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C3114 Half a Royal Descendant

C3114 Half a Royal Descendant

0"Forty-two years ago, something happened in Immortal Realm Immortal Domain that shook the entire World Continent.    


That's right, it was the famous battle between the emperors.    


After that battle, Zuo Mie defeated the previous Immortal Emperor, the patriarch of the fifth family, and seized his core, becoming the new Immortal Emperor.    


After that, the fifth family was forced to leave Immortal Realm, and then disappeared mysteriously. "    


Gentle seemed to have returned to the academy. She talked about the history as if she was giving a lecture.    


Ye Hong remained silent and waited patiently.    


He knew Gentle wouldn't just tell these people what they knew.    


As expected.    


Tender sighed: "But what the world doesn't know is that the fifth family was attacked on their way to Immortal Realm.    


" That's right. The one who attacked the Fifth Clan was the Nightmare Ocean. "    


Ye Hong's heart suddenly tightened. He quickly asked: "What was the result?"    


He gently shook his head. "As the guest advisor of the fifth family, I didn't leave Immortal Realm with my family. I was ordered to stay in Immortal Capital by the patriarch.    


" I wasn't there when the attack took place.    


" I was only able to determine that the culprit of the attack was the Nightmare Ocean by looking at the traces on the scene.    


Thus, I didn't know how many casualties my family suffered during the attack and where they ended up.    


After that attack, I lost contact with the entire family.    


"Until one day..."    


Gentle paused for a moment. When the patriarch left Immortal Realm with his family, he ordered me to monitor a person in Immortal Capital.    


That person is Zuo Mie.    


Because the patriarch suspected that Zuo Mie had the shadow of the Nightmare Ocean behind him.    


You have seen the inhuman way of doing things in the Nightmare Ocean. Therefore, even if the patriarch had been stripped of Immortal Emperor's position, the Nightmare Ocean would most likely exterminate the patriarch and the fifth family.    


This is also one of the reasons why I was able to determine that the Nightmare Ocean attacked the family so quickly. "    


At this point, she sighed gently. "After losing contact with the family, I followed the patriarch's last order and kept an eye on Zuo Mie in Immortal Capital.    


At the same time, I was also searching for information about the family.    


Until one day, I suddenly received a message from the patriarch."    


"Is it the former Immortal Emperor?" Ye Hong asked.    


"Yes, that's him." Ye Hong nodded gently. "That message didn't say much. It just gave me another instruction.    


That order was to let me secretly join the hidden Anti-Immortal Cult in the Bright Star Palace and help them get into trouble and overthrow Zuo Mie's rule.    


"This is the reason why I'm in the Bright Star Palace."    


"But..." Gentle smiled bitterly. "I only found out after I joined the Anti-Immortal Cult that even my Lord Master, Crescent Sword Immortal, was among them.    


" From then on, I knew that the Anti-Immortal Cult was probably built by the loyal subordinates of the fifth family to fight against the Taiyi Immortal Sect.    


The patriarch must have planned something in secret and used the Anti-Immortal Cult's power to fight Zuo Mie.    


Therefore, I only need to follow the orders of the patriarch and assist the Anti-Immortal Cult.    


It was a pity that I was still unable to defeat Zuo Mie.    


"The patriarch of the fifth family, the previous sect master of Taiyi Immortal Sect, and the previous Immortal Emperor..."    


Ye Hong murmured, and the image of the emperor of the deceased country surfaced in his mind.    


He had not given up even after the throne had been seized, his family had been destroyed, and the tiger had fallen to the ground. He was indeed a figure.    


"Do you still remember the time when I suddenly left the Cold Mountain Pass and came to Xue Yu?" At this moment, Rou asked again.    


Ye Hong nodded.    


It was precisely because of this that a thorn appeared in his heart.    


"Actually, that time, I also received an order from the patriarch to meet him in Xue Yu.    


But for some reason, after I arrived in Xue Yu, the patriarch didn't appear.    


" Coincidentally, I found out about the appearance of the Sacred Law Bone.    


"Therefore, I understood that the patriarch probably wanted to use this method to tell me about the Sacred Law Bone."    


Ye Hong was surprised by her gentle words.    


It turned out that the information about the Sacred Law Bone Tool was leaked by the former Immortal Emperor indirectly.    


But why did he do that?    


Could it be that he did it? ...    


Ye Hong's heart skipped a beat.    


"That's right. The patriarch is doing this for you." He looked at Ye Hong gently and said in a deep voice.    


"Huh?" Ye Hong was at a loss.    



"Not only that, but the patriarch seemed to have predicted this war as well.    


"I did know about the Anti-Immortal Cult's operation in Xue Yu, but the patriarch sent me another order. He told me not to reveal any information about the Anti-Immortal Cult to you.    


"I think the patriarch is probably training you."    


"Training you?" Ye Hong asked. "I am not related to the former Immortal Emperor. Why is he training me?"    


Who would have thought that after hearing this, the gentle corner of her mouth curled up and she said with a mysterious smile, "I am not related to the former Immortal Emperor. Why did he train me? "Think about it. Are you really not related to the patriarch?"    


"What do you mean?" Ye Hong frowned.    


"Let me remind you." A gentle smile appeared on his face. "The saintess of Immortal Sect is the daughter of the patriarch."    


Ye Hong's pupils shrank.    


The saintess of the Immortal Sect, of course, was his grandmother, the saintess of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, Diwu Mohan!    


In other words, the previous Immortal Emperor was his great-grandfather?!    


However, Ye Hong reacted in the next second. He had never told Gentle about his relationship with the saintess.    


"Alright, stop hiding." Gentle shook her head and laughed when she saw Ye Hong's strange expression. "Forty-two. Only the saintess and her friends had been to New Realm before the New Year.    


Considering your age, it is easy to guess that the grandmother you are looking for is the saintess."    


Ye Hong scratched his nose awkwardly, not knowing what to say.    


Indeed, after spending so much time with her, she should have known the truth long ago with her gentle intelligence.    


"So you're saying that the former Immortal Emperor already knows about my relationship with him?" Ye Hong asked with a complicated expression.    


If Gentle hadn't lied to him, then he would have had another family in the ancient realm.    


In fact, he should have known that Ye Hong's grandmother would become the saintess of the Taiyi Immortal Sect. She must not be an ordinary family member.    


However, he had never thought that his grandmother's family background was even more amazing than he had imagined.    


She was the daughter of the previous Immortal Emperor!    


Ye Hong suddenly sighed to himself.    


If nothing happened to the fifth family, he would at least be considered half a descendant of the royal family.    


With the status and power of the fifth family, Ye Hong was at least one of the top people in Immortal Realm.    


Unfortunately, before Ye Hong could enjoy that kind of life, he was already ruined by Zuo Mie and the Nightmare Ocean.    


Thinking of this, Ye Hong had an indescribable resentment towards Zuo Mie and the Nightmare Ocean.    


However, he quickly put away the chaotic emotions in his heart and listened carefully to the gentle answer.    


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