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C3467 The Little Qilin An'er

C3467 The Little Qilin An'er

0Fortunately, there was a response from the other side.    


[They are beating themselves up.] Did you do it?]    


Thank God, it's finally back.    


This time, Ye Hong did not joke around. Instead, he replied seriously. That's right. I did this to save you.    


Can you trust me now?    


This time, the other side replied very quickly.    


[Tell me first, which Star Tribe of the Holy Region are you from?]    


It seemed that the other side still didn't completely trust him.    


Ye Hong wasn't angry. He was just thinking about how he should answer this question.    


After all, he did not belong to any Star Division.    


But it was obvious that Ye Hong had underestimated the enemy's vigilance.    


Seeing that Ye Hong did not respond for a long time, The planet on the other side had retreated a great deal, as if it were ready to leave at any moment.    


Ye Hong became anxious.    


It was not easy to encounter a planet in the Holy Region, so how could he miss it so easily?    


Without hesitation, he replied with two words.    




This Bluestar was not the New Realm in his body, but the beautiful planet that had been destroyed by the Star Tribulation.    


The hometown of the Supreme Star Saint Sovereign, the old Bluestar!    


If the other side was really a Saint realm planet, it would probably react to the word 'Bluestar'.    


This was also Ye Hong verifying the other side's identity.    


After receiving the word "Bluestar," the other side of the planet suddenly stopped retreating.    


Immediately after, a series of communication waves smashed over.    


[You are from the Bluestar?]    


[Are you for real?]    


[Hurry up and let me see your face!]    


This tone made Ye Hong more certain that the owner of the planet was not old.    


He did not know whether to laugh or cry as he replied, [I'm going to look for you now?]    


No! We'll directly communicate via video!    


The next moment, the white communication band distorted and expanded. For the sake of an existence that looked like a window, it jumped in front of Ye Hong.    


There was a button for acceptance and rejection on it. It was like a video window popped out of a communication software that Ye Hong usually used.    


He pressed accept without hesitation.    


As the light flashed, a scene appeared in the communication window.    


Under a verdant tree, a Strange Beast stood quietly.    


Its body was like an elk, but it had the head of a lion, antlers of a deer, eyes of a tiger, body of a deer, scales of a dragon, and tail of a cow.    


Its dark green eyes were bright like two emeralds.    


As its tail swayed slightly, it revealed a clear and elegant temperament.    


I wonder if it's because one is too lonely. Ye Hong actually felt that a medicinal Strange Beast was so delicate and beautiful.    


However, this appearance immediately reminded Ye Hong of a legendary divine beast in Yan Country -    


Rui Beast Qilin!    


Could it be that the owner of the planet that contacted him was this Qilin Strange Beast?    


Ye Hong recalled the information he had received before - the holy beast race!    


While Ye Hong was sizing up the Qilin, the Qilin was also looking at him from head to toe.    


A young girl's crisp voice came out of her mouth. "En. It looks like the Human Clan, but it can't be ruled out that it is the evil Star Demon Race's disguise.    


"Then who is it? Can you show me the appearance of your planet?"    


Ye Hong nodded. He opened the doors and windows in the center so that the little qilin could see the scene outside the castle.    


When the little qilin saw the Falling Star component parked outside the castle, the frequency at which it swung its tail increased.    


It exclaimed, "It really is the medicinal Flaming Meteorites recorded in the clan!    


Turns out that you didn't lie to me. You really came from the Bluestar?    


Where are the Holy Prince and the Holy Emperor Lady?    


What about Senior Spacetime Sacred Spirit, Senior World Crossing Sacred Dragon, and Senior Holy Snow Ice Dragon?    


What about the Meteorite Clan?    



"Where are they now?"    


The little qilin's question was like beans. Ye Hong smiled bitterly. "It's a long story."    


"Come over to my [Little Qilin Star] and tell me everything!"    


Before Ye Hong could finish his sentence, the little qilin interrupted him impatiently.    


"Let's find a quiet place first."    


Ye Hong glanced at the six planets that were still fighting outside the sky and suggested.    


The little qilin immediately nodded in agreement.    


The planets on both sides retreated to the battlefield.    


After retreating to a certain distance, Ye Hong rode the Falling Star component and landed on the opposite side's little qilin planet.    


As soon as he entered the atmosphere, Ye Hong was attracted by the beautiful scenery of the Small Qilin Star.    


Just like what he saw outside, this was a beautiful planet full of vitality.    


The flowers and forests that were everywhere decorated the entire planet with all kinds of colors.    


Between the mountains and forests, there were many strange looking Strange Beasts passing through.    


But unlike the Star Demon Clan killing each other, these medicinal Strange Beasts all lived together peacefully and amicably.    


The entire planet emitted a peaceful and friendly aura.    


Ye Hong followed the little qilin's lead and landed in the center of the planet, which was also the big tree that he saw in the video call earlier.    


When he approached it, Ye Hong realized that the big tree was bigger than he had imagined.    


The giant tree was ten thousand feet tall.    


It was full of green and had a green glow flowing around it.    


A section of flickering light gathered on the existence beneath the tree's roots - the little qilin's body.    


When Ye Hong came out of the Falling Star component, the little qilin turned into a ray of green light and rushed over. It sniffed at Ye Hong's body.    


Because the little qilin wasn't big, it was around Ye Hong's waist, so it looked like a drug dog inspecting goods.    


"Hmm... Although your smell is a bit mixed, I can still smell the scent of our holy beast race, so you shouldn't be lying."    


Ye Hong smiled bitterly when he heard that.    


Good fellow, you still suspect him now?    


Perhaps he also felt that he was being too cautious. The little qilin scratched its front paws in embarrassment and said apologetically, "Don't blame me for being so careful. It's really because the Star Demon Clan is too sinister.    


I was accidentally lured here by the Star Demon Clan earlier... "    


As he spoke, the little qilin seemed to realize that it had accidentally let out a slip of the tongue. It awkwardly coughed twice and said in a young girl's voice in all seriousness: "Let me introduce myself first. My name is [Qilin Aner], and I come from the sacred beast race on the sacred beast planet.    


What about you? What's your name?"    


Ye Hong also introduced himself at the right time.    


"Ye Hong? Alright, I'll remember your name."    


The little qilin nodded and tilted its head. "You said it was a long story. ... What exactly happened to the Bluestar? "    


Ye Hong roughly told her about the world he was in.    


Of course, it was impossible to explain everything clearly, so Ye Hong only focused on the main point.    


Even so, the major events that happened in Bluestar and Gu Realm gradually fascinated Little Qilin Aner. She held her breath and focused her attention.    


When it heard that the three great worlds had returned to Ye Hong's body, the little qilin's face fell.    


"It's over, it's over, how am I going to explain this to the family now?"    


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