You, CEO’s Secret Wife

C258 I Can't Let You be with Him

C258 I Can't Let You be with Him

0"It's all in the past, don't mention it anymore." Jian Yun lowered her eyes and stirred the milk tea with a straw. She took two sips and felt that the taste was not right, but she did not think too much about it. She only felt that it might be this taste.    


However, Jian Yun did not notice that Xu Haiyang's eyes lit up when he saw her drink the milk tea.    


"How can I not mention it? I fell in love with you when I was a teenager. In the blink of an eye, more than ten years have passed. I have never had another woman in my heart. You are the only one!" Xu Haiyang said excitedly.    


"If you came to me just to say these words, then I will leave!" Jian Yun did not look at Xu Haiyang because she did not dare to look. She was afraid that she would soften her heart.    


"Yunduo, do you know why I was hit by a car?" Xu Haiyang suddenly asked.    


Jian Yun looked up at him and saw him laugh and said, "That night, I was at the clubhouse too. I saw everything!"    


Jian Yun's brows violently trembled. She quickly lowered her eyes. "Then why don't you give up?"    


"How can you give up? I saw you standing on the street and kissing him with my own eyes. I can't believe that it was you. I wanted to go over and see clearly, and then I was hit by a car coming from behind. Do you know who the car that hit me was?" Xu Haiyang's eyelids twitched. His voice became louder. He could not hide his anger. He hit the table and gave a license plate number. Then he asked Jian Yun, "Do you know who the car that hit me was?" Are you familiar with this license plate number?"    


"Impossible!" Jian Yun denied. Of course she was familiar with this license plate number. This was the Bentley number that Huo Liancheng often drove.    


"Do you want me to go to the traffic police to get evidence for you to believe?" Xu Haiyang said coldly.    


"I don't believe it. He has been with me all this time. It can't be him!" Jian Yun's heart was already in turmoil because of Xu Haiyang's words, but she still looked calm on the surface. Because her intuition told her that Huo Liancheng had no reason to do so.    


"Yunduo, how long have you known him? Do you know what kind of person he is? Do you know how powerful he is?" The more Xu Haiyang spoke, the angrier he became. He reached out and grabbed Jian Yun's hand. He used a lot of strength and his eyes turned red.    


Jian Yun bit her lips and did not say anything, but the expression on her face had betrayed her. Not only did one person tell her that Huo Liancheng was terrifying, but she also felt that she did not understand him. Could it be that he really...    


Xu Haiyang looked at Jian Yun's expression change. There was a flash of pride in his eyes, but then he asked seriously, "Yunduo, he knows about us, right?"    


Jian Yun nodded.    


"With his family background, you are playing with fire with him!" Xu Haiyang said.    


Jian Yun frowned even more. She had always known this, but she could not explain it. She could not say that she sold herself to him because of a million yuan.    


It was ridiculous for her to think about it, but it was the truth.    


Jian Yun suddenly felt dizzy and her face began to heat up. But she had a fever before and the symptoms were the same, so Jian Yun did not take it to heart. She only felt that the reaction in her brain seemed to slow down.    


"Yunduo, leave him and be with me, okay? I promise that I will be good to you and will not make that kind of mistake again. I will listen to everything you say, okay?" Xu Haiyang saw Jian Yun holding her forehead as if she was feeling a little uncomfortable. His eyes flashed, but then he held her hand in pain.    


"It's too late!" Jian Yun felt dizzy. She felt as if all the strength in her body had flowed away. Xu Haiyang grabbed her hand and she was unable to resist. Moreover, the familiar aura on his body pounced on her face. In this narrow space, it was filled with his aura. This was an aura that she had been familiar with since she was young. For a moment, it made Jian Yun feel as if they had not grown up yet. She had gone to self-study and was hungry. She dragged him out to eat together.    


"Why is it too late? Where is it too late?" Xu Haiyang asked anxiously. In the hospital, when he told all the facts, Jian Yun had said it too late. He did not understand why she said that. As long as she was willing to accept him, there was no such thing.    


"Don't ask!" Jian Yun held her forehead. She really wanted to leave immediately. She felt that something was wrong, but she did not know what was wrong.    


"No, make it clear!" Xu Haiyang said and did not let go of Jian Yun.    


At that moment, Jian Yun heard her phone ring. She struggled to get rid of Xu Haiyang's hand and picked up the phone to answer the call. "Hello?"    


"Where is it?" On the other end of the phone, Huo Liancheng's low voice sounded.    


Jian Yun's heart trembled. She did not expect Huo Liancheng to call her at this time. She looked at Xu Haiyang who was staring at her and felt guilty.    


"I'm at home." Jian Yun did not dare to tell the truth. She had to lie.    


"Is that so?" Huo Liancheng's voice turned cold, "But I saw a person who looked very similar to you in Qing University. She was sitting in a cafe called Warm Love and dating a man. I thought I got the wrong person!"    


"Are you in Qing University?" Jian Yun was quite shocked. Her dizzy head made her react slower. It was only after a long time did she realize what Huo Liancheng meant by the second half of his sentence. Wasn't he talking about her?    


Jian Yun quickly stood up and subconsciously looked around. When she looked around, she indeed saw a familiar tall figure standing under the tree not far from the window. At this moment, Jian Yun felt as if a bucket of ice water had been poured on her head. A cold air rose from her back and spread all the way to her head. She panicked and held her heart.    


His face was hidden in the shadow of the tree. No one could see his expression, but Jian Yun could feel the coldness radiating from his body. His expression was so cold that it made people's hearts tremble.    


Jian Yun did not have the time to think at all and instinctively wanted to go out and find him, but just as she moved, Xu Haiyang stopped her.    


"Yunduo, where are you going?" Xu Haiyang asked coldly.    


"Get out of the way. I'm leaving." Jian Yun went to push Xu Haiyang away.    


"Go find him?" Xu Haiyang looked out the window and his eyebrows twitched. A surge of hostility radiated from his eyes.    


"Xu Haiyang, I'm dizzy. Don't get so close to me!" Jian Yun stood up and felt the world spinning in front of her. A wave of heat rushed through her body. It was so uncomfortable. Xu Haiyang's approach made it difficult for her to breathe.    


"Yunduo, I'm sorry!" Xu Haiyang suddenly said in a low voice. Then, without waiting for Jian Yun to react, he suddenly hugged her. He lowered his head and whispered into her ear, "Yunduo, I cannot lose you! Even if you hate me, I will not let you be with him!"    


Jian Yun was extremely anxious. She subconsciously looked out the window. Huo Liancheng was still standing there. Even though they were very far away, Jian Yun could feel Huo Liancheng's anger.    


"Xu Haiyang, don't be like this!" Jian Yun was very angry. She knew that Xu Haiyang did this on purpose, but her entire body was sore and weak. She did not even have the strength to resist. She seemed to be moaning when she said it. She did not have any momentum at all.    


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