CEO's Sudden Proposal

C1 A Special Little Patient

C1 A Special Little Patient

0Qin City, Yard's hospital.    


Late at night, when Qin Yiyue rushed to the floor where her office was located, she was shocked by the scene in front of her office.    


The originally spacious hospital corridor was now filled with ten tall men.    


They were wearing black suits and sunglasses, and their expressions were very serious.    


When the nurses and doctors on duty saw Qin Yiyue coming over, they immediately heaved a sigh of relief. They almost cried, "Dr. Qin, you finally came."    


Qin Yiyue nodded at them and then looked at the people in the corridor and said, "Everyone, please go to the waiting area outside and wait. If the environment here is too noisy, it will affect the doctors and nurses' work."    


After Qin Yiyue said that, she did not look at them anymore and walked into the office.    


Once she went in, she saw the mess in the room.    


The potted plants, medical case books, pen, paper and cups were all thrown all over the place.    


There were large amounts of tea and coffee stains on the floor.    


Only the small sofa was considered clean and tidy.    


On the small sofa, a child was sitting with his back facing her.    


Qin Yiyue did not need to think to know how the mess in the room was created.    


A wave of anger rose in her heart. She really wanted to teach this naughty child a lesson.    


But when she thought of those people in suits and shoes outside, she immediately put away her anger. After adjusting her facial expression, she slowly asked, "Hello, may I know your name? Where do you feel uncomfortable? "    


The child slowly turned his head when he heard her.    


Qin Yiyue was shocked by that exquisite little face.    


An inexplicable feeling of intimacy suddenly emerged from her heart and washed away her anger.    


That child only looked at her quietly and did not say anything.    


A pair of black and bright eyes were like two crystal grapes, emitting a bright light.    


Qin Yiyue sized him up without a trace and found that the child's meaty little hand was clenched into a fist and pressed against his abdomen.    


Qin Yiyue revealed the most gentle smile, "Baby, I can't guess from your expression which part of you is uncomfortable. If you don't want to talk, use your fingers to tell which part of you is uncomfortable, okay?"    


After Qin Yiyue finished speaking, she looked at him with a smile.    


The child and her looked at each other.    


The office was silent.    


When Qin Yiyue thought that he would not respond to her words, the child slowly stretched out his meaty little hand and pointed at his stomach.    


Qin Yiyue followed his hand to touch his abdomen and gently pressed on it through his clothes, "Is it because your stomach is not feeling well?"    


The child's gaze shifted from Qin Yiyue to the hand that she placed on his abdomen and slowly nodded.    


Qin Yiyue stood up and held him with both hands before the child could react. She walked to the office's consultation bed and did a detailed examination for him.    


The child was shocked by her sudden action and blankly allowed her to carry him.    


There was no expression on his delicate and tender face.    


The butler at the office door peeked his head in to check the situation. When he saw Little Master obediently lying in Qin Yiyue's arms, he was very surprised.    


Except for being close to the young master, their Little Master had never been close to anyone else.    


Even though he had taken care of Little Master for five years, he still did not have the chance to hug him.    


A brand new Maserati was parked in the empty parking lot of the hospital. The butler immediately walked up and greeted him, "Young master."    


A moment later, a man with an elegant face and extraordinary clothing came down from the driver's seat.    


His beautiful lips were tightly pursed, revealing his dissatisfaction at the moment.    


He Qiaoyan asked coldly, "Where's Xiaobao?"    


"Little Master fell asleep at Dr. Qin's place."    


"Dr. Qin?" He Qiaoyan asked curiously. He took the lead and walked in front.    


"She is a doctor in the hospital. When she carried Little Master, he did not reject her." The butler sounded a little excited.    


He Qiaoyan frowned slightly and quickened his pace.    


The butler led the way and brought He Qiaoyan to Qin Yiyue's office.    


When they reached the floor where Qin Yiyue's office was located, He Qiaoyan made a stop gesture.    


The butler stopped in his tracks silently.    


He Qiaoyan walked to the open office door and saw the scene inside the office clearly.    


He looked at them.    


An adult and a child's head were leaning against each other in the office. They were already asleep.    


Xiaobao obediently leaned into Qin Yiyue's arms like an exquisite doll. There was no uneasiness on his delicate face.    


When He Qiaoyan saw Qin Yiyue's face clearly, there was a flash of surprise in his eyes.    


Qin Yiyue was very easily woken up. She noticed that someone was looking at her and immediately woke up.    



When she saw the man in front of her clearly, she was stunned.    


Qin Yiyue blinked a few times and found that He Qiaoyan was still there.    


The reason Qin Yiyue knew He Qiaoyan was not because she paid attention to finance and news.    


The nurses and doctors in the hospital would mention "He Qiaoyan" every day. They all thought of him as a prince charming.    


It was impossible that she did not know He Qiaoyan.    


To a certain extent, He Qiaoyan represented the highest level of wealth and status in the Qin City. Furthermore, the He Family had a great influence on the Qin City.    


Xiaobao seemed to have sensed Qin Yiyue's emotions. He slowly woke up and looked around in a daze.    


When Xiaobao saw He Qiaoyan, he stretched out a pair of chubby arms towards He Qiaoyan.    


He Qiaoyan reached out and hugged him. "Does your stomach still hurt?"    


Xiaobao nodded silently. He snuggled his little head into He Qiaoyan's neck.    


He Qiaoyan patted Xiaobao's back with his big hand.    


He looked at Qin Yiyue's face.    


Qin Yiyue recovered from her daze. She coughed lightly and instructed, "It's too late now. The colleagues in the pharmacy did not go to work. I am temporarily unable to prescribe medicine. You guys go back tonight to observe the situation first. If Xiaobao is not feeling well tomorrow, I'll prescribe some medicine for him."    


He Qiaoyan nodded lightly as a reply.    


Then, he left without looking back.    


Qin Yiyue looked at the empty office and rolled her eyes.    


Although He Qiaoyan was rich, what was so special about him?    


Why was he so arrogant?    


Qin Yiyue turned off the lights in the office and prepared to go home to sleep.    


The next day.    


When it was almost time to get off work in the afternoon, the computer on Qin Yiyue's desk rang.    


Qin Yiyue picked up the phone.    


"Hello, I am Qin Yiyue from Yard's hospital."    


There was no sound from the other end of the phone.    


Qin Yiyue frowned. She felt that it was a little strange and wanted to hang up the phone.    


Before she hung up, she heard two soft knocking sounds.    


Qin Yiyue's hand that hung up the phone stopped for a while. She put the receiver by her ear again.    


This time, she heard the light breathing of a child on the other end of the phone.    


Qin Yiyue quickly sketched Xiaobao's appearance in her mind. She could not help but soften her voice, "May I ask if you are the little patient who came to see the doctor last night?"    


A soft knocking sound came from the phone.    


"Is your stomach still not feeling well?"    


This time it was two knocks.    


The corner of Qin Yiyue's mouth slightly curled up. When she remembered that Xiaobao's father was He Qiaoyan, all of her tenderness almost vanished.    


"It's good that you are fine. Your physical fitness is very good. Please maintain your health. Don't go to the hospital often."    


Another knocking sound came from the phone.    


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