Mighty Young Master Clings to Her

C8 This Is a Good Play

C8 This Is a Good Play

0"This is a good show!" A deep and magnetic voice entered her ears.    


A warm breath sprayed on her neck and she frowned unhappily. Her body stiffened, and she glared at Yung Mo somewhat angrily.    


He felt her body stiffen in his arms, and his eyes revealed a bit of interest.    


Although the two of them only had sex once, this was enough for him to clearly understand a few sensitive parts of her body.    


The moment Su Mo appeared, the surrounding guests all looked at Su Mo. Their eyes could not help but reveal ridicule and disdain.    


Even Soong Xian's parents, who had always liked Su Mo, also looked at her with ridicule. Soong Xian revealed a gloomy expression.    


Su Mo looked at the expressions of the people around her and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes.    


Could it be that they found out about what happened in the lounge just now? Otherwise, why were these people looking at her in disgust?    


"Daddy, Mommy, what's wrong with all of you? Why is everyone looking at me like that?" Su Mo still spoke gently. She looked at Su's father and Su's mother with a faint smile, pretending very well.    


However, many people had already seen her true colors. At this moment, the more they saw her pretending to be gentle, the more they despised and disgusted she was.    


Su's father slapped Su Mo's face hard and roared angrily.    


"What were you doing in the lounge just now? I worked so hard to raise you. Is this how you repay me and your mother?"    


Su Mo heard Su's father mention the lounge and saw the ridicule and disgust in everyone's eyes. Her face suddenly turned pale. Her body swayed slightly and she could not continue pretending. Did they know?    


She gritted her teeth and smiled awkwardly. "Daddy, what are you talking about? I don't understand! "    


Su's father slapped Su Mo hard on the face. He looked at her red and swollen face and felt his heart ache, but in his heart, he was even more furious.    


"Don't hit her. Mo was in the lounge just now. Was there someone threatening you? You were framed, weren't you?"    


Su's mother really could not stand it. She blocked in front of Su Mo and gave her a look.    


When Su Mo heard her mother's words, she was very shocked.    


As expected, everyone knew. Su Mo raised her head and her expression changed slightly. She glared fiercely at Muh Jingyan!    


"You were the one who told everyone about this, right? Sister, how can you treat me like this?    


My parents and I pity you, I've always treated you as my own sister. I know you like Xian, but you can't do such a thing to frame me.    


If you want Xian, just say it. No matter how much I like Xian, I will definitely give him to you. But how can you find someone to treat me like this? I don't want to live anymore!"    


Su Mo cried with a wronged face. Her originally well-dressed face was somewhat swollen and swollen. The tears on her face made people's heart ache.    


Muh Jingyan looked at Su Mo with amusement. She revealed a profound ridicule and said, "You said that I framed you. Do you have proof?    


Furthermore, everyone saw you revealing a look of enjoyment just now. Now you say I set you up. Are you trying to frame me?"    


Originally when everyone heard Su Mo's words, they could not help but look at Muh Jingyan and felt that what Su Mo said made sense.    


But at this moment when everyone heard Muh Jingyan's words and thought of the scene they saw just now, they looked at Su Mo with disdain.    


Su Mo was really shameless. She did such a disgusting thing and even wanted to frame her elder sister!    


When Su Mo heard Muh Jingyan's words, her face became paler and paler.    


In the past, Muh Jingyan allowed Su Mo to bully and scold her. Why did Muh Jingyan become so eloquent now? Su Mo looked at the gazes from all around her and felt more and more flustered in her heart.    


She was the daughter of a rich family that everyone envied! If today's matter were to spread, then how would she live in the future?    


Xian needed the help of Su family. He definitely wouldn't leave her behind.    


"Xian, you have to believe me. I really didn't betray you. I was really framed!"    


"Even if you were framed, the Soong family would never accept someone like you!" Mother Soong pulled Soong Xian and walked outside.    


Soong Xian did not say a word and was obediently dragged away by Mother Soong. Seeing Soong Xian like this, Su Mo almost could not stand stably. Her body swayed slightly and her face was pale.    


When Soong Xian passed by Muh Jingyan's side, he paused slightly and looked at Muh Jingyan's cold and mocking face. He frowned slightly.    


Soong Xian looked at the man who was hugging her and standing beside her. A dark light appeared in his eyes, but he stopped for a moment before following Mother Soong and leaving.    


Father Soong also snorted coldly, turned around and left. The other guests also left after watching the show. Everyone had a mocking smile on their faces.    


The Su family had really made a name for themselves today. A good engagement ceremony had been ruined, but they had let everyone watch a good show.    


In less than a day, the incident that happened in the Su family today would surely become the laughing stock of the entire B City.    


"Muh Jingyan, you hate me for stealing Xian, that's why you treated me this way. You evil woman, I won't let you go!"    


Seeing that everyone had left, Su Mo could no longer maintain her image and angrily roared at Muh Jingyan.    


"I am only taking revenge on you. How is it? The taste of being drugged is not bad, right?" Muh Jingyan sneered and the coldness in her eyes could not be concealed.    


"Get lost. From now on, Su family will not welcome you!" Su's mother angrily pointed at Muh Jingyan and roared.    


"I originally did not plan to stay but seeing that you have at least saved me before, I will spare your lives!"    


Muh Jingyan coldly spoke, then arrogantly walked towards the hotel entrance.    


Her back was straight and her expression was extremely cold. Even Yung Mo was slightly absent-minded.    


Yung Mo glanced at the people of Su family who were quite angry behind him. A trace of fierce killing intent flashed across his dark and deep eyes. After a few steps behind Muh Jingyan, he made a call.    


When the person answered, he ordered coldly, "I want the Su family of B City to go bankrupt within three days!"    


Yung Mo caught up with Muh Jingyan and pulled her into his arms again.    


"If you don't let me go, I will make a move!" Muh Jingyan turned around and frowned unhappily. She looked at Yung Mo coldly. Her eyes were extremely cold and did not look like she was joking at all.    



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