Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



0"Be careful!"    


Ye Yunhao did not speak anymore, and the group of five continued to walk forward.    


Since they were searching for treasures, the five of them naturally walked very slowly so as to avoid passing by the treasures.    


However, as time slowly passed, Ye Xiu and the other three did not even see a corner of the treasure.    


"I already said that this path isn't right. Do you all not believe me? So what? You all have reached the end, right?" When Ye Xiu and the other three arrived in front of a cliff, Ye Yunhao could not help but start to ridicule them once again.    


He previously said that there was no basis for it, but now there was no path in front of them, so it was clear that what he said before was right, the path Ye Xiu had chosen was completely wasting their time.    


At this moment, if there were any treasures in the cave, they would have long since been snatched away by the other clans.    


"Ye Yunhao, if you don't speak, no one will treat you as a mute. Furthermore, Ye Xiu has never been here before, how would he know if there are any treasures here?" Ye Yuantian said coldly.    


As fellow members of the Ye Family, especially under such circumstances, this Ye Yunhao continued to cause trouble for him. This made Ye Yuantian extremely angry.    


"Ye Yuantian, what's wrong with you? Just what benefits did this Ye Xiu give you to have you helping him like this? If you help him like this again, then your father will give him the position of Clan Chief. Ye Yunhao said coldly.    


Ye Yuantian repeatedly berated Ye Yunhao for his sake, which made the latter unable to endure it any longer, because before this, the two of them were good friends.    


I do not want to help anyone on purpose, nor do I want to target anyone on purpose, but I know what we are doing now, and why are you doing this to Ye Xiu here, and what are you doing? The five of us are all descendants of the Ye Family, and now, we are representing the entire Ye Family in their search for treasure. Seeing how Ye Yunhao did not know how to repent, Ye Yuantian was truly angry.    


"I ?"    


Seeing Ye Yuantian like that, he opened his mouth wide, not knowing what to say.    


He just did not like Ye Xiu, and wanted to get back at him a few times, but he did not have any evil intentions, but seeing how angry Ye Yuantian was, Ye Yunhao suddenly realised that he might really be at a different place.    


"Right... I'm sorry, I was wrong. " Looking at the angry Ye Yuantian, Ye Yunhao apologized lightly.    


The person you have to apologize to is not me, but Ye Xiu. You have to target him time and time again, but he has to bear with you time and again just because of the big picture. If this place is not suitable for fighting, do you think that Ye Xiu won't dare to beat you up? Ye Yuantian reminded.    


"I ?"    


Hearing these words, Ye Yunhao was even more at a loss for words.    


"Okay, now our most important thing is to find treasures. If we go the wrong way, then let's change paths. It's not that big of a deal."    


Just as Ye Yunhao was about to say something, Ye Xiu spoke out first.    


Towards someone like Ye Yunhao who did not know what was good for him and did not know how to differentiate between the good and the bad, Ye Xiu really did not want to say anything more, because he was afraid that if he said something wrong, he would piss off the other party.    


Ye Xiu was not afraid of Ye Yunhao, he even wanted to beat him up, but the danger in this cave was unknown, so he had to be extremely careful.    


It was also because of this that Ye Xiu did not bother with Ye Yunhao during this entire journey. There were even a few times where he purposefully walked a few steps faster so as to not get into conflict with Ye Yunhao.    


To them, the other clans were their true enemies. However, if they were to mess around now, it would only be a joke to the other clans.    


"Hey, wait a moment."    


Just as Ye Xiu was preparing to return, a voice suddenly came out.    


"Ye Shang, have you found something?"    


Hearing the voice, Ye Yuantian hurriedly turned around and asked after taking a few steps.    


"Look, this rock wall doesn't look right." As Ye Shang spoke, he touched the rock wall at the end of the road.    




However, after Ye Shang touched it a few times, pieces of rock began to roll down from the wall.    




Seeing this scene, Ye Xiu's eyes revealed a trace of curiosity. This rock wall was actually like this, does that mean there's more space behind this wall?    


If it was a thick rock wall, then it would be impossible for many rocks to appear with a slight touch.    


"Bang bang!"    


In order to verify his thoughts, Ye Xiu quickly walked to the edge of the cliff and lightly kicked it a few times.    




With this kick, the small stones on the wall continued to roll down. There were also quite a few of them.    


"Come, let's use our strength together. Perhaps there is some treasure behind this wall." Seeing the small rocks that continuously rolled down, Ye Xiu told the others.    


"Let's attack together."    


Without saying a word, Ye Yuantian bellowed out, following that, the Profound Power in his body exploded, and a punch with surging Profound Power s flew towards the cliff.    




When the sound of a violent clash sounded out, Ye Yuantian realized that his fist had actually caved in.    


