CEO's Sudden Proposal

C51 Didn't We Already Do It?

C51 Didn't We Already Do It?

0Qin Yiyue changed Xiaobao's pajamas and shoved him into her bed.    


Xiaobao looked at her sleepily and then obediently closed his eyes.    


Qin Yiyue could not help but kiss his little face and got up to go downstairs.    


Luo Mingmei heard the footsteps and asked without turning her head, "Xiaobao is asleep?"    


"Yes.." Qin Yiyue sat beside Luo Mingmei and accompanied her to watch the family ethics drama, "There is a turning point in Dad's matter. Don't worry."    


"I am not worried about him. I'm more worried about you."    


" Worried about me for what? " Qin Yiyue's face was full of confusion.    


"You and Qiaoyan just got married. It's not good to keep troubling him. Also, you have been married for so long. How many times have you been to the He Family Mansion? You have to know what a wife should do. Sigh, I've pampered you too much in the past. I won't let you learn such trivial things, but now it's good. After you get married, it's almost like you haven't gotten married yet. "    


Qin Yiyue was speechless. "If Qiaoyan didn't take the initiative to say it, how could I have the nerve to say it? Could it be that I directly asked him, When are we going to your house to have a meal? I will be beaten to death by him, alright? "    


" Then I'll beat you to death first! " Luo Mingmei rolled her eyes unhappily, "Other than building a good relationship with He family member, you also have to prepare for the matter of giving birth. In Xiaobao's situation, you can't have a child for at least two or three years. Maybe even longer. When that time comes, you will be an old woman giving birth. "    


" Mom, I'm begging you. Can you stop worrying so much? I just got married not long ago. Can you not mention the child?"    


" If you think about this kind of thing, I won't be bothered to help you worry. "    


"You're still the same as before. If you have nothing to do with Dad, you can go out and play."    


"Think about it yourself. If you're accidentally kicked out one day, don't say that I didn't warn you."    


"Got it. If I get kicked out by them, I'll bring you to the streets to beg for food. "    


Luo Mingmei was too lazy to continue talking to her, so she went upstairs to rest.    


Qin Yiyue was bored to death as she watched the television for a while and suddenly realized that her recent days were really a little closed.    


Ever since she got married, other than the hospital, she had not even walked the streets.    


This kind of life was really too twisted.    


Qin Yiyue took out her phone and wanted to call Yang Ruowei, but she first saw He Qiaoyan's WeChat message.    


He Qiaoyan: Is Xiaobao alright?    


Qin Yiyue looked at the time of sending the message. It was ten minutes ago.    


So she replied, "He is still alright. He is currently taking his afternoon nap."    


Just as Qin Yiyue sent the message, He Qiaoyan called.    


Qin Yiyue quickly picked up the phone, "Hello."    


"Do you want to come down? I'm downstairs."    


"Why aren't you coming up? Xiaobao woke up and couldn't find him. Would he be angry?"    


"He's not that weak. Come down."    




Qin Yiyue took a coat from the clothes rack at the entrance and put it on before going downstairs.    


When she went downstairs, she saw He Qiaoyan leaning against the car door, looking at something.    


The uncles and aunties in the neighborhood and the young girls who did not work during the weekend were all looking at him.    


When Qin Yiyue walked out of the unit door, He Qiaoyan opened the door for her.    


Qin Yiyue sat down in front of everyone's eyes.    


The car quickly drove out of the neighborhood and into a park near Qin Yiyue's house.    


Qin Yiyue did not know what was going on with He Qiaoyan. She looked at him with confusion.    


He Qiaoyan held onto the steering wheel and did not make a sound.    


Qin Yiyue waited for a while and felt that her composure was not as good as He Qiaoyan's.    


So she decisively spoke first, "Rich man, what's wrong with you? Your ex-girlfriend is back. You want to divorce me? Divorce is fine, but I don't intend to return the two hundred million."    


He Qiaoyan was speechless." In your eyes, I'm not as important as the two hundred million? With me, you will have more money. "    


"Isn't that the limit? Without you, it would be nice to have 200 million."    


He Qiaoyan snorted and ignored her.    


Qin Yiyue was used to her mother snorting and did not mind. She looked at the lake outside the window.    


There was still snow by the lake. The lotus leaves on the lake were yellow and withered. It was dull and dull in winter.    


Qin Yiyue found that she was looking at a lake that had nothing and was also looking at it with great interest. She immediately felt that her life was so miserable.    


He Qiaoyan glanced at Qin Yiyue out of the corner of his eye and found that her side profile was very good.    


Especially her eyes.    


Her eyes were clear and lively, and also carried the innocence of a child.    


Qin Yiyue noticed He Qiaoyan's gaze and gave him a sideways glance.    


"Look at me once. I will charge you 100 million yuan."    


"Do your family know that you are so funny?"    



"They know. I was influenced by them." Qin Yiyue said, "Thank you for getting someone to help me deal with my dad's matter."    


"You are already my wife. I can't let others bully my father-in-law."    


"I think so too, so I am just expressing my gratitude verbally."    


Qin Yiyue could not help but laugh, "I will cook tonight and reward you well. Even my mom hasn't eaten my cooking in a few years."    


"Should I be very touched?"    




He Qiaoyan touched her head and did not want to talk to her anymore.    


Qin Yiyue was puzzled and said, "Tell me your purpose today. Do you suddenly feel that I am beautiful and cute and fall in love with me?"    


"Yes." He Qiaoyan replied slowly.    


Qin Yiyue regretted what she said just now.    


"Then what are you doing here?"    


"I came to see if you brought my son away."    


"You worry too much, I'm not that bold."    


He Qiaoyan looked at his watch. "Let's go buy vegetables."    




"What did you say a few minutes ago?"    


Qin Yiyue said seriously, "If I go with you to the supermarket, I will be surrounded and watched."    


"You have no right to refuse." He Qiaoyan started the car and parked it in the parking lot of a large supermarket nearby.    


Qin Yiyue said without any hope, "Wait in the car. I'll go and buy groceries."    


He Qiaoyan got out of the car and opened the door for her.    


Qin Yiyue could only get out of the car.    


Just as Qin Yiyue expected.    


When she and He Qiaoyan appeared in the supermarket, they attracted everyone's attention.    


Of course, those gazes basically only stopped on He Qiaoyan.    


Occasionally, there would also be gazes on her, but those gazes would quickly shift away.    


Those young girls probably thought, "Such a good-looking man is actually with such an ordinary woman. This is a waste of resources."    


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