CEO's Sudden Proposal

C397 A Company Crisis

C397 A Company Crisis

0Ann nodded her head. With Qin Yiyue's clear and organized arrangements, her heart calmed down a lot. She wiped away her tears and called Ya Jing's parents.    


Qin Yiyue used to know a lot of mortician when she was in the hospital and when she was with Ning Fang. She contacted the most skilled mortician. The other party happened to be free, so she quickly agreed.    


Qin Yiyue bought a lunchbox for Ann and her. She forced Ann to eat something and started to receive mortician.    


She followed mortician to a row of houses behind the hospital. When mortician opened the white cloth, Qin Yiyue was stunned for a moment.    


Mortician noticed her strange behavior and asked curiously, "What's wrong?"    


"Ann said that Ya Jing was hit by a car in Yard's hospital. The traffic there was very large and the car would not be very fast. How could it have such a serious effect?"    


Mortician took off the white cloth. "Your judgment was correct. An accident wouldn't cause such a precise injury."    


"Are you sure?"    


"I have been in this line of work for so many years. I am sure someone was watching them," ___ said.    


Qin Yiyue's expression changed drastically. "You go ahead and do your work first. I will go out and make a call."    


Qin Yiyue walked out of the row of small houses and called He Qiaoyan. "Rich man, Ann's friend, Ya Jing, died in a car accident. The place where the accident happened was near the hospital I worked at. mortician saw it and said it was intentional murder. Help me get the surrounding surveillance cameras to take a look. "    


" Okay. Where are you now? I'll go over."    


Qin Yiyue gave the address and hung up the phone.    


She had a feeling that what Cheng Jiangxue said today had already happened.    


They did not make a move on her and her family. Instead, they chose someone who was a few levels away from her to make a move. Moreover, the moment they made a move, it was a person's life.    


Ya Jing had only met her a few times and did not have a deep conversation with her. She could not imagine how she would explain to Ann and Ya Jing's family if Ya Jing was killed by a car because of this reason.    


Ya Jing's death in front of Ann had a huge impact on Ann. It went without saying.    


Qin Yiyue realized that what Cheng Jiangxue said was indeed right. Before she knew the truth, she began to feel guilty.    


Ya Jing's parents and He Qiaoyan arrived very quickly. The old couple could not understand why their son went out to see the girl he loved in a healthy and healthy manner. In the blink of an eye, they were separated forever.    


The two old men cried as soon as they picked up the phone. It was Ya Jing's sister who drove them over.    


Ya Jing, who had been carefully put on makeup by mortician, did not look like a person who was no longer around. It was as if he had accidentally fallen asleep.    


After settling down Ya Jing's parents, Ann fainted because she was too sad. She was directly sent to the hospital to rest.    


Before she fainted, Ann even specifically emphasized not to let her parents know.    


Qin Yiyue stayed behind to accompany her, and He Qiaoyan went to handle the hospitalization procedures.    


Seeing Qin Yiyue sitting in front of Ann's bed in a daze, he walked over and shook her hand.    


Qin Yiyue softly said, "The procedures have all been completed?"    


He Qiaoyan nodded his head, pointed outside the door, and then took the lead to walk out.    


Qin Yiyue saw that Ann was still sleeping and got up to go out.    


After closing the door of the ward, Qin Yiyue asked, "Did Grandfather send someone to do it?"    


He Qiaoyan nodded.    


"Sister reminded me about this today, but I don't understand why they did it. What's the value of killing one's life? What will they get from it? "    


" They want me to go back. " He Qiaoyan said plainly.    


"They cut off their relationship with you yesterday. Today, I will let you go back. Aren't they changing too quickly? "    


" They're not afraid of cheating in war. When they see that the situation is not right, they change their policy at any time "    


"Rich man, how should we explain this?"    


"The police will find the driver. At that time, both parties will discuss the compensation."    


"That's it?"    


"[What else?]" He Qiaoyan asked.    


Qin Yiyue opened her mouth but did not say what she wanted to say.    


In the ward, Ann opened her eyes and listened to the conversation between He Qiaoyan and Qin Yiyue with a shocked expression. Her eyes were filled with shock.    


This matter was related to Qin Yiyue and He Qiaoyan?!    


Qin Yiyue took care of Ann for two days and only returned to the company after seeing that her mood had stabilized quite a bit.    


Many things had happened in the company these few days too. They would rather pay the penalty to dismiss the contract that they had previously signed.    


Some of these things were spread out and swept across the place. The news of their company being banned was spread everywhere. A few projects that were still being discussed were also not settled.    


These were all external matters. The employees in the company were also anxious. Not many people were able to settle down, including Lan Fei.    


Lan Fei had earned a lot of money these few years, but she raised a child by herself, provided cars, and provided housing. The pressure could be imagined.    


The money in her hands was definitely not enough to give her a sense of security.    


However, many of them were grateful for Qin Yiyue and Cheng Jiangxue's experience and help back then. Before they made any decision, she still helped to calm the wavering hearts of the company.    


After Qin Yiyue came back, she held an emergency mobilization meeting to pacify all the employees in the meeting and give them a few doses of stimulants.    


After the meeting ended, Qin Yiyue returned to her office and made a few phone calls to find someone to discuss the cooperation.    


She had stayed in this line of work for a few years and it was not that she did not have any connections.    



Instead of saying encouraging words to the new and old employees, it was better to arrange a few movies, television shows, or advertisements for them to work for them.    


After a few phone calls, she only received two orders.    


The person-in-charge was very familiar with her, so there was nothing else she could do besides feeling awkward.    


After Qin Yiyue hung up the phone, her expression was also somewhat ugly.    


Back then, when she and He Qiaoyan divorced, the He Family did not do anything to her.    


At that time, she had just divorced, and her relationship with the Cheng Family was not deep enough to the extent that the Cheng Family was willing to stand up for her. However, they did not do anything to her.    


Now that they suddenly attacked her, was it really for the Vice He Qiaoyan to return the He Family?    


In their hearts, did they think that she had accepted He Qiaoyan once again and urged him to make up his mind to leave the He Family?    


But not only would they not let He Qiaoyan leave her, it would instead have the opposite effect.    


Qin Yiyue pondered silently, but she could not understand what they were doing.    


According to her previous interactions with Old Master He and He Jiaming, they did not seem like the kind of people who would act rashly, nor would they be foolish enough to use such an obvious foolish method.    


Could this be done by He Qiaonian?    


When Qin Yiyue thought of this, her heart shivered.    


On the surface, He Qiaonian looked gentle and elegant, but he had been ill for ten years.    


No matter how gentle a person who had been ill for a long time was, the hostility in their heart was heavier than that of an ordinary person.    


He Qiaonian wanted to take this opportunity to push all of these things onto the He Family, so as to further sow discord between He Qiaoyan and the He Family.    


Qin Yiyue did not deny that there was a high possibility of this idea, but she could not come to a conclusion for the time being.    


According to what Old Master He and He Jiaming had done to He Qiaonian in the past, what they had done to her was child's play.    


They could even hit their own grandson and son without blinking. There was no pressure at all if they did other things.    


Thinking of this, Qin Yiyue could not help but feel her scalp tingle.    


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