One must know that this was a rock wall. It seemed to be a very sturdy rock wall, but it was easily caved in by his fist. It clearly meant that the wall was empty.    


"Quick, it's really empty behind this wall." Ye Yuantian said with excitement.    


There was a high chance that there were treasures in this cave, and now that they came across a fake rock wall, it was clear that there was a high chance that there were treasures hidden behind it.    




As soon as Ye Yuantian finished speaking, Ye Yunhao shouted without hesitation and after that, he threw a punch with Profound Power's light aura at the stone wall.    


"Bang, bang, bang!"    





"Bang!" One collision after another rang out, and at the same time, the sound of breaking stone constantly rang out.    




Under the combined efforts of Ye Yuantian and the others, this seemingly invincible rock wall directly collapsed, and then, another new passage appeared on the road that was originally going to the end.    


Of course, if Ye Yunhao and the others thought that there were no treasures here, then with the appearance of the new path, their thoughts would naturally be completely different from before.    


If there were no treasures in there, then why did they need to use such a fake rock wall to seal off the road?    


"Quickly leave. I dare to guarantee that there are definitely treasures in here." Ye Yunhao looked in front of him and immediately became excited.    


After that, Ye Yunhao ran inside quickly, as if his treasure would be taken away if he was slow.    


"Brother Yuan Tian, this Ye Yunhao is so reckless. It looks like we can't let him participate in such a thing in the future, otherwise, it would be bad for him." Looking at Ye Yunhao who was quickly running forward, Ye Xiu shook his head and said.    


Regarding Ye Xiu's words, although Ye Yuantian did not say anything, from his expression, it could be seen that he agreed.    


"Yuan..." "Yuan ?"    


Just as Ye Xiu and the other four were following behind Ye Yunhao, the originally disappearing Ye Yunhao suddenly turned a corner and retreated back.    


At the same time, the originally excited Ye Yunhao now had a pale face, as if she had seen something terrifying and was frightened.    


"Ye Yunhao, what's wrong?" When Ye Yuantian saw the pale Ye Yunhao, he hastened his steps and rushed forward.    


"Quick... Quick, run! "    


Seeing Ye Yuantian rushing towards him, Ye Yunhao immediately shouted out, and then ignoring everything else, he ran towards Ye Yuantian.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


But just as Ye Yunhao was about to run a few meters, suddenly, a Light Buzz sound came out, following that, a black mass of Light Buzz appeared from the corner, following closely behind Ye Yunhao.    


"What the hell is this?!"    


Upon seeing this, Ye Yuantian who was rushing towards Ye Yunhao immediately stopped, turned around and ran with a frightened face.    


Although these black masses did not feel that they were dangerous, they were too numerous, so they had a strong visual impact on people.    


Just like that, Ye Yuantian and Ye Yunhao started to run.    




When Ye Yuantian was escaping, he immediately shouted to Ye Xiu and the other two who were still in shock.    


Hearing that, Ye Shang and the other person also ran off in the next second, while only Ye Xiu was still in a daze.    


"Ye Xiu, run! What are you waiting for?" When Ye Yuantian saw that Ye Xiu was still frozen in place, he let out a loud shout once again.    


But Ye Xiu still did not run away. Instead, he continued to observe the densely packed objects with his eyes.    




When Ye Xiu saw clearly what this black mass of things was, his brows slightly twitched. Although these bats were a little different from the bats from his world, they were all roughly similar in size.    




Without any hesitation, Ye Xiu threw out his left hand, and the Profound Array s and Jade Chip that were already in his hands were thrown out.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When the Profound Array s flew behind Ye Yuantian and his group, a Light Buzz sounded out, following that, a wave of scorching Qi emerged, causing the originally dense mass of black bats to instantly disappear.    


"There's more?"    


When Ye Xiu saw that a Profound Array could not trap so many bats, he immediately patted the Middle Grade Profound Treasure Bag at his waist and two more Profound Array Jade Chip appeared in his hands.    




Without panicking, Ye Xiu swung his left hand again, and the two Profound Array s in his hands once again flew towards the bats.    


"Buzz buzz!"    


"Buzz buzz!"    


When the two Light Buzz s rang out, a scorching Qi was produced, and the remaining bats were trapped by the two Profound Array s.    


"Hu hu!"    


When Ye Yuantian and Ye Yunhao saw that the danger had been averted, the two of them immediately stopped. At this time, Ye Xiu was only a few meters away from the two of them, so naturally they walked over.    


"Ye Xiu, thank you. If you didn't act in time, I'm afraid we would have been in danger." Ye Yuantian looked at Ye Xiu who was walking towards him, and immediately thanked him.    


"Be careful!"    


But just as Ye Yuantian finished speaking, he suddenly frowned, and with a warning, he thrusted the sword in his right hand towards the two of them.    


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