Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2829 Successor Third Gu Xiyun Third Shame Third

C2829 Successor Third Gu Xiyun Third Shame Third

0Gu Xiyun listened to the discussion not far away and her expression became slightly ugly.    


After that, she called for an assistant and said in a low voice, "Go and find out what is going on. Didn't you say that the female lead of this movie has already decided on me?"    


"Okay, Sister Yun, I'll go and ask now!"    


The assistant immediately nodded and ran away.    


Gu Xiyun looked at Leng Baoer who was chatting with Gu Xirann with a smile not far away and curled her lips. The expression on her face was not very good.    


Not long after, the assistant ran back but the expression on her face was not very good.    


"What's going on?"    


Seeing the assistant's expression, Gu Xiyun frowned and asked.    


"I just went to ask. The female lead was originally decided to be given to you, Sister Yun. However, the director of this movie, Director Yan Jee, disagreed. He said that he had to personally pick a female lead that he was satisfied with as the female lead. Otherwise, it would be useless no matter who said it!"    


The assistant told the whole story, and Gu Xiyun's expression instantly turned ugly.    


"Didn't you say that it had already been arranged beforehand? Why did the director disagree again?" Gu Xiyun also did not expect that there would be a contrast in the situation.    


"Sister Yun, the manager also went over to talk about it just now. Originally, we were in contact with the deputy director. Now, the deputy director means that after you go in later, you should act properly. He will go and talk to the chief director. No matter what, he will try his best. This female lead is for you! "    


"Okay, I got it!" Gu Xiyun could not help but feel a little irritated in her heart. However, she was outside and there were so many people staring at her. Naturally, Gu Xiyun could not show any signs of it.    


She maintained a gentle and kind smile on her face. When she saw who was looking at her, it was as if she did not know and revealed a harmless smile.    


In his heart, he was about to go crazy.    


Now, Gu Xiyun looked at everyone who was looking at her and laughing at her. It was as if they were laughing at her.    


"Sister Yun, it's your turn. Quickly go!"    


Not long later, it was Gu Xiyun's turn.    


Gu Xiyun took a deep breath and then walked inside with a gentle and harmless smile.    


After Gu Xiyun went in, the first person she saw was a man with a cold face. He sat in the middle and beside him sat a smiling young man. When he saw her go in, he nodded at her.    


Gu Xiyun naturally knew him. This was the assistant director of this movie this time. The director sitting next to him should be the chief director of this movie, Yan Jee.    


Gu Xiyun sized Yan Jee up and then started the segment of her audition.    


After the entire audition, Gu Xiyun did her best. Her gaze swept across the chief director's cold face from time to time, and she could not help but frown.    


Fortunately, after everything was over, the assistant director gave her face and was very satisfied with Gu Xiyun's performance. He even praised her in front of Yan Jee.    


Gu Xiyun also looked at Yan Jee and waited for him to speak.    


Yan Jee pursed his lips and did not speak. After a while, perhaps he felt that the assistant director was too annoying and said coldly, "What's the hurry? There are still so many people who have not registered yet!"    


Yan Jee had too much enthusiasm for this movie. He was very strict with the selection of actors, especially the first female lead and the first male lead. Yan Jee did not dare to make any mistakes, especially when it came to the first female lead and the first male lead.    


He looked at Gu Xiyun in front of him. It was not hard to say, but compared to the first female lead in his heart, it was still too far away. She was not even as good as Baoer from before.    


At least that Baoer fit his character as the number one female lead, and she was also very Zhang Li.    


However, she felt that she was still a little bit away from being the first female lead.    


"Old Yan, don't be like this. I think Little Yun's acting is pretty good. Although he's a newcomer, there's a lot of room for improvement. Just treat it as giving the newcomer a chance!"    


The assistant director looked at Yan Jee and laughed.    


Gu Xiyun also had a sincere and sincere expression on her face. She nodded repeatedly and looked at Yan Jee.    


However, Yan Jee's expression was still cold. He faintly glanced at Gu Xiyun. "Since I am the chief director of this film, then I have to be responsible for this film. Whoever becomes the female lead, I know in my heart who is suitable and who is not suitable!"    


