The Super Universe Leveling Game

C25 Rock Monster

C25 Rock Monster

0Rock Monster's appearance was basically the same as the Stone Monster. It was just that Rock Monster was a lot bigger. The three Rock Monster were all around 2.5 meters tall. The stones on their bodies were not ordinary stones. Instead, they were hard Black Tortoise Rocks, and a thick and heavy aura hit their faces.    


Rock Monster: Level 7, HP 850. Skill: Rock Toss.    


Rock Monster was big, and the rock he threw was also big. Rock Monster was about the same as Chief Rock Monster, and its strength was extremely great. When he hit the ground, there would be a hole in the ground. When he hit the rock wall, the rocks on the rock wall would fall down.    


The archer said anxiously, "Let's go back, I'm sorry."    


"Why did you say you were sorry?" Dongfang Qingyu threw out a Hedgehog Monster corpse.    


"I didn't know there were three Rock Monster." The archer whispered. She looked at Dongfang Qingyu's actions in confusion, but in the next moment, her eyes turned round.    


The corpse was alive!    


"I will kill two Rock Monster, can you lure one away?" Dongfang Qingyu's expression was serious. This was not a joke. He had to get the assurance of the archer.    


"I can lure one Rock Monster away. Can you kill two Rock Monster?" The archer immediately said, but immediately revealed a suspicious expression.    


"As long as you can." Dongfang Qingyu no longer paid attention to the archer. He stared at Rock Monster. The Hedgehog Monster stuck to the ground and rushed in. It was gray and not big, so it did not attract Rock Monster's attention.    


The three Rock Monster stood in a triangle, facing outwards. This was also the reason why Dongfang Qingyu did not dare to rush in. However... This happened to allow the Hedgehog Monster to take advantage of the situation. It charged straight to the center point. The distance was even more precise than the calculations. About three meters. The archer nervously looked at it, she didn't even dare to breathe loudly.    


Its spikes shot out in all directions. The three Rock Monster's thick backs were like three walls. After enduring 80% of the spikes, their heads immediately turned red.    




Dongfang Qingyu was a little disappointed. The difference in level between them was too big, so the damage to them was too small. The Hedgehog Monster could kill the Stone Monster, but it was very difficult to kill Rock Monster.    


Rock Monster immediately turned around and threw a rock at the Hedgehog Monster. However, they were too close to it, so they couldn't hit it. The rock was smashed three meters away.    


The archer dashed past Dongfang Qingyu, and when he was four meters away, he drew his bow and arrow.    


The poor quality wooden arrow hit one of Rock Monster's bodies.    




The damage caused Dongfang Qingyu to be shocked. This was only a poor quality arrow. Although he had never come into contact with an archer before, however, he also knew that an Archer's attack was very weak. The greatest use of an Archer in a team was to attract monsters. Because archers were long-ranged professions, they could provide long-distance support to their teammates.    


Rock Monster, who was hit, immediately gave up on the Hedgehog Monster and rushed towards the archers. The archer turned around and ran. Her speed was not slow. Although Rock Monster had a tall body and long legs, his speed was still slower than hers. The distance between them increased by four meters, and the archer stopped. Another arrow shot onto Rock Monster's body.    




Rock Monster furiously chased after her, but his speed was slightly slower, and he was still unable to catch up to her. Furthermore, in its running state, Rock Monster's accuracy was not very good. Rocks flew everywhere, but he did not even touch a hair on the bow and arrow.    


Monsters had a special characteristic. Whoever caused it more harm, it would hate them. It would chase after them and not let go.    


Two minutes later, the second wave of spikes shot out from the Hedgehog Monster. After it finished shooting, it ran away, causing the two Rock Monster to run around in circles. Rock Monster was too tall to deal with the Hedgehog Monster that was stuck to the ground. It had a feeling that it had nowhere to attack, and its expression was angry. If it could make a sound... It would definitely roar again and again.    


However, the damage caused by the Hedgehog Monster was too small, and the two waves of attacks only dealt about half of the damage. Dongfang Qingyu frowned. If this continued, it would take at least ten minutes.    


He also had to ensure that the two Rock Monster were together. If they ran away... If they were out of the range of the spikes, he wouldn't be able to finish them in ten minutes. She looked at the archer and saw that she was pulling Rock Monster to run all over the ground. She wouldn't be able to deal with them in a short amount of time. He came out from behind the rock and didn't dare to get close. His dexterity wasn't as good as the archer's. If he rushed up, he wouldn't be able to escape from Rock Monster's eyes.    


The Hedgehog Monster led Rock Monster towards him. When he was three meters away, he shot out a poison teeth. His luck was not bad, and it hit one of the Rock Monster. The color of Rock Monster's body changed, and a hint of green appeared on his body. Although it was very faint, it still looked very obvious when compared to the ___. Red numbers appeared on top of ___'s head one by one.    






After Dongfang Qingyu released his skill, he immediately rushed behind the rock. Sure enough, Rock Monster looked around but could not find him. Rock Monster's attention returned to the Hedgehog Monster. Dongfang Qingyu counted the time. Three seconds passed. He quickly rushed out and shot out the poison teeth at the other Rock Monster.    




Perhaps he was too excited. The poison teeth missed its target and fell to the ground. Dongfang Qingyu rushed back to the turning point. It was fine if the damage was small, but he could still shoot empty air. No wonder people said that the Mage was very weak in the early stage. It was a late stage profession. He didn't understand it before, but now he understood.    


