You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C90 Blind

C90 Blind

0Jian Yun had returned to the HR Department. Even then, she still hadn't calmed down from his harsh words, and the tears just kept coming. Usually, once everyone had finished their meals, most of them would go to the lounge right after. That was why she was alone in such a huge office. And the more she stayed there with his words echoing in the back of her mind, the more wronged she felt.     


"Yun, why didn't you eat? Look what I brought you!" When Wu Wenjing returned to her cubicle, she placed a packed lunch box on her friend's table. Not noticing her tear-streaked face, she placed an arm around Jian Yun's shoulder and spoke about what had happened back in the cafeteria. "Guess who decided to eat with the so-called 'commoners' today? That Xia bitch again!"     


As she spoke, Wu Wenjing's words were filled with spite. After a few seconds of talking, she noticed that Jian Yun still hadn't responded. It was when she looked down when she saw that her shoulders were twitching alongside with a soft sound of sniffles and hiccups. Grabbing her by the shoulders, Wu Wenjing turned her around and saw that her face was covered in tears.     


"What's wrong? What happened? Who did this to you?" Tensed, she immediately grabbed a tissue box and passed it to her.     


"I–It's nothing," Jian Yun stuttered out, wiping her tears away and shaking her head, not wanting to say a word.     


What was she supposed to say? That she had been scolded by Huo Liancheng? That he had called her a dirty woman? Even the thought of him saying that made her feel even dirtier. She shuddered, burying herself deeper into Wu Wenjing's arms. A part of her just wished that the ground would immediately swallow her up, but it seemed that the cards had never been in her favor.     


"Did that loser Xu Haiyang bully you again?" Wu Wenjing had never seen her cry in so many years, and now that she had seen her sobbing so bitterly, she was worried to death. Thinking that it was Xu Haiyang, she immediately grabbed her phone, tempted to give that asshole a piece of her mind.     


But before she could, Jian Yun stopped her. "It's not him!"     


"Look at you, your makeup is already ruined! I was wondering why you didn't head to lunch, only to see you hiding in your desk finishing up that KDrama of yours." Wu Wenjing changed her concerned tone into a teasing one once she saw more people coming into the office. Not wanting Jian Yun's crying to attract too much attention, she decided to lie. "Why are you crying? Is this the show where the guy got leukemia? Ugh! I've seen that show and it's just devastating!"     


Many of the women in the HR Department loved watching Korean dramas. In fact, there were plenty of people who wouldn't go to lunch just to binge-watch their favorite series. If that was the case, then no one would look the other way.     


"Come on, let's talk in the bathroom." Giving her a look, Wu Wenjing dragged her out of the door.     


Once they've entered the bathroom, she checked around to make sure that all the stalls were empty before locking the door behind her. She turned around to face Jian Yun, eyes wide with curiosity and concern. "Who bullied you?"     


There was a short pause before Jian Yun finally answered, "Huo Liancheng."     


However, Wu Wenjing certainly didn't expect such a straight answer. Sucking a breath of cold air, she stared at her friend for a very long time as she struggled to process the information that was given to her. Her hands clenched and unclenched as she listened to what had happened. And the more she heard, the more furious she became.     


Once Jian Yun was finished, Wu Wenjing waved her fists up in the air. "Who the hell does he think he is? Does he think that just because he's rich he could say these things about you?" She fumed. "Plus, he isn't even your boyfriend! For him to point out your flaws like he's some type of god–ugh! The nerve!"     


Her tears streamed down her cheeks continuously.     


"Don't cry! You're so pure and–and definitely far from dirty! Who even cares about him? To think that I've had such a good impression of him back then." Wu Wenjing used wet tissue to wipe away her friend's tears, murmuring to herself in disbelief, "I've always wanted you to get along, ugh! Just the thought of it disgusts me! God, I must have dog shit splattered across my eyes."     


"Only you'd say something like that." Upon hearing her words, the corners of Jian Yun's lips lifted up into a watery smile.     


"It's just to make you laugh." Wu Wenjing poked fun of her before turning on the tap. Scrubbing the wet towel to get rid of the mascara, she passed it on to Jian Yun. "Here. Use this to wipe your tears away. You look like a panda."     


"You're so annoying!" She chuckled, using it to wipe her face.     


