Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



0"Open the door! Open!"    


Without any hesitation, Ye Xiu opened the door immediately. Then, when the Profound Power in his body surged, he stepped on his Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step and quickly rushed to the city gate.    


"This ?"    


Zhao Ming, who was standing inside the city gate and observing secretly saw that Ye Xiu, who only had Twelveth Layer of Profound Vein Stage, was actually twice as fast as the other two, and his eyes were filled with shock.    


Because Ye Xiu's speed was very fast, in less than a minute, he had already arrived at the city gate.    


"Wait a minute!"    


Ye Xiu looked at the city gate that was about to close, and immediately shouted out.    


However, how could the guards that were closing the door listen to Ye Xiu's orders obediently? Therefore, even though Ye Xiu was shouting, the city gate was still shut tight.    




Just as Ye Xiu was at a loss for what to do, a voice suddenly came out from inside the city gate.    


"Young master, come in quickly."    


At this time, Zhao Ming walked out of the city gate which only had a crack left, and waved at Ye Xiu.    


With regards to the man who appeared in front of him, Ye Xiu could immediately recognize him. Wasn't this man one of Zhu Yunan's followers?    


Therefore, before Ye Xiu could rejoice over the fact that the city gate had stopped, his expression became somewhat solemn.    


Ye Xiu was not an idiot so he was naturally clear that the appearance of this follower was not a coincidence.    


Since it wasn't a coincidence, it meant that this follower had been waiting here the entire time. Even the closing of the city gates had something to do with this person.    


Otherwise, why would the city gates begin to close the moment Ye Xiu and the rest approached the Fuyang City?    


Of course, even if Ye Xiu was clear about the whole thing, the city gate was about to close. If Ye Xiu did not give the person in front of him a good look, then it would be impossible for the three of them to enter the city.    


"Thank you. I still have two friends behind me. Can we wait a bit longer?" Ye Xiu thanked him.    


"No problem, you are Young Master's friend, so I must wait for you. Young Master has already instructed me that if I see Young Master, I must invite Young Master to the mansion so that we can properly act as host." Zhao Ming said respectfully.    


Since Zhu Yunan had said that he would invite Ye Xiu back into the mansion, then Zhao Ming would naturally not dare to disrespect Ye Xiu in the slightest.    




Because he was already mentally prepared, Ye Xiu did not reject Zhao Ming's invitation.    


As the saying goes, happiness is not a disaster, it's a disaster that cannot be avoided. Now that things had come to this point, he could only take one step at a time.    


As for what exactly Zhu Yunan was planning in his heart, Ye Xiu did not know, but it would probably not be anything good.    




Seeing Ye Xiu agreeing to his invitation, Zhao Ming was naturally happy in his heart, because by doing so, he could be considered to have completed the mission that Zhu Yunan gave him.    


Just like this, because Ye Xiu had agreed to go to the City Lord's Mansion, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan smoothly entered the Fuyang City as well.    


"Ye Xiu, do you really want to go to the City Lord's Mansion with him? Isn't that just walking into a trap? " When Ye Xiu and the other two followed behind Zhao Ming and walked towards the City Lord's Mansion, Chen Aoxuan muttered softly.    


"There's no other way. If I don't agree, do you think that guy will let us enter the city? Since the young city lord released us, we've already been led astray by the nose, so the current situation is unavoidable, and this is within the young city lord's expectations. " Ye Xiu analyzed.    


As Ye Xiu's words fell, whether it was Lin Tian or Chen Aoxuan, both of their expressions were naturally somewhat ugly.    


Because of the conflict they had with Zhu Yunan, City Lord's Mansion was like hell to them. Once they entered, there was an extremely high possibility that they would never be able to come out.    


But what Ye Xiu said was right, if he did not agree, the three of them would be locked outside the city gates.    


When they thought about being surrounded and attacked by thousands and thousands of Profound Beast, Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan couldn't help but shiver. Compared to outside the city, entering the City Lord's Mansion was relatively safer.    


Of course, it was only relative, because City Lord's Mansion was like a dragon's lagoon and a tiger's cave, if one was slightly careless, they might be able to keep their life inside.    


Just like this, after Ye Xiu finished speaking, the three of them did not speak anymore, and only followed Zhao Ming.    


"Young Masters, this is the City Lord's Mansion of the Fuyang City. Please enter." When Zhao Ming brought Ye Xiu and the other two to the entrance of City Lord's Mansion, he extended his hand to the three people and indicated for them to come.    


Although Zhao Ming was smiling, in the eyes of Ye Xiu and the other two, his smile was definitely no different from a demon's smile.    


Of course, as a Fuyang City, their decorations were definitely luxurious as well, comparable to the City Lord's Mansion of the Liyang City.    


"Let's go in!"    


Looking at the courteous Zhao Ming, Ye Xiu said to Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan, and then he took the lead to step onto the City Lord's Mansion steps.    


Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan looked at each other. Since they had already reached this critical juncture, there was no longer any room for choice. Thus, after Ye Xiu, they also stepped onto the stairs without hesitation.    




When Ye Xiu and the other two reached the City Lord's Mansion door, the guards on both sides similarly made a gesture of invitation.    


However, this action was too sudden, causing the already anxious Chen Aoxuan to jump in fright. When he stepped over the threshold, he almost tripped over the threshold.    


Of course, Chen Aoxuan was also someone with a cultivation, so he would not fall so easily, especially at this place, if he really fell down, then it would be a big deal.    


"The three of you, Young Master has already prepared a rich dinner in the banquet hall. Please follow me." When Ye Xiu and the other two successfully stepped into the City Lord's Mansion, a sweet looking servant girl walked over.    


After the servant girl finished speaking, she brought Ye Xiu and the other two in deeper into the City Lord's Mansion.    


Along the way, whether it was Ye Xiu or Lin Tian, they were all looking left or right. However, when they saw that the strength of the city lord's guards was not any weaker than their City Lord's Mansion, their expressions all became extremely ugly.    


They had nowhere to run to now, so if Zhu Yunan had anything he wanted to do to them, they would not be able to resist at all. Even if they resisted, there would only be death in the end.    


"It's over. This time, we're dead for sure." Chen Aoxuan thought.    



Although Lin Tian did not say much, but from the looks of it, he felt that the following matter was not very good.    


As for what the maidservant had said about the rich dinner they had prepared for them, it might have been the last meal of their lives.    


"Ye Long, if I am really in danger, do you have a way to save me?" Ye Xiu asked in his mind while observing the situation in his surroundings.    


Although the current Ye Long only had his soul left, the other party was, after all, a strong existence at the Profound King level.    


Ye Xiu was not clear about how strong the Profound King was, but it was definitely a hundred times stronger than the Leng Yue he had met before. Therefore, even if he did not have a corporeal body now, he was still not completely useless.    


"This ?"    


After hearing what Ye Xiu had said, Ye Long was so embarrassed that he did not know what to say.    


"Speak the truth, or don't blame me for being rude to you." Seeing Ye Long's hesitant look, Ye Xiu asked.    


No matter what, the next step was extremely dangerous, and if he could not ensure his safety, even Ye Xiu would not dare to continue walking forward.    


"Master, I can help you for the time being, but this will consume a lot of my soul power and will cause great harm to me." Ye Long said with grievance.    


The reason why it was hesitating was because if it were to reveal itself in its current state, it would cause serious damage to its soul. Even if it regained its physical body, its cultivation would definitely drop by quite a bit.    


Once he fell down, it would be extremely difficult for him to level up again.    


It was also because of this, that if Ye Xiu had not threatened him with death, it would definitely not have revealed this secret.    


"Then what if it's just a scare? It shouldn't cause too much damage to your soul, right? " Ye Xiu's eyes turned slightly.    


Even without a corporeal body, the soul energy was still there. Even if it was a little weak, as long as he was able to release a bit of his aura, it would probably be enough to scare a Profound Pill Realm expert to the ground.    


"Master, although the damage is small, it will still affect me." Ye Long replied truthfully.    


If it was just to scare it, the damage would be small, but Ye Long's soul was weak in the first place, so if it left the beast core, it would definitely be affected.    


"I know, don't worry. I won't let you do anything unless I have no other choice. But if I am really going to die, you must also do something. Otherwise, if I die, you won't be able to live either." Ye Xiu reminded.    


What Ye Xiu said was true, so even if Ye Long was millions of times unwilling, he had to accept this fact.    


In comparison to death, Ye Long naturally chose to inflict some damage to his soul.    


"Master, if my soul is injured, you have to be responsible for finding some sort of soul-restoring medicine to help me treat it." Ye Long requested.    


As a Blood Link Profound Beast, it should only listen to orders, but was no ordinary Profound Beast, so Ye Xiu naturally understood the question it posed.    


"Don't worry. If your soul is damaged, I will be responsible for healing you. I promise you this." Ye Xiu promised.    


Of course, the current Ye Xiu still did not know that the medicinal ingredients used to repair soul wounds were definitely rare in this continent. Otherwise, he would not have boasted about it so much.    


"Big brother Lin Tian, Chen Aoxuan, don't be too nervous, believe me, we can leave this place alive." Due to Ye Long's relationship with him, Ye Xiu's heart also calmed down, and then he turned to speak to Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan.    


Of course, Ye Xiu would naturally not say anything about Ye Long, so he could only hope that Lin Tian and Chen Aoxuan would trust him.    


"Ye Xiu!"    


Whether it was Lin Tian or Chen Aoxuan, when they saw that the originally nervous Ye Xiu had suddenly turned out to be a completely different person, both of their eyes revealed signs of doubt.    


However, between the trust they had for Ye Xiu, the two of them took a deep breath to calm themselves down.    


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