His smile widened so much that his eyes slanted even more. "Try this, Sister Jian."     


"I don't drink." She waved her hand.     


"It's not wine," he explained, chuckling. "It's brewed with rose dew, so not only is it fine, but it's healthy too. Taste it. Some might say it's the best tasting drink they ever had."     


Her throat had been scratchy from not drinking any water the entire day that she didn't even bother questioning him even further. Her fingers wrapped around the glass as she brought the rim to her lips. The faint sweetness of the drink wrapped around her tongue and her eyes closed. It didn't have the alcoholic tinge that was usually present in many strong drinks. In fact, it was quite delicious.     


"What did I tell you?" Seeing her satisfied expression, he clasped his hands in satisfaction and handed her another cup. "Why don't you have another?"     


"Sister Jian! You shouldn't listen to him. Although the fruit wine is delicious, it could make people drunk with just a few glasses." Not knowing what his purpose was, Bai Xue was quick to remind them. However, Jian Yun wasn't listening to her any longer, too engrossed in the drink in her hands. "You shouldn't drink too much in one go!"     


"Nonsense! It's fine." Cheng Muze shot her a glare, as if trying to tell her that she shouldn't interfere.     


"Whatever!" Making a face, Bai Xue turned away. "The dance is about to begin, so I better prepare myself."     


"She had always liked Liancheng ever since she was young. In fact, she had proclaimed her love for him when she was just ten. Ten!" Cheng Muze watched the young woman as she gave her opening speech. There was a certain elegance with the way she had held herself in front of the crowd that had everyone entranced. "But if she continues this path, she's destined to be disappointed."     


"And why is that? Miss Bai's cute and bubbly, and her family's not short of money. They're quite compatible." Jian Yun took another sip from her cup, grasping another glass from his hand. It seemed that with each glass she had taken, her mind had grown even clearer. Blinking, she followed his gaze and stared at the young woman.     


"But Mr. Huo likes women who are proud yet quiet–like orchids blooming on a cliff. Someone who's willing to stand up to him, unashamed yet somewhat...unprepared." There was a certain meaning hidden behind his words as he stared at the necklace on her neck.     


Jian Yun smiled, pretending that she didn't understand.     


Just then, Bai Lichuan had also finished his speech, and the orchestra soon started. Its soft strums echoed across the hall, and the crowd soon dispersed, leaving a wide space in the center. Given her experience in attending these types of banquets, she knew that this was the beginning of a dance.    


Huo Liancheng was tonight's most important guests. Given that he was also well connected with Mr. Bai, he was supposed to start off the opening dance.     


Although he had brought his girlfriend along, everyone felt that no matter what, he should begin the opening dance with Miss Bai. After all, that was proper etiquette.     


Even Bai Xue knew this. Her bright blue dress glittered under the lights, making her look as beautiful as a blooming flower. Her eyes glinted with excitement as she stood at the side of the room, waiting for him to invite her for the first dance.     


However, Huo Liancheng didn't even glance at her way much to her surprise and disappointment. Instead, he walked directly to the dessert table–to where Jian Yun was standing.     


Silence descended into the hall, as everyone turned towards the couple. Their eyes were wide and their mouths were agape. They watched him walk towards her and extended his hand to where she was standing. Everyone held their breath.     


For a split second, Jian Yun felt her heart speeding in her chest. When she raised her head, she found herself a little lost in his dark eyes. He was so focused on her that the coldness of his features was nowhere to be seen. Instead of feeling uncomfortable like she had been every time they caught sight of each other, this time, she felt warm.     


She forced herself to turn away. "Sorry, President Huo." She smiled apologetically. "I don't know how to dance."     


However, Huo Liancheng still didn't withdraw his hand.     


"I'll teach you," he said in a deep voice.     


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