Urban Hardened All-area System

C3510 All Directions Gather

C3510 All Directions Gather

0After opening the door, what appeared in front of Ye Hong was a spacious, round hall.    


The high dome was covered with the fluorescent grass Ye Hong had seen before.    


Dense green light sprinkled in the hall.    


The hall was still filled with the aura of defeat.    


On the ground at the center of the hall, there were broken Buddha statues scattered everywhere.    


The eerie and terrifying aura was far more powerful than before.    


However, Ye Hong and the others' attention was attracted by the other three places in the hall.    


According to the direction, everyone was currently at the east side of the hall.    


However, they were not the only people in the hall.    


There were also three groups of people on the west side, south side, and north side.    


When Ye Hong and the others entered the hall, the other three groups of people seemed to have just entered.    


The four groups obviously did not know each other. They all stopped where they were and vigilantly observed each other.    


Among them, the west side of the group were all golden-haired and blue-eyed West Continent faces.    


They wore white robes and hoods, looking very much like divine readers from another time and space.    


However, Ye Hong was well aware that the Association of Meditation Master did not exist in this ancient world.    


"How could it be them?"    


Wei Zhi Yu's voice came from the side.    


He frowned and looked at the three teams in three directions. He said in surprise, "Strange. [Divine Brightness Guild] FDI, "Totem Tower. "Why are they all here?"    


Seeing Ye Hong's confused look, Wei Zhi Yu quickly explained, " [Divine Brilliance Assembly] FDIE. "Totem Tower. These three organizations belong to West Continent, North Continent, and South Continent.    


Similar to the Yan Group, they are all organizations that specialize in investigating supernatural phenomena.    


Could it be that they have also received the relevant information? "    


Wei Zhi Yu's words confirmed Ye Hong's previous speculation.    


On the surface of the sea, there was indeed more than one vortex passage.    


It was likely that the other three groups had entered through another passage.    


However, the four groups had actually arrived at this hall at the same time, and it was clearly not a coincidence.    


It was a mysterious force that had intentionally gathered the four groups here.    


Ye Hong thought about who the mastermind was while he narrowed his eyes and sized up the other three groups.    


After the deities' meeting in the west was the Totem Tower in the south.    


The people of the Totem Tower were all from the Dark South Continent.    


Their clothes were colorful and their style was primitive and strange, like a group of barbarians.    


However, the fierceness they displayed was the most obvious among the four groups.    


Ye Hong thought of Totem Master in the future when he saw them.    


Apart from strength, the two of them looked like they were carved from the same mold.    


After that, it was the FDI in the north.    


This organization was only one character away from the FCI in another space and time. It was also similar to the FCI style.    


Although there were only about ten of them, they carried 20 sets of mechanical equipment.    


Looking at the other three teams, there was also a hint of arrogance in their eyes.    


The four teams coincidentally stood in four directions, east, west, north and south. They looked at each other and maintained a strange silence.    


No one spoke first, and no one moved first.    


At this time, if anyone stood out first, they would very likely become the target of public criticism.    


To Ye Hong, he had no interest in any team.    


His goal was always to explore the mystery of this underwater cave.    


For this reason, Ye Hong glanced at the other teams indifferently. He lifted his foot and was about to walk to the center of the hall.    


However, just as Ye Hong was about to make a move, there was a place that moved first!    


That place was not any of the four teams. It was precisely the center of the hall that Ye Hong was about to explore.    


Suddenly, the broken Buddha statues in the center of the hall began to move on their own.    


It was like a marionette suddenly standing upright. The broken bodies of the Buddha statues were reassembled under some kind of strange power.    


In just a few blinks, a huge Buddha statue that was over 30 meters tall stood in the middle of the hall.    


This tall Buddha statue was crimson in color.    


Its huge body sat cross-legged on the red lotus seat.    


Its left hand held the scarlet lotus flower, and its right hand was half-raised to form a seal.    



A light wheel of the Great Sun rotated back and forth on the red lotus throne.    


His half-opened and half-closed eyes were filled with holiness and majesty.    


The four teams had never seen such a movie before. They were all shocked and dumbfounded.    


"Professor Ye, is this a living thing or an inanimate object?"    


Wei Zhi Yu subconsciously grabbed Ye Hong's sleeve and stammered.    


It was as if this was the only way to give him a sense of security.    


Ye Hong looked at the Buddha statue and frowned.    


Similar to the mechanisms outside, his Discerning Ability and appraisal ability could not see through the Buddha statue.    


Therefore, he was unable to determine whether the red Buddha statue that he had suddenly assembled was alive or dead.    


However, there was one thing that Ye Hong was sure of.    


The body of the Buddha statue contained a dangerous aura that made him feel threatened.    


Could this be the source of the Buddhist light, the product of what Ye Hong had guessed?    


At this moment, something even more terrifying happened.    


The Buddha statue spoke slowly and said in an ethereal voice, "The sun shines a thousand times, illuminating the world, destroying the darkness..."    


This voice was ethereal and distant, as if every word carried a zen meaning, causing one to be unable to help but sink into it.    


However, Ye Hong could instantly tell that the Buddha statue was speaking the Yan Country language that he was most familiar with.    


However, looking at the reactions of the other three teams, they actually understood what the Buddha statue was saying, and some even took pens to record it.    


Could it be that the Buddha statue's voice had been specially processed so that people in different languages could understand it?    


While Ye Hong was deep in thought, the Buddha statue suddenly stopped chanting Buddhist scriptures.    


Instead, it raised its right hand, which was forming a seal, and picked up the fluorescent grass in the air above the dome.    


A ray of red light turned into a lotus flower and flew out of Ye Hong's hand. Then, it expanded and covered the entire dome.    


At that moment, Ye Hong's eyes widened. He felt the power of the Divine World.    


Could this be the [One Flower, One World, One Leaf, and Bodhi] in Buddhism?    


When the red lotus returned to the ground, more than half of the fluorescent grass on the dome had disappeared.    


However, what appeared inside the red lotus were fist-sized emerald-green gemstones.    


The resplendent radiance and the dazzling brilliance all proved that these gemstones were not ordinary objects!    


The eyes of the people from the four teams widened.    


And after the Buddha statue summoned the emerald gemstones, it did not do anything else.    


It only closed its eyes again and quietly sat cross-legged on its throne.    


This situation made the eyes that were originally looking at the jade green gem become even more fervent.    


Greed began to quietly sprout in the hearts of everyone.    


And in this strange atmosphere, finally, someone could not resist the desire in their hearts. ...    


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