Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C2923 Successor Chapter Three All You Want Is to Return Safely

C2923 Successor Chapter Three All You Want Is to Return Safely

0Looking at Lu Qingtian's back as he strode away, Ann Qian felt unhappy in her heart.    


Especially when she thought about how Lu Qingtian was in such a hurry to leave. It was highly likely that Lu Qingtian would leave in such a hurry. It was precisely because of that woman that she felt even more uncomfortable in her heart. She felt somewhat unwilling.    


Lu Qingtian did not take the small episode of meeting Ann Qian to heart at all. At this moment, in his heart and mind, he was thinking about his family's little girl.    


He wished he could run over right now and hug his little wife properly in his arms.    


After being separated for so many days, he didn't know if the little girl was thinking about him or not. Did she worry about him? Did she eat well? Did she sleep well? Did the little guy in her belly bully her little wife?    


A lot of questions popped up in Lu Qingtian's mind. The little thought of returning home was so urgent and urgent.    


He wished that he had a pair of wings, or that he had the ability to climb roofs and walls.    




The car that had not been driven for a few days was a little dusty. Lu Qingtian had just walked over and was about to unlock it when he heard the soldiers shouting behind him.    


"Captain, the chief said your arm was injured and asked me to send you back. He was afraid that you would be in danger driving!"    


The soldier ran to Lu Qingtian and gave him a bow before saying.    


Lu Qingtian did not refuse. He had been carrying out missions day and night for the past few days. He had not rested for more than ten hours. Plus, his arm was injured. Although it was not serious, it was better to be careful.    


Lu Qingtian threw the car keys to the soldier and went to the front passenger seat.    


When the soldier got into the driver's seat and started the car, he looked at Lu Qingtian, who was beside him, and looked at him. Captain, you should rest first. I'll call you when we get there!"    


. . .    


The black SUV drove into the villa district at 5: 30 PM. The night in the deep winter was longer. At 5: 30, outside the window, it was still dark. Apart from the street lamps on both sides of the road, there was also a cold light.    


"Drive the car back to the army. I will rest for a few days. When the time comes, come and pick me up!"    


When the black car stopped at the entrance of the villa, Lu Qingtian had already unbuckled his seatbelt. He said to the soldier and then directly opened the car door and went out.    


Lu Qingtian's footsteps were light and hurried. He only wanted to see the little person he had been thinking about day and night.    


It was past five o'clock and the house was still dark. Lu Qingtian did not turn on the lights. He walked up the stairs with familiarity and did not wake anyone.    


After a while, he arrived at the door of the room.    


Thinking of his wife being pregnant, Lu Qingtian opened the door even more gently.    


No matter how impatient he was, he still could not bear to wake up his wife's beautiful dream.    


The room was silent. Lu Qingtian could still faintly smell the sweet fragrance of his wife in the air.    


The little girl that he had missed for so many days appeared in front of him just like that. It made Lu Qingtian's face become as gentle as water.    


He walked softly to the side of the bed.    


Probably because he did not close the curtains tightly before he went to sleep, there was a faint light that spilled in from outside. In the slightly dark room, Lu Qingtian could clearly hear Gu Xirann's gentle and even breathing.    


Just listening to that sound, Lu Qingtian felt that the entire world was indescribably beautiful.    


The corners of his mouth revealed a faint and gentle smile, inch by inch sweeping across Gu Xirann's sweet face in her dreams. It was almost as if he was fondly caressing it, carrying a love and affection that he had never felt before.    


After that, Lu Qingtian gently caressed Gu Xirann's abdomen through the thick blanket. When he thought of the little person there, his heart was filled with indescribable joy.    


A soft and gentle voice accompanied the moonlight as it spilled out.    


"Douya, I am father. Father has returned. Did you obediently accompany mother?"    


The air was quiet, but it also carried a sweet and soft beauty. It was the happiness and joy that Lu Qingtian had been looking forward to for a long time.    


After sitting by the bed for a while, Lu Qingtian's eyes did not blink. He did not leave Gu Xirann for a minute or a second. It was as if they had only been apart for a few days, but they were separated by several seasons. No matter how he looked at it, he could see it. It was not enough, he could not get tired of it.    