"Poison Fang Art!"    


"Poison Fang Art! '"    


The cooldown time was three seconds. Dongfang Qingyu rushed out for more than a second. It took him more than a second to come back. He kept running back and forth. He only stopped when he released it. He ran and could not release it. The release time was three seconds, which meant he had to stop for three seconds.    


Then, he realized something else. The poison of the Poison Fang Art couldn't be stacked on top of each other. In other words, no matter how many poison teeth you shot at the same Rock Monster, apart from the original physical damage, it did not matter. The remaining damage was the same, losing 1 point of HP in 1 second.    


If it wasn't for the fact that Dongfang Qingyu wanted to practice his skills, he would have given up.    


"Spike spray!"    


'-10 - 11 - 12 - 10 ~ 10 ~ 11... '    


The third attack of the Hedgehog Monster, Dongfang Qingyu immediately realized the difference. The damage value had increased by 2-3 points. He immediately thought that it was because of the poison attack.    


He did not expect that although the attack of the Poison Fang Art was weak, it also had the ability to break through defense. Although it was not very powerful, it could be accumulated into a large amount. It was a perfect match for the Hedgehog Monster.    


Dongfang Qingyu was so excited that he made a mistake. Rock Monster stomped on the Hedgehog Monster until it was flat. Dongfang Qingyu threw out a Hedgehog Monster with lightning speed.    


"Resurrection Arts!"    


Just as he unleashed his skill, two rocks brushed past his scalp. Cold sweat broke out all over his body as he rushed towards the turning point. Rock Monster still did not let him go. A few rocks smashed towards him. It made the rock wall shake. Fist-sized rocks fell down.    


Rock Monster's arrogance did not last long. After three seconds, the Hedgehog Monster revived and used its ultimate skill.    


"Spike spray!"    


The dense spikes shot onto Rock Monster's body, producing a clear sound. A red number appeared above Rock Monster's head.    


-11 - 12 - 11 - 12    


The two Rock Monster exploded, turning into a pile of gravel and falling to the ground. The first attack of the Hedgehog Monster had dealt about 195 damage to Rock Monster. According to the calculation of the damage, killing Rock Monster needed to shoot out spikes five times. However, after Rock Monster was hit by the Poison Fang Art, ... Their defense had been reduced by one point, and the Hedgehog Monster's damage to them had increased to around 220 points. Adding on the damage of the Poison Fang Art, therefore, after the fourth attack... ... Rock Monster's HP was emptied.    


With such a huge body, they had only dropped six copper coin in total. This was not proportionate to their height and weight.    


"Lure Rock Monster here." Dongfang Qingyu ignored the copper coin, and immediately shouted at the archer.    



The archer turned around and saw two piles of stones. She was shocked and stopped moving. A piece of stone flew past her ear and scared her. She quickly ran towards Dongfang Qingyu.    


The archer and Rock Monster were too fast. Dongfang Qingyu could not catch up with them, so he had to let them come. The Hedgehog Monster was waiting on the way, but Rock Monster ignored it and rushed past it.    


"Spike spray!"    




The damage figures floated in the air like snowflakes. Rock Monster was furious and immediately gave up on the archer. He turned around and aimed at the Hedgehog Monster. Dongfang Qingyu released the Poison Fang Art.    


When the poison teeth landed on Rock Monster's body, Rock Monster immediately turned into a faint green color. Rock Monster turned around again, but Dongfang Qingyu had already run away. He did not find his target. Rock Monster then aimed at the Hedgehog Monster that was closest to him, but saw the archer stop. She aimed slightly and shot an arrow at it.    




The archer's attack was very high. If it wasn't for the fact that her shooting frequency was too low, Rock Monster would have died a long time ago.    


The poor Rock Monster once again turned around and rushed towards the archer. Luckily it didn't have a brain, otherwise, it would have fainted several times.    


The rock smashed into the ground and made a sound, creating many holes. The archer's attack was very careful, she wasn't at a safe distance. She definitely wouldn't take the risk to shoot. At the same time, she had a very high requirement for her own attacks. If she did not have 100% confidence, she would never shoot. Dongfang Qingyu felt that it was a bit strange. There weren't many people like her who had such a high requirement for themselves.    


Even if it was a Thief who attacked at close range, they would still make mistakes and miss the target. As a long-range archer, the probability of missing wasn't low. If she had to wait until she was confident every time, then she would shoot. Her attack efficiency would be greatly reduced in the long run. This was not wise.    


For example, with 60 seconds as the standard time, archers shoot 5 arrows, all hit, damage value 30 / arrow, a total of 150 points of damage. The other archer shot 15 arrows, a 50% hit rate. This hit rate was already considered quite low, 7.5 hits. 30 points / arrow, a total of 225 damage. There was a total of 75 points difference.    


Two minutes later, as the Hedgehog Monster released its spikes again, Rock Monster's HP was cleared and exploded into a pile of rocks.    


"It's all thanks to you this time." The archer wiped the sweat off his forehead and walked over. She was only level 5, luring a level 7 monster was actually a type of challenge. To her, the pressure was huge.    


"Where's the ore?" Dongfang Qingyu didn't care about those useless things. In his eyes, ore was the most important.    


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