"But, what are you going to do next?" Seeing as she had finally stopped crying, the smile fell from Wu Wenjing's features as a thought occurred to her. "I mean, you and President Huo just fought, and it's obvious that he probably wouldn't bother you this soon. But what if he suddenly comes for you a few days later? What would you do then?"     


"I'll be resigning. I've already had enough of him! He's the one who started flirting with me for no reason, and after saying those words...I just..." Jian Yun choked with sobs, unable to finish her sentence. Her head was hung low, refusing to look at her friend in the eye. At this point, she really didn't know why she continued to stay here.     


"Yun..." Wu Wenjing hesitated. "Do you really not know him? Why do I keep having the feeling that the two of you know each other? I mean, the way he acts around you–don't you think he knows you?"     


Hearing this, her heart stirred even more, but Jian Yun simply snorted in disdain. "I don't remember him," she snapped. "Maybe he had mistaken me for the wrong person. Forget it! I'm leaving anyway. It's time to go back to Boshan and find myself a job–to be closer to my Mom. There's nothing left for me here anyway."     


"You want to stay away from Xu Haiyang, huh?" She raised her eyebrows.     


Jian Yun didn't even bother to cover up her hatred for the man as she nodded. "I don't ever want to see him again."     


"But..." Wu Wenjing was just about to say that Xu Haiyang's family also resided in Boshan when she noticed the paper bag in her friend's hands. Her lips suddenly pursed in curiosity as she struggled to peer inside. "What's that thing in your hand?"     


Jian Yun pulled the jewelry box from the paper bag and was immediately dumbfounded. It was a gold jewelry box–the very same box that she had sought to return to him. She had originally wanted to return it to Huo Liancheng, but he threw it away before she could even speak. She had been so insulted that she had picked the box up from the trash, forgetting to set it on his table again. Cursing under her breath, she stared at the open jewelry box. How could she have been so careless?     


At the sight of the pink diamond glinting under the artificial lights, Wu Wenjing screamed, "It's so beautiful!"     


Suddenly, someone came knocking on the bathroom door, startling them.     


"Hey, who the hell locked the entire bathroom?" Xia Bingbing's voice echoed from the other side of the door.     


Wu Wenjing raised her eyebrows almost mockingly at Jian Yun as her hand grasped the handle. "I really do attract the bitch wherever I go," she murmured to herself, unlocking and pulling the door open.     


Jian Yun hurriedly shoved the necklace into the box. Glancing at the mirror, she noticed that her eyes were practically swollen shut from the tears. Dipping her hands in cold water, she washed her face. From the corner of her eyes, she could see Xia Bingbing proudly strutting in with her ten-centimeter heels. Hui followed right behind her.    


"What are the two of you up to that you have to lock the door? Nothing scandalous I hope?" Xia Bingbing mocked.     


"Ugh! What's that smell?" Wu Wenjing pinched the bridge of her nose as her other hand fanned the bathroom. "Is that the smell of bullshit wafting across the room? Ugh, Yun, let's go!"     


Xia Bingbing narrowed her eyes at the hot-headed woman, but before she could say another word, the two ran off.     


"Did you at least hear them a few minutes ago?" The woman's eyes twitched as she turned to Hui's trembling form.     


"Their voices were so soft," Hui tried to reason, ducking her head. "I've only heard them mentioning President Huo's name, but other than that, I couldn't really tell anymore."     


"Useless!" Xia Bingbing slapped her over the head. Her manicured fingernails poked against her cheek as she scolded, "I let you work at Ming's for you to get the information I need, but you haven't done anything at all! If you continue acting like this, then you might as well just leave the company!"     


"Sister Bingbing, please don't get angry!" Hui didn't dare make another sound. Knowing that she had to rely on the woman to survive, she could only bear with Xia Bingbing's cruelty. "The jewelry box in Jian Yun's hands seems to be very valuable, right?"     


"Please! As if she could have anything with that poor stature of hers!" Rolling her eyes, Xia Bingbing turned the other way. "Let's go!"     


On the other side of the department, Jian Yun returned to her office and started typing out her resignation letter. Wu Wenjing, on the other hand, quickly approached her table and glanced at the paper bag. "Yun, you..." she hesitated for a moment before continuing, "What do you plan to do next?"     


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