CEO's Sudden Proposal

C462 Rich Roommates

C462 Rich Roommates

0He Weifei was amused by his babbling. "My name is He Weifei. What about you?"    


"My name is Tong Zhile."    


"Hello," ___ said.    


"Nice to meet you too." Tong Zhile chuckled.    


He Weifei suspected that this child was older than him in terms of physical age, but in his heart, this child was definitely younger than him. When he smiled, he looked like a little fool.    


Tong Zhile scratched his head in embarrassment and said, "You haven't tidied your bed yet, right? I'll help you tidy it up."    


He Weifei glanced at his messy bed and tactfully refused. He then took off his shoes and climbed onto the upper bed.    


When he was about to tidy up his bed, there was a burst of noise in the corridor.    


It was probably the parents who came to report their children.    


Tong Zhile said, "It's already so big, and you still need the parents to send you when you arrive. Don't come from our dormitory. You will definitely be thrown into chaos when you return."    


The moment Tong Zhile finished speaking, the door to the dormitory was pushed open, and a group of people walked in.    


A woman with a strong accent said, "Oh, the environment here is too bad. Baby, do you want to rent a house outside or let your dad buy a small apartment and hire a nanny to take care of your daily life?"    


An old man with white hair also said, "Yeah, four people in one room, and only two toilets. It's too crowded."    


"Yes, yes, yes. Ask your dad to quickly find out the price of the houses around. Buy a small apartment in the next two days."    


Tong Zhile's titanium dog eyes were blinded by this family. They were too damn rich.    


He had come to learn and even casually bought a small apartment. How could he, a little poor person, get along with this sparkling rich person in the future?    


A group of parents quickly discussed what kind of apartment to buy. The boy who had not expressed any opinions suddenly said, "I think this place is quite good. Living with classmates can easily develop feelings."    


"The environment is so harsh. There's no need to work so hard on yourself."    


"The accommodation environment of the Qincheng University is one of the best in both the country and abroad. If I can't even live here, can you expect me to do anything else?"    


The young man's words made the parents shiver.    


He Weifei tilted his head and looked at the young man. The young man also raised his head and looked over. Their eyes met in midair and then moved away.    


A few parents helped the young man arrange his bed with loud noises and then left with loud noises.    


When Tong Zhile heard their voices and disappeared in the corridor, he sat on the bed and let out a long breath. "How do I get along with this master in the future? I feel that he is a smart person."    


"It's not that exaggerated. It's getting late. Let's go and have lunch."    


"Do you want to go to the canteen for lunch?"    


"I can do it."    


"I'll bring more money. I still need to buy daily necessities later. "    


"You can go to the commercial street to buy those. There are several supermarkets in the commercial street."    


"How do you know?"    


"I came here a few times a few days ago, and I'm familiar with it," said Wang Yao.    


"That's great! I saw a lot of people online saying that our school is a huge maze and that we might get lost at any time. I'm also a road fanatic. I feel that I'll either get lost every day or get lost on the road every day. "    


" It's exaggerated a little on the Internet. It'll be fine after we get familiar with it. "    


"Yeah, yeah." Tong Zhile stuffed a bank card into his pocket and said, "Alright, you can go out now."    


He Weifei took Tong Zhile to the third canteen, which was the closest to them, for lunch.    


He Weifei saw that he was dark and thin and thought that his appetite was average. He saw that Tong Zhile ordered two servings of rice and bought another serving of river powder. He was shocked for a long time and could not come back to his senses.    


"Are you sure you can finish so much?"    


"I eat more at home. I'm just afraid that the first time you see me, you'll be frightened by my appetite. It's already very reserved."    


He Weifei's mouth twitched a few times. "Do you want to anger those girls who lose weight to death? You ate so much, yet you still don't get fat. "    


"I'm also very distressed. I also want to get fat, but I just can't get fat from eating." After saying that, Tong Zhile couldn't help but laugh.    


He Weifei was also amused. The two of them started to focus on the food in front of them.    


Although he was mentally prepared, he was still shocked when he saw Tong Zhile stuff the food in the stomachs of the three of them with his own eyes.    


He smiled and said, "Your parents must have had a hard time raising you."    


"My parents often say that if they didn't give birth to me, they could buy a few more houses now."    


"They didn't say anything wrong."    


"Yeah! Let's go. Let's go to the commercial street. Besides shopping for daily necessities, I also want to buy a lot of snacks and instant noodles. I'm afraid I'll be hungry at night and midnight. "    


"You can buy as much as you want. My bicycle is parked on the commercial street. I'll run a few more times before I get old."    


"That's great. You're really thoughtful. "    


The two of them slowly walked to the commercial street. He Weifei took out his phone and looked at the list of products he had listed. He pushed a handcart and started to buy.    


Tong Zhile's shopping style was rather messy. He wanted to buy anything he saw. Soon, he filled up a handcart.    


He Weifei saw that he was quite interesting, so he did not rush him. After paying the bill, he drank milk tea at the milk tea shop in the supermarket and waited for him.    


In a short while, he attracted a large number of girls' attention.    



Many girls who passed by directly went into the shop to buy milk tea, but their eyes were staring at He Weifei from time to time.    


He Weifei was already used to this kind of gaze. He said to them, "You can look at me, but don't take pictures."    


A few girls who were eager to pick up their cameras immediately blushed and nodded repeatedly to guarantee.    


Tong Zhile had finally managed to buy all the things he needed to buy with great difficulty. He was so tired that he was sweating all over.    


He Weifei looked at the three big bags he was holding and felt that his bicycle was a little difficult.    


At this moment, a horn sounded beside them.    


He Weifei turned his head and found that it was Qin Qiuyang's car.    


He Weifei asked curiously, "Grandpa, aren't you in the Rong City? Why are you back?"    


"I have a meeting at the last minute." Qin Qiuyang saw a child beside He Weifei and asked, "Is he your roommate?"    


"Yes! His name is Tong Zhile."    


Tong Zhile revealed a bright smile. "Hello, hello. I am He Weifei's classmate and roommate."    


" Hello, I'm Wei Fei's grandfather. " Qin Qiuyang looked at his watch. "I still have half an hour before I make an appointment with someone. I'll send you guys back to the dormitory first. You two have so much stuff. The bicycle definitely won't fit."    


He Weifei did not delay and directly put the things in the trunk.    


Tong Zhile also hurriedly stuffed three big bags into the trunk.    


Qin Qiuyang waited for the two to sit in before saying, "Later, I will ask if you can get a driver's license at your age. It is more convenient to have a car, and it is safer than a bicycle."    


"Dad also said before that he wanted me to get a driver's license. I also want to get a driver's license, but the age difference is too big. The driving school is not willing to take the risk."    


Tong Zhile looked at He Weifei in puzzlement, not knowing what he meant by the age gap was too big.    


He was already 19 years old. He believed that He Weifei was about the same.    


In his impression, 18 years old was enough to get a driver's license.    


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