Urban Hardened All-area System

C75 Calculating the Match

C75 Calculating the Match

0Fu Xin had received a good mathematics education from Fu Huaiyong since he was young. He had gone through many obstacles and won many competition awards. He looked down on his peers.    


He was such a proud and arrogant person, but today he was defeated by Ye Hong. How could he tolerate it?    


"Tell me, what are you competing with me for?" Ye Hong asked.    


"Uh." Fu Xin was stunned for a moment, but he didn't know what to use to compete with Ye Hong.    


"Fu Xin, you will compete with him in mental arithmetic."    


Fu Huaiyong revealed a calm smile. Even if Ye Hong was a little strange, he didn't believe that someone could defeat Fu Xin in the mental arithmetic Domain.    


Fu Xin's mental calculation ability was amazing, even Jiang Da's mathematics department professor gave him a thumbs up and praised him!    


Receiving grandfather's instructions, Fu Xin nodded and said proudly, "Do you dare to compete with me in medicinal mental arithmetics?"    


"medicinal mental arithmetics?"    


Ye Hong's inner thoughts rose again. He was stunned and pretended to be very reluctant. "mental arithmetics? Alright!"    


Fu Huaiyong felt Ye Hong lacked confidence and the corner of his mouth curled up slightly.    


Just as Fu Huaiyong was about to announce the rules of the competition, Ye Hong suddenly interrupted, "Wait!"    


"What happened to you again?" Fu Huaiyong was impatient. He stared at Ye Hong and asked.    


"If I win, you have to promise to do something for me. "Do you dare?"    


Ye Hong looked like he was going all out, but his eyes were avoiding his gaze.    


Hearing Ye Hong's words, Fu Huaiyong immediately wanted to refuse.    


With his status in Yanwu, a promise was worth a city. He couldn't casually promise it to others.    


However, when he caught the panic in Ye Hong's eyes, a flash of lightning suddenly flashed through his mind. He was trying to scare me!    


Fu Huaiyong immediately opened his eyes. "Why wouldn't I dare?"    


"But if you lose, you have to take off your clothes and run down the mountain naked."    


"How about it? Do you want to compete with me in mental arithmetics?"    


"This." "Well," Ye Hong said.    


Ye Hong's reaction made Fu Huaiyong more certain of his guess. He was very pleased with himself. He thought he had exposed Ye Hong's plan.    


After hesitating for a while, Ye Hong finally gritted his teeth. "Let's compete! "Isn't it just mental arithmetic? I believe in what Master taught me!"    


Fu Huaiyong revealed a smile. He thought that he saw through Ye Hong's inner cowardice and weakness.    


He did not know that Ye Hong was also holding a smile in his heart.    


Fu Huaiyong had been tricked.    


Ding! Deceiving others, acting skills + 1, current progress. : 1 / 10, current level: beginner-level.    


Fu Huaiyong, who couldn't wait to teach Ye Hong a lesson, immediately announced the rules of the mental arithmetic competition.    


In order to show fairness, he and Cai Heng would write a set of numbers with a length of more than ten digits each. After all the numbers were messed up, they would randomly form ten complicated calculation questions.    


Whoever calculated the results of all the questions first would win.    


Cai Heng asked Ms. Lee to take a pen and paper and began to write down the numbers with Fu Huaiyong.    


However, Cai Heng was very anxious as he wrote.    


He was worried that Ye Hong would lose later and had been thinking about how to deal with it.    


If he really let Ye Hong run down the mountain naked, not only would Ye Hong feel ashamed, the Cai Family would also feel ashamed!    


"Hong, how could you be so impulsive?"    


Cai Heng sighed in his heart. His expression was extremely stiff.    


Fu Huaiyong felt even happier when he saw Cai Heng's uneasiness.    


Under Fu Huaiyong's constant urging, the two of them finally came up with a question and placed it in front of Ye Hong and Fu Xin.    


"Then I will announce the start of the mental arithmetic competition!" Fu Huaiyong began to count.    


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