Limitless Arrogant Sovereign



0"Just what kind of mystical technique is this Ye Xiu using? How come I haven't even seen it before?" Ye Zhantian looked at the place where he was standing, and a look of doubt appeared in his eyes.    


A profound skill that even Ye Zhantian had never seen before clearly did not come from the Ye Family.    


Of course, he was still in the competition, so Ye Zhantian would naturally not stop the competition to question Ye Xiu, because to him, the most important thing right now was for Ye Xiu to win. As for other things, none of them were important.    


"Come on, if I get pushed back one more step, then this match will be my loss."    


Seeing the shocked expression on Chen Yong's face, Ye Xiu slightly spread his legs and bent his knees.    


"You lost if you take a step back?"    


Hearing this, Chen Yong's face did not reveal any expression of joy, but instead became even uglier, because Ye Xiu did not put him in her eyes at all.    


A person with Sixth Layer of Profound Vein Stage actually looked down on the Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage. If it wasn't for the fact that they saw it with their own eyes, they probably wouldn't have believed that all of this was real.    


"What's Ye Xiu doing, he has to have a bottom line even if he's arrogant. If he really gets pushed back a step, can it be that he will really lose?"    


"Who knows, but even if he were to admit defeat, I am afraid Chen Yong would not agree, because Ye Xiu's words have severely hurt his self-esteem."    


After the two disciples standing behind Ye Zhantian heard Ye Xiu's words, they began to mutter at the same time.    


"Humph, what a boastful fellow, today I will let you experience the true power of my Stacking Punch." Chen Yong roared angrily, and as the Profound Power in his body crazily released itself, his fist seemed to have grown a little in size in an instant.    


Of course, this was just an illusion. Because Chen Yong's fist was filled with Profound Power s, it looked like his fist had grown a size larger at first glance.    


But because of this, Chen Yong's punch's power had more than doubled compared to his second punch.    




When Chen Yong's feet fiercely stepped on the ground, he leaped into the air and rushed towards Ye Xiu who was standing still in his original position.    


"Stacking Punch!"    


With a shout, Chen Yong fiercely smashed his fist that he had stored up his strength for, ruthlessly towards Ye Xiu's face.    


"Ha ha!"    


Seeing that, Ye Xiu could only let out a soft laugh, following that, he leaned his body backwards, and then used both of his palms to face the incoming fist.    




When Ye Zhantian along with the others saw that Ye Xiu had actually continued to welcome Chen Yong's Stacking Punch with his own palms, they all revealed expressions of shock.    


And in the next second, when Ye Xiu's palms came into contact with Chen Yong's fists, his entire body suddenly fell backwards.    


But just when everyone thought that Ye Xiu's entire person would directly lie on the ground and be ruthlessly beaten by Chen Yong, at that moment, one of his legs suddenly jerked up, and everyone saw Chen Yong's entire person instantly stand up.    




Following that, a violent collision sound rang out. Chen Yong's fist that was accumulating energy, actually smashed onto the ground directly. Then, his entire body directly slammed into the Training Field as he swiftly glided forward.    


Because half a fist was embedded into the ground of the Training Field, a scratch immediately appeared on the ground. At the same time, there was also a little bit of blood around the scratch.    


"What's going on?"    


Because of the sudden incident, they only reacted after Chen Yong stopped four to five metres away.    


There was nothing they could do. Originally, everyone thought that Ye Xiu would be the one in trouble, but who knew that in the blink of an eye, the one who slid to the ground after being injured was actually the Chen Yong who took the initiative to attack.    


This sudden change caused everyone present to be unable to react immediately.    


Because, even if it was Ye Zhantian and Chen Shan, they had never seen a match that could be like this.    


As for Ye Xiu's words, after he kicked Chen Yong away, he pushed himself off the ground with one hand and quickly stood up again.    


Although Ye Xiu had moved one leg, the other leg had never left the ground.    


"Stacking Punch, I never thought that your Stacking Punch could actually be so powerful, to actually be able to form such a deep fist imprint on the ground. I'm impressed, I'm impressed!" Ye Xiu half squatted down, then couldn't help but appraise as he used his hands to test the fist marks on the ground.    


Chen Yong's fist was indeed very powerful, Ye Xiu did not deny that, but what use was there in having a strong fist, if it could not hit a person's body, it would still be useless.    


"But ?" "Damn it!"    


Listening to Ye Xiu's evaluation of his earlier punch, Chen Yong gnashed his teeth and slowly crawled up from the ground.    




But when Chen Yong stood up, the sound of water droplets came out, and when he looked down, he realized that his fist that was using the Stacking Punch had started to drip blood.    


It had to be known that Stacking Punch's requirements for the strength of one's body was very high, and Chen Yong's cultivation was merely at the Seventh Layer of Profound Vein Stage level, so being able to execute the third punch was already the limit.    


However, even when he was at his limit, his fist still ruthlessly smashed onto the hard Training Field floor. Just the fact that his fist didn't get crippled due to blood loss proved that Chen Yong's body was indeed very strong, at least, it was better than people of the same level.    


