Strongest Immortal Emperor in City

C1600 Arriving at the Yin Mountain

C1600 Arriving at the Yin Mountain

0"If that's the case, I will immediately depart for the Yin Mountain."    


Ye Chen quickly made his decision.    


Aokawa Sayuri had been taken to the Yin Sect for a few days. Every minute that was dragged on, Aokawa Sayuri's life might be in danger. Especially when Ye Chen found out about it from the elder of the Yin Sect branch. It made him even more furious.    


Bai Jingting and the others didn't dare to stop him.    


Venerable Shi still wanted to send someone to drive the flying boat to send Ye Chen over, but was rejected by Ye Chen.    


Ye Chen waved his hand and took Aokawa Sakura with him, turning into a green beam of light and speeding away. What kind of flying ship could compare to the flying speed of the Vermillion Bird Divine Form?    


He looked at Ye Chen's departing figure.    


Bai Jingting wanted to say something but stopped himself. In the end, he said, "Brother Shi, the Yin Sect Conference is not just a gathering of the various Yin Sects. At that time, the ancestral land will be opened, and the ceremony will be held. The outstanding cultivators of the Yin Bloodline will be selected to join the Yin Sect. I believe that all the Yin Clan cultivators in the present world will gather together, and there will be the ancestral Magic Formation of the Yin Sect guarding it. Not to mention, there was also Tian Yin Sect, which had a monstrous influence. Will Frost Leaf True Immortal really be able to go there?"    


" Hmph, whether she can or not, it doesn't matter to us. If Frost Leaf True Immortal wins, we will naturally be happy. If he loses and dies in the Yin Mountain, he can't come and find trouble with us. We should be even happier."    


Miao Qingqing coldly snorted.    


When the others heard her, they all nodded in agreement. When Elder Shi saw this, he could only sigh and shake his head. This group of people had been high and mighty for too long. He had forgotten what respect meant. He had hoped that they would take the initiative to befriend Frost Leaf True Immortal. Taking advantage of the situation to develop the Great Heaven Sacred Land even more, it was as difficult as ascending to the heavens.    


"In the end, we missed this opportunity..."    


Venerable Shi let out a long sigh and did not mention this matter again...    


Although the Profound Yin Galaxy was complex and ever-changing, when ordinary Heavenly Sovereigns arrived, they might not be able to walk out of it even if they used up all of their lifespans. However, neither Ye Chen nor Aokawa Sakura were ordinary cultivators. At the end, Ye Chen simply unfolded the Vermillion Bird Divine Form and brought Aokawa Sakura along. They flew all the way.    


Soon, they arrived at the border of the Profound Yin Galaxy.    


On the Yin Mountain, there was a pitch-black planet that looked like a black hole. It would take a lot of effort for ordinary cultivators to recognize it, and even if they did, they wouldn't dare to step into it.    


However, once they passed through the atmosphere and saw the planet's scenery, they could not help but sigh at its beauty.    


This planet was originally a lively scene of spring all year round, with flowers blooming like a blooming flower. The appearance of the planet was merely an illusion created by the great formation passed down by the ancestors of the Tian Yin Sect. Coupled with the fact that it was located at the border, it was indeed a good place for those who had no other choice but to run amok.    


Ye Chen and Aokawa Sakura had just landed on the planet when they were stopped by someone. "Gentlemen, the Yin Sect Conference is being held in the Yin Mountain recently. We don't welcome guests. You can go back now."    


Yin Mountain was a very small planet. Most of the land on it was surrounded by tall mountains. Obviously, the valley was the place where the Yin Sect Conference would be held.    


The place where Ye Chen landed was at the intersection of the two mountain peaks. The cultivators of the Yin Mountain set up a checkpoint and blocked the way. In front of the checkpoint stood a few men with dense Yin Qi.    


Their eyes were shining with green light, and the Qi around their bodies was surging. They were all Nascent Soul Stage experts.    


"I'm here to participate in the meeting, do you dare to stop me?"    


Ye Chen's Qi changed. A monstrous Yin Qi was unleashed from his body, and like a ghost that had descended from the underworld, two purple Divine Lights shot out from his body.    


"Bang! Bang!"    


A few men who were guarding the door immediately took a few steps back. They hurriedly knelt down and said, "Please forgive us for not knowing that senior Yin cultivator has arrived. Senior, please come in..."    




Ye Chen let out a cold snort before withdrawing his aura and bringing Aokawa Sakura in. After the two of them disappeared, the few guarding cultivators got up and looked at each other in dismay.    


"Boss, do you know who that senior is?"    


"How would I know? There are so many Yin Cultivation sects in the universe. Even in the Tian Yin Sect, they might not include all the experts. Who knows if it's some old monster who came out on a whim to participate. "    


" Indeed. That senior just now gave me the feeling that his aura is so powerful that he must be a great expert. "    


Several people secretly said, feeling a lingering fear in their hearts.    


The world of Yin cultivators was crueler than the world of ordinary Cultivator. The strong followed the will of the strong, and the life and death of the strong were in their hands. For a few Nascent Infant Cultivator warriors like them, they had really encountered those old monsters with Tao Combination and Ascend to Heaven . If they didn't deal with them properly, their hearts might be devoured by those evil ghosts on the spot. The curse would take away their souls and kill them.    


Ye Chen brought Aokawa Sakura and slowly walked into the Yin Mountain Valley.    


"Master, why did you enter from the front door? With our strength, we just need to slaughter our way in and destroy these magic doors." Aokawa Sakura was puzzled.    


"I feel that there seems to be some kind of unusual Qi in this valley. It is unusual."    


Ye Chen released his divine sense and covered the entire valley. He replied casually, "The main purpose of this trip is to save people. We should save them first."    




He unleashed his Divine Sense.    


In an instant, the scene in the valley fell into Ye Chen's eyes.    


"One, two, three... Seven Amalgamated Tao True Immortal, and two or three hundred Nascent Soul Heavenly Monarch? If this was only a request to join the Yin Sect in this year's assembly, then the power of the entire sect would be incomparably terrifying. No wonder the Vast Heaven Sacred Land doesn't dare to fight against them. "    


Under Ye Chen's divine sense, the entire Yin Mountain Town could be seen with a single glance. No matter if it was the sect masters of the various sects or the little brother who brewed tea, they could not escape Ye Chen's eyes.    


"Found it. This Qi is very familiar. It should be that Hall Master from some branch of the Heavenly Yin Sect."    


Ye Chen thought to himself, "But, where is Aokawa Sayuri? Why isn't there any Qi of hers? Could she be dead? This was impossible. If she's dead, I'll definitely sense it!"    


Frowning, he scanned the entire valley with his Divine Sense like a net. However, he could not find Aokawa Sayuri's presence no matter how hard he tried.    


"Either Aokawa Sayuri is not in the town, or she was hidden by a secret technique. But this puny Border Planet, how could there be a technique or Magic Formation that can hide from my divine sense?"    


Ye Chen shook his head and did not believe it at all.    


With his Ascending Stage and Shichiyou Lotus' full power, he would need at least a few Immortal Venerables to conceal his divine sense. As for this mere Yin Mountain, it didn't even have an Ascend to Heaven . How could it be hidden from him?    


"Since Aokawa Sayuri isn't here, I don't need to worry too much."    


Ye Chen sneered. After saying that, he brought Aokawa Sakura and walked towards the center of the Yin Mountain without hiding anything.    


Since there was no longer any scruples, there were no good people among the cultivators. Killing them casually could be considered as enforcing justice on behalf of the heavens. Then he would start a massacre!    



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