The Super Universe Leveling Game

C3928 Wetting Your Pants

C3928 Wetting Your Pants

0On the weekends before Cosmos came out, people were used to sleeping. Five days of busy work made them want to relax on the weekends, and many of them slept until twelve and woke up for lunch. After the appearance of Cosmos, people's habits gradually changed. The weekend's time was used, and people entered the game to kill monsters and level up.    


When there were no urgent tasks, the first thing to do was to open the forum to see if there was anything new, and to browse the news of the day before. There was a difference between men and women in this respect, men looking mainly at skills, equipment, missions, and the gods, while women looked at clothes, hair, boots, internet celebrities, and artists.    


On the opposite hill, the two oxen were members of The Turn Back, and in order to realize his dream of buying a house and a car as soon as possible, he was in charge of several jobs, security, shopping guides for big events, and the official staff of the studio. Security was the night shift, and big events were usually held only on major holidays, usually for three to four hours, and he did not have to report to the studio at all, and it was the same at home, so he was able to switch between a few minutes of work.    


It was too difficult to set up a family in a big city like Shanghai. Before the Cosmos appeared, the two cows on the opposite hill wouldn't even dare to think about setting up their family in Shanghai, because he knew that was impossible. He only wanted the salary in Shanghai to be high and earn a few years' worth of money, then he would go back to his hometown to buy a house and get married and have children.    


After he joined Turn Back to Steal the Studio, his idea of establishing a family in Shanghai was unprecedentedly strong. The studio was filled with people of the same age with dreams and ambitions. Everyone refused to admit defeat and was full of fighting spirit. He was encouraged by his colleagues and became more and more confident. Of course, this was related to the increase in income.    


The security guard's salary was five thousand five hundred, and after deducting the insurance, he had only about four thousand dollars in his pocket, which was fortunately covered. Otherwise, by the end of the month, he probably wouldn't have a single cent left, and the salesperson for the big events was not stable, with his income being high and low, the highest being four thousand dollars a month, and the lowest being only eleven hundred dollars a month, which was on average eighteen hundred dollars.    


The base salary for HeadSweeping Studio was 1,500 yuan. To be honest, it was not high, but the commission was 3% higher than that of other studies. In the few months that he had just joined, because of his unfamiliarity and his personal ability, his income was only around 2,000 yuan, but he was already very happy. Before he joined the studio, he had been exploring by himself, and every month, his income and expenditure were equal. In a year, he had earned less than 1,000 yuan, which was equivalent to going for a whoring in Cosmos.    


Most important of all, he'd learned a great deal in The Turn Back Studio, and his personal ability had improved by leaps and bounds. In his second year in the studio, his average monthly salary was over four thousand dollars, and this year his monthly salary was over six thousand dollars, exceeding the salary of his main security guard.    


He had also grown from a little brother at the edge of the studio, the kind that was dispensable, to the backbone of the studio. During the New Year Festival, the boss would not forget about him even if he gave out benefits.    


With a monthly salary of ten thousand, it was still unrealistic to buy a house in Shanghai, but the two cows on the opposite hill felt promising, because he had been growing and his income had been increasing. He expected that next year his income would break two hundred thousand, and the year after that it would be twenty-eight to three hundred thousand, and after five years of hard work, he would be able to get a mortgage in Shanghai.    


The studio also had dormitories, but considering the job of security, he gave up. The salary of security guards was 5,500 yuan, and it was a dead salary. There were no other benefits, but there were five insurances and one gold. He was not willing to give up.    


As usual, the two cows on the other side of the hill first went online to browse the news to understand the big events that happened yesterday. In the studio, he learned a very important thing that was to watch the news. Taking advantage of the situation could yield twice the result with half the effort. If he didn't know what had happened recently, how could he take advantage of the situation?    


The Yellow River burst, yet you still foolishly moved forward. Isn't this courting death? A secret realm had appeared somewhere, and everyone had rushed over there. What you didn't know was that you would miss the opportunity. A certain wanted criminal was just passing by, but you didn't look at the wanted order. You wasted a chance to make a fortune for nothing... Information was equivalent to wealth.    


"What is this for?" He saw a post with a lot of views, and he clicked on it. It was a link to a live broadcast, and when he opened the screen, he saw that there was an inmate in one of the interrogation rooms, probably still in the process of being interrogated. The inmate's clothes were clean and clean, but the instruments of torture on the counter were startling.    


"Huh - -" The two cows on the opposite hill felt that it was meaningless. They were about to close the video and leave when they suddenly found that the prisoner's face looked familiar. When they took a closer look, they gasped.    


"It's him!" It's him! the two cows on the other side of the hill shouted out. It was God's Hand. He immediately remembered what had happened in the Azure Dragon City. Dongfang Qingyu had been assassinated, and he was so angry that he searched the entire city for his enemy. He captured many people, and someone revealed that the force that killed Dongfang Qingyu came from the Dark Lord Dynasty, and some of the higher ups of the Dark Lord Dynasty had been captured by Dongfang Qingyu. Now, it seemed that this higher-up was the hand of God.    


Everything made sense.    


The high ranking official of the Dark Lord Dynasty, the Hand of God had been hung up in the torture chamber, and had even been hung out on the live broadcast to the public. This was a huge loss of face.    


There were a few wounds on the face of the Hand of God. They were not too severe, but they were caused by whips and flesh wounds. It was just that it might have been hung for a long time and its face was haggard.    


The Hand of God didn't move at all. It was in sharp contrast to the guards who were eating and drinking. Because the sound had been turned off, it was like watching a pantomime. A guard was kind enough to offer a bowl of wine to the Hand of God, but the Hand of God shook his head and refused. The guard didn't force him. He returned to his seat with a smile and continued eating. Judging from the guard's expression, he wasn't in a hurry to torture the Hand of God.    


After watching for a few minutes, the two oxen on the opposite side of the hill felt bored. Although the identity of Hand of God was quite scary, there was no torture and no sound. There was nothing to watch. He was just a worker, so he didn't have the time to watch a pantomime. Just when he was about to turn off the broadcast, something unexpected happened.    


Suddenly, a black spot appeared on the pants of the Hand of God. The black spot quickly expanded and turned into a patch of black. The first reaction of the two oxen on the opposite side of the hill was blood. Then, they realized that it wasn't blood. It was a bird. The Hand of God had peed in his pants.    


The trousers were gray, and when they got wet, they were black, and it was very obvious that the Hand of God was full of urine, and the black one ran down the cuffs of the trousers and dripped on the floor, and the jailers, who were eating the hot pot, were stunned by the sight of it, and they looked stupidly at the Hand of God, with the bowl and the food, motionless, with their mouths wide open, and their faces full of shock.    


On the opposite hillside, the two oxen stood motionless for a few seconds before they suddenly came to their senses. They looked at the number of viewers: 125,8554, more than a million people watching the broadcast, and this would be a huge disgrace. In a few days, everyone on the internet would know about this, and even if they were following the screen, the two oxen on the opposite hillside would be ashamed of God's Hand. This was too embarrassing.    


The two oxen on the opposite slope had underestimated the impact of the matter. In less than half a minute, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room had increased to more than ten million, ten times more, and it hadn't stopped, and the number was still rising rapidly, and couldn't be stopped, until it reached more than 29 million, almost thirty million, before the speed slowed down. After all, it was the weekend, and there were still a lot of people who slept in.    


- From Mee-Goo Read    


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