"What is it? Do you still want to fight me? "    


When Ye Xiu saw Chen Yong clenching his fists and walking towards him one step at a time, his brows slightly twitched as he asked.    


It had to be known that previously, he was only in defense and had never taken the initiative to attack. But now, Chen Yong was already injured, so it could be imagined that the strength of the two of them was on a completely different level.    


Although Chen Yong's cultivation was indeed above Ye Xiu's, the latter was known as the genius in martial arts, the Eight Ji Sect disciples. Therefore, even if Ye Xiu's cultivation was one stage lower than Chen Yong's, his strength was still far above his opponent's.    


Moreover, the profound skill of Profound Sky Continent was a single-handed attack without any pattern. To Ye Xiu, who had learned a high level martial art like Eight Trigrams Palm, it was like fighting with a little kid, there was no difficulty at all.    


Of course, Ye Xiu still had to admit that because of the Profound Power, the power of the Profound Sky Continent was extremely shocking, and if it was matched with an exquisite martial art, it would be like adding wings to a tiger.    


And because of this, Ye Xiu was very much looking forward to the future of his Profound Sky Continent. He believed that his martial arts alone would allow him to stand at the peak of this continent.    


"Fight? Why not? I haven't lost yet, and I definitely won't lose." Chen Yong clenched his fist once again as he shouted angrily at Ye Xiu.    


Seeing Chen Yong's unconvinced look, Ye Xiu helplessly shook his head, the opponent's fist had clearly already reached its limit. If one were to continue condensing Profound Power s, the light person would have to rest for a long time before using their fist again, and in the serious cases, the opponent's fist would immediately become useless, and would not be able to be used again in the future.    



"Sigh, you and I don't have much of a grudge, and I don't want to form a grudge with you either. Since you're unwilling to admit defeat, then I can only kick you out of the Training Field." Ye Xiu sighed lightly.    




Just as Ye Xiu finished speaking, he started to walk in strange steps, his entire body flashing left and right, transforming into a series of afterimages, which dazzled everyone's eyes.    


This move was naturally Eight Trigrams Shadowless Step, the most exquisite set of footwork in all of the martial arts that Ye Xiu had learned.    


"This ?"    


Chen Yong looked at the blurry figure, and he instantly froze in place.    


However, just as he was about to condense the Profound Power s and punch again, a power suddenly acted on his chest, and immediately after, he felt his entire body flying.    




When the sound of the collision rang out, Chen Yong saw the blue sky and Chen Shan and the others who were bent over to look at him.    


"Clan head, I ?"    


Feeling that something was not right, Chen Yong hurriedly sat up. It was at this time that he realized that something was indeed wrong, because he had already left the Training Field.    


According to the rules of the competition, if a person left their Training Field, then it would be considered as their loss, so in the match between Ye Xiu and Chen Yong, Ye Xiu won.    


"He won, he really won!"    


Ye Zhantian regained his senses from his shock and then, his entire face was filled with excitement.    


Although he discovered that Ye Xiu, who was standing on the Training Field, gave him a sense of strangeness, but no matter what, after winning the competition, their Ye Family finally won a match from the Chen Family's hands.    


Ye Yuantian, who had originally held the highest opinion, actually lost the match, while Ye Xiu, who was currently the least favored, won the match.    


"Patriarch, I heard that we lost two rounds earlier, this way, can I ask for more guidance from Chen Family?" Ye Xiu turned and asked while standing on the Training Field.    




Ye Zhantian was slightly taken aback before he answered. "Ye Xiu, you just finished competing, why don't you go and rest?    


"Patriarch, I did not use much strength during the previous match, so I can continue to fight." Ye Xiu said.    




When Chen Yong heard Ye Xiu say that he did not use much strength, he suddenly felt his chest tighten.    




In the next second, Chen Yong opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood.    




Hearing the sound of blood spitting out, Ye Xiu turned around and glanced at the miserable Chen Yong, then helplessly shook his head.    


Although Ye Xiu struck with a palm, his movements still knew what to do, so that palm would definitely not be able to harm Chen Yong.    


The reason why Chen Yong still vomited blood was entirely because he was petty and anxious.    


"Chief Chen, you are probably not a stingy person, so you will give me a chance to help the Ye family save face right?" Ye Xiu looked at Chen Shan and asked softly.    


Since Ye Xiu had already said so, if Chen Shan had rejected him, wouldn't that just be indirectly admitting that he was petty?    


"Alright, Chen Yan, since someone has challenged us, why don't you fight another round? How about it, didn't you use up too much energy in the previous one?" Chen Shan nodded his head and asked Chen Yan who was standing at the side.    


"It's fine, Patriarch. I can fight." Chen Yan lightly nodded, and then, she walked into the Training Field without hesitation.    


"Chief Chen, you seem to have misunderstood me. What I mean is that I want her to go on stage with him. Otherwise, it would be too much of a waste of time to fight everyone." The moment Chen Yan stepped onto the Training Field, Ye Xiu pointed at the other person under the Training Field.    


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