After a while, Lu Qingtian bent over and gently kissed Gu Xirann between her eyebrows. He then softly got up and went to the closet to change his clothes.    


In a daze, Gu Xirann kept feeling that she was surrounded by a familiar aura. That aura made her deeply attached to it.    


Although it was easier to fall asleep when pregnant, But these few days Gu Xirann did not have Lu Qingtian by her side. She was used to Lu Qingtian hugging her to sleep every night. When Lu Qingtian was not around, Gu Xirann's sleep quality also greatly decreased.    


Sometimes, she would even be woken up by a sudden nightmare. Every night, she would wake up almost a few times. She did not sleep well either.    


This time, after Gu Xirann felt the familiar scent, she was so shocked that she suddenly sat up.    


The person who just woke up was stunned for a moment. She looked at the endless darkness in the room and the loneliness that filled the air. Gu Xirann could not help but feel slightly disappointed.    


It was a long time before she came back to her senses.    


So it was her misconception again. There was no one else in the room.    


Gu Xirann slightly lowered her head in disappointment.    


"Why are you up!"    


A gentle and soft voice filled with pain and anxiety came from the door of the closet. Gu Xirann, who originally had her head lowered and a look of disappointment, suddenly looked up.    


In the slightly dark room, the originally dull and silent pair of big black eyes suddenly became radiant the moment she looked up. There was a light as bright as diamonds pouring out. It was even more dazzling and dazzling than the most precious jewelry in the world.    


The pleasant surprise and excitement at the bottom of his eyes fell into Lu Qingtian's eyes, causing his entire heart to soften in disbelief. He wished that he could tightly knead her into his bone blood and fuse it into one right now.    


The next second, Gu Xirann suddenly lifted the blanket and got off the bed barefooted. She then ran in front of Lu Qingtian and threw herself into his arms.    


"Slow down, slow down. I'm not going, I'm not going. Slow down!"    


Lu Qingtian's heart was pounding. Seeing his wife quickly jump into his arms, he subconsciously hugged her tightly, unwilling to let go.    


His voice was so gentle that it sounded like water was about to drip out.    



The soft and sweet little wife in his arms was truly his precious treasure. No matter how painful it was, how much he loved it. It was not enough.    


He only wished that he could accompany each other day and day, and that they would always be together. It would be better if they could be together every second of the day.    


Especially when he saw his wife jump into his arms with a look of surprise and anxiety, as if she was going to disappear in the next second. It made Lu Qingtian's heart soften and turn into water.    


"When did you come back?"    


The two of them hugged for a long time, and neither of them spoke first. The air was filled with a sweet atmosphere.    


Gu Xirann smelled the familiar scent at the tip of her nose and felt that the person who tightly hugged her really came back. It was no longer an illusion, no longer a dream, and really came back. When she returned to her side, the heart that she had been holding for a few days finally calmed down.    


Even the voice that came out of her mouth had a slight tremble and fear. She snuggled tightly against Lu Qingtian's chest, her hands tightly hugging Lu Qingtian's waist. She was deeply afraid that in the next second, the man who tightly hugged her disappeared once again.    


"I just came back!" Lu Qingtian hugged Gu Xirann even tighter. He wanted to make her feel at ease. He really came back. His gentle lips kissed the little girl who still had some uneasiness and fear in his arms bit by bit. It was an indescribable feeling of affection.    


"I'm not afraid anymore. I'm not afraid anymore. I came back to cherish. I really came back safe and sound. I'm not afraid anymore! "    


Lu Qingtian's gentle kiss was stuck to Gu Xirann, and he was reluctant to let go. From the top of his head to his cheeks, from between his eyebrows to his sweet lips, from his eyes to his earlobes, bit by bit, it seemed as if he was going to use this method to kiss away all the worries and fears in Gu Xirann's heart.    


His little girl had been really worried and scared these few days. He knew, he understood, but he could only use this method to comfort her. He patiently told her little by little. He really came back safe and sound.    


"You hate it!"    


After a long time, the little girl, who had been comforted by the man for a long time, finally looked at Lu Qingtian pitifully with a delicate face and endless grievance.    


"Yes, I hate it!" Lu Qingtian responded gently, full of love and tolerance.    


"You are bad!"    


"En, I'm bad!"    


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