Urban Hardened All-area System

C3160 Ore Processing Factory

C3160 Ore Processing Factory

0Through the window you could see the yellow sand.    


The gray haze covered the sand, making the surroundings seem even more oppressive.    


Even though Ye Hong was still in the plane, looking at the harsh environment outside, he felt like coughing.    


He could not help but frown and ask: "Where is this?"    


"Senior, this is a gas station of the Pig King Tribe. My private jet would occasionally come here to add oil."    


Fox Yozhu seemed to have noticed Ye Hong's discomfort from the harsh environment. She quickly added, "Senior, you don't have to wait too long. You can leave immediately after you finish adding oil."    


Ye Hong nodded and did not say anything else. He just watched quietly through the window.    


In his line of sight, a group of pigmen in uniform walked over from afar.    


A yellow machine was pushed and pulled by them.    


When they arrived in front of them, they even took off their hats and gave the plane a fawning smile.    


Then, they connected the machine to the plane, seemingly using this method to refuel the plane.    


Combined with the rumors that the King of Pigs Tribe was the lower tribe of the Fox King Tribe, Ye Hong could understand why these pig-people were so attentive.    


Ye Hong glanced at the pig-people and felt bored. He swept his gaze around casually.    


He found that apart from a building that looked like a gas station, there was also a greyish-black factory on the other side of the building.    


Some pigmen in overalls were transporting something into the factory.    


After the incident with the Tiger King Tribe, Hu Yuzhu had a better understanding of Ye Hong's background and respect for him.    


He deeply understood that as long as he maintained a good relationship with Ye Hong, he would definitely make a profit.    


Therefore, while Ye Hong was observing the scenery outside the window, Hu Yuzhu was also secretly paying attention to Ye Hong.    


Seeing Ye Hong's gaze gather on the factory, Hu Yuzhu, who was tactful, immediately introduced, "Senior, that is the ore processing factory.    


Some of the ore resources you ordered previously came from here."    


"Oh?" Ye Hong raised his eyebrows.    


Hu Yuzhu saw that Ye Hong seemed to be interested. She continued to introduce, "The territory of the Pig King Tribe is actually a region rich in minerals.    


For example, in this valley nearby, there are several mines at the same time.    


After the Pig People dig out the ores in the mines, they will all be transported to this processing plant for processing and then sell them to outsiders. "    




Ye Hong did not know why, but he thought of the pequenino trader he met when he came here.    


The unscrupulous businessman who sold artificial mines.    


His heart skipped a beat. He said to Hu Yuzhu, "Sir Fox King, do you have time to accompany me down for a walk?"    


Fox King was slightly stunned, and then he immediately said excitedly, "How could this junior dare disobey Senior's invitation?"    


Although he did not know why Ye Hong suddenly wanted to go down, he would not miss this good opportunity to get closer to the two of them no matter what!    


"Bring me along too!"    


Hu Susu had already gone back to rest. At this moment, she was speaking innocently and sweetly.    


At the same time, she also wanted to know what Ye Hong intended to do.    


Hu Yuzhu didn't dare refuse Hu Susu's request, and Ye Hong couldn't be bothered to refuse, so he naturally brought her along.    


After gently sensing that there was no powerful aura in the surroundings, he chose to stay in the plane and did not follow her down.    


As soon as they came out of the plane, they were noticed by the pig workers who were refueling the plane.    


Among them, Hu Yuzhu's attire was definitely not ordinary.    


Ye Hong and Hu Crispy Fox were not that eye-catching, but how could the person beside Hu Yuzhu be an ordinary person?    


Therefore, the group of pig workers immediately stopped what they were doing and bowed respectfully.    


Hu Yozhu casually waved her hand at them and turned her head to ask Ye Hong respectfully, "Senior, where do you plan to go for a walk?"    


Ye Hong pointed at the factory in the distance.    


Hu Yuzhu immediately said enthusiastically, "Please let this junior lead the way for senior!"    


As she spoke, she took the lead and walked into the sand.    


A gust of wind flew out of Hu Yu's body and blew away the sand and dust that filled the sky, forcefully opening up a path that was spotless. He turned his head and said to Ye Hong, "Senior invites you!"    


"Thank you."    


Ye Hong smiled slightly, his face not red, his heart not jumping, enjoying this kind of convenience. He lifted his foot and stepped into the passageway.    


Fox Rou giggled and followed him immediately.    


After they left, the pig workers started to discuss the identities of the few people.    


On the other side, Ye Hong and the others arrived in front of the factory not long after they left.    


At this moment, the factory had already noticed Ye Hong and the others.    


They were not blind. From Hu Yuzhu's ability to control the wind, they could tell that Hu Yuzhu had a great background.    



Therefore, after the factory's director received the news, he immediately led the factory's senior executives out in fear and trepidation.    


"I am the factory's director, [Pig's Big Kong]. May I ask if the three of you have any advice for coming to this factory?"    


A tanned elder of the pig race said respectfully.    


"We would like to visit your factory, is that okay?" Hu Yuzhu asked with a smile.    




A conflicted look instantly appeared on Zhu Dakong's face.    


The eyes of the executives that he brought over also showed panic at the same time.    


Ye Hong noticed the strange expressions on the pig men's faces. He narrowed his eyes.    


"What's wrong? No?"    


The smile on Hu Yuzhu's face slowly disappeared.    


At this moment, Zhu Daku seemed to be able to feel a sharp intent locking onto him as his body trembled.    


He hurriedly said, "Of course, of course!    


The three of you want to visit this factory. That is our factory's honor!"    


He turned to a tall pipe behind him and said, "Quick, quickly arrange for a skilled employee to lead a few experts to tour the factory!"    


The senior executive was stunned for a moment before he ran back to the factory without hesitation.    


Pighole turned his head back again and smiled. He narrowed his eyes and said, "Everyone, please."    


Ye Hong looked at the senior executive running to the factory and smiled.    


Then, accompanied by Zhu Daku and a group of senior executives, Ye Hong and his group headed towards the factory's main gate.    


Along the way, there were workers who kept moving ore looking at them curiously.    




The sound of a whip hitting the ground was quite ear-piercing.    


"Don't slack off, hurry up and work!"    


Accompanying it was a rude berating voice.    


Ye Hong took a casual look and found that it was a wild boar man dressed like a supervisor who was whipping a worker.    


The worker was not a pig. He did not know what kind of race he was from.    


After being whipped by the pig man, Ye Hong was so scared that he quickly looked away and lowered his head to work.    


This whip undoubtedly had the effect of killing the chicken to warn the monkeys. The other workers did not dare to look and quickly went to work.    


Ye Hong only took a glance and also withdrew his gaze.    


He did not notice that in the long line, three pairs of eyes were still looking at him.    


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