CEO's Sudden Proposal

C475 When You Become a God You will Reach the Peak of Your Life

C475 When You Become a God You will Reach the Peak of Your Life

0"That much?" Ji Xuege was very surprised. After all, it was only after 2 PM.    


"Relax, that's not much. The specific numbers would only come out at 12 o'clock in the evening after the specific number had passed. I'll call you as soon as I see the detailed data. "    


" Thank you, Sister Yuan Yuan. "    


"You're welcome, you're welcome. I'm also very happy to see that the author I'm bringing has good results. You have to continue writing. I will also give you my opinion at any time, and if you think it's reasonable, you can accept it. If it's unreasonable, then just follow your own thoughts."    


"Yes, yes."    


"That's what I wanted to say. This number is my cell phone number. Save it for me. We'll contact each other often in the future."    


"I'll save it after you hang up. Thank you for your recommendation and arrangement for my book"    


"You're welcome, you're welcome. How long have you been writing your book? "    


" This is my first time writing. "    


"Then I have found a potential God, continue to work hard!"    


"I'll definitely work hard!"    


"Yes, yes, I will wait for the day when you become a God. Goodbye, goodbye!"    


After hanging up the phone, Ji Xuege still could not hide her excitement.    


She jumped a few times in the room and called out a few more times before suppressing the excitement in her heart.    


She went to wash her face, then hugged her phone and began to write.    


She decided that after the first payment, she would buy a cheaper laptop. This way, the work efficiency would be higher, and the number of updates would be greater every day. She would also be able to save more drafts.    


At the moment, she felt that writing online novels was the best way for a girl who lived alone. The risk factor was much lower than other jobs.    


Now that she had a good start, she had to put in more effort for it.    


With the enhancement of good results, Ji Xuege's efficiency today was very high. She wrote 14,000 words a day.    


The website stipulated that she updated more than 6000 words per day, and more than 10,000 words per day. She planned to increase it by 10,000 every day after it was put on the shelves.    


This way, even if she did not subscribe, she would still have a income of 60 yuan. She would not be working for nothing.    


Ji Xuege was still very satisfied with this kind of income.    


Besides writing online novels, Ji Xuege also continued to accept Ling Xiu to recommend various kinds of part-time jobs to her.    


The part-time jobs recommended by Ling Xiu were all fairly priced. Other than the 24-hour bookstore, the other part-time jobs were all during the day.    


Ji Xuege was very satisfied.    


After spending some time with Ling Xiu, Ji Xuege and Ling Xiu became more and more familiar with each other.    


Ling Xiu was not the kind of person who was difficult to get along with. He smiled all day long.    


Ling Xiu: "What kind of work have you been doing recently? Why do I feel like you've been very busy?"    


Ji Xuege was a little embarrassed as she said, "I have been writing novels recently."    


"What is it?"    


"It's a serial novel on the Internet. I've been trying to write it recently."    


"Can you make money?"    


"[Yes.] I just received a sum of money today. I'll treat you to a meal today."    


"Wow, how much did you take?"    


"8,347 dollars."    


Ling Xiu was stunned for a moment, then he screamed loudly, "You are too rich! Not only are you treating today, but you are also treating tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."    


"Okay, treat me for three days in a row."    


Ling Xiu looked at her in disbelief, "Is your website still lacking people? I want to write it too."    


"I'll ask my editor. The website should accept authors. As long as you insist on writing, you can keep writing."    


"No problem. For the sake of money, I will definitely write it seriously. D * mn, you only wrote for a month and you already have over 8,000. If you keep writing, your income will exceed 10,000 in a minute, or even tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands. "    


" I don't dare to think so much. First, write until we can officially find a job. If we can still earn money from writing novels at that time, then we'll treat writing novels as our profession. "    


" Right. We must work hard to write."    


"Wait a minute, I'm asking you to ask my editor."    


Ling Xiu immediately quietened down and waited for Ji Xuege and her editor's conversation to come to an end.    


Snow Song: I have a friend who wants to write a novel. It is the first time he has written a novel like mine. Are you willing to bring him along?    


Yuan Yuan: Is it a boy? Is he writing male or female frequencies?    


Ji Xuege looked up and asked Ling Xiu, "Do you want to write a novel with the male lead as the viewpoint, or a novel with the female lead as the viewpoint?"    


"Which one is easier to earn money?"    


"A novel with the female lead as the point of view is very profitable in the beginning, but the ones that make a lot of money are mostly male novels with the male lead as the point of view."    


Ling Xiu hesitated for a moment and said, "Let's make quick money first. I'll write a female lead."    


Ji Xuege lowered her head and replied to the editor.    



Yuan Yuan: Then I can bring it. If he was writing male novels, I wouldn't be able to bring it because there was an editor in charge of the male novels.    


Snow Song: Okay. I've asked him, he's definitely going to write female novels.    


Yuan Yuan: No problem at all. Many male authors also write female novels, and their results are not any worse than female authors.    


Snow Song: That's great!    


Yuan Yuan: Thank you, my dear, for helping me get another author.    


Snow Song: Is this a win-win situation?    


Yuan Yuan: That's too much! Waiting for the two of you to become gods together, then I will become an editor that makes people envious, jealous, and hateful.    


Ji Xuege showed Ling Xiu the chat history between her and Yuan Yuan.    


After Ling Xiu finished reading, he smiled and said, "The editor is quite cute."    


"Nowadays, the editors are all soft and cute. They are especially good at acting cute."    


"Then what should I do?"    


"I've read the rankings on all the big websites and apps. It's best if I can read more books on web novels and techniques. I can avoid taking detours. I did the same before. The first time I submitted, I was rejected. And then I put it on the leaderboard for me... I typed the first 30,000 words of the book I was looking at, and only then did I realize that when we were reading, we were completely different from what we wrote. "    


"Then I'll follow your method as well." Ling Xiu felt that there was a living successful case in front of him. Before he had any experience, it was safer for him to copy Ji Xuege's experience.    


Ji Xuege did not hide anything from Ling Xiu. Ling Xiu once took her along when she was in danger and gave her a lot of work opportunities.    


She was very grateful to Ling Xiu.    


If she could help him with writing web novels, she would naturally be very happy.    


Ling Xiu earnestly listened to Ji Xuege's opinion. After that, the two of them stayed in the restaurant, reading novels and writing on their phones. Neither of them interfered with the other.    


After a long time, Ling Xiu asked, "Snow Song, where do you live now?"    


"I'm staying in the hotel."    


"I'm going! Are you an invisible tycoon?! You can actually stay in a hotel for a long period of time. "    


"I was previously staying outside and was targeted by a few hoodlums. I didn't dare to stay outside alone. Actually, it's not very expensive to stay in a hotel. If you stay in a hotel for a long period of time, it's more than 100 yuan per day. And breakfast. Don't rent a room outside. It'll be much easier, and it'll be safer."    


" How about this, we'll find a better neighborhood and rent two rooms and one living room together. What do you think? "    


"That's not good, right?"    


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