Abandoned Son-in-law

C90 Broad Creed Mountain

C90 Broad Creed Mountain

0"Master Lin, you are a god!"    


Qin Gang's voice trembled. He kneeled on the ground and put his hands together towards Lin Muyun.    


With him leading the way, The people in the courtyard rushed to kneel down before Lin Muyun. They kept bowing their heads, begging Lin Muyun to forgive their disrespect just now.    


Wang Kai was already scared shitless. He kneeled on the ground, crawled in front of Lin Muyun, and kept kowtowing.    


"Master Lin, please spare my life. I will only work with Yu if I am confused! I beg you, please spare my life. I am willing to be Master Lin's slave. I am willing to listen to your orders. "    


Lin Muyun coldly glanced at Wang Kai and walked past him.    


In Lin Muyun's eyes, Wang Kai was like an ant. Lin Muyun only treated Wang Kai as air.    


Wang Kai wanted to be Lin Muyun's slave?    


This ant was not worthy!    


Treasure Pavilion Master replied. He cupped his hands respectfully at Lin Muyun. "Thank you, Master Lin, for eradicating evil for the people!"    


Immediately, a wave of cheers sounded out in the courtyard, and it shook the sky.    


"Thank you, Master Lin, for eradicating evil for the people!"    


Pavilion Master said respectfully, "I think the Venerable of Geomantic Omen Meeting is Master Lin today! From now on, the Nanguang Profound World asks Master Lin to give orders. We will listen to your orders. "    


Everyone had been fighting for the right to command the entire Nanguang Region's Profound World, but now, no one had any objections. They all agreed with this decision.    


"Master Lin, please command the Nanguang!"    


Lin Muyun frowned slightly and said, "I'm not a member of the metaphysics. I don't know much about the Feng Shui, and I'm not interested in the metaphysics. "    


As soon as Lin Muyun finished his words, everyone on the scene opened their mouths wide in shock.    


The Heaven Thunder just now had shocked everyone. Master Lin actually said that he wasn't interested in the Feng Shui metaphysics? And Master Lin also said that he wasn't a metaphysics?    


Could this be just a momentary interest of the other party, and he just casually summoned a few heavenly lightning to play with?    


Master Lin was truly admirable!    


Master Lin was very admirable!    


Pavilion Master smiled and said, "If Master Lin is so modest, then we will be like dirt on the ground! Master Lin, please lead the mysterious world of Nanguang. We are sincerely convinced. "    


"I am not interested. " Lin Muyun refused without hesitation.    


The crowd was silent. Everyone looked at each other.    


Qin Gang came out from under the table and laughed dryly. "Master Lin is usually busy, otherwise I would ask Pavilion Master to temporarily manage the Nanguang's profound world. You can ask Master Lin for guidance when there is something important. "    


Pavilion Master was stunned for a moment and quickly refused, "My research on the Feng Shui metaphysics is quite shallow, I can't even be called a great master. Today, I am only here to help manage it. "    


Whether it was in terms of experience or ability, Pavilion Master couldn't be called a great master.    


Lin Muyun glanced at Treasure Pavilion Master. Although Treasure Pavilion Master could not be called a great master, he had a strong sense of justice and was very considerate in handling matters. Lin Muyun nodded slightly. "Sure!"    


With Lin Muyun's affirmation, the people in the courtyard all supported Pavilion Master and let him manage the Nanguang's profound world.    


Pavilion Master hesitated and looked at Lin Muyun. He said respectfully, "It is my honor to be able to share Master Lin's worries! In the future, I will ask all of you to take care of me. I will handle the small matters myself. I will ask Master Lin for his opinion on the big matters. "    


"You can handle it yourself. " Lin Muyun waved his hand. Lin Muyun just didn't want to see another "Yu Jinghai" come out and cause chaos in the profound world.    


The solemn atmosphere became much more relaxed. The richest man in Haicheng, Lee Tailai, immediately walked over and said respectfully, "I thank Master Lin for his help. I am willing to give you a cheque of 80 million yuan to express my respect for you!"    


Guo Ming also went forward and cupped his hands. "Thank you, Master Lin, for eradicating evil for the people! In the future, I am willing to listen to any orders of the Supreme Nanguang!"    


"We are willing to listen to your orders!"    


When the crowd saw these two people coming forward to flatter, they were unwilling to fall behind, and they all began to flatter Lin Muyun. Some wanted to treat Lin Muyun to a meal, some wanted to show their loyalty, and some wanted to give him money. They surrounded the place so tightly that not even a drop of water could leak out.    


