CEO's Sudden Proposal

C277 How Hateful I Am Ah

C277 How Hateful I Am Ah

0"You think it's my first day as a doctor? You still have the nerve to play those little tricks in front of me. Hand over the potion you just used, or don't blame me for being rude! "    


"You're not polite? Do you want to kill me or make me lose my reputation? Qin Yiyue, do you think you can cover the sky by marrying into a wealthy family? Not only did you cheat in the exam, you even slandered me? Do you think the hospital is run by your family?"    


" I think the hospital is run by your family. " Qin Yiyue looked at her expressionlessly, "What is your relationship with the director? He asked you to do this?"    


"No comment." After Li Wei finished speaking, she looked at Qin Yiyue with contempt, "You are definitely going to get zero for this exam!"    


As Li Wei spoke, she slightly raised her chin and arrogantly locked the file bag into the drawer.    


Qin Yiyue looked at Li Wei's face and really wanted to pounce over and scratch her claws, but her rationality told her to bear with it.    


Li Wei stood up and looked at Qin Yiyue provocatively, "Don't waste your effort. You definitely can't pass this exam. Give up early and go do what you need to do. Otherwise, your reputation will be ruined even more!"    


"Is that so? Originally, I wasn't too interested in this competition, but after hearing what you said, I had no choice but to participate!"    


"Up to you. The higher you climb, the more miserable you fall! If you insist on courting death, of course I won't stop you. I'll see how you fall down!"    


" Then open your eyes wide and watch! " After Qin Yiyue finished speaking, she no longer paid attention to Li Wei's provocation and turned around to leave.    


The moment she returned to the office, Ann pounced over and said indignantly, "Ms. Qin, who slandered you?"    


"What do you want to do? Find someone to fight? Can your small body beat him? " Qin Yiyue glanced at her and walked to the desk to sit down.    


"Even if you can't beat me, you still have to beat me. I can't let anyone bully you!"    


"I know you can do it. Hurry up and go back to do your work. I will solve the problem."    


Ann secretly used her eyes to carefully look at Qin Yiyue, "Ms. Qin, your condition is not quite right. In the past when others provoked you, didn't you just roll up your sleeves and fight? Why is it so calm this time?"    


" I'm old, I can't fight anymore. Now, I prefer to use my brain to solve problems."    


"Tsk, you must have been blinded by his popularity, right?"    


"You guessed it right." Qin Yiyue suddenly smiled at him with a smile.    


That smile made Ann shudder.    


Ann immediately stuck close to the wall and walked away.    


Qin Yiyue sat in her seat and lowered her head to think about what had just happened. She took her phone and went to the classroom again, only to find that the door of the classroom had been locked.    


Qin Yiyue looked through the window of the classroom at the position she had just taken. Because it was too far away, she could not see clearly.    


But she could vaguely see that there were no words on it.    


What kind of potion could achieve such an effect?    


She had been sitting there and writing for so long, but she did not smell anything unusual. Even when Li Wei took the paper from her, she did not smell anything either.    


So far, is there such a magical medicine?    


In just one or two seconds, the originally empty table was filled with densely packed words.    


If he used this potion to harm others, it would be a hundred percent fatal. Normal people wouldn't even know how they died.    


Qin Yiyue was just about to turn around and leave when she heard the sound of footsteps coming towards her from the end of the corridor.    


Qin Yiyue turned around and found that it was Lin Zhi.    


"Professor Lin, why are you here?"    


"I heard from my assistant that you were framed in the exam today. The way you did it was quite strict. I came over to take a look."    


"The door is locked. We can only watch from outside."    


Lin Zhi waved the key. "Go in."    


"You really came prepared."    


"Of course. "    


Qin Yiyue followed Lin Zhi into the examination room again. She brought Lin Zhi to the seat she just sat on.    


Lin Zhi touched the table that was as smooth as before. "Where are the words distributed?"    


Qin Yiyue pointed at two general areas.    


Lin Zhi focused on those two places, shook his head and said, "This table should have been changed. No matter how brilliant the medicine and technique are, it should be changed. It's impossible to restore the table to its original state in such a short period of time without leaving any traces behind."    


"Should we go and retrieve the surveillance camera to take a look?"    


"Yes, but it's not very effective. They've already edited the surveillance footage and covered that segment with new fragments."    


" What's the point of them doing this? They made such a big deal just to let me get a zero in the hospital's preliminary examination? It's too much of a fuss. "    


" This has nothing to do with making a big fuss. I think they don't want you to show your talent. After a few rounds of suppression, they will make you disappear from the medical world. "    


"I'm just one of the attending physicians. Is there a need for them to make such a big fuss?"    


"You have underestimated your value. Moreover, your value is not only in the medical world, but also in the He Family and other places."    


Qin Yiyue thought for a moment and said, "Professor Lin, don't get too close to me recently. Otherwise, you might get involved."    


"So what if you get involved? We're not fish on a chopping board, waiting to be slaughtered."    


"That's what you're saying. I realized that the person behind this isn't that easy to deal with. Otherwise, why would I have been tormented for so long and still not be able to find out who did it? "    


"You really have a big heart." Lin Zhi could not help but laugh.    


"It can't be helped even if it's not big. We can't live with anxiety and worry every day."    



The two of them chatted as they looked at the tables in the examination hall.    


Lin Zhi shook his head. "We can be sure that the table is not inside."    


"Then do you know how Li Wei came in?" After Qin Yiyue asked, she regretted it.    


Professor Lin had never paid attention to these gossips. He rarely got close to his colleagues and assistants in the hospital. He basically did not know about these things when she asked him.    


"I recruited him from the Nanfeng University."    


"She just graduated?"    


"I heard so."    


"Professor, who did you hear that from? "    


"What kind of expression is that? I'm not an invisible person, so it's not surprising for me to know gossip." Lin Zhi looked at her with amusement.    


Qin Yiyue remembered looking at Lin Zhi's side profile and found that he was different from before.    


"Professor, did you suddenly change your personality? You look more like a human now."    


"I didn't look like a human before?"    


"In the past, you were more like a machine that only knew how to work, but now you smell like fireworks"    


"Your eyes are quite poisonous, I'm getting married. When the time comes, you won't publicly say in the hospital that you will allocate some time to come to our house for a meal on the day of marriage."    


" I'll definitely go there, "Wang Yao said.    


"Let's go back to the topic just now. Li Wei should have been bribed or used by others. Her behavior and reaction were not like a newly graduated student. You were not in the hospital during this period of time. There is no need for her to make enemies for herself. "    


Qin Yiyue heard this and felt helpless, "I am so hateful. Wherever I go, I will be plotted against. Am I really that hateful?"    


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