After Yan Jee said that, the assistant director looked a little embarrassed. He felt that his reputation had been tarnished.    


"Yan Jee, we have known each other for so many years. Don't tell me you don't even want to help us!"    


"Some things can be helped, but some things can't. My job is this. I have to be responsible for my work to the end. What kind of actor I choose will affect the future of the entire movie. With so much money invested by the investors, I can't just throw it away for nothing!"    


Yan Jee said seriously.    


Those cold and emotionless words made Gu Xiyun feel embarrassed.    


"You go down first and wait for the notice. Inform the others to come in!" Yan Jee did not give the assistant director another chance to speak. He looked at Gu Xiyun and then said to the assistant beside him.    


The assistant nodded and went out to call for help.    


Although Gu Xiyun was unhappy in her heart, she still maintained a smile on her face. She looked at Yan Jee and said, "Thank you, Director Yan. I will work hard!"    


Yan Jee nodded.    


Seeing Gu Xiyun come out, the actors outside all looked over.    


Gu Xiyun had a smile on her face. In the eyes of the actors outside, it was thought-provoking. It was as if Gu Xiyun was already bound to the female lead.    


Many female celebrities also revealed disappointed expressions.    


"Sigh, looking at Gu Xiyun's appearance, I reckon that the female lead of this movie is definitely Gu Xiyun!"    


"That's right. Look at the smile on Gu Xiyun's face. She is really envious!"    


“. . . ”    


There were sounds coming from the crowd and Gu Xirann, Lu Beier and the rest naturally heard it too. Lu Beier could not help but scoff lightly.    


"This Gu Xiyun really has some means. If Director Yan was really satisfied with her, he would have already announced it. How could there be no movement at all!" Lu Beier curled her lips.    



"Don't worry. There will be a time when she will lose face later. Beating her face will probably hurt quite a bit later. I really feel sorry for her!"    


Leng Baoer also looked towards Gu Xiyun's side with a look of disdain.    


This woman's thoughts were indeed deeper. She knew that doing this would make others misunderstand that she had already been chosen as the number one female but she smiled without saying anything.    


Even if she failed at that time, others would not think anything of her.    


Furthermore, when the female celebrities who had yet to audition saw that the female lead was basically someone else's, they would not choose the female lead anymore.    


It had to be said that this woman's thoughts were really sinister.    


At least in Leng Baoer's eyes, it was indeed somewhat sinister.    


After Gu Xirann and Lu Beier arrived here, Leng Baoer's assistant went to register and was ranked last. After Leng Baoer finished her audition, the three of them went to the other side to chat and laugh. Anyway, it would still take a long time for Gu Xirann and Lu Beier to arrive.    


After half a day of audition, they did not meet any suitable candidates. Yan Jee's expression was also a little tense. He couldn't help but rub the space between his brows tiredly.    


"You must be tired. I told you that Xiao Yun is not bad, but you still have to choose again. He had already made his choice. The rest of them basically didn't learn this. There's no need to audition anymore, right? Anyway, it's a waste of time! "    


"How many are left?" Yan Jee asked the assistant beside him.    


"Two more. They just reported their names!" The assistant flipped through the registration form and said.    


"The ones who just registered?" Yan Jee frowned slightly.    


"Yes, Baoer's assistant helped them. Do you want to call them in for the audition?" The assistant could not read the boss's mind.    


"Call them in. We don't need these two anymore!" Yan Jee said lightly.    


Gu Xirann was the first to enter. It was the first time Gu Xirann had come to such an occasion. She could not help but feel a little nervous. There was a warm and soft smile on her face. It looked clean and clean, but it also made people feel very comfortable.    


When he saw Gu Xirann enter, the eyes of Yan Jee, who originally did not have much hope, suddenly lit up. He sat up straight and looked at Gu Xirann who walked in. He only felt that there was an explosion in his mind.    


"It's her, it's this person!" Yan Jee did not know the name of this person, but he saw the smile on Gu Xirann's face. And the comfortable temperament on her body, he was sure of it at first glance.    


This person was the female number one she wanted!    


The assistant director, including the assistant, and even Gu Xirann, who had just walked in and stood up, were all stunned.    


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