You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C80 Goodbye Xu Yang

C80 Goodbye Xu Yang

0Jian Yun was no longer in the mood to go out with Huo Liancheng. The text message continued to hoard her thoughts as they walked down the sidewalk and stepped into his car. The tightened grip she had on her phone and her narrowed eyes were proof of that fact, and he couldn't help but glance her way. "Where do you want to go?"     


"I want to go home." While speaking, she noticed that her phone was ringing again. It was also from Xu Haiyang.     


She hung up on the phone without a second thought. Suddenly, a text message flashed on her screen, and the scowl on her face had deepened. Without another word, she shoved the phone back into her bag and squeezed her eyes shut. Even the mere thought of his name showing up in front of her again was already giving her a headache. What more if they actually met up?     


"Why aren't you answering your phone?" Huo Liancheng asked casually.     


"I don't want to!" Her voice sounded muffled.     


As he glanced at her, he decided to stay silent. He could tell that Xu Haiyang held considerable weight in her heart, especially with how he had thrown her off with just a few phone calls. His hands gripped the steering wheel, and he turned away.     


Besides, Huo Liancheng could never forget the time when he had kissed Jian Yun that night. She had also said the same three words that would haunt him for life–Xu Haiyang. It seemed that the ghost of her past was still haunting her present, and he couldn't help but despise that fact. A part of him wanted to know what this man was all about.     


Jian Yun was in such a daze that she didn't even notice that he had stopped the car.     


"We've arrived?" She pushed a strand of hair behind her ears, and her eyelashes fluttered at the sight of the tall apartment building standing before her. That was fast.     


"Yes," he responded lightly.     


"I'll get going then." However, she noticed that there was something off with his tone. Jian Yun slowly raised her head and glanced up at him. This time, his face had darkened almost entirely, and there was a certain glint in his eyes–as if he was promising death to whoever he was looking at. He was staring far ahead, and she couldn't help but furrow her eyebrows.     


Wanting to see what had garnered such reaction on him, she curiously looked over. Immediately, she had regretted doing it. Her whole body trembled in fear and surprise, and her fingernails dug into her palms so harshly that it was enough to draw blood. Her face had paled immediately, and the veins on her forehead bulged out in anger. It was him.     


"Is he the one you're trying to avoid?" His voice sounded menacing as he stared at the man standing under the tree. Xu Haiyang had his hands pressed under his pockets as he stared up at the apartments in the upper floor, as if he was hoping that she'd just come running down. Her eyes flashed with unrestrained anger.     


She didn't say anything, but the look on her face was all the answer he needed.     


"Do you want to meet him?" Huo Liancheng demanded, irritated that the man could bring such reaction from her.     


She lowered her eyes and chewed on her bottom lip. There was a moment of silence before she shook her head. "I don't want to see him," she said resolutely. "Let's go."     


He didn't even bother to change her mind as his foot stomped onto the gas. Without a second thought, they were already speeding down the highway, going farther and farther away from the man standing under the withering trees.     


Jian Yun stared at the man in the rear-view mirror, watching as he grew smaller with each passing second. She closed her eyes.     


Since she didn't suggest any place where they could head to, Huo Liancheng brought her back to his place.     


Jian Yun didn't know where they were going until they had reached a residential area, and this was the first time she had ever seen something so high-class. Surrounding her were various sports cars parked in every street, and looming over her were large mansions that were enough to fit hundreds of people inside. Her eyes widened at the large villa in front of her when they had stopped. This must be Huo Liancheng's place.     


Before you could even enter a house, there was a password-encoded elevator. It was only when that was identified would anyone be able to enter the door and reach the first floor of the villa.     


Huo Liancheng had one of the biggest villas she had ever seen, and it was definitely not an exaggeration. It could definitely put any star or millionaire to shame. As she had entered the living room, she stared at the furnishings. Everything about the living room yelled elegance, and even the floors were spotless. However, there was something about the villa that felt lifeless and cold. It was obvious that he had been living alone all these years. Hesitating, she stepped into the room.     


"If you don't have any slippers, you have to make do with these." Opening the shoe cabinet, he brought out a pair of men's slippers and handed them to her.     


She wore them, taking this time to look around the room. Immediately, her gaze was pulled by the piano that was sitting right by the window. She gasped.     