Pavilion Master said, "Today, the Wang Family has sponsored 150 million yuan for today's Geomantic Omen Meeting. It was supposed to be the prize money for every winner. Now that Master Lin is the number one, I will give this prize money to Master Lin. "    


Wang Kai was still kneeling on the ground, not daring to get up. His forehead had been scratched. He quickly tried to please Lin Muyun and said, "It was me who was stupid and almost caused everyone to die. I am willing to add another 150 million. I beg Master Lin to forgive me for my crimes. "    


Lin Muyun looked at Wang Kai, turned around and said to Pavilion Master, "Take the money. The Nanguang Alliance also needs money. "    


"Then I will open an account in Master Lin's name and help you manage your finances. " Pavilion Master nodded and took all the money for Lin Muyun.    


Qin Yuwei stood outside the crowd and looked at it with mixed feelings.    


Before today, she had always thought that Lin Muyun was a person who did not know anything. She had always thought that Lin Muyun relied on being matrilocal son-in-law to live his life.    


But Qin Yuwei did not think that Lin Muyun was hiding his strength!    


Today's scene shocked Qin Yuwei to the point that she could not speak. She had never seen such a scene in her entire life.    


No wonder Su Qingcheng was so loyal to Lin Muyun. It turned out that Lin Muyun was actually hiding his true strength.    


However, while Qin Yuwei admired him, she also had some doubts.    


No matter how powerful a Feng Shui metaphysics Master was, he was still a human. But if Lin Muyun could summon the Heaven Thunder, would Lin Muyun still be a human?    


Lin Muyun was surrounded by the crowd, and all kinds of praises sounded out beside him.    


Lin Muyun had also wasted a lot of time here. He was not interested in the Supreme Nanguang, so he found an excuse to leave.    


Before he left, Lin Muyun also specially told Pavilion Master.    


Lin Muyun asked Pavilion Master to give the order to protect today's matter. Even if someone leaked this matter, they would not mention Lin Muyun's name.    


Pavilion Master's surname was Bao, and his family had been selling antiques for generations. He had long been convinced by Lin Muyun, and he hurriedly nodded his head in agreement.    



Lin Muyun nodded his head in satisfaction, then sat in Qin Yuwei's car and left.    


After Lin Muyun left four seas building, he returned to his usual calm look. He looked out the window casually.    


Qin Yuwei drove while occasionally looking at Lin Muyun.    


Qin Yuwei felt surprised in her heart, but also a little strange.    


The Lin Muyun just now was emitting the aura of a superior person, making people respect him and fight him. But now, Lin Muyun's aura was gone. At first glance, he looked no different from a passerby.    


Maybe it was because Lin Muyun wanted to restrain himself. It was still Qin Yuwei's misconception.    


Qin Yuwei could not help but ask, "Lin Muyun, was that lightning summoned by you?"    


Lin Muyun turned around and smiled.    


"Take a guess!"    




Qin Yuwei was so angry that she hit the loudspeaker. "I'm not joking with you. "    


"Just take it as a joke. "    


Lin Muyun put his hands behind his head and leaned comfortably on the chair.    


Lin Muyun would not tell Qin Yuwei about this too clearly. He did not want Qin Yuwei to go back and say something to Su Qingcheng again.    


Lin Muyun was well aware that Qin Yuwei came to Jinling to accompany Su Qingcheng. But Qin Yuwei's goal was to let Lin Muyun leave Su Qingcheng's world.    


As for the engagement with the young mistress of Su Family.    


Lin Muyun sighed in his heart. This was the trouble caused by the Lin Family of the Jing City. Lin Muyun could only think of another way in the future.    


Qin Yuwei looked at Lin Muyun's lazy look and felt that he was no different from a useless person. Qin Yuwei gritted her teeth and felt unhappy in her heart.    


Perhaps she was wrong about what happened just now. If Lin Muyun could summon the Heaven Thunder, wouldn't he have achieved something a long time ago?    


Qin Yuwei glanced at her phone and saw the "Thunder Formation Rain" on the weather forecast. She couldn't help but frown.    


As for the Heaven Thunder, it might just be a coincidence. Maybe it was because the Wang Family had too many iron weapons that they attracted the lightning?    


After Qin Yuwei sent Lin Muyun home, she immediately turned the car around and went straight to the Hilton Hotel of the Jinling City.    


At this moment, a beautiful woman wearing white gauze pajamas and long hair draped over her shoulders was standing by the floor-to-ceiling window. Her beautiful eyes were looking at a black cloud in the distance.    


Just now, the sky was still clear, but at this moment, it was suddenly a violent storm. The sound of thunder in the distance made everyone in the hotel feel strange.    


At this time, the door to the room was pushed open and Qin Yuwei quickly walked in.    


"Qingcheng, I went to see Lin Muyun today!"    


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