"You can play?" Jian Yun's fingers fondly grazed across the glossy surface. The piano looked brand new, as if he had just bought it. New or not, it was definitely well taken care of, as if someone had actually taken time to wipe it every day. 'Beautiful,' she thought. A part of her had always wished that she had a piano for her own, but it was far too expensive. Plus, it wouldn't fit in her tiny apartment.     


"I can play a little," he admitted, handing her a cup of hot water.     


Jian Yun placed it on top of the piano. Not being able to help herself, she glanced up at Huo Liancheng. "Do you mind if I–?"    


"Go right ahead."     


She pulled up the lid and neatly placed the red-carpeted fabric right beside her. Immediately, her hands flew across the keys, and an energetic tune echoed across the high ceilings. Her back swayed with the beat as a string of sweet notes danced in the air around her. She squeezed her eyes shut and she hummed, reveling at the way it had sounded.     


When she was done, she looked up at Huo Liancheng, nodding in approval. "The piano's really good."     


Huo Liancheng had been leaning against the piano this entire time, staring at the way her expressions changed with every key she had pressed. Upon hearing her words, he raised his eyebrows. "You really like it that much?"     


"Like it? I love it!" Jian Yun smiled. Playing the piano had always been one of her hobbies. It was the only way she could escape reality, the only way where she could relax and enjoy without a single care in the world. It had always been like this when she was a young girl, and now that her life had been thrown into chaos, it was one of the only things that had anchored her.     


"If you agree to be with me, this piano's yours." He shrugged, smiling lazily.     


She was stunned at his declaration as she stared up at him. Huo Liancheng was truly a sight for sore eyes, she noticed. Even when he was frowning, he looked like a Vogue model, and now that he was smiling warmly, he looked like he had just been carved right out of the heavens. Turning away, she joked, "You think I'll sell myself for a piano?"     


"Then what do you want?" Bending over, he gazed into her bright eyes. "Whatever you ask, I'll deliver it straight to your doorsteps."    


Her heart thumped a few times upon hearing his words. She stared at him, wanting to see if he was joking, but all she could see from his gaze was a puddle of deep affection. And it was all directed at her. So, did he really mean what he said? Twisting her wrists, she backtracked and turned away. 'No, Yun, you better not fall for it,' she scolded herself.     


"If you continue teasing like that, I might believe you." Not wanting to think about it any further, Jian Yun chuckled. They were already so close to each other, that the only option she could think of was to get up and walk away from him.     


But before she could, he grabbed her arm and pulled her right in front of him. He placed both of his hands on her shoulders, making sure that she didn't escape. "Then why don't you just believe me?" There was a hint of sadness in his voice, one that had made her heart stir in defeat.     


She had to raise her head to look back at him.     


"I've already said what I needed to say." Jian Yun sighed, shaking her head. She waved her hand at the space between them as she tried to express her sentiments. "Have you seen both of us together? We're two different people! Although we breathe the same air, we don't live the same lives. Even if there was some point in time where we really did like each other, how can you be so sure that we'd stay together?"     


"How can you be so sure that we won't if you don't bother trying?" Huo Liancheng countered.     


There was silence as tension in both parties had risen. "Do you want to know why Xu Haiyang and I broke up?"     


"Why?" Ever since he had heard her call out Xu Haiyang's name, the man was like a thorn in his heart–hurting him every time the man's name had been uttered.     


"He cheated on me with my best friend." The blunt words tumbled out of her lips before she could stop them. Her teeth chattered in rage as she continued, "Xu Haiyang and I grew up together. In fact, if we're being real, he had courted me for six years, and it was only after graduating from high school did I agree to date him. For him, I abandoned my dreams of studying in Beijing, and instead, I chose Qing University. Everything was fine and great, until two years later, I caught him and my friend on the same bed together. Next thing I know, she was pregnant."     


Huo Liancheng frowned. Although Jian Yun looked extremely calm, he could tell from the flash in her eyes that she was hurting. Under that indifferent surface held so much pain–one that he couldn't help but wince at. His heart twinged as a touch of regret pooled in the pits of his stomach. How could he have not known all of this?     


"So you broke up? He didn't even try to save it?" He finally understood why Jian Yun had been so hesitant when she was with him. Xu Haiyang had chased her for six years, and even after two years of dating, their relationship wasn't strong enough to withstand the external forces. And here Huo Liancheng was, expecting far too much within a short span of time frame. It was no wonder that she didn't believe in his promises.     


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